What the
heck is a
heck is a



Don't mess
with the bull.

Articles: 0
Videos: 155
Comments: 1284
Forum Posts: 10517
Featured Articles: 0
PSA Articles: 0

I'm a husband, father, and businessman with a passion for yesteryear. I started RetroDaze to provide a fun place for those of like mind to gather and contribute to make it a better place. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Vaporman87 |
Forum Posts
- So, here in my area, there used to be a Burger Chef. That ch
- When I look at my collection of Trendmasters Godzilla figure
- Back in high school, there were two fellas that I only knew
- The following items comprise a package of updates that I wil
- It occurred to me that the value of a quality arti
- Recently I was made to think to myself... "What?" This
- ...what would it be called? What ingredients/flavors would i
- You might notice a new category for video submissions. It's
- I have always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with Fea
- I am known as Ghost of Vapor over at RetroJunk and He-Man.or
- I may be getting a bit ahead of myself with this, being that
- ...which would you be and why?I would probably be a less con
- I don't remember ever seeing this Christmas special until ju
- I remember seeing this special when I was younger, but it ha
- Early in the process of putting together the ideas behind th
- Here is a current list of issues with existing features and
- My history with Bases Loaded is deep. Since I first played i
- Earlier in the year when I finally completed re-mastering an
- My first choice would be...Yeah, they're just battery powere
- THIS OFFER HAS EXPIRED: As you may have read in the Communit
- Hurray! oh, and uh, Merry Christmas guys.
- I already had my main present for Christmas in hand before S
- For me, one thing I am looking forward to is being able to p
- Recently raptor9873 sent me a suggestion for a site idea tha
- Just using this space to let you all glimpse the images that
- The 2 update packages will see work beginning on them possib
- Commenting on Benjamime's game and watch thread reminded me
- Well, I've been pumping out some art in an effort to give so
- For me, that honor would go to:Yes, kind of not what you exp
- It seems nothing can stop the behemoth of marketing that is
- Ben Town, of Exia, has informed me that all new features and
- You may have noticed THIS in the recent videos, bu
- I wanted to make you all aware of a very cool site I recentl
- I happened upon a new social network focused on all things "
- Those of us who grew up watching these two guys play the gam
- Well, Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. I am reminded
- If you're feeling "testy", visit http://retrodaze.exia.com.a
- Well gang, the 100 point article promotion has ended (with o
- So, I thought maybe you guys would find it humorous to attem
- Just a few small but helpful changes that are on their way.
- I actually had two things that I enjoyed about being sick e
- I was not (and never have been) a huge music fan. In the 80'
- Just thought I would toss this out there for the curious. &n
- For all those who have always dreamed of living in Evansvill
- This site is great because there is a large variety of ACTUA
- I finally finished separating the Movie Trailers from the Ad
- THIS... is what I have decided will be offered for our first
- I keep getting an "internal server error". Is anyone else ge
- Yahoo! has a neat little expose on some behind the scenes fa
- If you have some artistic talent and like winning prizes the
- With Lotus releasing a new Esprit model this year, I am remi
- Now threads without responses will index properly. Hurray!&n
- It only makes sense to extend this "favorite cars" thing out
- KingdomEvil (also known by the name Moudy) has been tapped t
- Growing up, my favorite pizza (that is to say, the pizza I w
- Hey gang! With the intention of keeping your cre
- EDIT (March 27, 2013): This Update Package has been incr
- Saw this today in Toys R Us. I think I want it for my birthd
- I had to post a link to this place. Talk about NICHE! But it
- If you have something "retro" that you found in a box, or on
- According to PRNewswire/SaveUp.com, we Gen X and Y folk are
- Did anyone else here own one of these babies? I'm
- When Mattel and MVC launched the Rise of the Snakemen spin-o
- Today in 1993, the World Trade Center was attacked by terror
- This coming Monday, I'll be transporting myself, my wife, an
- As I ventured into town this afternoon for lunch, I caught a
- Happy National Pig Day! &
- Just wanted to mention to everyone that, since the move to t
- Having gotten my fill of Disney these past two weeks, I beca
- At long last, the silly dream of having an MST3K style onlin
- Spring is an awesome time of year. The weather becomes more
- Today marks the resignation of Jim Bakker from the PTL Club
- Today I turn one more year older. And I am reminded of som
- Hey gang! If you're looking to increase that "point" t
- Today in 1989, the Exxon Valdez poured hundreds of thousands
- I thought this would be an appropriate place for us to discu
- This has always been one of my least favorite days on the ca
- I hate to hear that Paul Crane's site, Totally Oldies, will
- Simply visit your profile page and click on "Change Password
- He passed away at age 70.
- I had seen this hanging on the display at our local departme
- April 18th, 2013 will be an encore viewing of the War of th
- April 25th, 2013 will be the premiere of the next film: 198
- OldSchool80s has alerted me a to a bug that now exists regar
- I was sifting through information on Beetlejuice today... no
- I've really been looking forward to this ever since I found
- This... I'm not sure about. I really don't know what to thin
- Here is the breakdown of the next package of updates being s
- With so many old toy lines getting turned into feature films
- Who could forget that... odd... song, "I Touch Myself". I kn
- If I have any flaw at all (not likely), one of the more glar
- Expell it here... Or indulge it here... Eye of the tiger.
- RetroDaze "Action Figure" Article Contest Rules & Inform
- Over the weekend, a long time friend (since the 2nd grade) a
- Wierd. "There is no known form of dwarfism that accounts for
- Anything peculiar stick out at you when viewing this image?
- I saw this image and instantly I began dreaming of all the m
- This year will be the first Mother's Day without my own moth
- I'm getting a bit ahead of myself (as usual), because there
- Ah yes. The Skating Rink. I spent many, many Friday & Sa
- May 9th, 2013 will be the premiere of the next film: 1973's
- Adding the riffs to each film is a time consuming process, b
- Rakesh and Moudy have implemented the Classifieds section. G
- Sounds like things are looking bleak for Activision. "Approx
- On RJ, NinjaGirly13 made a post that I replied to regarding
- So yesterday (Saturday May 11th) I took the wife and kids up
- While in grade school (grades K-6), the ultimate punishment
- Currently, I'm working on all the details for this new updat
- I found this store on Etsy selling very unique and interesti
- Today (May 20th) in 1993, Cheers aired it's triple-length se
- I've created the "Classifieds" category for use here in the
- Yes. Apparently this is a REAL thing according to the inform
- Netflix has released the trailer for the LOOOONG awaited sea
- I loved this. Hilarious!
- From grades K to 6, I spent my school time in an old but fun
- Sometimes when you head out to eat you end up in a place tha
- I am putting together the biggest contest to date in terms o
- Researchers have discovered perfectly preserved blood from a
- Yeah...This is no joke.
- So...This is happening: "Now, a Canada-based film company, F
- June 20th, 2013 will be the premiere of the next film: 1972'
- Since the beginning of the year, one of the things I was rea
- For those who are attending, or have attended, a church loca
- The inspiration for this comes from BadMovies.org. You simpl
- These two old timers are going to be back on the screen agai
- Cool. We can now upload images to our profiles. Good stuff.
- You'll now notice that if you click on the "Last Post" text
- What have you typically done to celebrate Independence Day?
- My interest is piqued. http://bcove.me/ualhfh7s (Trailer)
- I recently watched this film on Netflix. It stars Parker Pos
- There are so few places left in the world that can make me f
- I cracked up laughing recently when my 7 year old daughter r
- These were two of my favorite movies at one point in my yout
- Totally Oldies is having a Blog Contest with some very nice
- Disney XD has been airing episodes of a new iteration of our
- Update Package 7 is under way. This will include the weaving
- Okay. I just can't wait any longer to create a thread on Hal
- This thread is for all active members of Fated Dungeon who a
- Sega has given us a taste of the redone "Ducktales" game by
- RetroDaze Halloween Article Contest Rules & Information(
- www.boxsome.comI came across this today. It's a place that s
- Cabbage Patch Dolls are celebrating their 30th anniversary t
- Coming up in the next few days will be the vintage cereal bo
- Unfortunately, I am just now discovering the existence of th
- Well, we've reached yet another year's anniversary of the Wo
- Well, so far Friday, September 13th is living up to it's eer
- I really wanted to wait a while longer before I announced th
- I had posted an image of the Ecto 1 (the Dodge Magnum versio
- I HAD to post this!!!
- If you owned a Sega Genesis in the early 90's, you almost as
- This page will appear in between the Theater Exterior and Th
- Today has already had a pretty great highlight; I ran into n
- Brian Adams (no, not THAT Brian Adams) is launching his Kick
- You may have noticed that now our "Post a reply" box has it'
- Even today, you can get your hands on stickers with familiar
- The theater is open. If you are having trouble entering, ref
- The cartoons he and Filmation created had more of an affect
- Well, I started the "Halloween Nostalgia & More!" thread
- I discovered this little gem of a site called Nick Reboot. I
- Just a yuletide heads up for you RD members with a penchant
- A blooper real from the original Star Wars film has appeared
- So... I'm thinking that for Christmas I may have my wife pic
- So does anyone else own Disney Infinity? If so, for what sys
- Yahoo! had a neat little write up on a collection of photogr
- Vertex lives!!!As you probably know, he is setting his sight
- This small update comes per a request by Gaijin_Ninja to imp
- Hey all. I know many of you are submitting images/image idea
- Well, I've begun work on the Christmas Special. I just hope
- This thread can be about anything having to do with the Para
- A couple of the first 25 threads to show up here in the foru
- The Muppets have been around since I can remember. And I lov
- Each year that goes by results in some extraordinary thing t
- What are you most looking forward to in 2014? Any movies, ga
- I've noticed (during the course of my scouring the internet)
- I was recently reminded of something funny that I remembered
- Recently I found out that the Four Horsemen (the sculptors b
- Moudy and his team will be beginning work on the latest site
- It's a new year, and that means it's time for the Second Ann
- Probably my favorite cartoon to watch during my youth was He
- If you haven't seen it already (like nearly 10,000,000 other
- Episode 29 is the first in which the guys personally invite
- Another KickStarter success comes to us in the form of a U.S
- You have a profile here at RetroDaze... otherwise you wouldn
- One successful Kickstarter project is still plugging along,
- I am late to this news... but the actor who played "The Prof
- I came across this news item from November of last year. All
- Very soon, our newest addition to the site will be up and ru
- What do you get when you put two scrawny lightweights up aga
- Check out the newest addition to our podcast line-up, with t
- Jay Leno filmed his final show for The Tonight Show. He's be
- I... want... to... see... this.You know, not a lot of people
- ...what would it be?For me, I would say it's a toss up betwe
- Since ThatDudeInTheHoodie came out as our resident "bronie",
- The boys at Nostalgiamatic have a new episode up on the "Pod
- I can only imagine what he's been through to get there, but
- I wanted to just give pikachulover a special (and public) th
- Great news for those of us who believe that The Incredibles
- Francisco, Paul, and the gang are at it again. Check Episode
- I came across this piece today. Creepy. I would really like
- If you are a member of RetroDaze and don't at least "like" T
- As I mentioned yesterday, the DigiChars site I've been worki
- Sad news for wrestling fans of the 80's and early 90's...He
- One of Arnie's best movies.This one had it all... action, sc
- On the heels of news of a Goonies sequel, it appears another
- ... then you have arrived at the new server. Welcome aboard.
- I had been holding off on saying anything about this for a c
- The boys at Nostalgiamatic are back with some reflection on
- I was reading this piece today.Often I have wondered how on
- My wife brought home some of these from Wal-Mart last night:
- Thanks to the generosity of the folks at www.theoldcomputer.
- Francisco, Paul, and guest Josh Powers give their take on th
- Summer is just around the corner! So break out your beach bl
- Sure. We all love the Safety Dance. Only someone without a s
- Who is this guy... and why is he smiling?He's the CEO of Lea
- Francisco and Paul dish on the 1994 Mel Gibson film, Maveric
- Heath, Darren, and James reminisce about Indy's best adventu
- Yes, yes. It's not Summer yet "officially"... but seriously,
- These are the final hours for a beloved voice from our child
- Maybe old Felix will join Peabody and Sherman on the big scr
- Looks like everyone's favorite great dane will be popping ba
- Really looking forward to Weird Al's next album.I've always
- A documentary released last year purports to give us a histo
- I'm going to admit here to you that, I kind of enjoyed watch
- I'm late to this web comic, but I'm finding them FASCINATING
- Someone just set a new speed record for Super Mario Bros. Wh
- While the new Transformers movie has fanboys drooling, the s
- I recently downloaded this on Xbox 360 and have been playing
- Today as I picked up my morning drink at the local gas stati
- Listen as Francisco, Paul, and Quitos discuss the 1994 class
- Heath and James discuss their favorite comic book villains o
- So, Atari and Denny's have come up with a free promotional a
- Alien was one of those movies that left a huge impression on
- Francisco, Paul, and Kristy make a "rainbow connection" in t
- Certain candies can have a really nostalgic affect on us. Es
- R.I.P. Tommy Ramone...
- For like seven decades, Archie has been hanging around the c
- I am only now discovering that there are plans for a "Power
- The star of the Rockford Files and movies like Tank and Mave
- I enjoyed the original film even though it was a bit before
- Paul and Francisco give their thoughts on the 1994 movie, An
- I think it would be a good idea to have a thread for all tho
- I hate to hear this. Some part of them being an actual coupl
- I had no memory of this film ever being even CONSIDERED to b
- Some interesting tidbits regarding some rumors swirling arou
- I had been toying with the idea of coming up with themed "go
- Now on the Podcast page, Francisco, Paul, Quitos, and Josh t
- The titular flagship launch title for the Nintendo 64, Super
- Catch up with Francisco and Paul as they get their ninja on
- Darren, James, and Heath are going outside for this latest e
- Yahoo! had this up on their front page, and I found it to be
- Letting another cat out of the bag here... though it isn't n
- RetroDaze Halloween Article Contest Rules & Information(
- Francisco, Paul, and Sharon revisit the Disney classic that
- I was a big fan Jaws. He was always my favorite Bond villian
- "Nessie" has been a part of our collective consciousness sin
- To accommodate the unusual amount of articles coming in at t
- It's probably just that I don't listen to basically ANY new
- Congratulations on your first child my friend! Baby daughter
- Following the conclusion of the stellar Halloween Article Co
- I don't know if there would be any interest in this little g
- RetroDaze Christmas Article Co
- We'll start this Winter's thread off with a very cool custom
- This is cool.Neat thing is that, at our local zoo (local mea
- It has come to my attention that just days ago, a member of
- So having watched "Guardians of the Galaxy" now a couple of
- It occurred to me that we have a very successful "Random Pic
- You'll notice that below the list of "Official Articles" on
- If you've seen the news lately, you know about the Sony Pict
- A new podcast has joined our listings on the Podcast page! I
- So what would it be like if Wolverine fought a Predator, or
- Hoju Koolander reached a milestone 200 Retrorating I noticed
- Our resident site wizard, Moudy, will be working to add a ne
- Only the second thread under the heading, "80's Sports Rocke
- This Monday brings new episodes to all 3 current podcasts av
- It's a classic. No two ways about it. We all loved taking co
- Check it out. A thread for everything we think is absolutely
- Spinning off the Farewell Toys 'R Us thread, I figured we co
- It's a new year, and that means it's time for the Third Annu
- Via Pop Rewind, I noticed the first image of Jem and The Hol
- ...If our own Caps 2.0 had the opportunity to interview... s
- You either loved him, or you loathed him, but one thing is c
- Good news from on high... er, just from on level... ground,
- Details for the game are available here.Post guesses within
- Microsoft is done with Internet Explorer. It looks like they
- Yay? I really don't care about smartphone gaming. I never re
- Details for the game are available here.Post guesses within
- Details for the game are available here.Post guesses within
- Details for the game are available here.Post guesses within
- Details for the game are available here.Post guesses within
- He made some handsome dough with his silly entry in the fads
- Details for the game are available
- More details on this tomorrow. For now... have difficulty sl
- Moudy and his team will be working on plugging a bunch of se
- We all have that series of games that are special to our hea
- Now, today, at age 63, let's celebrate all things one might
- Ugh... I just... I can't.
- A "smallish" update which includes these suggested ideas:Add
- They released a teaser trailer for the film that is coming a
- News of a new Mega Man animated series is a good thing to he
- It's official. Today's Hollywood filmmakers have only one th
- Fallout 3 was one of my favorite games of the past 15 years.
- She passed away at 88. A horror icon.
- Inspired by a thread on RJ, I dedicate this thread to images
- A gentleman known as DJ Retroactive has this to announce:My
- Today I rewatched The Iron Giant with the wife and kids, and
- We lost another acting force from our past a few days ago, D
- Yup. It's gonna happen. But I'm sure the biggest question on
- I REALLY hate this. Not only because she was the girl I wish
- Everything I see and hear about this new film just adds to m
- The trailer for the movie was revealed at this year's Comic-
- For many, this Summer has been less than... Summery(?), but
- As part of a growing trend (that I'm happy to see), breakfas
- Man! Somebody on my Facebook page posted an image of the Big
- Most people have some kind of memory associated with Dairy Q
- After a long process, the examining attorney for the USPTO h
- I'm just learning that everyone's favorite teacher who doesn
- Soon the "Save as Draft" redirection back to your article fi
- You see that up there!!!! ^^^^^^^^^ I made that happen boys
- I missed out on congratulating the only member to reach a 20
- Chocolate Thunder will be breaking backboards in Heaven now.
- I loved Herbie, The Love Bug a lot as a kid. It was one of m
- Hard to even fathom, but the cooky (and often maligned) tele
- NBA legend Moses Malone passed away at age 60. I was fortuna
- It's that time of year again. No... I'm not talking about Ha
- RetroDaze Halloween Article Contest Rules & Information(
- We reached a new milestone recently. We surpassed 400 regist
- I want to thank Weird Paul of YouTube fame for putting up th
- What places do you rely on to really assist you in getting i
- If you've read vkimo's recent Halloween epic and the comment
- It occurred to me that with today's technology and advances
- RetroDaze Christmas Article Co
- Tonight the cold weather sets in here in Ohio, and who knows
- And so we have our first teaser trailer for what is shaping
- After being down most of the day, it looks like KnownHost fi
- Like it says... I've become so far behind during the holi
- Wayne Rogers, who played Trapper John in 3 seasons of M.A.S.
- As a kid, I would sometimes find myself watching an episode
- Sadly, Dan Haggerty passed away at 74. I enjoyed Grizzly Ada
- The explosion of NASA's Challenger space shuttle on this day
- Blade Runner was one of those films that was a little hard t
- Last year saw one of our two reigning champions fall (when M
- Here you will be made aware of the contents of each Goodie P
- These images I created as part of a mystery project that wil
- Nancy Reagan was the best First Lady to ever step foot in th
- They need some subscribers! :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- Because precisely no one asked for it, Hollywood decided to
- According to Arnie, it's on the way. Think it'll happen?
- How many times have you watched a film and recognized an act
- I have lived here all my life. And for a significant part of
- Saw this trailer for the Star Wars movie coming out this Dec
- Steven Vincent Strange. Doctor Strange. Sorcerer Supreme. Th
- It's been 30 years since the Chernobyl disaster. To think wh
- As you know, we've been offline here at RD for three days. A
- If you can see this thread, you have reached our new server.
- RetroDaze Christmas Article Co
- Being that the anniversary of this event is today, I think i
- It seems that every single gamer on the planet is not alone
- We have a thread for TV and Movies like this, so why not gam
- I happened across one of these today and thought it would be
- So it's hard to believe, but in 3 short years a new decade w
- I've been curious about this event since I first found out a
- This popped into my head out of nowhere this evening as a go
- It was one of those shows you made sure to set some time asi
- I've always been partial to Wendy's, not only because of the
- Veteran character actor Miguel Ferrer has died of cancer at
- The end of the Obama Era has come, so now we are entering in
- He'll always be remembered as the guy who had his chest burs
- The latest news to hit comes in the form of some clips and s
- Uhhhhgggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UHHHHGGGG!!!!!!!!!Okay. Phew. It'
- Here we are again, entering another Spring and so far it's b
- So a trailer has dropped for the new Thor movie, and based s
- I received a message from a nice lady representing the maker
- Probably the James Bond that I was most familiar with growin
- Last year massreality and Radical ended vkimo's reign. Is
- Jerry Lewis passed away at 91 today. I'll always remember hi
- Gremlins is one of those films that is near and dear to many
- Jolt is returning to stores in their original cans. I never
- It's come to my attention that Google is having some trouble
- This is something my kids and I have been doing for the last
- A leak of the trailer is online, for now. Poor quality but y
- Rakesh has done some work on the player. Check out any uploa
- I received my closed beta activation code for the upcoming N
- Last year WesAllen of the Past Forward Podcast came out of
- I had previously read about this small shop in Denver. How I
- Breaking off the conversation from the E3 2018 thread, I'll
- So it seems that He-Man's sister is finally getting her turn
- When I heard there was going to be a reboot of The Greatest
- Happy Fathers Day to my fellow fathers. May you sleep much a
- Sad to hear of his passing. He will be missed.
- This is a Kickstarter documentary that will delve deep into
- This question is really just to quench my curiosity.So if yo
- I love Funko! They rule!http://dinosaurdracula.com/blog/funk
- So 5 years ago, not long after I got this site on it's first
- First there was Unbreakable, then Split, and now there is Gl
- Since Comic-Con came around, lots of new trailers have hit t
- According to the series creators, ALF will indeed return to
- Heck yeah, boys. Move your butt Wonder Woman. Captain Marvel
- So this year we weren't able to get together for RetroCon. T
- Let’s all congratulate Hoju Koolander. His newest addition
- Hey gang. Just some news regarding the site and upcoming imp
- The last few days have seen chilly mornings in the 20s and 3
- President Bush (the elder) has passed away at age 94. He was
- This Christmas Santa and Photog Smurf worked out a nice deal
- I keep meaning to comment on this new show and always forge
- Hope you’re all having a great Christmas Eve!
- Watership Down is special to me, mainly because the original
- So a full trailer has appeared online for the upcoming seque
- As some of you have noticed, RD is reveling in V-Day this ye
- Looks like a sequel to the original two films is finally mov
- Netflix is at it again with the nostalgia drenched original
- Your blood is poisoned. You may not know that, but it is. An
- I was a big fan of the original Toe Jam & Earl. My broth
- Alex has announced he has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancre
- Let's try this one more time...Luke Perry passed away by suf
- I had Rakesh to make it so that when you click on the "Submi
- In case you weren't aware, we do have a channel on YouTube.
- Over the past six years, I have taken it upon myself to read
- It’s been six long years of waiting, but finally I have se
- Recently we were able to clear out a ton of my dad's junk fr
- An amazing new tune from Stan Bush (of Transformers: The Mov
- First we lost Eddie Money to cancer at 70, and just days lat
- This year, due to the limited number of Hallow
- Pringles is getting fancy this year with a Turducken meal fl
- Recently ( thanks to Disney+ ) I watched Return to
- We're giving away a bunch of RD's favorite things fr
- This thread is late coming, but it's up now for good rea
- We opened up a TeeSpring store and will be adding designs to
- Here I am again, having watched another
- An update to the site is ongoing this month. This includes a
- Actor Fred Willard Dead at 86
- Work is currently under way on a new YouTube-based project.
- She was so young! Terrible, awful news. Kelly Prest
- I'm a father of four kids, and one in particular has me
- Terrible, terrible news. Chadwick Boseman
- Ahhh, man. This stinks. Eddie Van Hal
- Now that "Flash is dead", we have thousands of upl
- So this is just a side project I was tinkering with, and I
- I finally got around to redesigning and fixing up the old 80
- Some years back, I tried my hand at writing a nove
- These weather conditions today made sleigh riding amazing at
- I listened to Rush a lot growing up, mainly because my dad l
- Sad news for fans of The Fat Boys... Breaki
- It seems that health official are optimistic that we may see
- Sean Young gives an interview to explain her Catwoman (Batma
- Sad news and a huge loss for The Goldbergs... Actor
- It's come to my attention that all YouTube videos publis
- I just discovered the existence of this feature on My Herita
- Kevin Smith's continuation of the original series will b
- A sad day for the GenXers that loved his films... Lethal Wea
- The 16” Peanuts figures from Super7 are very hard to f
- The first teaser for the next Spider-Man has hit the net...
- The comedian had been battling cancer. https://variet
- The Bosom Buddies co-star (with Tom Hanks) had been dealing
- It's happening it seems... https://www.cbr.
- Merry Christmas RetroDazers!
- This just really sucks. Good riddance to 2021: https://ww
- We're trying to get the attention of Adam F. G
- Just so you know, our sister site has a Facebook Group you c
- Why not start off your Easter season with a hilarious and fu
- With its unique premise and great cast, Quantum Leap made a
- Hey Retro Family. So as you probably know, this Fall will
- Marek has been hard at work updating some things in the Retr
- Ahhh man. This sucks. Such a great actor in so many great fi
- I think she is the first cast member to pass besides "C
- Hope everyone is staying warm during this Christmas weekend
- Just finished watching M3GAN on Prime Video. Imagine Small W
- Elvis' only child has passed away. She at one time dated
- Tina was a true class act. She will be deeply missed.
- Early access to the first episode just for the Discord and w
- Good riddance...
- This one hurts so bad...
- As some of you know, we lost a member from our ranks, and ma
- Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year's Eve this y
- Carl was a great actor, with some iconic roles. Sad news tod
- Actor Dabney Coleman (9 to 5, Cloak and Dagger) has passed a
- Lately I've found myself tinkering with many d
- Looks like the company has decided to bring back it's fu
- Good idea. Incoming.
- Benjamine! Glad you could join us.
- Yes!
- Speaking of new faces, I've spent a good chunk of today send
- Benjamine: I understand your point. I'll fix that. shakin
- Indeed. I'll send that request to Webmento (regarding avatar
- Thanks for coming Derk!
- The Writer's Block and Retro Video Games categories are read
- Derk: That is a request I have already mentioned to the deve
- HTML. Yup. I should probably mention that somewhere, huh?
- Thanks again for joining blueluigi.
- Also, I should mention that there is currently no indicator
- Germans were clamoring for Duck Tales?
- I'll be collecting all future requests from you all and then
- Yup. Everything is showing up as you described.
- I was disheartened when I heard about this. It's sad to see
- The tags showed up in the Admin Panel. I placed them in the
- Yes, an edit button has been requested and will hopefully be
- Favorite part is the scene in the department store. Classic.
- Thanks Caps. Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.
- Naturally there are significant differences as well. Still,
- More Ovaltine Please!!!
- They tended to focus TOO much on him as a character toward t
- It's nice to hear Welker and Cullen together in a series onc
- I wish my memory of my play with Super Mario World was bette
- I noticed that as well. I'm curious as to how many threads a
- They will show up on your profile page. They were supposed t
- Updated the list... YES!
- I like the character. Did you create any comics based around
- The same for me. But I think that some of the feelings of pr
- Have you tried Anime Studio 9 for animation? I have it, but
- Archie Bunker for the 80's.
- A friend of mine was a huge Brandon Lee fan. I watched a few
- Updated the list again. COMPLETE!!!
- What? This conversation has lost me.
- I have less memories of Blockbuster, and more memories of a
- Thanks shakin. But to be honest there are a good number of a
- PSA articles you can find info on in the FAQ. And yeah, I ca
- Yes. It's under the name... Well... Vaporman87.
- First, I apologize for the miscommunication. The first 2 FAQ
- LOL. I see what you mean. As near as I can tell at the momen
- Great to have you with us Harry. You and I share a love for
- I am absolutely a fan. As I mentioned in your intro thread,
- Is EGM still around?
- Beast Wars was decent. I think in the third season of TF
- Thanks Derk. I appreciate that.
- You don't have to be a pro. Just let your passion for what y
- This would most likely fall into the "Photog Smurf Approved"
- That feature should be ready now. I'll double check though.
- Holy cow. Talk about specific! LOL Ummm, honestly, the la
- Correct. When you click the SUBMIT button from the Home page
- LOL. 200% more despair!
- Lion King was good, but I can't say I thought so much of it
- How the Lorax managed to get attached to ANY brand is beyond
- Too bad his films deviated farther and farther from this cra
- Well, I'm afraid that, when you live in the 2nd poorest coun
- I'll have to look this up, as I have never heard of it. Than
- This is another one of those games that I have little doubt
- Geocities is a retro subculture of it's own.
- @thecrow174 It would be necessary if the site became larg
- I noticed that as well.
- Thanks shakin. A great deal of what is happening is better u
- Hey Ryan! Thanks for joining us. I hope you enjoy your stay.
- Let's just say, it would have melted your eyes from the awfu
- I must admit, I have never seen this film. After watching so
- We had a few Rax in this area. I enjoyed their food also, th
- Fame isn't always enough of a motivator. :))
- Was this game one or two player. If two (with cooperative mo
- I spent most of my time with Legos attempting to build a wor
- LOL. Yeah, I was not sure what to think about that either.
- Ahhh, indeed it appears you can. This game just became very
- Were Hot Sam's or The Ground Round regional or national? I'v
- In '95 I was beginning my first year of work in our family b
- @blueluigi Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that. We had fl
- Well, once the server/hosting issue is finally put to bed, w
- First of all, I did indeed notice the difficulty FireFox has
- @shakin I would give anything for Windows 95 to be compat
- Which makes me wonder, why is it that more cereal producers
- Not only will all those features be added, but additionally
- Holy cow! You just reminded me of playing a game I had LOOOO
- This is ANOTHER of those games my brother played. I have lit
- Yeah, little things like that and the endless list of videos
- The bug I have noticed since the transition (aside from miss
- Caps... looks like that only 6 of your vids didn't make the
- Ah yes. I see that now. I had thought that the issue was onl
- Benjanime, you can change your avatar as much as you like. T
- I am actively shopping 2 update packages now. Lot's of good
- Yeah. That look is so much cleaner and appealing than today'
- I added animated .gifs to the second package, so it's out th
- I take it that is the entire series? What goodies come with
- Whoa Lottech, I had forgotten about that black pepsi can wit
- This was one of those games that, even though it wasn't my f
- I am hoping to have the quote from a company called Exia, ou
- Welcome aboard, Ace.
- Wow. These drawings really take me back. So often my comics
- Yeah, it's an unfortunate thing. No "public showings", and t
- Love the little drawing! :) I plan on making this year a
- The Simpsons are an enigma. To see how they evolved from a l
- I can't say really, one way or another, without some type of
- In the list of Forum Comments that would hopefully be access
- There may be a way around the copyright infringement issue.
- I honestly don't remember. But, I can tell you the first mov
- I just can't place it. Still, I'm looking forward to this
- I had very few Gameboy games, as I was never a portable play
- I hadn't thought of that. I know I wanted the user to be abl
- Indeed. Actually, I had been giving some thought to "retro"
- Everyone loved Grease, but man, I just could never get into
- Much abliged Ronin. Thanks for that. :)
- Great to have you ProphetSword. Really appreciate those who
- I can remember being simply blown away by the effects. Then
- Going to say Napoleon Dynamite. But I'm not sure why. LOL
- Like your pencil work. Very nice. Will this be inked and col
- I understand that. Usually I do my inking prior to scanning
- Nice. I have done similar things with PAINT.Net by increasin
- Check the FAQ for the "embed image" code that can be used he
- One thing I did like about Salvation was the "80's Arnold" T
- I updated the theater interior with a "mock" version of what
- Here's a link to a sample "web page" version of the image.
- Yeah. I miss MST3K. I am such a huge fan. A lot of inspirati
- Is Terra-Ray an actual character or your creation?
- I sent an email with a breakdown of the basic functionality
- I recently watched a video of all the mistakes in this film.
- Reminds me a great deal of Earthworm Jim.
- Holy cow! That's quite a collection of allies. Could you swa
- I agree. I have yet to see Angry Birds soup. When that happe
- I just couldn't see Marlon Brando as any other character aft
- The bulk of the "inconsistencies" that were shown in that vi
- I did receive an e-mail from Ben stating that he felt that t
- When's the article coming? My interest is piqued. :)
- I have a great deal of memories that are associated with Gal
- That's my fault, though, I have no idea what I did to make i
- @AceNThaHole It gives you a list of all forum posts that
- That's an odd thing, to have Marty as a video bootlegger. Wa
- So much difference in the dialogue as well. I have to say, I
- Ha! I love that story. It makes my connection to it seem so
- I miss the Energizer Bunny. Him and The Noid. They should ge
- The comment list is a means of sorting thread replies. So, i
- About the only thing I remember vividly is his car. That was
- That's odd. I don't remember having that feeling watching it
- "I am going to hit all of you so hard that when you wake up,
- pikachulover wrote :What about a for sale section where us
- "Asta la vista, baby." (T2)
- shakin steak wrote :quote function - It's OK. Could it be
- Man! I liked the Gex series when it was a 3DO hit. Gex was a
- Reminds me A LOT of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvm
- "He's chicken!" (King Kong vs. Godzilla)
- "My life's a shambles. I need pie." (Multiplicity)
- Got the quote on this package and the friendly folks at Exia
- "It's not a tumah!!!" (Kindergarten Cop)
- I saw few trailers for it and it seems much darker and Lara
- I know one thing for certain. I spent inumerable hours playi
- Yeah. It seems that once you leave the Forum page, the avata
- I wish there was a new 007 game. With some new online gam
- No problem raptor. My favorites are these - 1. Kingpi
- shakin steak wrote :I see what now. The comment list defa
- I can't help but think of Wierd Al doing one of his many pol
- Based on the picture and email addresss, I'm guessing this i
- I hope they manage to survive, but to be a successful print
- Murray was in Zombieland? Didn't know that.
- Don't get me wrong, I like being able to hold the material i
- "Those aren't pillows!!!" (Planes, Trains, & Automobiles)
- blueluigi wrote :Still outrageous that it's selling for $1
- Some field trips we took were to a Glass Product facility, h
- shakin steak wrote :That's pretty cool. It's too bad there'
- arizvega wrote :I when on a field trip when i was in the 5th
- raptor9873 wrote :We rarely had field trips but instead fi
- shakin steak wrote :I'm guessing you didn't see it, then?
- Something tells me that these days, if "Field Days" are stil
- What is the giant, bird-like creature hovering overhead in t
- You know what we had on most long trips for entertainment?
- The stylistic design of the characters in this game still im
- "Only in a re-run." (The Running Man)
- Love the idea, especially the fact that you're considering m
- Watching that Game Tape submission made me want to play the
- Welcome here Smash. Glad you like it.
- You're a wierd bunch, you are. lol ;)
- shakin steak wrote : Making Megaman talk like a little girl
- I should probably do some research on these "T Shark" charac
- Yeah, there were several games that they competed in that ha
- I had been thinking of similar things, but hadn't pinpointed
- AceNThaHole wrote :Any news on this? I hadnt seen anything
- I was a big fan of the first movie. I thought it was very we
- I also remember a couple times when I was sick that one of t
- What were some of the games included in this series? Any vol
- Cool. Thanks for that info.
- Some work is being done in the forum, so things may seem a b
- shakin steak wrote :Did I do thaaaaat? You did somethi
- "It must be nice to be so perfect AND odor free." (Planes, T
- Judging just from the titles I have played/liked, I would sa
- I don't recall this game from the Dreamcast. Most titles I o
- Double posting here so that this new thread shows up in the
- arizvega wrote : I love Worms... LOL. What a response.
- Mostly orchestrial soundtracks with sweeping scores. I do ha
- It felt too much like they were going for cinematic experien
- You know what they say... "5th place is just the 4th almo
- Double posting again to make this thread show up in the comm
- I'm interested to see how this new Superman will play out, a
- Double posting in order to show this thread in the comments
- Did you change your avatar to another Honeymooners character
- I had really hoped that the forum would be "reorganized and
- I did. But it kept getting broken into and I tired of repeat
- I wish I had $27,000 to blow on it. Seriously though, I c
- Duke, thanks so much for accepting the invite. The more the
- And I thought getting $125 out of my new Metroid was big mon
- shakin steak wrote : Then edited my reply but you are t
- Never played this one, though if memory serves me correctly,
- thecrow174 wrote :You can buy a year's worth of video game
- shakin steak wrote : Also, the cartridge has been disasse
- Sweet. Adventure Island at my fingertips. Nice find.
- shakin steak wrote : ...but the contest thing is very coo
- No. It's not working yet. It should show the 5 threads with
- Seems to be coming along nicely. Any chance you'll be adding
- Well, here it is the 31st of January, and the thread/forum r
- I watched the film once, and was not impressed. But, a great
- Ahhh, okay. That's why it was not showing up with a thread t
- shakin steak wrote :Really digging the search function in
- Also, I JUST NOW got an email from the developer working on
- Oddly, the OP shows up in the comments list but does not sho
- shakin steak wrote : But I can do it in a reply, as here.
- "Let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose." (Beetle
- Ahhh... this is much better. Special thanks to Alex Jose
- Uhhh, bump? EDIT: Ahhh, yes. There we go. This thread was
- Anyways, back on topic. I somewhat agree with you on Howa
- Right now, if you post a NEW thread it is indexed at the ver
- What purpose does he serve? He's... he... He looks yummy.
- shakin steak wrote :1. He's a chef. You can be one too wi
- shakin steak wrote :Ha, that looks like a VHS tape rewinde
- Index Bump.
- I'm open to other suggestions of course.
- That's what I figured.
- Index Bump.
- Index Bump.
- If the show were ever to be updated I would suggest they use
- The Delorean DMC-12
- thecrow174 wrote :That's good. I was getting pretty tired
- Ah yes. The old "boat" vehicles of the 70's and 80's. And yo
- thecrow174 wrote :KITT from Knight Rider. Yeah. I'd take
- shakin steak wrote :My bump, my bump, my bump, my lovely l
- Wow. Nice finds shakin. I also never owned a laser disc play
- The Yoda puppet from Star Wars could emote as well as any an
- We've managed to build a fairly nice for the kids outside ou
- shakin steak wrote :Probably just so you can see the condi
- Well done.
- Anyone that wishes to view the Word .docs, "Member Side Brea
- Not if I can help it. My kids' time spent with electronics i
- It was a good show. I was already a fan of D.J. Jazzy Jeff &
- LOL. That's hilarious.
- raptor9873 wrote :Id like to see them. Documents sent. L
- Why does it not surprise me that Ben submitted something to
- Always room for fellow RetroJunk folks here. Happy to see yo
- Benjanime wrote :i probably won't be able to get around to
- vkimo wrote :So basically any article submitted between no
- Which games are the second and third ones from the left? I c
- Okay, I see. I couldn't make out the text on the label.
- Did these come with boxes/manuals or just the carts?
- vkimo wrote :No problemo! I've seem to have had a issue t
- Incredible. These rare game gems will only increase in value
- Welllllll, not that I can find. It's Googles fault!!!! I
- vkimo wrote :Thanks man. It kind of killed my motivation n
- You have my word... No more sneaking in to drafts through
- I especially love the Festivus card.
- It's not even stained with coffee or soda. Nice! :)
- Probably the most addictive puzzler behind Tetris, at least
- vkimo wrote :I only play this game for the music. It's amazi
- My daughter likes this one. Score one for anime Gilda!
- That would have to be something within either my MOTU Classi
- This is a partial image from the actual Theater Exterior pag
- I have a Roboto still sealed. (he was one of my favorite cha
- Benjanime wrote : this beast. it also plays imports! I
- I always hated it when you would be eating one and then you
- shakin steak wrote : How long should registration on Retr
- Benjanime wrote :my pictures weren't eligible for it... ah
- "So the combination is... one, two, three, four, five? That'
- Ommmm... crow, you dirty, dirty, internet scoundrel.
- I'm thinking TRU had the thing listed at around $120. I'm no
- Excellent. I did receive a communique back from Daniel who h
- thecrow174 wrote :Sorry, Vapor, but I couldn't just downlo
- thecrow174 wrote :I never really paid that much attention
- "Round One" "FIGHT!!!"
- I hated to see Raul Julia go out on that note. I would have
- shakin steak wrote :I've only bought one soundtrack in my
- shakin steak wrote : I know the book, but I had no idea the
- I purchased some Sharri's Berries for my wife this year. The
- Venomous Mask wrote :Hmm, this is relevant to my interests
- Progress continues on the PDT. The Theater Exterior work is
- Nice submissions by shakin steak too. Go team RetroDaze! :D
- shakin steak wrote : I hope you can keep that roll going fo
- What do you get when you mix Snake Plissken, Raiden, and tha
- Ooooh. Well, that makes better sense.
- Indy - "It's the Ark of the Covenant." Elsa - "Are you sure
- I managed to procure this little device a couple days ago. I
- Seems to be up and working this morning.
- vkimo wrote : ...and looks like it's just me... The mo
- ^ It looks like they are preparing to kiss.
- The biggest issue with XBand was the major lag. Games like N
- jprc10 wrote : I'd like to add a few, but there is no opt
- The most recent retro gaming purchase for me would be the iC
- jprc10 wrote : It worked, great. I resized and uploaded
- Oh I had many, many action figures. Here is a somewhat compl
- Well, thanks to some diligence on the part of the developer,
- raptor wrote : Nothing has changed since then. It's just
- shakin steak wrote : raptor wrote :Nice. I peed a little
- AceNThaHole wrote :My personal favorites were my collectio
- To those who wish to come check out what the PDT looks like
- I seem to be getting some of those alerts as well. They say
- Only a few days left and according to my database you guys h
- Ahhh. Nice find shakin. Hmmm. This needs to be fixed som
- Whatever happened to Jazz I wonder?
- It is looking more and more like a dedicated server is going
- Today I got to tinker with the "Mavicon" and "Riff" features
- Originally, the third episode was going to take place at a C
- Benjanime wrote :the art style really takes me back to whe
- Not a spambot. I received the same message, for the most par
- vkimo wrote :Oh, my bad. It's my good friend SuperRainChec
- shakin steak wrote :I was real sick most of the week so th
- I remember having that game and feeling disappointed by how
- Sounds fun to me.
- Today is D-Day folks. If you have an article your sitting on
- The idea had crossed my mind to attach some point value to f
- It's not been fully determined yet, but I had considered ask
- This was a very enjoyable game. The multiplayer aspect made
- shakin steak wrote :Also, I've wondered: Were you ndestruk
- And shakin steak takes the lead...
- thecrow174 wrote : It doesn't look like too many voters are
- Ahhh. That brings back some memories. I played with my He
- Having tasted this recently, I have to add it as one of my n
- Funny.
- shakin steak wrote :You just reminded me of "Mama Rosa" pi
- I only played the original Splatterhouse for the TurboGrafx
- shakin steak wrote :To merge two threads: A fun thing to
- I made sure to enter the Haunted House last year (the first
- Ouch. I think I would have it checked out by your family phy
- I hate moving. I have way too much stuff to move. If it can
- You might be reacting to a bite from a bug or spider.
- Welcome Rachel! It's great to have you join our little co
- The New Fantasyland expansion:
- vkimo wrote :When are they announcing the winners? Well,
- There were so many parts of this movie that I could recite v
- I like how in the commercials, you see the actor open up one
- Apparently this was a real, actual advertisement from 2009.
- Okay, so... The first two winning authors/articles
- Benjanime wrote : ...and as blueluigi would say, "beware
- Great to hear. Hope things go well for you in your new dwell
- AceNThaHole wrote :That second picture looks like somebody
- I found several bootleg Godzilla titles with Japanese langua
- Well, as it turns out, our third judge (Daniel Fisher from R
- ProphetSword wrote :So many retro soundtracks in my collecti
- josephjo wrote : I'm sure there are loads more out there
- Thanks shakin! Much abliged.
- Well gang, the Fam and I arrived in Florida today! Can't wai
- I'll try to get them out this evening or tomorrow evening (i
- Good grief am I exhausted. We were at the Magic Kingdom for
- Moudy has nearly completed the "timeline", a necessary part
- vkimo wrote :I admire you. I'm hoping and looking forward
- Wow. There is so little you could do with one year of develo
- Winners should receive their Amazon Digital Gift Cards in th
- Moudy will be working on a repair for the upload side of the
- Well, I have not watched Rocko, so I can't say anything abou
- Luke - "I'm not afraid." Yoda - "You will be. You WILL be."
- I don't consider myself a 90's kid as much as an 80's kid, b
- Woah. I haven't even heard of this game. It looks really int
- Caps 2.0 wrote :What's the latest on the Upload Video functi
- thecrow174 wrote :You can't go wrong with the Halloween so
- The PDT development is complete. Now, there is some test
- So how have the first couple weeks in the new place been?
- One of the Pizza shops down here in Florida called "Flippers
- thecrow174 wrote :One time, I went to this place in Leesbu
- shakin steak wrote : And I must mention: Well, if th
- There will be others, perhaps soon. But yet, this particu
- I like Cheers, Night Court, WKRP in Cincinatti, GI Joe, He-M
- Well, today we began the journey home! However, it is a d
- shakin steak wrote :My cadbury egg's insides were never al
- HOME! Home at last!!! It seemed as though it would never
- Never really understood the significance of the holiday. I a
- "We've just sucked one hour of your life away. How do you fe
- Thanks. It's a relief to finally be home.
- I have no photos of anyone I ever knew wearing the clothes p
- Caps 2.0 wrote :Is it okay to upload non-YouTube videos no
- pikachulover wrote :The college girls' outfits look more e
- Very true Vkimo. Who wants to go to an 80's party dresse
- The same thing happened at my high school. I never understoo
- Here I am presenting a few bits on the 1st issue of the '94
- An update for those interested. 1. Caps 2.0 - 1635 ($16.3
- Benjanime wrote :nice! i'll upload more videos whenever i
- shakin steak wrote :Oh yeah, video uploader working again.
- I hadn't received any word of this from Moudy, but after rev
- thecrow174 wrote :It feels good to be in 4th. You know
- In many ways, Japanese culture fascinates me. In others, it
- Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's been a pleasant day wit
- ... you believe the only "real" Star Wars movies began a
- ...you remember when pocket change could buy you a comic.
- I still have the Garbage album with Paranoid on it. They hav
- I was just thinking about how neat it is to see this thread
- ...you fondly remember the feeling of wrapping that phone co
- I simply MUST post a picture of mine from one of my birtday
- ...you still think a flat top is a perfectly fashionable hai
- thecrow174 wrote :If you're a female and you attempted to
- I will check that out.
- LOL. I wonder if they put the undesirables in the booth next
- Hmmm. Something that perhaps needs some attention. Thanks fo
- ...you fondly recall lacing up a pair of shoes with 4 wheels
- Maybe you should do a second volume of stupid games. :)
- We managed to get some outdoor work done today, as it was ac
- ...Orangejuice90s says so.
- ... you visit sites like RetroJunk and RetroDaze more than F
- shakin steak wrote :The Exxon station in my town took down
- Ooooh. Pleasant. :)
- shakin steak wrote :I haven't seen him since the spill but
- ... the word "bogus" is still part of your vocabulary.
- "Welcome... to Jurassic Park"." (Jurassic Park)
- The Cereal Monsters have always been among my favorites. Mad
- Very cool news. I had no idea there was any perceived demand
- It certainly looks beautiful. The guy being interviewed
- ... you were born between 15 and 29 years ago. -Orangejuice9
- Well, my "home town" is not easy to pinpoint. I have lived i
- Using the "street view" that's embedded to view the departme
- "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickl
- ...you still wear an *"aviator" jacket with 15 million patch
- shakin steak wrote : I can sm
- Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But mo
- Never heard of this. Though, I watched very little of In Liv
- This reminds me... At Disney's Animal Kingdom, they have
- raptor wrote :Woah! I didnt know you could do that with Goog
- I think you're missing some code from that link. Try it agai
- thecrow174 wrote :You: Is common sense retro? OJ90s: It
- shakin steak wrote : Cool, I didn't know you could do tha
- pikachulover wrote : I should have taken a picture of the
- raptor wrote :Who is Orangejuice90? You really don't wa
- Harry Gregson-Williams and Danny Elfman are two of my favori
- Benjanime wrote :here's a bit of trivia: when i uploade
- BUMP. Updated today.
- shakin steak wrote :Great stuff. Is there a target date f
- thecrow174 wrote :Of course John Williams did some good on
- Oh yeah, and also that one series of films about wars in the
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 wrote :Oh yeah, and also th
- What an idiot. Just let it go for Pete's sake. I agree with
- Not exactly, however I have found myself watching the battle
- I have found the perfect film with which to have our "beta t
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 wrote :I have found the perfe
- Perhaps two viewings of the same movie is the answer. That w
- ...you throw a fit over remakes of movies you remember watch
- Is there not a solid release date for this?
- Another movie I thought was kind of fun, but didn't do well,
- Another fun thing about Spring... listening to Reds baseball
- thecrow174 wrote :I am ready to see my Braves play. They are
- It's a bit sloppy out, but I have much to be thankful for. H
- Nice ones Ben.
- LOL. That's just cruel. Yet, funny.
- Google thinks they are so hilarious. Today I am checking
- ... you prefer to Double your Dragons in a fight.
- I haven't been around to post a lot today. Been working on p
- Did you hand any of them out in '99?
- Moudy and his team are already at work on this update now. S
- Fixed that. For some reason the video was preventing the rep
- Taco Liberty Bell. That's funny.
- ...you preferred the soda cans without smaller tops and that
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87 wrote :Must be all new, o
- Too bad such things couldn't be done in this day and age. It
- My wife mentioned this to me today. I knew Ellen had to be s
- vkimo wrote :Maybe Dory will fall in love with another fem
- Here is the breakdown of Point Pot #1: PIKACHULOVER = 400
- War of the Robots!!!
- Caps 2.0 wrote :Sounds good to me...I just hpe I'll be abl
- thecrow174 wrote :Caps 2.0 wrote : I just hpe I'll be able
- thecrow174 wrote :Caps 2.0 wrote : I just hpe I'll be able
- It was one of those games that kids made sure to plop down t
- ...you still brag about your scores in Galaga.
- What? Nobody has ANY comment on my EXTREMELY creative card b
- There have been some problems with the Theater that we are t
- raptor wrote :Dutch sounds like my kinda guy! Where can I
- "Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?" (Diff'rent Strokes)
- Most likely I would say The Andy Griffith Show, Twilight Zon
- THEATER STATUS UPDATE: Today's experimenting by me have prov
- shakin steak wrote :I never saw Finding Nemo. What am I m
- thecrow174 wrote :One of the most famous movie songs out the
- "Go Go gadget legs!" (Inspector Gadget)
- ...you reminisce about Mortal Monday.
- Another favorite of mine.
- Pizzahead looks tasty. Then again, so does Charlie the tuna.
- kenE2389 wrote :i see RJers have washed ashore after the g
- As someone with the name Tony, I can tell you my least favor
- Bosom Buddies had a good one as well.
- rogerxy wrote :It's difficult as hell but pretty good. I b
- Awesome. I can crank these out at my desk at work.
- I only managed to rent the Vectorman games when they were re
- There are so many great Genesis games that need next generat
- Suggestion noted. rogerxy wrote :I miss a "Preview" funct
- rogerxy wrote :Am I the only non-american? :) No. But t
- Perhaps not so much a remake, as an "update"?
- EA will own everything sooner or later. It's a sad state of
- Of course Tron was better. But the sequel did an admirable j
- I like it.
- thecrow174 wrote :Who would win between Rambo and John Mat
- shakin steak wrote :Awesome. I think his fur needs to be
- kenE2389 wrote :nice to se you guys again, Vkimo told me t
- It was really the first decent attempt to turn a game into a
- kenE2389 wrote : haha alright, it looks a hell of a lot lik
- I had forgotten about Opera. It looks like the movies play c
- Saturday crow. Not tomorrow.
- Caps 2.0 wrote :I won't be able to participate, unfortunat
- rogerxy wrote :I might have missed something but how do you
- rogerxy wrote :Nice! That Batmanlogo is btw the best one t
- ...you wonder why it was that you viewed everyone on "Thirty
- "Zoinks!" (Scooby Doo - Where Are You?)
- Hurray! It works. Thanks Rakesh and Moudy!
- thecrow174 wrote :I imagine this film wasn't easy to make.
- More like these:
- "That rug really tied the room together, did it not?" (The B
- Oh... I can smell it right now. Delicious. I really d
- Did any of those work steak? I can't tell cuz I'm on my iPho
- Same here. My jeans always have been 100% hole free and alwa
- Okay. Cool.
- ...you hated the dreaded "Whammy!"
- Well, did anyone celebrate with a grilled cheese of their ow
- "Haaa! I kill me!" (Alf)
- Yeah. Unfortunately my mother-in-law was hospitalized and we
- "...and don't call me Shirley." (Airplane)
- thecrow174 wrote :I hope everything's alright with her.
- shakin steak wrote :I turned on the TV and flipped channel
- I'm starting to realize that I'm going to have to participat
- I can recall a great deal about my time on the school bus.
- So who can remember their school bus number? It popped in my
- shakin steak wrote : Another driver, named Margo. One da
- Well, I was turned off by just the title of the never made s
- This brings back memories...
- My interests are varied when it comes to retro objects.
- Fuzz wrote :Rock Lords Robo-Force Sectaurs He-Man GI J
- What are your thoughts on the "remake"? I never watched
- ...you still debate whether it was Kong or Godzilla who won
- shakin steak wrote :I collect old TVs. I need the wood gr
- "I love it when a plan comes together." (The A-Team)
- Perhaps Papa John's?
- shakin steak wrote :How about these? I'
- shakin steak wrote :Glad you like 'em. The hover tips hel
- I think I'm leaning toward the first and the last of those f
- Benjanime wrote :this is just a random idea i had but... bef
- Ah. Kirby! You have to love the little puffball. But your me
- Showtime in 1 hour. I'll open the theater for those wishing
- 5, 6 Grab your crucifix...
- rogerxy wrote :I think it will be absolutely horrible Y
- Seems very appealing. You can capture those fans of LTTP whi
- ...you're still looking over your shoulder for that Noid.
- Today in 1987, Homer made his debut on the Tracey Ullman Sho
- thecrow174 wrote :I like how smilies and a preview button
- Fuzz wrote :You guys sound like these don't exist anymore!
- Fuzz wrote :- M.U.S.C.L.E. I would love to see a new
- I always thought Starriors would make for a good popcorn fil
- MatuX2 wrote :...and my favorite,The Masters of the universe
- What would I do for one? Nothing. Now, if you wanted to GIVE
- Fuzz wrote :I remember my grandmother had a box of legos a
- I remember purchasing my first Super Nintendo game, Actraise
- shakin steak wrote :WWJD for a Klondike bar? Heal you.
- MatuX2 wrote :Chia pet....Haha just kidding, Have they mad
- Your interest in playing with sound is unique. I've never he
- Never been a fan of South Park. Too vulgar for my tastes. Bu
- But the LOOOOOOOONG page looks so beautiful. :)~
- That's just disturbing.
- I found myself in a similar yet reverse situation. I can't s
- shakin steak wrote : It can't be worse than Real Steel (it
- Shires! Thanks for joining us. We're glad to have you.
- shires wrote :as i have a few things some were left to me
- blueluigi wrote : Is anybody el
- Fuzz wrote :Besides anything assigned from school, I typic
- Fuzz wrote : My 100% complete Fortress Maximus. Oooo
- shakin steak wrote : I did some looking into removing the p
- Yup. Everyone always trying to prove their tough on these "f
- We did need to read a few books in school. One I remember th
- TONIGHT! Be there or be square!And as a courteous reminder,
- pikachulover wrote :Partners the 1995 series. A lot of peo
- Congrats to blueluigi for winning last nights 125 point movi
- "Anyong." (Arrested Development)
- So how is it that Nintendo can release NeoGeo games?
- You mean new episodes?! Because they've had the old series a
- thecrow174 wrote :"Pictures of Matchstick Men' by Status Q
- At the risk of getting IT stuck in my head, I'll have to loo
- shakin steak wrote :After watching a few episodes on netfl
- I've seen it. I thought it did a satisfactory job of paying
- All great ideas shakin. I do have a contest coming up th
- Lieutenant Dan!
- Ha! Awesome.
- I originally thought casting Liam Neeson was a terrible mist
- Shot through tha heart... and you're too late...
- thecrow174 wrote :I've had the Batman movie theme on my mi
- shakin steak wrote :No Winston on the Ghostbusters shirt?
- Poor Winston just gets no love at all.
- Born on March 21st, 1974.
- vkimo wrote :Awesome! I love retro action figures! If I wi
- I have no doubt my kids would really enjoy this one. I'll ke
- I'm feeling like the elder here. Somebody post a date older
- blueluigi wrote :Yeah... I think I'll pass on this release
- Why do I have the Terminator theme stuck in my head right no
- If nothing else, the production team could sure find the per
- shakin steak wrote : PS: Link not working for me. It's h
- ...you get excited by "I Love The 80's" shops in theme parks
- Some of my choices would be - The Screwtape Letters by C.
- Take... These broken wings...
- Encore Viewing of The Galaxy Invader tonight at 9:30 PM EST
- The Punky Brewster theme... uhg... "E- very- time- I- turn a
- A few good titles this week. I don't doubt they'll sell a go
- vkimo wrote :Let me clarify my earlier answer, that's 1886
- I am also reminded of the influx of Star Wars merchandise pr
- It reminds me of a soup can or an energy drink can of today.
- Well, today was the Star Wars celebration, "May the Fourth (
- AceNThaHole wrote :I missed getting a free Star Wars ship
- Easily one of the best titles for the NES. It was one of tho
- thecrow174 wrote :I can't skate worth a crap, but I tried my
- ...you're still building stuff with Legos.
- One of the better romantic comedies of the 80's.
- For some reason, seeing the TaleSpin thread crow created put
- thecrow174 wrote :What WAS in that suitcase anyway? Que
- Excellent! Though it seems you can not view forum threads if
- I'm sorry if you're into the whole "politically correct" mov
- shakin steak wrote : -In Fire
- How do you feel about the movie riffs?Keep 'em! I love them!
- I don't get it. I've tried them at work and now here at home
- He was one of the greats for sure. I never cared for his mus
- I did get the cluttered smilies on my iPhone. So yeah, somet
- I mentioned this at RJ. Here is the quote: "I suppose her
- Benjanime wrote : what about pd
- shakin steak wrote : Very odd.
- shakin steak wrote : Very coo
- shakin steak wrote : How about
- I didn't watch it much myself. My wife WANTED to watch i
- Crow, you and your posts are becoming a major factor in what
- Posting is good. :P We'll leave it at that.
- There are many that I would like to see join, but I have to
- Well, not necessarily animated. But hey, if you got the time
- ...you realize the importance of synthesizers.
- Okay. I'll get them inserted. :)
- Well, basically everything from this package is done. Just n
- Honestly I don't understand why there would be any editing o
- This Sunday is the big day kiddies. So if you're getting tho
- Gonna have to re-schedule this viewing for May 11th, which i
- thecrow174 wrote : I went to
- New Smilies. :roll:;)
- Continuing issues with getting the movie to play in the thea
- demonpuppet87 wrote : Have Ni
- Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
- That hasn't been revealed yet, but I'm sure they won't make
- blueluigi wrote : It probably would have sucked just as m
- How do I join "Rick's Club"? Also, is the first rule of
- Happy Mothers Day to all. To those with mothers who have
- I have never played this one. What are some of the best part
- Benjanime wrote : since i liv
- I'll be sending the entries to Chris today. With only two en
- thecrow174 wrote : shakin s
- The M.A.S.K. theme song is in my head. Sweet. :skep:
- ...you still think Windows 95 was the best of them all.
- Raise your hand... If your SURE!
- shakin steak wrote : Wrong, it's Windows 2000.
- thecrow174 wrote : Like most
- wrote : I will be getting thes
- Chris emailed me today, and said he had an awful time decidi
- Caps 2.0 wrote : We were a s
- Okay. FOR REALZ this time! I was able to use the updated
- vkimo wrote : I'm just not su
- demonpuppet87 wrote : I was i
- thecrow174 wrote : In high sc
- thecrow174 wrote : Come to thin
- I only actually completed the original on the NES. But I pla
- I don't believe I've ever played it. What is this one about/
- I do. Though, I preferred the Street Fighter and MK series,
- Hello... again. :XD:
- blueluigi wrote : I wouldn't
- This is a forum of criminals.
- We do chicken, right!
- thecrow174 wrote : My record
- Time to make the donuts...
- ...you're still wondering where the beef is.
- Overall it was a decent movie, but I never liked Warren Beat
- My favorites would be Batman '89, Iron Man 1 & 3, Avengers (
- :XD:
- I think stylistically they are somewhat similar. Obviously S
- ...you find yourself doing "wax on - wax off" while washing
- It is definitely a classic. It was well written and didn't r
- We have quite a few. The kids are very big fans of Disney mo
- I'm surprised that Supergirl is not listed here anywhere. :X
- Which love interest made for better television... Sam & Dian
- When I saw this film (at a young age) I think it disturbed m
- As much as I avoid those same types of movies these days, I
- HarryCanyon wrote : So Vaporman you think animation is al
- vkimo wrote : I'm here to kic
- "And you can count... on me waiting for you in the parking l
- ...you own a collection of Ginsu knives.
- "It keeps going... and going... and going..."
- It's an awful sight. And some of the stories of unpreparedne
- shakin steak wrote : Watership Down? - want to see someday
- I own a 2600 and I would probably find this to be cool. Now
- I miss Chris Farley. He was a loveable oaf if ever there was
- shakin steak wrote : HarryC
- Anybody showing up in the theater tonight? So I know whether
- Added the "package details" to the OP.
- We usually don't plan anything big. However we will have a n
- shakin steak wrote :Why are the Read-Along Adventures to b
- So your typical day includes playing in compost? Nice. :lol:
- Only TWO more days!
- vkimo wrote : How does this who
- You had quite the collection of obscure titles. I've never h
- I did play this one a bit in my youth. But it wasnt a memora
- I remember all the ads with Crash (a person in a Crash costu
- ...the Mother Brain appears in your nightmares.
- thecrow174 wrote : I've been
- thecrow174 wrote : Was Coach
- It's definitely in stark contrast to most comics. Everything
- Peanuts is a good one. Also B.C. And Dennis The Menace. I ho
- thecrow174 wrote : A flood to
- She's "just drawn that way".
- Nice Ben. I didn't even realize there had been cards produce
- Speaking of Waffle House... :evil:
- I'm not sure how prevalent this is amongst the rest of you,
- Speaking of hot dogs, this little spot in Lesage, West Virgi
- ...you're still waiting to open that box of Fruit Brute in y
- "You're SO STUPID!!!" (UHF)
- One of Carrey's better films. And this was filmed back when
- Hmm. Likely it would be Disney World while staying in the Gr
- Nice selection this week. I'm warming up to the Wii U. My yo
- I'm not sure what you mean about the dates.
- blueluigi wrote : Vaporman87 w
- :XD: Poor Jon.
- Benjanime wrote : would you bel
- I watched this in my youth, but never really cared much for
- Dangit. Good Morning America aired the New Kids On The Block
- vkimo wrote : That would be a h
- We rarely see tornadoes hit our area, but they do hit every
- The saber-toothed tiger should not be far behind. :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : Real men d
- To me, this was more than just a cashing in on the success o
- My favorite of the "Kart" series featuring Mario. None of th
- No. I... am your father. (The Empire Strikes Back)
- As functional as it may or may not be, it just looks ridicul
- shakin steak wrote : Oh, I se
- shakin steak wrote : So, you th
- I would say, at least as far as Batman is concerned, this is
- This puts me in mind of the actual Honey I Shrunk The Kids p
- Yes. Moudy & Rakesh are aware of this, and it is supposed to
- "We... are... faaamilyyyy..."
- It's not supposed to be. I mentioned it though, so hopefully
- Which reminds me... The text code for each smiley can now
- 703. That's how many.
- ...you keep looking over your shoulder for The Noid.
- Noooooooooooo!!! You did it again crow! :lol:
- Have you driven a Fooooord... lately
- Speaking of "Amazing Spider-Man", images surfaced from the s
- A recent "Katie" interview. Kimmy Gibbler was not so air-hea
- Alert emails regarding threads you have replied to ARE going
- It seems like its too early for this new round of consoles.
- I liked the segments without Heathcliff better. The Riff Raf
- I've never heard this. Perhaps if you're expelled, that coul
- Is the marker still in the works? I'm not seeing it.
- Oookay. That's odd.
- I'm informing Moudy about all this. Stay tuned.
- shakin steak wrote : I give up trying to embed video in a r
- There were a few kids in my high school class that ended bei
- Armed... with Ajax!!!
- Today marks (in my own mind) the start of what I call the Se
- There are WAYYYYY too many email alerts being sent out. I ha
- thecrow174 wrote : Let me re-phrase that. The clocks ALMO
- shakin steak wrote : That sou
- It is a real classic. But the scene with the leeches makes m
- I'd like to see all these when they're done. :)
- Which one is it that has the guy trying to hitch a ride and
- HarryCanyon wrote : Oh yes Cl
- thecrow174 wrote : So, from w
- Well, considering I AM a "Pops", I wanna know what people ar
- I want my wife to make me a jello cake with homemade icing.
- A fellow at www.readalongadventures.com put these together.
- 9:30 PM EST
- The issue with the exclamation point and gazillions of email
- dudebro wrote : Will we still
- Ah yes. I remember those days of living in an apartment. In
- One might think Rakesh has multiple personality disorder if
- For what reason was this particular episode "banned"?
- Typical over sensitivity to stuff.
- I don't think the Pilotwings article needs to be a Photog Sm
- dudebro wrote : I'm new and d
- dudebro wrote : That's a bummer about the movie, I was look
- shakin steak wrote : It alrea
- shakin steak wrote : I can't
- When I take a bite into a Peppermint Patty...
- You tell 'em I'M comin'... and H*ll is comin' with me, you h
- dudebro wrote : Thanks for th
- Happy B-Day Garfield! Go have a lasagna.
- I know the feeling. :lol:
- My apologies. The internet here wasn't working right for a w
- vkimo wrote : I'm waiting out
- Yeah. its still wonky. Moudy has been informed.
- dudebro wrote : Ah ok just maki
- shakin steak wrote : "I found
- I've filled mine up with random goodness. :)
- shakin steak wrote : se'ndy-n
- thecrow174 wrote : The Obaman
- Hmmm. That's hard to say for certain. I think in many ways m
- Moudy pointed out to me that there is no way to make the Rea
- dudebro wrote : So whats the plan for next week?
- vkimo wrote : It's really too b
- thecrow174 wrote : So do we jus
- shakin steak wrote : I love h
- Agreed. Though, the PS4 is $100 bucks cheaper than the XBox
- I always thought Larry was the most level headed of the bunc
- vkimo wrote : I don't even kn
- Awesome. I want a giant warehouse of all these machines for
- Okay, so this time it REALLY WILL be Doomsday Machine in the
- dudebro wrote : I might not be
- If you look at your profile info, you notice "Points" text a
- sorry its open now
- Sorry. It will replay next Thursday also.
- pikachulover wrote : A roller
- The whole series of films and the original television series
- I really love The Far Side. Larson could do so much with jus
- Fruit Roll ups were the fruit snack of choice for me. A box
- Ha! I love the Snoopy appearance. That's very funny.
- Yeah. I'm just not so sure about the potential for this film
- Welcome mrs salinger. We're glad you could join us. :XD:
- Benjanime wrote : greetings!
- Indiana Jones 4 could have been good if the item they were s
- The VHS Covers section is now complete. Many, MANY, VHS Cove
- Hey crow... ...it's a good scan but it's only 230 pixels
- I hope they never stop producing Peanuts strips. It would be
- "I'd buy THAT for a dollar!" (RoboCop)
- thecrow174 wrote : Does the V
- Tails wrote : Meh. I give up.
- Tails wrote : I know you try ha
- Thanks for the assist blue. Yeah, PAINT.net and Gimp are fre
- I get the Internal 500 Error when I click on a page number t
- Good grief. I had no idea there were so many older Sonic tit
- shakin steak wrote : Put it i
- Yeah, I usually get the "are you really going to submit this
- Yeah, I usually get the "are you really going to submit this
- Ah yes. The Galaga epic. One of my favorite posts from you,
- Yup. That about sums it up.
- shakin steak wrote : However, I did later see a young and
- vkimo wrote : Yeah, that take
- We still prafur them there outhouses 'n such.
- It depends on the time frame. In the 80's I was using words
- Or "metal coin", or "wooden tree", or "liquid water"... :lol
- Don't sweat it, P. Now we're just devolving into goofiness w
- Was there a series comparable to Three's Company? I can't th
- If nothing else Ben, I'd say treat yourself to something or
- Twilight Zone here. Though Tales from the Darkside compares.
- Yeah, it's pouring here too. I have a feeling they're be ver
- Hmmm. King of the Hill vkimo wrote :
- We have a thread about this one already: http://www.retro
- Pilotwings! The SNES release title. Man, that game introduce
- I don't know if I should admit this or not... but I've never
- Um... Yes. Yes they are.
- Sword fighting with pencils.
- Punching others in the arm with your middle knuckle extended
- What about Lost? I can't say I was exactly thrilled by the e
- Highway To Heaven or Touched By An Angel? Bonanza or Litt
- I'd like to have "Ed" on DVD (not really that retro but...).
- thecrow174 wrote : The Advent
- Yeah, that confused me for a bit also. :D
- Benny Hill was also funny, although more risqué. I like bot
- Any strips not in syndication anymore that you wish we're ba
- I think it got too kooky in the sequel. I mean, was the orig
- I know of none. Though I would say there are several live ev
- That can't be for real. Tell me that is a joke image. lol
- It's a toss up between the second Road Rash for the Genesis
- You just absolutely HAVE to love that intro (at 3:10) wi
- It makes me wonder if there are variations in cd size/thickn
- A nice prize for those who were waiting. Nice job Nintendo.
- A real classic for sure. Such a great rhythm.:D
- I do remember the series vividly. I felt like the live actio
- I might have mentioned this over at RJ, but here are a few t
- I have heard of the name. But never heard their music, to my
- Hey MrC. Good to see you. :)
- I would watch a Jim Carrey Mask sequel. But I would like to
- Youngman not looking so young there. :evil:
- Kid Icarus was one of my early favorites for the NES back in
- "I am invincible!" (Boris, in Goldeneye)
- thecrow174 wrote : I love the
- There are so many 3DO games that I could add to this list th
- Are they from the same company? If so, perhaps it's just a w
- thecrow174 wrote : This one was
- I do think some of the enemies were walking butts.
- True on all counts, but for whatever reason it remains one o
- Harvest Moon geeks everywhere rejoice. My brother is among t
- I'm reminded of Wayne's World... with Wayne being denied the
- Jason Takes Manhattan was atrocious. I vote that one.
- Yeah. They are spam registrations that I delete every day (w
- thecrow174 wrote :< I've seen
- Still making progress on converting this game over. All code
- Bad Movie DaysRunning Out of DaysAnd for your viewing pleasu
- I've never been a fan of the "in the far off future" comic c
- Nightmare fuel, this thread.
- I can do that. I'll give it a go.
- Norm!!! (Cheers)
- I don't remember these.
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporm
- Plus it makes for great fodder. :lol:
- "It's over 9000!!!!!"
- I wondered about that. Still... :XD:
- "Bogus." (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)
- I delightfully fun find. Nice blue! Now if I just had a Beta
- This year's Fair has now officially ended. And, as always, I
- thecrow174 wrote : I was watc
- His voice was pretty good for the part. Though its hard to n
- EGM, GamePro, Nintendo Power, Next Genereation, the "Officia
- shakin steak wrote : Nintendo
- No, not yet. I still plan on checking it out though.
- Was this multiplayer? If so, how many players?
- "Doug, I feel your Roxbury balloon, and I hate to be the one
- It was a nice gimmick with the red cartridge.
- Woohoo! Street Fighter extravaganza! I still have an unopene
- Benjanime wrote : i'm getting
- I was a huge year for sure. Batman was my first exposure
- So far, what I've seen, I'd say it's decent. Not "great", bu
- thecrow174 wrote : The only P
- I take it that we are all having issues logging in to RJ thi
- But no posts in the forum for two days now.
- Can you log in vkimo?
- What was the Oscar winner for Best Film that year?
- I tried logging in again, only to get the "Internal 500" err
- I thought I would offer you up some images of the progress o
- thecrow174 wrote : Adios, spam
- This film was a James Cameron classic of '89. I especial
- Imagine owning an unopened copy of the original Legend of Ze
- In addition to the new box designs for 2013, you will be a a
- Benjanime wrote : you're not
- thecrow174 wrote : I wonder i
- Benjanime wrote :...(hence my new sig)...
- Not a fan of Football myself. But, I wouldn't mind seeing th
- Hmm. Sounds interesting. I may give one of those flavors a t
- It always felt like a mix of happiness to see my friends aga
- Getting used to my locker number was another annoyance.
- Remember the fever pitch that the "poisoned candy" myth reac
- Reminds me of the Charlie Brown special where he runs for cl
- Hanks' star continued to rise above his "Bosom Buddies"
- Study hall and lunch were usually the best times of the day.
- thecrow174 wrote : What was t
- I visited the Peanuts town. It was called Planet Snoopy and
- "Maternal Combat!!!" (Dexter's Laboratory)
- "That man... is a brownie hound." (The Breakfast Club)
- Not a bad show in it's day. Not one of those "must see" show
- Play the game and win some money gang! ;)
- blueluigi: Yeah. It's taken some folks either refreshing the
- "Don't mess with another man's rhubarb." (Batman)
- shakin steak wrote : While sear
- Because you need to hear some good, scary, Halloween music r
- There is a show that plays at Disney's Hollywood Studios tha
- Refresh your browser window a couple of times on any page to
- thecrow174 wrote : Good job w
- vkimo wrote : How would they
- thecrow174 wrote : A new ABC come
- Here are some more images of Marty. HOVERBOARD!
- Benjanime wrote : well since
- vkimo wrote : Who's judging?
- shakin steak wrote : The sing
- The leaderboard so far... Drakon - Level 20 Greyhound
- ...you find yourself eating all the marshmallows in your mon
- Well, my significant other informed me that the show was fun
- Monkretro wrote : Halloween a
- Welcome to RetroDaze Monk. We hope you enjoy your stay.
- "If we give into those people, we're giving into all the cut
- I never saw the draw of them either. But then again, I don't
- Top Hat Sasquatch is an awesome blog that I've lurked about
- Still haven't made my purchase yet. What do you suggest Tomm
- I'm definitely interested in the Nintendo packs, and Alf car
- Also the one that HAS to be a top candidate for worst box ar
- tophatsasquatch wrote : Just do
- For some reason, parts of that track remind me of the Bases
- tophatsasquatch wrote : Awesome, thanks! I'll have to po
- So... I found one of these laying around the office t
- tophatsasquatch wrote : If you're unfamiliar with it, it's
- I always wondered what that oddball format was, but never bo
- shakin steak wrote : I want one
- I would say that now there is a demand simply for collectors
- blueluigi wrote : Man, Vaporm
- Funny how advances in the technology of gaming change our pr
- tophatsasquatch wrote : Kings
- shakin steak wrote : That's w
- And let us not forget Texas Ground Zero. :lol:
- Don't get me wrong. I love the sport of the way games used t
- thecrow174 wrote : Sadly, I a
- vkimo wrote : Nice, Oaks PA i
- Working on something for the PDT that, if everything comes t
- Bumped. Because... these guys deserve it.
- shakin steak wrote : What do
- I have told this story NUMEROUS times... When in college,
- shakin steak wrote : Cool.
- thecrow174 wrote : What is it
- shakin steak wrote : Today is
- thecrow174 wrote : Too bad Mich
- shakin steak wrote : I do not l
- shakin steak wrote : Sewage d
- The leaderboard so far... Drakon - Level 34 Greyhound
- shakin steak wrote : Of course
- Game on.:evil:
- Mustard and Ketchup cover Cheese, and ruin the flavor Milk.
- A Sandler classic. Also, the Hanukkah song.
- Ready... Down... Hut,hut,hut,hut,hut,hut,hut... ad infinitum
- blueluigi wrote : I asked the waitress to bring me anothe
- OH YEAH! My goodies came in the mail and I'm ready to peel t
- Played this last night with the kids. It is very nice to loo
- A licensing expo in Brazil led to the leaking of a promotion
- "Back... and to tha left. Back... and to tha left. Back... a
- Hello Firekid. Welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
- SegaFanatic wrote : Hello eve
- vkimo wrote : I was disappoin
- I can't believe I still have yet to find a store selling the
- thecrow174 wrote : I can't wa
- Yesterday, it was "Total Eclipse of the Heart".
- I caught a glimpse of the Hyrule Historia in Walmart the oth
- Many times, though most of them occurred lots of years ago.
- Metal Gear has had it's share of "rereleases" or "add ons" a
- vkimo, did you happen to make it to the show?
- Yeesh. How far we have come musically. :XD:
- Perhaps we can arrange to attend next year's. Even provide s
- It seems like that their core selection of games is always s
- vkimo wrote : Is this always
- The scene in The Breakfast Club in which the Principal and B
- Saw this in Target. What's with the sudden and widespread fa
- My wife sent me to pick up this from a local seller. I'm not
- Benjanime wrote : you guys ar
- I had read some news on this last week. I wasn't sure if it
- Caps 2.0 wrote : I was wonder
- The Cereal Box gallery has officially opened, courtesy of Ce
- SilverMagician wrote : Yep! I
- thecrow174 wrote : I saw some c
- Benjanime wrote : here's an i
- They really loved using those "jingly" sounds in that show,
- Monkretro wrote : thanks man,
- Not sure. I know of a few series where an extra length pilot
- It seems like we have seen several of these where the deskto
- SilverMagician wrote : I can'
- The Ark of the Covenant. :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : A 1958 Plymo
- Wow! That's incredible. And way more work than I would ever
- thecrow174 wrote : Do animate
- A Carpenter Classic. Of course, there are few Carpenter movi
- shakin steak wrote : Compare
- Hmmm, if they are set to be too difficult then I may need to
- I would consider that wiener mobile to be a rather salty rid
- This fan movie is superior to that, from all appearances.
- I watched The Price is Right, Family Fued, and Press Your Lu
- Speaking of Wheel of Fortune...
- Benjanime wrote : i never did
- Perhaps if one were turning their entire room into a homage
- Monkretro wrote : love the sh
- shakin steak wrote : You Can't Do That on Television I
- thecrow174 wrote : Would one
- Monkretro wrote : Hmm I think
- thecrow174 wrote : You want m
- Benjanime wrote : you won't believe
- I like that Solomon's Key box art. Very 80's. :)
- shakin steak wrote : Nope, th
- Wow! That's awesome! You can keep all your old systems in st
- No, now there needs to be a model that can play all of those
- Cliff Knueppel of The Holidaze has agreed to perform the dut
- Also, it's apparent that pitcher's will routinely post ERA's
- Legoland California is holding celebrating Halloween in a co
- When does this release? Or is already out?
- An email I received reminded me that I am still an affiliate
- SilverMagician wrote : Descen
- SilverMagician wrote : Mr. Bean was the main funny man wh
- No baseball game will ever top Bases Loaded, imho. :)
- blueluigi wrote : And I took a look at this system. While
- arizvega wrote : You know every Base ball game i play for
- Tiger Woods, up until his recent misconduct.
- I know that in the Genesis version you could be knocked a LO
- Some straight grocery stores do a decent job of getting into
- As low prices go, they weren't THAT scary. :\
- thecrow174 wrote : I wonder i
- No, no, no, no, no... it's a "re-imagining". There's a diffe
- thecrow174 wrote : It's also
- vkimo wrote : My dad said whe
- I'm not a fan of remakes, re-imaginings, reboots, or any oth
- thecrow174 wrote : Do people
- shakin steak wrote : I'll tak
- We'll, poop. I managed to find Frankenberry, Booberry, & Cou
- As reported by our friend Rondal at StrangeKidsClub, this ye
- This thread reminded me of a game I really enjoyed for the P
- thecrow174 wrote : What's Mon
- shakin steak wrote : Manic! w
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I can remember the Halloween
- We'll be waiting for it for years. :evil:
- I like the occasional list. Especially if it reminds me of s
- Saw this today on Facebook. Very cool. Robot Roll Call!!!
- shakin steak wrote : Missed this before...I understand wh
- shakin steak wrote : You probably don't have to worry abo
- It occurred to me that there should be a market for containe
- Too bad the McD's commercials are so much less child-oriente
- "Not at present, but I can see you're pushing maximum densit
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : The new pails look so commercia
- Maybe they'll receive some emails of disappointment and deci
- There's just less originality in marketing in general, but i
- Over the years, I've become a big fan of the efforts by soda
- Yeah, the only pictures I've seen of my old Elementary Schoo
- blueluigi wrote : The elementar
- At last... Frute Brute & Fruity Yummy Mummy are mine! Pre
- Our extreme dependence on mobile devices for one. I am more
- All the use of "high fructose corn syrup" to sweeten drinks,
- Long, loooong ago, when I was no older than my kids are now,
- pikachulover wrote : I don't like how everything is getti
- shakin steak wrote : Things are
- Finally just completed the Halloween Special. It's chock ful
- PastGarden wrote : Goosebumps h
- An update on Marty...That does it for the sculpting. Now he'
- Of course, the Reds! Hopefully they can eliminate the Pir
- He works on 6 or 7 at a time. It's a source of income for hi
- thecrow174 wrote : Someone gi
- thecrow174 wrote : I just tho
- PastGarden wrote : Does anyone
- I once wrote a small article complaining about the way in wh
- Woah. That's a lot to chew on. But I have to say I agree on
- vkimo wrote : My car was maki
- vkimo wrote : Either way, I c
- roygerdodger wrote : Mine is
- roygerdodger wrote : "Peanuts
- Mr. Burns, kiss your butt goodbye!
- vkimo wrote : Pretty much any
- Image Comics were all the rage in the 90's. But some of thes
- Well poop. Another year, another Reds ouster before things r
- Each day in October, these guys will be offering up a "mixta
- thecrow174 wrote : This comme
- blueluigi wrote : Nice. I'm g
- ...if it's time to make the donuts. 100 baby!
- You know, it might be possible to log in to RD from multiple
- Ohio just can't win for losing.
- vkimo wrote : I finally got a
- If you're a fan of MST3K, you almost definitely remember one
- ...if you're still using the phrase, "Ha! I kill me!" after
- thecrow174 wrote : Burger King ha
- thecrow174 wrote : I definite
- Before I was married, I would often fall asleep to an episod
- I see they are also introducing lower fat/calorie fries, dub
- thecrow174 wrote : Tango and
- Fall is probably my favorite time of year, though I like all
- This seemed like the most appropriate thread to post this in
- Our friends at Strange Kids Club are offering some nifty pri
- Okay, I tested the process I mentioned above in my previous
- O-R-E-O. Do they still use that jingle?
- Tried the "satisfries" today. I was less than satisfried.
- thecrow174 wrote : I've alway
- Love the classic Final Fight series. I would like to see a r
- I thought Jamie Lee Curtis was the "scream queen"?
- The original "horror sounds" vintage cassette tape did not d
- thecrow174 wrote : Anyway, my all-time favorite Halloween
- A recent outing to Toys 'R Us and Red Lobster are the source
- Goosebumps on my arms, right now. This is going to be th
- The size for this iteration of Godzilla is almost DOUBLE his
- thecrow174 wrote : I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, b
- thecrow174 wrote : I don't know how that happened.
- That reminds me of fluctuating proportions of Godzooky in th
- There you go. ;)
- pikachulover wrote : That rem
- vkimo wrote : Or how about when the monsters are walking i
- vkimo wrote : Yeah, back in Cal
- pikachulover wrote : When I was a kid I wanted my parents t
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : E
- The evenings lately have been in the low sixties to higher f
- shakin steak wrote : In Chicago, we have four seasons: Wi
- That looks cool. The kids will like that one, and me as well
- vkimo wrote : One of the few
- That was an excellent way to market this. To remind us of al
- That is a bit strange. I know that in my teens I enjoyed rec
- It's not often that a special like this sees air time on a m
- vkimo wrote : If they did tha
- I'm not repulsed by the fascination with the 80's and 90's o
- thecrow174 wrote : But how did she see it when it hasn't pr
- blueluigi wrote : It'd be interesting to see what a Pixar T
- So, it's true then? Wrestling has gone back to it's PG roots
- blueluigi wrote : I remember
- thecrow174 wrote : There's su
- Under Scoop Fire gives us a nice look into RetroCon 2013 thr
- Sneak Peek at Toy Story of Terror (Also, Carl Weathers is ap
- This funny little Disney short has a nice, Halloweenish them
- I have been, but it's been quite some time. I don't even rem
- To me, the whole Mark Henry/Birth of a Hand storyline was th
- Grossed out? Yes. But not to the point of being sick. :lol:
- :lol: When is the next Poop Talk, 'cause it's my favorite sh
- Oldschool62 wrote : T.V. is b
- shakin steak wrote : Get a bigger antenna
- No.
- One lucky attendee (who has taken the time to have posted he
- shakin steak wrote : I've loo
- With regard to always looking at their tiny screens, I could
- That should be funny. Looking forward to catching it on Hulu
- Again, my thanks for the info. I would be most excited to ac
- Topp's Garbage Can-dy, to start things off small :)
- I wouldn't mind popping open another bottle of Red Fusion:Or
- Yeah. Hasn't really hit a stride yet. Give it some time, and
- thecrow174 wrote : Only three
- A recent trip to Target is the source of these images:My boy
- PastGarden wrote : Also, the internet access that childre
- Well, at least that much can be said for the mother. I mysel
- Caps 2.0 wrote : I think I may have alienated her with co
- So far, 26 people from Facebook have signed up to attend the
- Something else I could care less for, though it is something
- Well, it shouldn't. Though, that remains to be seen I suppos
- thecrow174 wrote : Bullying h
- Drakon did it! Drakon reached level 100!!! He is the winner
- Drakon wrote : I MADE LEVEL 1
- Benjanime wrote : hope these
- I would really like to see a re-release of the classic Dino
- LOL! Those wouldn't be so funny if they didn't ring so true
- OMG!!! Tennis! I can't tell you how many hours were spent at
- I would also like to see a re-release of the Starriors line
- Stepping into hot button territory here, but I just can't st
- I think if you're going to end subsidies for one group, you
- thecrow174 wrote : I'd like t
- Such a great classic. It's fun and simple. All you could wan
- There is a lot of sense in what you've mentioned. Some th
- shakin steak wrote : beep, be
- Hey Halloween Special attendees!You too can have your very o
- pikachulover wrote : I was th
- Blue, have you ever been a contributor to a gaming publicati
- I don't remember much about that one. But I do know I saw it
- Fixed the image. For some reason, when you are placing code
- Another soda merchandiser display. Who ya gonna call?
- I have clearer memories of Thanksgivings past than I do Hall
- I was never so desperate. Perhaps because those years were g
- PastGarden wrote : I've sometimes wished that I could be
- It always tickles me to see how serious those people are abo
- Richard Prior was not funny at all to me. I've never underst
- shakin steak wrote : Children
- The painting of Marty continues...
- :lol: Is it not okay to prefer the original?
- I found Kid Rock's track that included "Sweet Home Alabama"
- The work on the yearbook is beginning. If you have suggestio
- I believe so. Blurb allows a version for e-readers, so I wou
- Benjanime wrote : alright. we
- blueluigi wrote : Nice idea, an
- I love the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. But it's very dif
- As wonderful as that may be, I'm not sure how many readers w
- Is there nothing Burger King will not do for marketing purpo
- Yeah. It makes things much easier. The "Quote" button isn't
- Poor Marty. He's seen better days... and better days are ahe
- I did enjoy "The Toy" and "See No Evil, Hear No Evil". Also,
- I don't consider myself to be a "nostalgiatard". However, I
- I find that these days there is a lot more variety in how yo
- Only one night remaining until the Special. Looking forward
- I have to agree with Rondal from SKC when I say that this ha
- Oh... and also...POST #150!
- The "Article Writer's Awards" Trophy. What should we call th
- Certainly is turning out to be a wet start to the Fall seaso
- No. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
- @Benjanime: What are you talking about? I don't recall these
- That's very cool. And only $40? So odd that this was at Bed
- Why is that person pouring strawberry milk in cereal?
- My flash player crashed. Awesome. Hopefully everyone else is
- Cool. Sorry. Hate it when that happens. Shoulda used Chrome.
- Anyone desiring to see it again (I know crow needs to).
- Yes. We can do that.
- In the 90's I used chat almost exclusively. Now, it's only t
- So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate last night's H
- I wonder if Nintendo will do a "Halloween" themed set of rel
- @crow: Cool! Thanks for the heads up.
- Glad you enjoyed it. I know I had a fun time putting it toge
- I recently came across the script for the now defunct, plann
- For those who missed out on the Halloween Special, or just w
- And the winner of the Hallmark Spooky Sounds Tape is...bluel
- Probably The Munsters. It was on Netflix or Hulu... can't re
- Not the dog you want to run into...
- I SAID.....Everyone else who attended the viewing Thursday n
- @Benjanime: Eh... er... what is that?
- He definitely has that "Earthworm Jim"/Doug TenNaple look to
- You Eeeeeeeediot!!!
- Punky and Brandon were a great team.
- SpongeBob felt like one of those properties that would live
- @shakin steak: That's a good selection of shows. You have go
- Yeah. I'm with you. The Cardinals being in the same division
- The animation is somehow worse than that of the specials fro
- I think it's a wonderful thing. In fact, I wish networks wou
- 1 DAY LEFT!!!
- 3 DAYS LEFT!!!That's all the time there is left for you guys
- "Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars... caaash."
- Because nothing screams "HALLOWEEN" like breakfast. :P
- thecrow174 wrote : Speaking of
- thecrow174 wrote : I remember t
- thecrow174 wrote : Homemade pan
- Well, I'm not sure I watch any movies on Thanksgiving. I onl
- vkimo wrote : National Lampoons
- thecrow174 wrote : Probably jus
- Did you actually follow them to the parking lot to snap pics
- thecrow174 wrote : I've been ca
- I actually got a glimpse of one here in no man's land severa
- shakin steak wrote :I have just been made aware by someone o
- :lol: Hey now. I am in that boat too. I only ever recall wat
- Speaking of SpongeBob:Cemetery removes Iraq War vet's Sponge
- There, that's better. :)
- Apology Not Accepted: Pumpkin Thief's Confession Falls FlatB
- HarryCanyon wrote :
- I would love to own a DeLorean. The only problem would be if
- I hope things get better for you man. I know that feeling yo
- I find it funny that in season 3 of the new Nick series, Don
- And let us not forget the misadventures of poor Seamus Romne
- shakin steak wrote : That's got
- Sirius/XM's Scream channel will go live again this year this
- Always loved that thorn in Garfield's side. :D
- thecrow174 wrote : Stealing a p
- The real "Marty" looks much better in reality (30 years late
- shakin steak wrote : By the way, while I was there, I did t
- thecrow174 wrote : Delete scene
- This was an image that went with an old list I wrote on my n
- Well, I would prefer to do it BEFORE Thanksgiving because th
- shakin steak wrote :The tree goes up and gets its decoration
- So, it's snowing here right now. What the heck???
- Quite possibly the worst Halloween candy that a poor child c
- thecrow174 wrote : Are those Sw
- You have to switch to the "code" version (by clicking the re
- What do you get when you cross a classic kids novelty with H
- thecrow174 wrote :A good example of what fall should look li
- Benjanime wrote :
- I see Bigfoot!!! Seriously though, that's really cool.
- "The gum that bites you back."
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Chr
- :lol: Now that is it in a nutshell!
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Or
- Benjanime wrote : i wonder how
- A great many Ben Foster mask and body suit characters. More
- Here is the link to my post at Strange Kids Club on Witch's
- This is the first year in ages that Trick-or-Treat is actual
- vkimo wrote : Here's to 200 mor
- When did this show air, and what channel? I remember it vagu
- Mine began as Mr. Vapor on the now defunct X-Band Network fo
- That's awesome pikachulover. That is the type of costume I'm
- I wanna know where "Caps 2.0" comes from. :)
- That's an ouchie for Escape Plan in, what... It's second wee
- vkimo wrote : How was X Band? I read about it before and it
- Well, if they were planning on killing off a main Simpsons c
- Reenacting the scene in Star Wars where the Spectacled Jedi
- thecrow174 wrote : That blue Li
- vkimo wrote : Your son could ha
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :However to make this up I'll show
- In the spirit of Halloween, I present you with a post from t
- Only $500 bucks more and this mag is gettin' made! If so, we
- I don't like that nowadays towns like to start their Trick-o
- Good old Ned.
- Two of my favorites that year...
- Worst line from TMNT: "I made a funny!"
- Correct. Though it is yet to be determined.When I have a con
- http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/stop-the-presses/boris-pickett-
- And the winner of the first annual Halloween Article Contest
- Marty is starting to look a lot like Marty!
- Got the kids' pumpkins carved last night. The boys just had
- thecrow174 wrote : Nice work. L
- vkimo wrote : Did she use a ste
- There's a Campbell's soup commercial that seems to air every
- Not necessarily a banner year for films, though there were a
- Did John Carpenter compose that Pokemon soundtrack? :lol:
- Kevin Costner plays the same character in every movie. But,
- I should say, he acts in the same manner in every film. I co
- Really? Seriously... how does having such a short video of j
- Congrats to the team and the folks of Boston. They needed a
- Tonight is the night!
- I'm just now noticing that the colors around R-town are star
- Man I hope it doesn't rain tonight. They're calling for rain
- The explanation for this little turd is simple... Kojima was
- Cha-ching! This magazine's gettin' made! I'm really looking
- Angry Nerd hates crossbranding.
- Well, the R-Town Star Wars contingent tore a path through th
- Spending that watching "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brow
- I'm not sure about that. I suppose we'll find out.
- Hmm. I didn't realize there was a Jetsons movie. Was this in
- To my knowledge, there aren't many launch titles for any of
- Never even heard of that one. I'm guessing there's a reason
- It always humored me to see Nintendo allow the release of ga
- It occurred to me recently, after having seen the trailer fo
- Why would the poor turkey WANT to celebrate?
- Well, I have made a purchase for an outdoor antenna, though
- The winds tore through here last night. Some places were wit
- Perhaps a "Trip Me Repeatedly Elmo" might be creepier... if
- I would have preferred that any day Ben!
- I was hoping you would chime in on this blue. Thanks for tha
- Dad had several of the old style ones sitting out on the cou
- Turkey (juicy, not dry) with a healthy coating of gravy made
- Yeah. Caramelized sweet potatoes are good as well. And green
- Benjanime wrote : it's a little
- pikachulover wrote : Stuffing.
- Is this animated, or live action?
- I honestly do not remember the exact age, but I would say I
- Benjanime wrote : that sounds g
- Miss M. is the creative force behind the Diary of a Dorkette
- The perfect Christmas gift for the man who hates leaving the
- It looks (from in game hints and stuff) like Mickey (Sorcere
- Critically panned, horrendously animated, terribly hard, yet
- The ad for the first issue of Cool & Collected Magazine:
- It is, but .com links back to .org, and it is more appealing
- Cute Ben. :) Create an image of your characters and a Christ
- I would just place them in with the other images of "Christm
- Well, the family and I caught a viewing of "Free Birds" last
- Benjanime wrote : alrighty. so
- I hadn't heard of it until some of you mentioned it here. Mi
- Enjoyed the first one! :lol: Though to put the words Captain
- Well, I've come to the realization that there is simply no s
- I rented my share of Blockbuster videos and games. But my fo
- After a night of playing the Lego "Marvel" game that just re
- The latest Marty update. Now, he's on to painting the Hoverb
- vkimo wrote :In the end I can't feel too sorry for Blockbust
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : May
- That's... that's a guy???Why does this not surprise me?
- Cauliflower with cheese is also good. Cheese can make a vari
- pikachulover wrote : MissM wrot
- Caps 2.0 wrote : When you make
- shakin steak wrote :Thanks guys. I'm glad I'm not the only o
- I purchased some Christmas Crunch. It's no "Monster Cereal",
- Hey Chrisno! Welcome here. I hope you enjoy your stay, and i
- Psst... vkimo... if you want to eliminate the auto-resizing
- vkimo wrote : There we go!
- MissM wrote :And Vaporman, I hope you still have those "Radi
- vkimo wrote : I don't remember it being this corny thou
- Yes! Awesome!Brian from Cool and Collected has graciously ag
- But, there can be only one. So, have at it boys.
- So, does no company own property rights to the TurboGrafix-1
- Benjanime wrote : i'd certainly
- Not a problem TDITH. It's not an art contest. :)
- I'm not great, but I am not too modest to say that I have so
- vkimo wrote :Any samples of your art?-end quoteYes. Here: ht
- vkimo wrote :Wow, no need to be modest at all! Your work has
- Correct. I would pencil and ink everything, then email them
- Moving... again? That stinks. How far this time?
- Oh good then. The shorter the distance the better in moves.
- Indeed. With so much stuff advancing beyond the "brick and m
- Yeah. It seems that store turnover these days is so much big
- How much money was lost on that do you suppose. I know it ha
- I grew up in the 80's... the time of the dinosaurs, accordin
- vkimo wrote : I guess I'll have
- vkimo wrote : I've been spoiled
- chrisno51 wrote : I miss the ol
- Speaking of Spider-Man reboots... this.Funny that he used Mr
- vkimo wrote : There's a documen
- Was her material something like Enigma?
- Gaijin_Ninja wrote : I feel you
- Well, there was a great deal of Native American influence in
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Tha
- So... anyone a "Black Friday" shopper? If so, what deals are
- thecrow174 wrote : That scene f
- Oh okay. Well, my bad. But, that's a good one also.
- Nice choice blue.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote: Where do I send it to?
- :lol:Well if nothing else, this has taught us some AIDS fact
- I wasn't a big fan of the show, though I occasionally tuned
- Woah! Could be cool, though I'm skeptical. But I'll give it
- pikachulover wrote : Sailor Moo
- Um, it snowed today. But not just a few flakes this time. It
- It's snowing again now, though just a little bit. "It's begi
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : How
- This is outrageous. This film is doomed. And it deserves to
- Been to Wizard World Chicago and Philly (back in the mid-200
- Where is he now? :lol:
- Yeesh. Why do I feel like I should be seeing that image in a
- Saw "The Kremps" episode... it was pretty funny. I liked the
- That's just sweet!
- Yup. And Adam's grandpa talking about Tron as though he is a
- What about favorite Thanksgiving desserts? Pumpkin Pie with
- If this doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit, not much wi
- I prefer this version (circa 1973-1991)
- My dad ALWAYS had to have Raisin Pie. Blech!!! I could never
- shakin steak wrote :Have you ever heard of this? Do yo
- Canadian Spaghetti Thanksgivings rock! :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : Do brownies
- SegaFanatic wrote :It was fun, but there was and still are t
- I think their sister is seeing more movie action than they a
- Score for them. That in itself will win them plenty of viewe
- thecrow174 wrote : As for cakes
- I think that, when it comes to what you might call a "modern
- Don't recall ever having the pleasure of seeing this.
- Just purchased a Wii U for the family for an early Christmas
- Thanks blue. I was checking out Pikmin 3 and NintendoLand to
- thecrow174 wrote : Is that TBS
- Well... yesterday was the OFFICIAL start of the Christmas se
- Here is the balloon lineup for this year's parade... -Some n
- I just saw the "They Do Exist" M&M's ad twice on the tel
- His legacy (Obama, not Vertex... or well... maybe Vertex...
- *Pow!* Shoot that dog in the teeth. :evil:
- Well she is a worldwide toy sensation so... maybe that's it.
- The hoverboard has been cast in plastic, with a custom desig
- :lol: shakin.Marty McFly vs Michael Ironside.
- Derk wrote : I certainly hope h
- Derk wrote : I hope I'm wrong, but I think the damage h
- This should be in place come next week.Moudy has had some is
- Okay...So between my family's upcoming week at Disney, and t
- I enjoyed the TMNT soundtrack as well as Goldeneye and Batma
- What is Fall's last official day? It feels like Winter alrea
- "You'll shoot your eye out..." (A Christmas Story)
- Derk, that stinks. I can't imagine being holed up in my hous
- I had the fortune of enjoying one of those marathons during
- I had one album from Korn. Though I can't say I really liked
- I'll take some. :) Love those rolls. Croissants also. Especi
- I saw the trailer for this earlier in the week.Meh. I'm not
- vkimo wrote : I'm looking forwa
- Benjanime wrote : mickey's chri
- I don't understand the fascination with creating dummy accou
- Yeah, potato salad isn't exactly a favorite of mine. Though
- vkimo wrote : Does anyone have
- Anybody already taking advantage of the great lay-a-way deal
- I believe Sega Fanatic and Thatdudeinthehoodie both have dra
- vkimo wrote : There were 2 for
- :lol:That's just bizarre... yet cool.
- At my local grocer, I found a few fun Christmas treats that
- thecrow174 wrote : It might hav
- The much sought after (in Dutch and Hamato's world) "BERT" A
- Cool. So far we have Mickey's Christmas Carol, and the Charl
- I'm not sure what good it is to only have an 80's forum. The
- MissM wrote : Ok Vaporman, I lo
- An update on this... well... update... I've been informed as
- shakin steak wrote : He did; th
- Just how I would want to spend my days leading up to Thanksg
- Satisfactory for everyone???
- Derk wrote : NO GARFIELD?!?&nbs
- I didn't have an option to block IPs built here either. Even
- thecrow174 wrote : Big winds co
- I plan on taking the kids to see it, but just have not gotte
- Looking forward to it! Let those balloons fly.
- I enjoyed this year's Macy's parade. Lot's of good floats an
- blueluigi wrote : http://www.yo
- Really could have done without all the "teeny-bopper" singer
- From December the 1st through the 8th, I'll be on a little m
- I was at Walmart earlier, and they had everything cleared ou
- Because no classic film can ever live out it's life WITHOUT
- Sequel mania continues. I don't recall ever playing the thir
- The header is up! Refresh your browser once or twice if it's
- Having watched a few clips of this on YouTube, I can see tha
- No thanks. I can do without the crowds. Sure, it's occasiona
- So what kind of tree are you getting for the 2013 season? We
- Nice find Derk. I was at Walmart today and the place was cro
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Here ya go
- R.I.P. Brian. :roll:
- Not a Seth McFarland fan. And therefore not a fan of Brian's
- Benjanime wrote : there was bar
- Well, after traveling for like 20 hours over 2 days, we're f
- None that I found. That's not to say there isn't one out the
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I'm
- Loot! Awesome Justin. Especially liking the "mafia" style mi
- Well, I just got the exclusive sneak peek at the first issue
- I felt like I've been hit by a truck. It's been an exhaustin
- Frank Welker is up there too.
- Hate to hear that. I liked his character a lot on the show.
- These all sound great man. Really looking forward to them al
- My oh my. I remember these days with some fondness, and a lo
- So they do. That's.... Strange. But then again, so was the s
- You can play the original Sonic in more places than any Mari
- I miss the cereal! I hate that it got taken out of productio
- He was alive enough to appear in the Macy's parade again. Un
- Heading back now. I've got some more photos to show you all,
- No, no Tom Hanks. I have a hard time seeing him as Disney, b
- M I C, K E Y... M O U S E... (The Mickey Mouse Club)
- Just watched the "Zelda" episode on the way home last night.
- I've seen probably two or three different varieties of Chris
- I read an article that called the movie a "bashing" of the M
- The "official" teaser trailer is up for the 2014 Godzilla fi
- I have officially watched all episodes of the show now, thro
- Who would be interested in doing an RD Secret Santa thing? A
- Some of the better clips from the MST3K episode, Santa Claus
- What is "Son Son"? I've never heard of that game. So how can
- What's the BEST present you've ever received?For me, I would
- Better - Pepsi, Coke, or RC?
- I've noticed that Wal-Mart is once again selling REAL Christ
- shakin steak wrote :Would ya'll believe me if I said I never
- Each year we get our REAL tree from a place just a mile or s
- Well, we're going to shoot for this Friday (the 19th) at 8:0
- I had said that Friday was the 19th, but it's actually the 2
- So, is it Friday or Saturday then? Cause Ben has to work on
- The boys (Mike, Bill, and Kevin) have introduced their riff
- These were huge that year...My personal favorite that year w
- This has to be a sign of the Apocalypse:"Detective Frank Dre
- vkimo wrote :I really enjoyed Redbull Cola, it was only out
- JFK was a great film. It really opened the door for more dis
- After consulting with the wife, it looks like Saturday is go
- This was modestly successful for the Star Trek film series,
- shakin steak wrote : Originally
- shakin steak wrote :"Due to backlash from parents over the d
- At long last... the invite...
- Each year, one of our children take their turn visiting a on
- A very familiar tune for those who loved Streets of Rage 3:
- And for those of us who loved Revenge of Shinobi:
- The eerie opening theme to the fabulous Super Metroid...
- thecrow174 wrote : Spooky!The O
- The print magazines are now on sale! So, as a Christmas pres
- Love Earthworm Jim, and the soundtrack for the game was so a
- Well, it may have taken until Christmas, but vkimo is finall
- I used this track from the STELLAR Lunar: Silver Star Story
- What's the difference with the 3D versions?
- It's a great idea, that maybe should have been more develope
- Well... Brian from Cool & Collected (the website AND the mag
- Hamato confronts his old nemesis, Xander...
- Well... It's 8:52 and nobody has shown up. Time to close the
- Just me and you tonight bro. :D
- Maybe so... but the weather started over a month ago. :D
- Something I never knew...The opening theme to the awesome So
- I'm hoping Santa brings me what I want this year... which is
- thecrow174 wrote : Have you bee
- Well... here we are. The night before Christmas.As I sit her
- A Millennium Falcon t-shirt, a audio drama set of Mere Chris
- Benjanime wrote : yes, sadly lo
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- shakin steak wrote : Long johns
- I received my NES one Christmas (which turned out to be prob
- I think the pairing of long johns and dough scrapers making
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Tho
- What would you give the film... Out of 5 stars?
- echidna64 wrote : My lady got m
- I could also include our two trips to Disney World among the
- Love lift us up where we belong.... :mad: (get o
- My kids got 3DS handhelds this year. They are loving them. I
- blueluigi wrote : Animal Crossi
- thecrow174 wrote :Two trips? Are you a millionaire?
- thecrow174 wrote :You don't have to listen to all 10 hrs. of
- That stinks. Uncle Phil has gone away.
- thecrow174 wrote : Who says peanut
- Reese's Cups are always the first to get into the "holiday"
- I would recognize this tune right away if I heard it out and
- I was thinking specifically of the Godzilla movie as the one
- I never could enjoy Bases Loaded 2 as much as the first. I h
- Looks like Vertex is shooting for the next week or two. Look
- This is the style of Mickey short that I saw during Hallowee
- Was she the artist who actually sang for the movie sequence
- My brother and I actually quite enjoyed the video game for t
- To be honest, I don't remember the point of the game.
- Some info on the upcoming toy line (based on the new film) h
- thecrow174 wrote : Too bad she
- Yeah. I can't post yet either. But I'm really enjoying the "
- You can post in the forum now. Sweet.
- The lineup for this year's RetroCon is promising...
- Getting dry ice stuck to your tongue is annoying enough. :lo
- Maybe I'm just "slow", but trying to figure out the chronolo
- blueluigi wrote :Goonies II - Level 1 Music
- This time of year, not often. However, as the Spring and Sum
- I've seen a few trailers for it which looked promising. Does
- It would appear that the "RetroDaze" thread in the RJ forum
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Som
- Ben, where the heck is that thing from? :lol:
- I've seen some video on Game Trailers (via the Xbox360) that
- It's the Green Giant's granddaughter?
- shakin steak wrote : Hands on k
- shakin steak wrote : five bucks
- I received the magazines, and they are just sweet! Still hav
- Here's a sneak peak at the upcoming Star Wars movie...
- I've ordered my RetroN 3 from Amazon for $49 shipped. Having
- Thankfully though, I don't own any games with those lockout
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Ano
- These "shortages" always crack me up. It's shades of the "Tw
- Well that explains everything...
- So sweet! It's a one of a kind treasure! Love it!
- I'd be pretty upset if there were a Mt. Dew shortage. Pretty
- thecrow174 wrote : What if ther
- I remember one year in high school, when our boys varsity ba
- vkimo wrote :I wrote a whole article on me ditching class fo
- This has the smell of Ben-Gay and Metamucil all over it...ht
- It noticed Boxsome has the WFRR wax packs available. Cool.
- All 3 live action movies and the 200X CGI fest are available
- I haven't even PLAYED it, but I could tell this from just lo
- This collection of tracks would make one amazing CD set. :lo
- I got a rock.
- thecrow174 wrote : This isn't a
- Sorry Ben. But hey, break out the sleds again!
- And let us not forget the peanut butter overload of the "Big
- During our 7th and 8th grade years, we intermittently consid
- shakin steak wrote : So I guess
- My thoughts too. I don't mind the cold as long as it doesn't
- I can't say I have a friend, or anyone for that matter, clai
- Not to mention poor Jerry...
- Benjanime wrote : i don't know
- This episode was very interesting to me...Pop Fiction
- vkimo wrote : If someone submit
- I'm guessing it was nothing more than a synthesized noise. S
- Another of my favorite episodes...Pop Fiction
- I wasn't aware that it had not yet made it to DVD. I wonder
- :lol: Holy cow! I wasn't too far off in my estimation. Thoug
- Actually, there was a He-Man video game that had a nationwid
- Yeah, I think that's in there too. Though, like crow, I have
- :lol: What an awful picture! Where on earth is his "super su
- Simon's Quest! I have that game still in the package/never u
- Moudy wrote :How about Step up ? -end
- In Walmart yesterday, I saw AT LEAST four different variatio
- I received my RetroN 3 in the mail yesterday, and last night
- thecrow174 wrote : -end quote... duh,
- I love a good challenge, but I think my hand/eye coordinatio
- In a poignant moment, He-Man gives up his power, under the i
- It was a show that could transcend age groups, as I would en
- I don't get to catch the Winter Olympics, aside from what I
- Yeah. I've seen a few promotions that use the snowboarding a
- Yup. What crow said. :D
- What was the name of the joint that they would occasionally
- rakesh123 wrote : sdfsdf
- I only know that Drudge had the headline, "Pot Bowl", in ref
- shakin steak wrote : Heh, you'r
- I had seen a trailer different from this some time ago. Not
- I have no idea why anyone would want to "be" there for the g
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : It'
- We ALWAYS get sick this time of year, passing it from one to
- thecrow174 wrote : I've had a c
- They're speeding them up as in they are cutting content, or
- Well, if you read/heard/watched the news any over past few d
- thecrow174 wrote : It looks lik
- pikachulover wrote : Did anybod
- He's still doing stand up comedy, if I'm not mistaken.
- Yeah. Saw that costume image the other night. I'm... Not...
- Yeah, I have two or three to catch up on at Hulu.
- Yes. If the thing happened during 1999, then it makes no dif
- thecrow174 wrote : You can only
- My wife watched it and said she enjoyed it, but after lookin
- It's sad that fans had reached a point of wishing the mind b
- Uhhhhgggg. Another day with temperatures in the single digit
- Here is a look at the cast of the movie today, and what they
- Seeing that the original director is involved gives one a gr
- Normally the cold would be good for business, and that would
- :lol: Ben... that's hilarious.
- That's a good term for this type of film. "Interquel". I'm i
- No problem steak. Glad you enjoyed it!
- Yeah. Not only have I stopped caring about them, I despise t
- Sorry to hear about the job situation Ben. This weather has
- Melissa: "But they're all following you."Rubber Duck: "No, t
- Ummm... ....yeah.
- Make it stop!!!! :lol:
- Has to be the car of some college kid. Likely a computer sci
- thecrow174 wrote : I haven't se
- Looks like Mr. Youngman's relation is looking to fund a docu
- I loved all these 80s/90s romantic thriller movie titles. :l
- Here it is... I woke up again this morning to temperatures b
- Those little SD cards have gotten so small, some can fit on
- DC probably wishes they could re-capture the essence of that
- Iron Man gets the 8-Bit treatment...
- Ahhh. Some great commercials from the glory days of Trendmas
- So... I guess that means 5 years from now we'll hear rumors
- We still have snow from a few days ago that hasn't yet disap
- Sugar Free Reese's Cups are blasphemous.
- I couldn't even begin to guess what the subject will be, but
- Yeah. I love to tell a story myself. I've attempted a couple
- Hmm... I'm not sure what to think yet. I'm going to let this
- :lol: I saw that still image of the video and thought, "I do
- thecrow174 wrote : I like eatin
- Huuu... Okay. Here are my thoughts so far. I like the l
- Paul Crane of Totally Oldies has once again agreed to be one
- So now multiple places are posting this as the real deal?
- @steak: Yeah, what is up with 2 of the turtles having one ty
- Great to see the guys on Jimmy Fallon. That was good stuff.
- Is it just me, or has Nintendo gotten into the practice of "
- Hey Francisco! Welcome. We're glad to have you be a part of
- There's definitely something in there for everyone.
- Our very own Miss M has agreed to come on as our second judg
- Their bidding is based on sight.
- vkimo wrote : Is that legal?
- As would I crow. Perhaps the best route to take is to keep t
- It was in the 50's here today. Man, it was a glorious thing!
- Yeah Ben. We're all pulling for you!
- So who won?
- Oh yeah! I found my favorite commercial of the Super Bowl bu
- YAARRRGGG!!! 8 more inches of snow!!!! I got stuck in
- thecrow174 wrote : This would b
- An uplifting story on Candace Cameron Bure.
- Perhaps the success of The Expendables has caused studios to
- vkimo wrote : That video was hi
- shakin steak wrote :Which makes me think, what if Michael Ba
- Speaking of Larry Csonka, I'm reminded of one of my absolute
- If the Ninja Turtles movie is good, I'll eat a little crow.
- fxruizx wrote : Thank you thecr
- I remember these days. I think I tended to watch TBS and USA
- Love these old ads. We still have an ad from many, many year
- blueluigi wrote : Looking at ma
- It's up on the Podcasts page now! Getting ready to sit back
- thecrow174 wrote : The Red Hot
- Turner must have been too busy trying to make WCW worth watc
- That's funny steak. And yet... unsettling. :lol:
- Ryu Hyabusa finally makes his way to the Virtual Console! Le
- :lol: Just smile and laugh steak, then slowly walk away.
- I have the card, and I have the Shari's Berries ordered... I
- Benjanime wrote : retro city ra
- I agree with you crow. The earlier seasons were by far the b
- vkimo wrote : Wait. Didn't he q
- vkimo wrote : Thirded. The late
- Your right. This was something that Moudy had discussed with
- Anyone have a chocolate company nearby? We have one about 50
- Just took the kids to see the Lego Movie. At first, I was a
- I'm not sure, to tell you truth. I know one thing was that p
- "Say 'ello to mah lil' friend..."
- vkimo wrote : I like to believe
- thecrow174 wrote :When the movie was in the theaters, I had
- It is claimed that these photos are from a Godzilla exhibit,
- vkimo wrote : I saw a meme that
- fxruizx wrote : Was McGruff tie
- Everything is AWESOME for "The Lego Movie" at the Box Office
- CAN'T... GET... OUT... OF... HEAD!!!
- I have to confess, I was under the impression that she had a
- Age of the internet and all... yet this is still news to me.
- :lol: Thanks steak. Very funny.
- crow... brace yourself for that ice storm headed your way!!!
- Wow. Some really interesting places in that article vkimo. I
- Sure, LEGOs have saturated the toy market with every license
- That's the thing that irks me these days, is that the little
- It can't get here fast enough. Please, please Lord... send u
- Saw some regular builder sets in Walmart last night. It was
- vkimo wrote : At least that's w
- Someone put some music to those shakin steak lyrics.Also, co
- :lol: These are great! Mine is blue. Just... blue.
- Hmmm. Anything edible. For reasons that should be obvious. :
- Yeah. I love me some Smurf blue! :lol:
- Saucy... or plagiaristic? :PMan, a lot of us seem to prefer
- I wonder how many people would see a Valentine's Day thread
- I saw a trailer for this film some time ago, and was befuddl
- shakin steak wrote : When are t
- I miss Windows 95. It was so simple and and easy to use. /:/
- Looks that way vkimo. We have our very own resident "Bronie"
- Yeah, I'm going with Enter Sandman.I can remember it being p
- MissM wrote : Ok, I'm slow and
- Finally getting some warmer weather coming in the next day o
- I am seeing so much green, I had forgotten what grass looked
- vkimo wrote :Or I can just play them on the Retro Daze gamin
- It's up on the Podcasts page now! Thanks Francisco!
- I have not heard from Paul at Totally Oldies yet, but Miss M
- Now that RetroDaze has cemented its tiny little spot on the
- Hey echidna! Thanks for the tips. They are indeed helpful. A
- That's easy. Hulk Hogan body slamming Andre. Even though And
- thecrow174 wrote :Owen Hart attempted the same thing a coupl
- I should clarify... when I say I watched the events live, I
- Our second winner, as chosen by Paul from Totally Oldies is.
- Yeah, they didn't show the fall. It just went to a black scr
- Prize emails are on their way out!
- I'm glad nobody died in any bombings or attacks.
- A friend just texted me about this. It's a sad day for The G
- Multiplicity was a really funny movie. I liked that one a gr
- I would have liked this as a kid. Eh... who am I kidding. I
- Who was your favorite clone?My personal favorite was the dop
- YES! This is the movie that will make up for everything wron
- Now if they would just bring back Crystal Pepsi and New Coke
- Looks like we have our first casting decision for this movie
- TDITH: I saw Final Wars many times. That part never gets old
- And the non-tapered top.
- Arnold has to fight, for his right, to star in this cheese.
- Oh my. So many to choose from. A lot of bad movies I've seen
- Arnold was in Escape Plan, but shared the screen with Sly in
- Yeesh. Can any movie be so bad that you kill yourself for be
- As far as the other monster(s) go, I'm guessing it will be s
- thecrow174 wrote:How do you escape from a maximum security p
- I see what shakin is saying. To insert the image above, I en
- Just don't feed them after midnight.
- Embedding in articles should work the exact same way, with u
- vkimo: The Zig and Sharko show was something I chose to watc
- Much as winning an award that garners such undue attention a
- A good film, but I always preferred Convoy to this one.
- Jem is excitement... oooohhh Jem... glammer and glitter... f
- I caught just about all of Lost. To be honest, I think I was
- :lol: TDITH!I would say the most memorable things about wint
- Yes. I've taken concealed carry classes (though I don't plan
- Holy cow vkimo! I can't imagine taking on Atlas Shrugged! It
- Mine is an animated .gif I created from the ridiculous dance
- vkimo!!!I want a safe room. I (jokingly) talked with my wife
- shakin: I meant to tell you that at one time, my dad had a w
- Who couldn't appreciate what Henry Ford accomplished. I bet
- No. There were more of these, and they were all in dark blue
- I am not sure what it is, but I just didn't find the movie a
- And now these images of a "destruction set" Godzilla 2014 to
- There was ZERO Godzilla action, because the monster they thr
- Well, this is discouraging. Why would you destroy something
- Hmmm. I've not had that happen. If it comes up again, copy t
- Major League! I'll never forget watching it on network telev
- Who is this Shaq you speak of? :lol:
- I probably should have ended that last post with "/sarc"Of c
- I like how even on the movie poster, Winston gets no love. T
- That's an impressive list jrs. I dare say there are some fro
- Heroes didn't really have a series finale. I think the way t
- "Two weeks... two wwwwweeks..." (Total Recall)
- shakin: I don't suppose you've heard the routine that Jim Ga
- After this movie, it was as if Sandler movies steadily got w
- "Computer, please give me the M.A.S.K. agents best suited fo
- Yeah. The Mr. Universe special was the one. I think it was i
- Does the SMB Lost Levels contain any of the secret "minus wo
- Agreed crow. But I would add that it's not necessary to be r
- I don't like being told what is or is not politically correc
- I would do what crow suggested, up until the end of high sch
- Several, as follows:SkeletorCobra CommanderMiles MayhemHorda
- Lara Croft to be the main character in next Final Fantasy ga
- Thriller is one of my favorite videos ever. How do you forge
- Just a fun little addition...In one of the towns, in the Arm
- ...if you prefer red brick and paneling in your malls.
- Awesome. I'm really looking forward to this.
- Watched this one with the kids tonight. Great movie. I give
- ... You still think your 20+ year old "films" are good.
- Owner of a Lonely Heart
- ...you own one or more Castle Grayskulls.
- ...you have waited in line at an electronics store to purcha
- Good riddance Winter! It would have been better if not for t
- Woah, vkimo! $10 a post... Me and crow would be swimming in
- Agreed. That would be kinda neat to hear... movie commentary
- Hopefully the Braves AND the Giants wont feel too disappoint
- Yeah. I'm the boring one of this bunch. Everything on my pho
- I find these theories tying together Pixar and Disney films
- That's so cool. I agree with you vkimo... to visit some of t
- THIS.This is awesome to hear. I just wonder what exactly the
- It is highly annoying on a mobile device. But I never get ar
- Something that you CAN'T find on the internet? Now that is t
- Hmmm. Interesting echidna. I'll look into this a bit when th
- He was awfully young. I was surprised by this.
- Woah! Sweet. I want one.
- TDITH: As awesome as that would be, I really don't see that
- Yeah. I'm pretty sure if Caps cashed out his points I would
- I recall back in 1998, while on our family cruise (the one a
- Thankfully she has already cashed out most of them. But yeah
- Why do I find this to be so awesome? :lol: My gut hurts from
- @vkimo: Yup. The world famous Moudy himself. ;)
- Have you tried the "Heath" Pieces? Basically Reese's Pieces
- Ha! Awesome. I'm glad you found it.
- This is one that is available to play at our little sister s
- I have a few toon series on DVD:TransformersHe-Man and the M
- I think it is more of a grudge in general against the lack o
- Phineas & Ferb is good. It's entertaining and has some h
- Good song. And... it's infected my brain. :lol:
- I don't personally play any pranks, but I do enjoy the prank
- It's all good crow. :)
- You're evil echidna! :lol:
- I like the style of these shorts and the grittier humor.
- Any of you seen the bit that Jim Gaffigan did in one of his
- "Does Barry Manilow know you raided his wardrobe?" (The Brea
- Some folks don't care for the Sopranos finale.
- So this is the first time for GBA titles on any Virtual Cons
- How much would it have taken away from the movie for them to
- ^ George Foreman's illegitimate son.
- I think I saw a commercial for that episode. Don't care for
- Took advantage of the better weather by playing outside.
- I'll have to check this one out.
- Originally I was a Letterman fan. Especially in his earlier
- @vkimo: I agree to a certain extent, though I think it's pos
- Anything interesting to report jrs?
- I never watched either. Probably the only thing close that I
- Wouldn't you want your career to end on a series of high not
- More. Give... me... more!!! :)
- DigiChars.com is coming together. As a RetroDaze member, you
- I'm not a breakfast person. But I don't mind eating a Bob Ev
- Yeah, there are a number of "virtual pet" or "digital pet" s
- That MANfast sounds more like a FAMILYfast. :lol:
- Did your family ever have one of these "oil dripping lights"
- This episode is now up and ready to listen to on the Podcast
- Just working on some new ones for my collection. :)Borigraud
- Yeesh. They're desperate if they're placing Colbert in for L
- I've known about him since his days with The Daily Show. I d
- Okay... so here are my thoughts on this...I've seen the docu
- I'll just ring off my top 10 just to save the trouble of lis
- Better a TV version of this than say, the Big Lebowski or Oh
- Well we're closing in on another Easter at RD. Just one week
- Favorite Easter Candy? I have a new favorite as of last year
- I enjoyed Batman and Batman Returns (though not as much as t
- After shakin posted that piece from Mental Floss on the humb
- I'll see your abandoned mall picture, and raise you with thi
- Why the HECK is it snowing here today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I'll be down there in May. Looking forward to some Florida s
- :lol: I can imagine a scenario where TDITH has uploaded an e
- @TDITH: When watching Berserk... or Little Nemo? ;)
- The first album I ever purchased...
- @TDITH: We'll be back in Orlando again, running ourselves ra
- Gotta love the Hulk. Though the 1970's tv version of Thor th
- This thread wouldn't be complete without a Hilter Riding A R
- Am I the only one that finds Church sponsored Easter Egg Hun
- Bill Paxton's character is the quintessential slime ball. I
- shakin, you scare me with your "real Hank Hill" fascination.
- I have this one hanging in the family room (of course it's o
- Crappy Easter...
- @thecrow174: "See ya sucker!!!!"
- Cool! Got it up on the Podcasts page right now. Thanks Franc
- Perhaps he is partially cyborg?
- Hey look... Vanilla Ice is still alive. :lol: What a "c
- He's not a dead man. That's his daddy.
- bklynbren! Great to see you around again. Good movie choice
- Our time here on HostGator will be ending soon. Good riddanc
- A Snickers/Godzilla ad reminiscent of the those Barkley vs.
- @thecrow174: Eh, he's taken down guys with TWO drills (Megal
- Yeah, it's a hard to choice to make between SMB 3 and SMW. B
- Though not favorites by any means, these two films... uh...
- It's strange to be saying this, but since I tend to agree wi
- Yeah baby! Can't get enough of those geriatric action icons
- Popeye was awesome! I really enjoyed that film as a kid.
- KnownHost is beginning the migration process. But until our
- Happy Easter to all.
- Are those blowdarts? :lol:
- If that Jeopardy answer was for real, then that woman is hop
- I find it hard to enjoy the newer ones. I like my Charlie Br
- @TDITH: Nobody is THAT awesome. :lol:
- My three all time favorites...
- Legendary is putting out an 80 page graphic novel that cover
- My newest one. Getting ready for the big day!
- I'm still waiting for the the Charlie Brown special, "It's T
- More news on Goonies 2:he Goonies 2 could possibly follow
- Last night I watched Iron Man 3 again. Still disappointed th
- Yeah, it was a good Easter Program Sunday. My wife and the o
- Woah! Sweet selection, literally. I don't know where to star
- Watching Godzilla trailers... over... and over... and over..
- I wonder how many hours of his life were spent having that m
- I'll be making my donation today Drakon. And I promise you t
- A friend and I hit King's Island yesterday. Their new coaste
- If you decide to purchase a Subway sandwich INSIDE an amusem
- Call me a prudish old coot, but I am not fond of the fashion
- @steak: I agree with you also. These are just not animals th
- Funny how Lawrence Fishburne was still going by "Larry" in t
- I suppose I can't say for sure. Everything out there regardi
- The cast for Star Wars 7 is fully announced now.The only nam
- Awww... that stinks.Good bye Eddie/Mario.
- Not to mention we lost Luigi from the "Super Show".
- Mostly watching YouTube mash-ups with super heroes and vario
- One of the better Heisei era films.Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzil
- Hmmm. Nope. Not ringing a bell. Which products of their bran
- Any and all videos dissecting and speculating on the various
- Having that sort of information, it's no wonder he was a hob
- I find this to be a fun and refreshing brand mascot......and
- Thanks Francisco! Looking forward to hearing this one.
- These guys are awesome. I love their renditions of classic g
- Probably the least interesting top tier Marvel charact
- @thecrow174: Probably the same people that were responsible
- People forget that Godzilla was a bit hefty at other times a
- ... you have searched your attic in hopes of finding a treas
- What was it with "beat-em ups" in the 80's and early 90's th
- Even Ghostbusters could have been considered a bit too much
- The first reactions to the film are starting to trickle onto
- I've been looking to get a record player so I can play some
- The merchandiser display from Wal-Mart I saw yesterday. Cool
- "... then I use the money to buy different stuff I will also
- @TDitH: Does that coffee smell funny?
- ...you still find really cool playgrounds captivating (and e
- Previews for the Sonic Boom game and T.V. Show
- Some new clips have hit YouTube. Here are my two favorites..
- This trailer gives a little bit more imagery of the turtles
- The lineup for this year's RetroCon has grown again... and o
- Poor John Ritter just couldn't seem to get a movie career to
- Actually, I think that would make you an actual child. :lol:
- When Steven Segal was actually cool.
- Just about every "Honest Trailer" on YouTube right now. :lol
- @thecrow174: :lol: That's great! I'm rooting for Garfield th
- I do enjoy The Far Side. I have a few books of Far Side comi
- Yeah really! One of them is equal to about three regular M&a
- Cool. Thanks for the info steak.
- "Have you ever killed anyone?""Yeah but they were all bad."
- :lol: steak!Ewwww! I suddenly feel a strong aversion to baco
- If Godzilla were real, the world would be filled with a grea
- Sweet!
- Squidward is a "bronie". I knew it.
- TurboGrafx-16 is one of them. Got that one covered. :) Also,
- Yes. Sometimes it's so blatantly obvious that you begin to q
- Tombstone was an awesome film. It made westerns cool again.
- Woah. There's a game I never encountered. It's a unique idea
- No problem man. I love that pic! :lol:
- There is already a Dorothy doll out in stores for this movie
- My wife has expressed to me that...
- Agreed steak. I think what ruined it totally was the St
- It was the beginning of the end for Charlie Sheen's movie ca
- Oh my...
- We'll once again we are on our way to Disney/Florida. It'
- We stopped in Statesville NC at a mall and got some new glas
- A Honda Pilot is our vehicle. I wish I had a mammoth convers
- Woah! That's sweet! I want one Santa.
- Not to mention the art style is a little more appealing (to
- Arrived alive today. Did a little swimming and now it's time
- Same here. My memories are all associated with the original.
- Cool! I would love to be able to get one of those big reward
- Sweet TDitH! Which con... wait ... Let me guess... Bronie
- Eh... I'm just not really digging any of it. Ben Affleck I h
- Who is John Galt? ;)
- One of the least favorite things about these "vacations" is
- Hurray!!! Good news for us all!
- Sounds great bklynbren. Hope you guys get to do that. Never
- I'll have a looksie at these babies later this evening. Shou
- We're there 20 episodes this season... Or more than that?
- Not necessarily a commercial or containing any actual "songs
- We ate in this restaurant on Tuesday in Disney's Hollywood S
- That's not cool TDitH. You're in timeout. ;)
- Today is Star Wars Weekends at Hollywood Studios and it's pa
- 1998 was not a Godzilla film. It was a movie about a giant i
- You may have noticed the new gallery is up and ready. If not
- Wise man once say... movie trailers are like Whopper. Look g
- We'll, somehow one of the contributors of the cereal box ima
- Crow: I've asked, but received no response since my first em
- Welcome Doctor. I guess now it is safe to say, "the doctor i
- Despite his desire to have them taken down, he did agree to
- Did anyone realize there was an "Unforgiven" film made in As
- Looks like I'll get the chance to see it for myself this com
- @Doc Ryan... You should be able to upload an image to an ima
- Yesterday was one of those days. Every place we stopped from
- I've not seen it, but since MTV is behind it I'm sure it's t
- Sometimes I blame the mistakes on the fact that few places u
- I'm hungry for victory. Not sure at what though.
- Da - Da - Da- Daaaaa... Da - Da - Da -Da, Daaaaa
- I thought Next Karate Kid did an admirable job,even though i
- Their were indeed some great comedians in those days. Though
- Louie Anderson, Tim Allen, Steven Wright and Howie Mandel al
- Merry Godzillasmas.
- Truly that is one rainbow I don't want to be at the end of.
- Which makes me wonder...What television show theme song best
- Ugh. 6 days of this blaring in your ears is enough scar one
- I know many people enjoy articles that reveal what the subje
- @bklynbren: :lol: That's just awful.
- @bklybren: Dragon's got tha moves.
- Things have cleared up, and the weather is really starting t
- @Doc: :lol: I love that .GIF!!!
- I wonder if the Keatons had any Brown Acid.
- Yeah, it was quite stormy last night here as well. It had be
- You know, I just thought...What is it about our childhood te
- @Doc: Well I think it's safe to say you aren't rusty from yo
- The Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Batman games were pretty dec
- I'm hoping to have Rose Ward, co-founder/organizer of RetroC
- Roots: The Video Game. :lol:
- Tomorrow afternoon... I have an appointment with Godzilla.Th
- Great to hear Ben!Rose Ward has agreed to be the guest judge
- Same here. I can only imagine the wealth of fun Summer memor
- Holy Cow. Me too!
- Yeah. I can't stand ticks. Wasps, Hornets, Horse Flies, and
- @crow: Is it Wall E?
- Uh...
- Welcome back to "somewhat" fairer climates. :) I hope your m
- I was a Showbiz Pizza kid myself. Raptor has an article here
- My vote is for the 90's VS. article. I like those. :)
- Just finished watching Godzilla. More on that in the Big G's
- Selling hoodies. :lol:
- There's a documentary regarding Showbiz Pizza. It was availa
- Well, I've finally witnessed the 2014 film. In short, I enjo
- @blueluigi: That sucks! But hey, now you have an excuse to g
- Mostly shopped for outdoor furniture/building materials for
- @TDitH: Pick me one up too while you're there. ;)
- A white 1987 Pontiac Grand Am. I thought I was so cool drivi
- The first car I paid for myself was a 1995 Subaru Impreza. I
- Today, with the kiddies suffering from colds, they and I sta
- I figured as much. It'll be interesting to see how the two c
- Back to the grind for me. Continuing to work on the deck, an
- Ruxpin would eat Furbys for breakfast. Then he'd tell you a
- @steak: Woah! I want a Superdawg in my town! That looks so c
- Now for an image dump from this year's vacation. :)This was
- Here is a picture I took of The Banshee. This was an AWESOME
- That looks pretty wicked TDitH. Reminds me of Delirium at K.
- If someone does actually end up at Disney, here are directio
- @TDitH: At least you know you're GF is not after you for you
- I'd like to take the family to a baseball game, but I'm afra
- That's awesome. I think you have a winner there.
- Just watch you don't bonk your head going in. :lol:
- Oh dear. Don't get me started. Well... too late. :evil:Of co
- @vkimo: "Why you no put pictures in?!" :lol:
- Will there ever be a time when "cool" is not an oft-used wor
- I only liked "off the chain" when Space Ghost used it. :lol
- Nards. "Wolfman's got nards!" - Monster Squad
- @vkimo: Definitely. Pauly Shore nearly invented a whole othe
- Today has been clear and good so far. And quiet here in the
- I love how people make a name for themselves by slamming McD
- Last night it got rainy, but it stopped long enough for me t
- @kstrom22: That reminds me of a few things actually...One, t
- Or when someone would say a woman is "one hot mama" whether
- You know I had to toss this one in here somewhere TDitH. :ev
- They did it. They found the infamous Atari dump and have bee
- My cousin used to use the word "Cha" in the sense of acknowl
- @TDitH: :lol: Indeed. @steak: Awesome. I love the pic with t
- @Jrs1991: Then let me give you a new one to use as well.Poop
- @vkimo: No doubt. That's why when Spring/Summer rolls around
- @Doc: Woah! That is... awesome. Now to get my "sho-ryu-ken"
- @bklynbren: If you hit PA, say hi to vkimo for me. :lol:
- Just in time for the movie, YOU can be the owner of www.teen
- I saw this yesterday actually. It cracked me up when the goo
- What game is "Bridget" from?
- Thanks man. I don't get the opportunity to draw as much anym
- We'll, last night our undefeated church league volleyball te
- Sorry to hear that TDitH. Maybe she'll come around.
- It's like The Crying Game for gamers. :lol:
- Garrus Vakarian. The coolest ME character there is.
- Cool finds vkimo. A rare score.
- That ones in my iTunes playlist. I hear it quite a bit when
- Awww. That stinks. She made a lasting impression on the tele
- Hey... I liked The Postman dangit! :>
- @Doc: To be honest, Costner did a satisfactory job as the he
- @Doc: That is "womanese" for, "Whatever you do, I'm going to
- While there are many newspapers out there that I wouldn't mi
- Last night I watched a documentary called "Dear Mr. Watterso
- I would like to see Dino Riders back on toy shelves. And not
- The King of Pop lives.
- @crow: Or WAS it? Dun, dun, duuuuuun...
- Yesterday I had to come home early. My wife had been having
- @ steak: That's cool! I'm liking that art a great deal.
- Looks like she probably has issues with her inner ear becaus
- Here is one that I have been digging recently...I've seen ma
- ...you feel warm and fuzzy inside when voice actors from the
- @The Obliviax: I can't figure out how those flew under my ra
- @vkimo: Yeah, she has had that full feeling in her ear for a
- Wow. That's surprising because the paint applications seem h
- I was reminded today of a stunt some genius in high school t
- @Doc: My pleasure sir. :D@Steak: Did you ever get to check o
- That your attention span has shortened doesn't surprise me.
- One of my favorite Bond movies ever. And it just happened to
- I always got a kick out of the two guys with a love for horr
- I find this amusing...
- I like the response J.J. Abrams gave recently to some leaked
- Check out one of the prizes for this year's Retro Con...
- The Animatrix was more entertaining (and less cumbersome) th
- My wife and I met on a now defunct website... DreamDates or
- More so in years past than now. Though here in no man's land
- It's not the OS or browser. My Quote button doesn't work eit
- @Obliviax: Those poor helpless M.U.S.C.L.E. figures never st
- I think the best way to go about the online dating thing is
- AHA! I've found the issue!If you enter ANYTHING as a signatu
- Check out this radically awesome cosplay Godzilla...
- Yeah. Good idea there. Back when I was at my most active wit
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- Way to go TDitH. Hope there are more details coming on this
- Yeah. It's sad to see one more 80's & 90's staple go. It's j
- Yeah, it's still being worked on at the moment. I'm loving s
- I went to the bank today, not realizing this was the weekend
- Ewww... That image in my head won't go away now. Why did you
- @crow: Why does it seem so hard to win all three races. I do
- @TDitH: What is that? Today I traded in my old company truck
- My wife thinks she is soooo funny. What with my really great
- You wouldn't catch me in any lady clothes unless they are fr
- @crow: No. Actually that was me making a joke (about the sho
- @Jrs: You're just now seeing it for the first time? That was
- The big G has brought in almost $400,000,000 worldwide now.
- As far as the Metal Gear series goes, Hideo lost me with num
- It's interesting how the style of the cartoon changed throug
- Cute TDitH. Very cute. :>
- @echidna: That's a great trailer.
- That's how it's done on the cheap these days Ben. Sad but tr
- Phew! Thanks for that rundown blue. Lots of good, fun inform
- Wow. This is just awesome to hear! Finally! First we get Son
- Yeah. I'm just not feeling it with this sequel. I'll wait fo
- And this is for TDitH:
- I spent almost all day yesterday at home with the kids playi
- Also, the voice acting could have been cast with at least a
- The world needs Super Smash Bros. experts just as much as do
- The kids watched this last night and enjoyed it.
- Probably so. They also like the old and new television serie
- News like this makes me all the more happier that I chose th
- Burger King is offering Tom & Jerry branded kid's meals
- The other COPS theme song... :lol:
- The Verge on Nintendos E3: http://mobile.theverge.com/2014/6
- Must be updating something. Vertex that is.
- A true talent. R.I.P.
- Yes there was. And I have to say... I loved them all. Man, p
- ...the thought of your first ride on a new roller coaster ma
- We had a special service at church this morning honoring fat
- I picked this up on Thursday, which was the only evening we
- Did you get to ride Apollo's Chariot or Alpengeist? That's a
- I also like how they incorporated the "8" as an item on the
- I think I do recall that show. They also had one (later on I
- King's Dominion was a unique place to me. I liked the Wayne'
- This is up on the Podcasts page now. Good episode! Also... I
- Hmmm. I'm not sure to be honest. But if a comment is getting
- Well, I'm not sure what to think.First I simply typed in a s
- LOL. I concur with your conclusion... and henceforth ban the
- There must be something going on on Vertex's end. Maybe some
- Back to normal now. I figured it would be up before the day
- Well, I have to thank all of you for pouring your heart and
- Is it just me, or are these Miss USA (and the like) contests
- Yesterday was my youngest son's actual birthday, so we did w
- I hope things improve for you soon my friend. Hang in there.
- Back again. Okay... :lol:
- @crow: It's just now reaching your area? You may want to loo
- At least we can stay connected when one or the other goes do
- Nearly 30 years on, and we're still finding new secrets in M
- Never did see Bingo. I wasn't (and still am not) much for an
- I saw this poster in the local theater when I went to see X-
- Whether or not it's a "hit", at least they seem to be doing
- :lol: My wife and kids watched 3 Ninjas the other night. Tha
- I think yours is the only list that film is on now. :evil:
- What about Phineas and Ferb world? :lol:
- "Take my yard, please." - Henny Youngman (mostly) I hate
- Caps: Best of luck to you in getting those funds stashed awa
- @TDitH: Nice to know you'll be around the forum, even if you
- Uhg. /:/It became readily apparent to me this morning during
- TDitH: That seems pretty good actually. I've heard that grad
- Could be interesting to watch, though I have to wonder how m
- Or just all teachers should be like him. :lol:
- Here would be my pick to play Belding... &n
- I know... he has his likeness down. It would just be a matte
- UHF was great in it's time. Underrated movie, overshadowed b
- I plan to buy several and spend the day drinking them straig
- Publix... the poor man's Kroger.
- Jrs1991 wrote : I remember goin
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : @Va
- I find myself occasionally spewing out lines like, "Somethin
- Sounds fun TDitH! Hope it is a blast. Tell them to get their
- Welcome to Summer... Officially that is.
- I like how tonight I saw not one... not two... but THREE law
- @vkimo: That's pretty cool. Too bad it happened so quickly..
- Rampage is one of my all time favorite arcade games. If I sa
- Beginning tomorrow, it's VBS week. It's fun, but draining to
- PeZZ! wrote : i just got in the
- bklynbren wrote : I think we ma
- bklynbren wrote : Time flies!!
- thecrow174 wrote : You catch on
- bklynbren wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- It's nice to know that Lita is hearing a growing call for th
- Wow. Very cool piece of history there. Back then, I was very
- Two days of VBS down, three more to go.It's had it's ups and
- Hmmm. I don't know if I have any interest left in Predator m
- This is a sort of interesting tidbit of info on M&M's pr
- echidna64 wrote :The action hero movie is definitely a dead
- @TDitH: Even if all they do is take the same scene from the
- So I'm still not sold on this. I like this trailer better, a
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Who
- Hmmm. I'm going to see if I can find anything of this on You
- I have officially survived 3 days of vacation bible school.
- thecrow174 wrote : -end quoteWait...
- Ooooh... okay. I thought those were supposed to be reflectio
- bklynbren wrote : I beat that g
- One must wonder... "Will this sequel live up to the original
- Cool. Thanks for that info bklynbren. I haven't bothered to
- @The Obliviax: Well that stinks. It's incredibly annoying wh
- This just smells like royal crap to me.Seriously... what was
- @bklynbren: No. What are those?
- I think when it comes to patent lawsuits (and well, basicall
- How do they cover up his shoulder tattoo so well? :lol:
- I want to introduce Mike Fenn to all of you. He has gracious
- It would be funny if Sorbo played the villain of the film.
- @bklynbren: Ha! Very creative. You forgot something though..
- I could see those being the cause of some kid getting cuffed
- I would have to go with these:And I'm guessing I'm not alone
- Always loved that scene in "The Emperor's New Groove".
- @crow: Yeah. I think it's available on Xbox Video. Looks ver
- Now I'm more intrigued.I especially like this part: "Mad Max
- I would love to see them pay homage to The Breakfast Club. I
- I wonder who won the trip to "Dracula's Hometown". Somebody
- This thread is really getting my sweet tooth hyper.
- @TDitH: Does it seem like a first small step toward reconcil
- I watched the documentary the other day and it was pretty en
- Oooookay. I wonder where my doppelganger is then.
- Bring back New Coke!But seriously... Don't.
- @TDitH: Not a single float there that you could have hitched
- Also, is it possible that my 2.0 actually stole the horror s
- Sweet blue. I'm guessing my best time was actually closer to
- What started you on getting into collecting them? There has
- I like the look blue.
- Could probably make for cool lighting and dances and such.
- But taking your favorite film slasher into space is genius!
- @vkimo: No need to be in a hurry to do nothing. :lol:Today w
- @crow: Yeah, I read about that. Kid is messed up and can't k
- Agreed. Nobody's going in there expecting Shakespeare. You k
- @Ben: I never noticed any Transformers with "genitalia", but
- Oookay. So, food then.
- I am not sure. What system was it for?
- Boom, boom... acalacalaca-boom Boom, boom... acalaca-boom-b
- @crow: That'll be interesting. Though, if I had to choose an
- Moudy has been at work creating the online board game for Di
- Yeah, I don't have cable either. I would have to wait for it
- Once again, we are approaching the holiday, and I'm looking
- @vkimo: Our county fair isn't until the second week in Augus
- Just a funny bit of info for you guys... I've placed a bid o
- Would have liked to have seen those "Last Ditch Halloween Co
- There's no way I would ever conclude (without knowing before
- Welcome fatkid. Most of us are RetroJunk users too, so you'r
- Yesterday I visited a pool that I had not been to in probabl
- Last night I saw a movie available on Xbox Video called "Big
- Awesome Ben! Which episodes do you have?
- Close enough shakin. But nothing beats MXC! (Takeshi's Castl
- @shakin: I've forwarded that image to the local authorities,
- Cool pikachulover! Never seen that one, I don't think. Any i
- I'm sorry but, I just find this to be stupid. Seriously? I r
- Burger King has announced it's upcoming line-up of political
- Hey Linux!You and fatkid84 come visit in the span of just a
- @TDitH: Sweet. I've donated to a few things that have yet to
- @Linux: Cool! Worked on anything of interest lately?I haven'
- I always thought this was a neat play on the idea of Freddy,
- CakePHP is the one I have seen mentioned the most. Quite pop
- Fuzz has actually BEEN here for a while. Just hiding in the
- My fondest memories of playing it are actually at the county
- I almost broke down and rented I, Frankenstein... but I inst
- Until someone else ate you. That sucked. :mad:
- Dave Coulier's wedding turned into a "Full House" reunion of
- @Ben: Very cool. Though, the one Imperial Pilot looked like
- The Crue get together once more for "Home Sweet Home".
- The kids loved Mario Tennis. What's the difference between i
- Ha! Neat idea. Now somebody make some of those and let us kn
- Awww. Maybe your phone just wasn't hungry enough? :>
- Happy Independence Day/Fourth of July all! Hope yours is a g
- It's only 1:30 PM this Independence Day afternoon, and alrea
- Mission failed then. Still, it was a funny promo idea.
- Yeah, well as I mentioned in the Independence Day thread, th
- Our town's fireworks won't be until tomorrow night.
- Also Jeff Goldblum. Must go faster... must go faster... yes,
- Kewl. Why does the screen seem so rectangular in the picture
- I'm not sure what to make of that image. :lol:
- Today was our parade/festival/fireworks day, and we took par
- @blue: That's cool! I like going back and checking out some
- We both tackled it with toilet paper and water. :lol:Didn't
- :lol: So sorry crow. Turn on a fan or two.
- Yeah. He did a music video/intro for the movie also. Very fu
- Hopefully it doesn't take too long to show up on the subscri
- Old Flavor Flav must've had a good show going at his house o
- A few interesting factoids about the show...
- @Ben: I have 7 others if you want them too. :>
- If I were the Big G, I think I would make the demand that so
- Just a little tidbit on "Nightmare Before Christmas"... I di
- :lol: Agreed, vkimo.
- Was a pretty good day today.After work, the family and I hea
- Did anybody catch tonight's episode?
- I liked this "Into The Storm" movie better when it was calle
- @echidna: Cool! I like old board games myself, though I don'
- Today has to have been the most rainy day of Summer yet here
- Awesome bklynbren! Sounds like a very fun and busy trip. I c
- vkimo: Allentown isn't far out of your territory is it? That
- Hmmm. When was this released, and was it in lots of theaters
- Alright, this is driving me nuts here. My wife and I have lo
- @shakin: So you didn't run in to any psycho killers hiding o
- Good thing you didn't blow your hands off. That happened aga
- :lol: I haven't seen that one in quite a while. Still holds
- I never played that one. Was it any good?
- Echidna: Starship Troopers? Yeesh. One of my LEAST favorite
- @shakin: Difference #6 was the different colored shoestrings
- @TDitH: It's no wonder. It's such a lazy and lame concept, s
- If Brazil only had the talents of Ali Dia to save them...
- @TDitH: Enjoy, my friend! Don't get into TOO much trouble. W
- I'm not up on my classics, sad to say. HOWEVER, I do have on
- Wow. That's just bizarre. It's all that dope's fault that th
- @echidna: Yeah. It was sub-par. Still, it was better than Pr
- Let us not forget the incident outside a local McDonald's in
- Every person is required to own at least one version of Base
- If I were a kid today, I would be very angry that Wal-Mart h
- @crow: We have a family friend who wears nothing but those s
- He could be lurking in the shadows... waiting to strike at a
- I sent Doc an email asking if things were okay, but got no r
- If you're able to find one, I highly recommend it. You won't
- Yeah. Mostly the same here too. Came home in the afternoon s
- "Hamburger... hamburger... hamburger..."
- I never really watched this show much, but I love any show t
- I finally got to catch Jim Gaffigan's newest comedy outing,
- @vkimo: What do you suggest for one? :D
- I like Mel as the bad guy here. This could be the best one y
- @pikachulover: If you see them at your local Dollar Tree, be
- I used this track in one of my home movies. :lol: Good song.
- Doc! You're alive! Guess we can call off the search parties.
- I love this. :lol:
- I'm really wanting to catch this movie soon. It's showing lo
- Of course I'm partial to the 80's, having spent my youth fro
- @TDitH: I'd given that idea some thought during the site's l
- @Linux: Ask Caps to find him. He can dig up any long lost ce
- :lol: I can't say I have ever spent a day listening to one s
- IROC-Zs are still awesome today. Great car.
- @Fuzz: Sweet find bro. It's been decades since I saw a Secta
- @Jrs1991: Did you buy it on a smart device or the actual CD?
- @vkimo: Nice!!! I'm guessing there were several turtle varia
- Hey... anybody feel like chipping in some dollars for a roll
- Last night we took the kids to the local school so they coul
- "Sister Christian" today...
- @vkimo: That was my thought also. Though, he hadn't quite go
- MikeCovers latest article goes right along with this discuss
- It's "All In The Family" for the new Star Wars flick, appare
- @shakin: I'll tell you who...This man.
- Right vkimo. So in the customer's mind, it goes something li
- @vkimo: You're not really missing anything. When one of your
- @pikachulover: I think you have every right to be skeptical.
- I too got caught up on a show... The Goldbergs. I hadn't yet
- So far, this has been a pretty mild Summer (which is awesome
- "She's got it... Yeah baby, she's got it..."
- @shakin: A very cool piece of art, though I question the dec
- @vkimo: I completely understand. No time of the year for me
- :lol:
- @TDitH: :lol: Did you guys get any funny looks?
- @bklybren: You, my friend, are in luck. ;)Your teeth... not
- :lol:
- I haven't actually watched this movie, but I really had to t
- All it needs is an Ecto Cooler and it's a complete apparitio
- At least the first Beast Master was good.
- 80's induced diabetes is preferable to standard diabetes. As
- I did not. Was he just in the pilot?
- Today we are down in Huntington WV shopping and catching the
- Nice vkmo! I should also mention that we paid a visit to
- Just to remind everyone, Siskel and Ebert were fans of MST3K
- Cool! Thanks for that info Ben. I'll have to see if any of m
- How can I get RetroTV? Roku? Online?
- I see. Thanks for that info blue.
- @crow: Nuh uh!!! That there was all faked!
- @Ben: Good, old fashioned, nightmare fuel there.
- No. No... no... no... no... no.No.
- A look at the new X-Wing Starfighter:
- Well, it was a pretty good weekend. We did several small thi
- I really wish these were real.I loved that old wrestling gam
- So, there is going to be this series called "Gotham", but th
- It's gonna be a different world in there Caps. You'll be dea
- This has to be so awesome!
- Apparently the act of placing peanuts in bottles of Coke is
- @TDitH: That, "What the heck did I just read?" feeling.Or so
- In what way is that... the article is subscription only in t
- Just be glad nobody uses Leetspeak anymore.
- I watched Transcendence last night.My thoughts can be summed
- So I read. This is becoming a circus.
- I must respectfully disagree with my friend bklynbren. :DMay
- The first official poster for the film:Clever girl.
- I've said before, and I'll repeat here... The Postman is a G
- You know what would be really super cool too? Giant cell pho
- It's been ages since I watched Johnny Mnemonic. I'll have to
- On the flip side, Betamax players are collector's items wort
- Prince seems to be the only artist who never wanted a Weird
- @vkimo: Why would you need good headphones to enjoy ice crea
- As has been stated, this is Al's first number 1 album... and
- Ha! That one is awesome.
- Looks like his body was found and is being returned. So odd.
- Sounds like fun crow. Hopefully the weather is compliant.
- Pizza Hut seems to have replaced Domino's as the pizza of ch
- The other day, I was reading a blog and was informed that Cl
- Yes! YES! A thousand times... YES!!!And if Legendary does a
- Sounds good crow. Sounds like a really good time. Except for
- A Goonie is playing Thanos. :)
- @crow: Yeah. There are over 100 flavors available in those C
- If they offered both for $19.99 USD as a pack, then I might
- A forgotten Al classic:
- When they chose her initially, my first thought was "lame".
- What kind of goodies will you be spoiling yourself with TDit
- I thought this Summer seemed awfully mild.
- There is a certain "window" of time each night that it's pos
- I agree with vkimo. That sounds like the perfect description
- No doubt about the talent... And DEFINITELY no doubt abo
- So... Had a great time tonight with family at Japanese Fu
- I liked Dairy Queen's use of Dennis The Menace. I kinda wish
- GINA CARANO! That's who should have been tapped to play her.
- Two more of my favorites...
- I can't recall the name of the film just now, but there was
- How you know when you're getting older...You realize that yo
- This was just a realization I came to today. My memory is po
- @Jrs1991: Check the FAQ page. It tells you there how to post
- That sounds great TDitH. Looking forward to what you have in
- Have fun crow! Ben, isn't that just a shame... not being abl
- Sorry for your loss TDitH. Though I am glad to know she did
- Can't leave out the squishy guy...
- No, though I have seen that VBS theme advertised at other lo
- Let me know if it's any good TDitH.
- Sounds awesome TDitH. Thanks for the info!
- @Ben: What company produced that movie?
- It's been a difficult weekend. My anxiety disorder/OCD reare
- My only big memory of watching Congo was that Bruce Campbell
- @shakin: I sat down to try and watch Johnny Mnemonic the oth
- Thanks guys.I'm feeling better today. This episode kind of f
- Do these ring a bell?
- @shakin: Well, I suppose we all do things like that... thing
- Negativity? I was under the impression it was the next great
- I recently let the kids watch Neverending Story. That movie
- @TDitH: Do it! Do it! ;)
- And I would agree with that negativity. I just hadn't heard
- This was one of those ad papers that come in your mailbox fr
- As per the norm, I refer you to the wisdom of Jim Gaffigan w
- @Ben: Free means free with me, as you know by now. Shipping
- You know those have to be some HIGH quality hot dogs if they
- @blue: :lol: That sounds like my house!
- @ProphetSword: No problem my friend. And hey... good to see
- @TDitH: You're not alone, not even here on this very site. T
- It's definitely warmed up in August, though still not "unbea
- @TDitH: I am waiting for a few other items to arrive in the
- As requested...
- I still can't believe Fair Week is upon me. I'm very excited
- Still think he's a punk for always stiffing Weird Al.
- "Yo Joe!!!"
- Still feeling the effects of the past weekend on my body (an
- I think he means the frog. The "snake" is a stick I think.
- Judith "April O'neil" Hoag has popped up in this piece on Ya
- The other day I saw this vehicle (on a trailer) parked in th
- It had wheels, so I know it goes on asphalt, but not sure ab
- Tomorrow is Day One of the County Fair!!!Awesome.
- Today has been a day of cloak and dagger for us. Let me expl
- *SIGH* /:/
- Oh to be 22/23 again. Wait until you turn 30. I cried when t
- Ahhh... I've arrived at the Fairgrounds and stepping insi
- The smell of fried stuff and cotton candy is so thick, you c
- We'll, it's raining now. My wife won the kids a bunny. Not a
- Man... this seems so sudden and jarring to me. I figured Rob
- Heading out for Day Two of the Fair. Hopefully a much less w
- :lol: No. They named it Max (Max & Ruby). I would like to na
- Cause of death is official... he hung himself with a belt. T
- @TDitH: What fanfic were you writing?@crow: I need to watch
- It's my day off from the Fair today. One of my secretaries w
- More items arrived today. Still waiting on the boxes, which
- I found this list of child celebs who left Hollywood very in
- :lol: crow. Everybody has something to say about their day.
- I had read about this on another site some weeks ago. It see
- :lol: vkimo.Does Pauly Shore still have hair? :skep:
- @vkimo: I think a lot of what is found in these old games is
- I might give these a shot.
- @vkimo: Ha! Those colors also came with the cases I received
- Update for us also... We have Frozen and some Tinkerbell DVD
- Man... Day Four of the Fair is gone. It seems to go by soooo
- What tha deuce? I have never heard of this... EVER! I have t
- Oh Vanilla... how I weep for thee. :'(
- But... Double Dragon II! Everybody remembers that... right??
- *sigh*There's one more day left of the Fair, but already I a
- The other day at the Fair, a gentleman I know who is an avid
- @vkimo: There was something similar to that book being given
- Mugshots... OF THE FUTURE!!!
- Well, today we're leaving for Tennessee... Pigeon Forge to b
- I know of several celebrities I'd like to drop a giant block
- Just getting ready to hit the road for Pigeon Forge. Shouldn
- We arrived in Pigeon Forge VERY late last night. We were so
- So we went to Dixie Stampede. And since I seem to be a magne
- We visited a place called Magic Quest which let's you explor
- Speaking of the 1990 Turtles movie, I saw all four turtles f
- We'll be hitting up Dollywood today. And tomorrow, we'll be
- Must say, I'm liking the all 80's soundtrack being played th
- Only a couple hours from home now. Looking forward to it.
- Hey Ben...I recently started playing Tomogachi Life. I
- I'm taking the challenge... only there will be a small amoun
- I like it. I swap items with my daughter (import) and also c
- Any new Jurassic Park film will definitely not include Richa
- "I've got a match. My butt, and your, uh... butt."
- I saw this heaping helping of awesome in a shop along the st
- Well, now that it's back to the grind of real life, I have a
- Because nothing was crying out for a cookie to commemorate i
- During my time manning the booth this year, I decided to ske
- @shakin: That was an interesting read. Thanks for that. Just
- This is my favorite remix of the Mario theme:
- @pikachulover: Not a bad idea really. Especially if you're l
- The last item I had ordered arrived today. Still waiting on
- Cool TDitH. Hopefully it comes in handy for you. :)
- :lol: TDitH. Another good use for them.
- They turned out wonderfully. I'm very pleased with the impri
- It IS a Moleskine notebook. Also, I stopped by the office on
- Can't wait! I'm really wondering what that big, expensive Jo
- @pikachulover: Wow. A month long Fair? Leave it to Californi
- The Summer has been mild overall here. It has warmed up thes
- R.I.P. Attenborough. The final product:One of these boxes wi
- Luke Skywalker accepts Ice Bucket Challenge. Gets wet.
- @Ben: Ha! I love that one.
- I could go for that. There are some properties that are best
- It appears "The Cos" is getting another show on television..
- @Ben: That's got to be one of the most ridiculous fighter mo
- These are starting to ship now. You should begin seeing them
- @Fuzz: Too true that little changes from year to year. But I
- Some nice additions. That should appease some fans until Sma
- I always liked the cute look of the pixelated rides in City
- In Pigeon Forge we ate a couple of times at the Sweet Frog F
- Yeah, here in this area the nearest one is called The Green
- @bklynbren: This is a funny coincidence... I was just listen
- At King's Island, I never leave the park without getting a c
- @crow: Really? That's cool. I always liked Jodi. She put out
- Well, as far as taste, it's hard to pinpoint. It's delicious
- It will work when you have submitted it. For whatever reason
- Yeah. He delivered the jokes on that show MUCH WORSE than To
- I've mentioned The Meowwy Wowwy Show before. Last night the
- No problem TDitH.
- We did basically that same thing only we had to shake it up
- Purchased these at Wal-Mart today. And these at a Speedway..
- The first signs of Halloween make their appearance in Wal-Ma
- Hmmm. You know, I'm not sure. I'll check around the net to s
- I know what you're saying vkimo. I'm actually surprised that
- Well it's Labor Day weekend. I suppose that means this threa
- @bklynbren: Yeah. We fill a sandwich size ziploc bag with th
- Gilda rides again. :lol:Also, I found this ad for one of my
- Apparently every "food" we associate with our past is candy
- @TDitH: Time to take a breather and go at a slower pace. Eas
- Chat groups have good points and not good ones. You can have
- Alright. Good to see everyone is receiving them in. Enjoy an
- Speaking of chats, it occurred to me that our newest "regula
- *Blows dust off this old thread...*Even though we will be sh
- We'll be hosting some friends tonight because my wife wants
- @vkimo: I PM him to see what his schedule is like. Looks lik
- Who ya gonna call...? AARP.
- I always enjoyed SF2: Turbo. Might pick that one up.
- Good to know blue! @vkimo: Ha! I love that Marty is back the
- Nice pic TDitH. Keep your eye on Dutch and Hamato though. Tr
- @pikachulover: Was it a UPC or a coupon or something that yo
- You are the luckiest garage/yard sale nut I know. The 3 N
- Cool! Very cool.
- That's a very cool set. I like that.
- This is a good idea. I'll start looking into what's needed.
- I liked both the cartoon and the live action show, but for d
- I've been spending the past 3 hours creating this animated .
- Well, it's Labor Day. So now it looks like we can consider o
- Funny thing... Buddy Ebson did a dance number for Walt Disne
- A great and well animated intro. I'm gonna sneak this little
- I have been seeing an increase in leaves falling from the tr
- @crow: Very terribly. :lol:Yesterday (Labor Day) we visited
- Okay... I have a few really awesome things planned for the H
- My pleasure my friend!Just a a side note for you shakin... I
- @bklynbren: Ha! I think the scariest stuff my kids could han
- Heading out to McD's for some food, ice cream, and letting t
- Ah yes. I remember that day... picking out the engagement ri
- Yeah... that way there's still plenty of time to get those a
- For '98... only one movie comes to mind...I tried so hard to
- :lol:I just listened to the copy sent to me by Larry. It is
- Small Soldiers was a good one. It felt a lot like a Joe Dant
- If you haven't read the Community Message, I'll post it here
- Awesome pikachulover! Glad it arrived safe and sound.
- Oh yeah crow! That one with the sneaky Mike Myers has to be
- @Ben: I had contacted Rose Ward (one of the RetroCon organiz
- Jrs1991: Indeed he did. Also, I hadn't realized that this wa
- :) Yep. Also Jack Skellington to the Home page (haunting pri
- The box design for the upcoming Halloween themed Goodie Pack
- Well, it's pretty well officially the season of Halloween. B
- @shakin: Ha! That's awesome. Wouldn't it be great if every h
- @bklynbren: Nobody was real concerned about selling cigarett
- :lol: Man. You think highly of Boglins.
- @crow: I had pizza for lunch too. :lol: Leftovers though.
- I suppose that would be even cooler... if you made the purch
- Good stuff guys. I'll look into all these things. :)
- Seems as though if the third movie ever gets made, it's goin
- Like last year, we will be having a Halloween Article Contes
- @blueluigi: Maybe they haven't sold enough of the YI sequel
- Today I started coming down with a cold, and so has pretty m
- @Ben: Thanks man. Just got to let it run it's course. Feelin
- Ha! I did a thread like this when I was running a forum for
- Don't forget the pumpkin flavored everything!
- Well, yeah there is that. Of course, those who don't like pu
- You're in the clear, crow. ;)
- @TDitH: :lol:That's when you know you've taken it to the nex
- My wife's NES still runs, but sometimes you have to work it
- Were they like these?
- Don't you know you only need to blow on it and instantly eve
- Hmmm. Ferris isn't looking like himself lately on the Home p
- @vkimo: "That's what she said." - Michael Scott, The Office.
- Yeah. For some reason "Freddy Beuller" requires TWO refreshe
- He was warned about not going to sleep, no matter what he di
- We got to discuss things with him in other threads after tha
- I'll be sending out an email regarding the Halloween Article
- @vkimo: Great read v. I think I wrote an article just in res
- :lol: Vertex should have just made a section for Zelda and M
- Being an illustrator at heart, I ABSOLUTELY WOULD use them e
- Who are the Atlanta Falcons? A hockey team? j/k. :lol:
- Having watched the movie a second time now, I'm convinced th
- Seriously though... it's not funny now, guys. Could you just
- Still lovin' the Galaga Room pic. ;)
- Ha! Classic.
- Holy cow crow! That stinks. But I'm glad none of it was true
- It's an epidemic of meth in this area. Mainly because it's s
- It's Halloween season. He's the Halloween Ninja. 'Nuff said.
- I'd like to see these make a comeback this year... MINUS any
- @TDitH... there is a good image editing/paint program out th
- Lesley is another one of those people who was just awesome t
- Yeah. Last year's incorporation of toy lines was crappy. Jus
- Gilda is getting into the Halloween spirit too!
- @Ben: If nothing else, scour some of my favorite blog sites
- That was the thing though. I'm sure some marketing executive
- Wow! Nice! Much better than having to mail it in and wait se
- Did anybody get the Article Contest email? I didn't get it,
- Okay, good. Just wanted to make sure I didn't majorly foul u
- @shakin: One thing that comes to mind is that you can't save
- Ahhh. I had your email as missing the "1" at the end. That's
- Creepier... SpongeBob or Freddy? :lol:
- No need. It was basically just a copy/paste of the original
- thecrow174 wrote : Here's somet
- You're just imagining things. ;) When you awaken, you will h
- Hey everybody, Chris Tucker here. You may have seen me actin
- If you have kids, the Fall is starting out with a bad respir
- @vkimo:
- Last night I had a dream that one of my employees was accuse
- Ha! Awesome.
- Ahhh. The "goodies" for the Halloween Goodie Packs are begin
- Serling himself couldn't have said it better. :lol:
- NLogan wrote : "Picture if you
- Uhg. Last night my youngest child (son), who has been suffer
- Thanks crow. He's doing much better now. Same fiery little b
- Not asthmatic... yet. The doctors have mentioned before, tha
- For a while, I would very rarely have an episode of hyperven
- It always sucks when you get so far into something, only to
- Sounds like a cold front is going to be coming through this
- Wow. It didn't take you guys long to get crackin' on the Hal
- Looking forward to it my friend.
- We need a gold Photog Smurf.
- With your hosts, Dutch and Hamato.
- Well, it was mostly an evening of mowing and picking up crap
- It's another year later, and still the memories are fresh in
- I was reading a short article on the Ben Cooper company... p
- ctuna84 wrote : This is my favo
- Seems DQ is pitting two Blizzards against each other for Sep
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : It'
- Moudy and the gang aren't messing around. :lol: Still need a
- Yeesh. That would scare the fries out of you.
- Holy cow! It was CHILLY this morning. In the high 50's chill
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Thi
- So 12 more days until the premiere, right?
- One of the t-shirt designs that will be available in the Poi
- Don't pay any attention to those listings that are there. Th
- @vkimo: I can print you one up if you like. Five dollah... f
- Jrs1991 wrote : Lionheart is a&
- thecrow174 wrote : I don't reme
- Jrs1991 wrote : I haven't seen
- "This thread needs an enema!"
- It's been a lazy, lazy Saturday morning/afternoon. I'm think
- I did get my truck clean, so I accomplished something. Time
- Hope it works out well for you, pikachulover.
- Sounds like the Smash Bros. Demo is giving some players grie
- Something I ate didn't settle well and had my stomach upset
- blueluigi wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- Benjanime wrote : thanks crow
- They'll need a new stadium after the Bengals went in there a
- I swiped this from my old and now defunct blog. It's appropr
- What's next... Crystal Pepsi and New Coke?What about Jolt?
- Is NOW really a good time to be carving your pumpkins? I pas
- Matt at DinoDrac has been on a personal crusade to make Ecto
- Exactly. They turn so quickly afterward. These were absolute
- @fuschnikt: Hey there! Great to have you be a part of the co
- Is this the Pumpkin Spice Oreos we're talking about here?
- I was thinking there was the regular Oreos with the orange c
- It doesn't even SOUND good, and I like almost all things pum
- This thread needs some new cereal ideas. Get to it people.
- I was thinking of attempting to get us together this Saturda
- Here ya go Jrs1991...
- The Halloween articles are coming in at a pretty quick pace,
- Awesome TDitH. It'll be good to have you there.
- @Ben: My kids would do nothing but pick out the ghosts and p
- It's been cold and overcast today. Very "Halloweenish". :lol
- Make yourself at home Brandon. We're glad you have joined us
- Mmmm. Our church sold chicken noodle dinners this evening th
- Taco Tuesday??? Isn't that the day Lord Business destroys th
- Happy B-Day Crow!!!When I turned 30, I cried. :'(When I turn
- Moudy wrote : Welcome to RD Bra
- vkimo wrote : I'd create a bowl
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 w
- Speaking of age...Yesterday something came to light that I c
- I don't want my Saturn back. I traded it in for a reason. :l
- Lion-O...
- Not that Saturn.This one...
- It happens. :lol:Wait until you have kids. I happens a lot m
- vkimo wrote : Something about h
- @massreality: For sure. The first few episodes were "iffy" f
- Some non-Nintendo character editions would have made for som
- massreality wrote : All three e
- Holy crap! If I can figure out how to get some of these, I w
- Edd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally we can get some 70's love
- If you've got the points (not sayin' how much yet), you coul
- The "Halloween" Goodie Packs are together now. They'll be in
- vkimo wrote : You're making me
- Mmmm...Stay Puffed donuts. Defeating the undead never tasted
- thecrow174 wrote : "Don't get m
- thecrow174 wrote :"If it's in the game, it's in the game."
- I... I can't believe I'm about to type this.You thought it w
- The Points Store is...OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I'll be adding new
- blueluigi wrote : F-zero SNES f
- I know. My eyes got huge when I saw the email come in. I cou
- It's just... soooo... bad...
- thecrow174 wrote : I take it yo
- Always loved the "I Want My MTV" promos.
- NLogan wrote :
- They'll be on their way soon. :)
- NLogan wrote : That is what I w
- @Ben: It almost pains me to cut the tape on the 6 pack case,
- What the heck was Wild Guns? I don't remember that.
- I LOVE that He-Man shows up in this episode...
- vkimo wrote : Are any of the no
- thecrow174 wrote : A slow day o
- That's cool TDitH. Hope you get it today.I'm watching one of
- "They're coming to get you Barbara..."
- A guy named Kevin from General Mills has contacted me and sa
- thecrow174 wrote : I'm watching
- The theater is open. Be sure to use Chrome or Firefox.
- You know it!
- Yeah. We posted about him when he died here too. Jaws was fa
- Well, I don't know. First things first... hopefully this Kev
- Good time guys. Good time. Mass won 500 points, and I am giv
- I swear, I've scoured the internet up and down and could not
- Klutzy girlfriends!!! Poor Marty. Glad to know he is feeling
- Somebody's creative...
- I was suprised that Wal-Mart had not yet placed out any Chri
- thecrow174 wrote : Party City i
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Vap
- NLogan wrote : Cool. I like thi
- pikachulover wrote : How about
- I think many companies reuse commercials/ads because they th
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Ok. I got a Reptar shirt just in
- Yeah. Monster Mash would be a good one for producing nostalg
- The Hoff...
- blueluigi wrote : Seriously, Va
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 w
- I noticed I had to hit the "refresh" button on my browser fo
- Why must we reboot everything ever? There was already a F13
- This song I played quite a bit in my youth, as I had a crush
- Excellent. It's gonna be 198something another season.
- Ooh. Via I-Mockery, I have discovered that Post is releasing
- massreality wrote : I just list
- vkimo wrote : Whelp....5 months
- I never thought he was that good a player. His stats are goo
- Not a claim to fame, but an amusing story...In the early 90'
- Man. You know it's Fall when you're kicking on the heat in y
- :lol: This is so crazy. It's Weird Al leaving messages on hi
- NLogan wrote : Nice. So I
- "You get to drink from the FIREHOSE!!!""STUPID!!! You're so
- Hostess is getting into the spirit...Saw these in my recent
- Dollar General has wasted no time letting Christmas take ove
- Here's what to expect in the October (Halloween) Goodie Pack
- @eddstarr: :lol: Kuva was definitely rockin' the heavy eyeli
- @massreality: Agreed. I too will watch it. I just wish the s
- @massreality: My guess is the only famous people you're like
- Last night we attempted enjoying a fire with hot dogs, but m
- This should be fun.Here is the short video of The Hoff readi
- @NLogan: Actually those not yet released cereals still seale
- @massreality: Glad you got to experience the Drive-In. It's
- @crow & massreality: Whammy!
- Here is a bit more info from Joel regarding the possible MST
- vkimo wrote :Something along the lines of..."vkimo is the be
- shakin steak wrote : MM. WHAT'S
- Waiting for it on Hulu.
- @jkatz: All that's required in that case, is for you to be t
- I can't say I have ever said anything like that to anyone. B
- massreality wrote : Today I fin
- Well, RetroJunk obviously for me... but also I occasionally
- Woah. You're right. He has a decidedly 80's style to his mus
- Well, as per the norm, I left work early to go with the wife
- I've just about finished up Michael Knight's cameo in the Ha
- NLogan wrote : "Don't scream. M
- NLogan wrote : What no credit f
- I've mentioned it elsewhere, but don't forget to hit up Men
- NLogan wrote : Chest hair overl
- I was putting the words you wrote into his mouth, watching t
- VKIMO!!! Awesome! Welcome to parenthood my friend. It's hard
- Some new items have been added to the Points Store for those
- I tried the Pumpkin Spice Oreo flavor today.Not bad. Not gre
- vkimo wrote : I'll be here in the hospital because they
- After work and my wife's praise team practice, we headed to
- Sure. "Michael Knight. Knight Rider." You got that part righ
- vkimo wrote : Thanks for the we
- I got that stinking Xbox One hooked up... after about 2 hour
- Yeah. Saturday Morning Cartoons were only really a magical k
- We're preparing to head over to some friends' house for a co
- thecrow174 wrote : I wonder if
- NLogan wrote : Yechh. I guess I
- @Ben: Hmmm. If the guy was willing to sell you a 'puter that
- @vkimo: They're terrible for the man. I made a makeshift bed
- The hayride was great. Went out some of the back roads in th
- Maybe the nurses would let you blow it up in the nurses stat
- I think this just made this morning a bit better...
- And a few more items added, to spice things up.
- shakin steak wrote : Where are
- As of some months back, it was 40 points for articles, 5 for
- @jkatz: Well we'll just have to do our best here to spice th
- If you mow your grass and find a car...
- @jkatz: If you look on the main forum page, you'll see that
- Caps has far and away the most points. But he has not submit
- Much is made of the sights of Fall, and rightfully so. But t
- I wonder what Sting (the wrestler) is up to these days.
- Ahh. Michael Knight's cameo is done. Now on to Lion-O's. :lo
- I'll have to pick it up. It was a good movie.
- The Halloween Goodie Packs are now available in the Points S
- When the Reds aren't present, neither am I. Still, way to go
- Just watched the first episode of this season. Great episode
- :lol:When ISN'T there "mama drama" in the Goldberg's househo
- thecrow174 wrote : Even Big is
- pikachulover wrote : I loved th
- So far I am not all that impressed with the Xbox One. I down
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :...last night made a crazy food c
- shakin steak wrote : I got a co
- Speaking if Spooky, and in keeping with the recent focus on
- I'll be waiting on the Wii U version. Be careful not to snap
- Ha! Loving the little Miiverse art Ben.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I'v
- After several days of dryness, today it's finally putting do
- Woah, cool. Didn't know you could use Mii fighters. That's s
- I don't remember any time that I wore a costume more than on
- Hoju Koolander's alter ego (Dr. Timewarp) inspired me to do
- I find this commercial to be hilarious. Not quite "Where's T
- :D Glad you like it. If Doc Emmett Brown and Marty McFly wer
- blueluigi wrote : Mii Fighter i
- pikachulover wrote : A heat wav
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : pik
- Benjanime wrote : finishing up
- It was a day of pumpkin...y...ness, or something... for us t
- Benjanime wrote : count duckula
- The Hyrule Historia is now available in the Points Store!
- blueluigi wrote :Plus, I don't think I'm the best writer whe
- There are quite a few! I would like to see Burger Chef come
- I saw a trailer for this a couple days ago and it looked qui
- Probably the best board game to movie... uh... movie:And...
- I lost my interest in Mortal Kombat after the second one. Ye
- Wow. I have to give it to Wendy's this year... they made a n
- NLogan wrote :B. Dalton books, Borders, Waldenbooks, Media P
- I was hoping one of the kids would get one with the Mystery
- shakin steak wrote :I have no complaints though, because the
- K.I.T.T. the Transformer...
- This morning I got my new 24 foot storage building delivered
- He never did find out, did he? :D
- I suppose I should give the original episodes a watch. I was
- This remix of the Knight Rider theme has infected my brain..
- Not necessarily. Most generally I select articles that are a
- Hoju Koolander wrote : I hadn't been for about a year and wh
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :
- Love this song... Give it a listen..."...why people taste li
- vkimo wrote : She's in my lap s
- Could be a number of things, not necessarily Diabetes. Let u
- thecrow174 wrote : I liked how
- thecrow174 wrote : What did the
- Wow... now here's a cartoon I had COMPLETELY forgotten about
- Benjanime wrote : well everyone
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- shakin steak wrote : thecrow174
- Okay so, this isn't exact but, I think it's pretty close. It
- shakin steak wrote : Tower shut
- Oh yeah, I remember those as well. Yeah, these were a flexib
- Glad you're doing alright. That's the main thing.
- Cool. Fred Savage directs... That's awesome.
- Last night the family and I went to see Dolphin Tale 2, whic
- If you can separate the weed smoke from the BenGay residue.
- Wow! That's just unreal. Yeah, my guess is something has com
- I have EXTREMELY vague memories of it. Like, I probably saw
- Charging your mobile devices never seemed so "retro" until n
- thecrow174 wrote : Went to my s
- I used to be a Charles Band/Full Moon movie fan. Especially
- pikachulover wrote : Just wonde
- pikachulover wrote : I just lik
- Maybe Nintendo should have dubbed October... Belmoctober? Er
- Someone attempting to steal our pumpkins would have to find
- You know what the worst part of owning all that great gaming
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- Mark your calendars...
- Obviously they must somehow include both Bowie and Connelly
- vkimo wrote : I set a reminder
- Looks like Daniel-san is holding up well. Good to hear.More
- NLogan wrote : Vicki from small
- Jrs1991 wrote : I can't believe
- Probably never gonna happen, but think of the possibilities.
- Was he in an 80s tv show?
- Did the show bear his name?
- Jrs1991 wrote : I've already be
- Jrs1991 wrote : I will. With th
- jkatz wrote : I may have embell
- Was the character the main star of the show?
- pikachulover wrote : The Jack-o
- thecrow174 wrote : Why so surpr
- Was the television show he starred in a comedy?
- NLogan wrote : Sheldon Cooper f
- NLogan wrote : Here is a link t
- Yeah, blue is right. Has to be.
- NLogan wrote : Vaporman Hallowe
- blueluigi wrote : Got any other
- jkatz wrote : Wait, that's supp
- Watched Edge of Tomorrow this evening. Best Tom Cruise movie
- Is the character human?
- ^ I have no idea what to make of this. :lol:
- Today was a day of way too much time spent in the car going
- vkimo wrote : Cool gallery of k
- Benjanime wrote : i have no wor
- Nobody can resist pumping their fists and singing along to t
- pikachulover wrote : I got a qu
- So, so far we have...*Cartoon*Evil/Bad*80's Cartoon*Male*Not
- Benjanime wrote : well devianta
- Cha-ching! Yay me!Let's see... My character's name starts wi
- thecrow174 wrote : Is it a dude
- I'm going to have to get more creative. NLogan got it .
- Just received a kooky "Your Welcome" vid message from The Ho
- vkimo wrote : As long as it's 8
- Was it animated?
- So what's up with McDonald's? Are they doing NOTHING for Hal
- Is it a male?
- thecrow174 wrote : I said they
- vkimo wrote : Arnold from Diffe
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :I think at this point they just g
- Time to put on my thinking cap.Was this character the "star"
- NLogan wrote : This year's Hall
- Here's The Hoff's "You're Welcome" to my "Thank You". Told y
- Yeah... I still have... I mean, my kids... still have...seve
- pikachulover wrote : They are r
- NLogan wrote :If we had some of those one liners they might
- Was the show he starred in a comedy?
- Did the show's title bear his name?
- Put them up in the Classifieds pika. Which ones do you have?
- I don't suppose we'd be talking about this fella...His first
- thecrow174 wrote : So, Molly Ri
- Hey there retro90sboy. Hope you feel right at home here.
- I think Netflix should spin off a section for retro tv shows
- First to the top of my head would be Kurt Russell (obviously
- thecrow174 wrote : What program
- This character's name begins with an "L".
- shakin steak wrote :Is it a cartoon character?
- blueluigi wrote : Is the charac
- Today I purchased emergency food from My Patriot Supply. Thi
- NLogan wrote : Comedy?
- I think part of the "mystique" you refer to is manifested fr
- NLogan wrote : Lois Lane from L
- I don't want to see any teams from the Reds division winning
- Was his name in the title of the show?
- A sweet time capsule opening...
- I swear, it was so dry heading into Fall. Now that it's here
- Is the character human?
- Nicely guessed, echidna! I would have never guessed that. I
- Here in small town America, the Homecoming/Alumni crap gets
- I heard this on a radio station today. Not interested.
- I've been stuffing my new storage building with stuff, clear
- Hoju Koolander wrote : On a sid
- vkimo wrote : C'mon Chids, keep
- Is the character human?
- thecrow174 wrote : Another one
- shakin steak wrote : I'm having
- SiriusXM's SCREAM channel should be showing up any day now a
- Johnny Carson?EDIT: No. The Tonight Show started in the 50's
- vkimo wrote : I got married tod
- Ugh. Been working to get the Halloween Special rendered and
- Still plenty of Halloween Goodie Packs left. Get one if you
- shakin steak wrote : ugh what a
- Wait to go V. First you get married, now you win the guessin
- blueluigi wrote :Bah! Pinnacle Studio? I've used it before,
- It's possible we may have to postpone the Halloween Special
- vkimo wrote : This character do
- I can go ahead and open it at the same time, however when it
- Is it a 90's television show it's from?
- Thanks shakin and blue. I'll start doing some looking at Veg
- The Theater is open, but the movie will still be running lat
- It'll be good to have you and TDitH there. Hope vkimo can ma
- Now why didn't I think of that?
- Last call for the Halloween Special. We're close to done upl
- thecrow174 wrote : I thought yo
- It's cool jkatz. Life happens. You can check out the spec
- Tom Servo! Kidding. Male or female?
- Spent last night (following the Halloween Special) trying to
- I have Prince's "Kiss" stuck in my head now.
- vkimo wrote : Great work Vapor!
- Did the show air exclusively in the 90's?
- Probably Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, Herculoids, Wacky
- vkimo wrote : Topanga from Boy
- So, so far we have:FemaleLive Action (not cartoon)No powersN
- thecrow174 wrote : @Vaporman87:
- Ahh... Space Ghost...
- vkimo wrote : The guest judge i
- Hmm... what do these have to do with this year's Christmas A
- Phew! Just going to enjoy today and not feel rushed to get s
- Hey Bery. You would click on the "Submit" button on the home
- I haven't said anything about prizes. I'm just seeing if any
- Ralphie... Richie... they're all the same. :)
- Wow! Well played a NLogan. Well played.
- Is the character the "star" of the show?
- NLogan wrote :"Trick-or-treat. Michael Knight. Knight Rider?
- NLogan and jkatz are getting warm.
- Yeah, that was a good comedy for sure. Though I couldn't sus
- Have a great birthday Ben! :XD:
- jkatz wrote : The contest may b
- Is the character's name in the title of the show?
- Beryl001 wrote : No problem wit
- NLogan wrote :Oh man a rock, well it was worth a shot. Can I
- Two new books have been added to the Points Store:
- Great job blue!
- That's awesome. Great cake! Halloween birthdays must be awes
- :lol: "lord of lightning". Poor Bambi never saw it coming. S
- Well, looks as though the Giants mean business... so far.
- Is the character male?
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Please tell me there is a wall ch
- Glad you had a great birthday Ben. Save some of that cake fo
- Is it some form of Bugs Bunny?
- I'll watch it this evening on Hulu Plus.
- I'm thinking it's a vent pipe for the heat that is generated
- Yeah. It's a bit of a downer, but Christmas is always to com
- We have the Pandora app on our IPad and listen to Monster Ma
- Apparently these television producers didn't get the memo th
- jkatz wrote : I bought a tv tod
- comic_book_fan wrote : bo duke
- Sweet! That had to be a very cool, unique experience.
- We'll be doing our Trick-or-Treating here on Thursday night
- Just watched the most recent episode. All I can say is...JTP
- SiriusXM's Scream started today at 6:00 PM EST. It's on chan
- I hadn't thought of 8-track and cassette tape covers. That w
- Yeah, you're right. The means of sorting VHS images is not t
- LepricahnsGold wrote : ...and C
- LepricahnsGold wrote : ... an
- Yeah, that's it. One of my mom's ex-boyfriends owned one of
- We were invited to Trick-or-Treat at a campground owned by o
- vkimo wrote : ^ It's still broa
- vkimo is on fire!!! Way to guess man!
- One of their best from the DLR era.
- Cartoon character?
- Wow. That was fast. :lol:
- Is the letter used in the show "P"?
- Cheers had an awesome series finale.I miss that show.
- I have to agree jkatz. Those videos not only seem really ove
- jkatz wrote : Blows the Gameboy (what I had growing up) comp
- ^ Yup. Agreed with pretty much everything here.
- I'm Fred Jones, trapmaster. :)
- NLogan wrote :Have you seen the Scooby Doo Mystery Incorpora
- I wouldn't mind seeing a series or film based on Cyber Force
- thecrow174 wrote : Little girls
- I think I'm going to be having a new favorite come 2015...My
- Yesterday I ate my first Egg Nog Shake from McDonald's of th
- Ladies and GentlemanMiss Bannatyne has made her choice. Here
- shakin steak wrote : comic_book
- It's too bad that there aren't a plethora of Halloween novel
- I suppose if you wanted to really make a statement about gen
- Glad the winnings will help make the wife's life a bit easie
- jkatz wrote : vkimo wrote :
- It's not out of the realm of possibility for there to NOT be
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I p
- @NLogan - Let me know when you come up with it.
- They're all awesome and I want them! I like the Jack O' Lant
- The many sweater vests of Bill Cosby...
- Hope everything turns out well Ben. Let us know how it goes.
- German
- Milk
- Have fun at the convention TDitH!
- Looks to have been a good series. Though TV ratings were low
- Ha! Love the Dutch & Hamato AND the Elf and Mind Blown o
- Tonight is Trick-or-Treat night in R-town. Time for Fred, Sh
- Twinkies
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Vap
- Always dig the Jack Skellington Jack O' Lanterns.
- shakin steak wrote :
- Mountain Dew
- Chest pains can be scary, but most generally are benign. If
- Rob
- I MOSTLY agree. Some foreign vehicles are pretty sweet to lo
- Linux_Sage wrote : I just came
- Yeesh... so many clues, yet I'm feeling clueless about the c
- Horse
- Wait... is the answer "It"? That is to say... the clown from
- shakin steak wrote :Alright I'll come up with something. Who
- :lol: Hate it when that happens. :)This character's first na
- It's a 90's show... but ended in the 2000's
- Hoju Koolander wrote :Those prices are the source of true ho
- May you and yours be spooked!Here we are from last night...
- Government
- One person yelled "John Kerry!" when they saw The Creeper. :
- I meant to ask...Who can tell me who is sitting in the passe
- It's always a weird feeling when we have our festivities the
- This episode was good, but felt a lot like "filler". It had
- The yellow blur was Michael Knight sticking his head out. In
- Yardstick
- A good Halloween-ish story...
- Speaking of the site, you may have noticed it was down for a
- Yeah. Some sleet showed up here today. Not a lot, but it is
- Human. :lol:
- Sonic (The Hedgehog)
- Pop Fiction did an episode on MJs contribution to Sonic 3.
- Yes. The same one, but any additions you would like added ar
- No. Not a cartoon.
- vkimo wrote : Helped the local
- In part, yes.
- Macaroni
- vkimo wrote : Brisco County Jr?
- Quite a collection. Thanks for sharing the images of them.
- Not used to the time change yet. /:/
- Apple
- Pete's wife has set up a GoFundMe page to help with the expe
- Why not? While those feelings of Halloween are still fresh.
- With November here, I will let it be known what will be up f
- Benjanime wrote : only if vapor
- LepricahnsGold wrote : thecrow1
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Be
- So who else has been digging through and stealing their chil
- Hollywood
- Be sure to hit "refresh/reload" on your browser a couple tim
- Derk wrote :For anyone who has never been, I'd highly recomm
- thecrow174 wrote : Do you think
- That is sweet. Really sweet. You get two ninjas for that one
- Confusion
- vkimo wrote : No Calvin and Hob
- Well... practically nobody saw last year's Christmas Special
- vkimo wrote : As long as it's f
- I miss seeing Norm MacDonald in stuff.
- Back to figuring out how to get that Parade on my television
- Games
- I'll have to check this out further. I'm really interested i
- Occupy
- SiriusXM's Christmas stations are coming on November 11th. W
- What Christmas related items would you like to see in the Po
- sheep
- Avengers
- vkimo wrote : ThatDudeintheHood
- Yeah, I hate those shows that do everything in their power t
- Yeah. It's taken them no time at all to get started. Ah well
- I thought something was missing. Moudy skipped one!
- thecrow174 wrote : Those though
- You feel strongly about this I see. You are right, though.
- thecrow174 wrote : blueluigi se
- It occurred to me while showering (of all times and places)
- All the better for us Ben. :)
- I guess if you're talking about brand new ideas/innovations,
- My oldest son is going to test the "karate class" waters tod
- Cool. And we have a wallmaster icon . That'll make blue happ
- Sweet! Thanks so much Moudy and Rakesh!
- My wife informed me of this this morning. I was happy to hea
- This...
- Going to go see this with the family this afternoon. I'll le
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Saw
- Thanks for the info blue. No doubt some of us will be reques
- It was a great movie. I bit predictable, but well done, and
- Yeah. You have to love the homage to greatness.
- Toy Story 4: Toy Story vs. Small Soldiers
- pikachulover wrote : Went to an
- thecrow174 wrote : I take it Bi
- Xander vs. Hamato.... Fight!!!
- Yeah. Incredibles IS getting a sequel. It's been a while com
- I've come to the realization that this Fall (2014) is just g
- I want to see Combat Carl in the new one. He was a fun chara
- Today's been nice out. We played a couple games of "Clue", w
- Cracker Barrel is great. I love their hash brown casserole a
- shakin steak wrote : I never ea
- :lol: Smarf! That's awesome.
- Yeah, I'm not trying that. I do drink soda though. Dr Pepper
- 1,000!
- SiriusXM will begin Christmas music programming at noon toda
- I got to watch my oldest son in karate class this evening. I
- I won't ever be caught drinking a coffee, black. And likely
- Apparently we're going to be hit with an arctic blast this w
- I think I would have liked the film better with anyone other
- Also, if you purchase her Disney Infinity 2.0 figurine, bewa
- There haven't been too many people I've looked up who didn't
- Now to just figure out how to hack the download so it works
- Derk wrote : I'm such a loser/s
- Hmm. Not familiar with it.
- Derk wrote :I know, I know. I normally don't do things like
- Wowzers. There are a lot of wowzers here. Also, wowzers.
- Hasbro must have a nice bit of cash in the bank to be consid
- The bottom fell out of the temperature yesterday, and this m
- massreality wrote : LOL, oops..
- My after school tv watching was usually He-Man, Transformers
- There are some good deals out there to be had, but any more
- SockofFleagulls wrote : If it l
- On a female, I think it's passable. On a guy? No!!!! Creepy!
- I'm gonna warn you... I'm about to go off here. It's that ti
- :lol: "One day only... regular unleaded for $1.799 a gallon.
- If you're like me, you're guilty of purchasing the occasiona
- thecrow174 wrote : Plans have b
- Derk wrote :One year in particular, I bought my fiancee a cl
- Derk wrote : Anyway, besides ra
- jkatz wrote : Found an antiques
- Reese's
- Our church had it's annual Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner. St
- Last night we watched Jingle All The Way. The kids had never
- I had a feeling they would be rehashing a lot of the same jo
- Christmas Goodie Pack design...The Christmas Goodie Pack wil
- Yeah. Apparently he is quite the Christmas/Santa enthusiast.
- Derk wrote :And judging by his mobility at the show, he's al
- You know it brother! Spread the word. :)
- You think that's bad Derk? My day has consisted of keeping m
- LOL. Satanic Dungeon Masters sounds like a good name for a B
- After we got him home and resting, his fever starting going
- thecrow174 wrote : There was a
- Candy Land could make an interesting movie... maybe. Also Ch
- Sounds like fun! I need to see the previous episode first...
- thecrow174 wrote : I hope they
- Thinking of skipping out on the Christmas Special this year?
- Benjanime wrote : @Vaporman87th
- I loved Lesley Ann Warren in Clue. She did a wonderful job i
- NLogan wrote : Did you see the
- It's hard to say. If it wasn't an issue of Iron Man, then it
- Woah... hold up.There's going to be a Joe Dirt sequel? :skep
- One thing I don't doubt, is that we'll be going to the theat
- Yeah. My taste in humor is what it is.I like Jim Gaffigan, S
- Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised by the nice mix of tradit
- :lol: Naturally blue's had to do with gaming. ;)
- vkimo wrote : Didn't you notice
- Thankfully, the Peanuts moniker isn't really as defining a n
- Thankfully my wife is a former cosmetologist with a license,
- Well... I would say that if a new strip/property/shows were
- I hoping for some broccoli and cheese casserole, noodles, tu
- Has anyone yet told you to "Run Forest! Run!" ???
- I'm thinking this year, I'm going to put up the lights on th
- Here is a few of the balloons/floats in this year's parade..
- Well today has been spent in the hustle and bustle of the cr
- Looks like it'll be tomorrow putting up lights. Today ended
- The vomitfest has continued here this weekend. After my olde
- Benjanime wrote : yo vapor, hit
- We watched it on PPV growing up, but it paled in comparison
- echidna64 wrote : Had my first
- Benjanime wrote : i've heard a
- I think the Vaporman87 family has a clean bill of health now
- :lol:I keep saying I'm going to put them up, and then someth
- We always get ours from a fellow who lives nearby. He grows
- I hadn't realized that we lost the creator of Teddy Ruxpin e
- I also have the Now That's What I Call Christmas album, and
- We watched The Muppet Christmas Carol a couple times today o
- Cool. Anything they can bring back to market regarding Garba
- Way to go TDitH! Today was a truly crummy day. Last night I
- Today has been a better day for me, healthwise. Hopefully al
- SegaFanatic wrote : I gotta giv
- Well, it looks as though there is officially too much (or it
- I don't remember ever having a quiz on a movie in school.
- How about songs that get play during Christmas that you don'
- Hope everyone has a safe and fun Thanksgiving. I'm thankful
- Really hoping this winter's (2014/2015) sicknesses are over,
- Any riots break out yet?
- Everything is up now. If you want your RetroDaze "christmasy
- Well, even though I was not feeling 100%, we did manage to m
- I wonder what the "hot" or "it" item(s) is(are) this year?
- Oh yes. Of course! Thanks again crow.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Par
- Glad you're happy with it. Let the festivities begin.
- Oooh... Mighty Final Fight looks like a good one for me and
- thecrow174 wrote : I had no ide
- Thoughts on the teaser trailer?
- SegaFanatic wrote : I just ente
- Thanks SF. If you think Gremlins should show up, I can do th
- I think I could get some entertainment out of a few of the s
- Today was a busy day. After church, some of us headed to a n
- I watched it the other day. It was pretty decent, but I do t
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- EDIT: Done! Hit the refresh button on your browser a couple
- I have no doubt it will sell, but likely to somebody with lo
- Mick Foley...
- Saw these items today at Wal-Mart, which amused me (I bought
- thecrow174 wrote : Go, Clint, g
- Should be seeing that one on store shelves about now.
- Yesterday was mostly a day of me doing work around the house
- One that I don't mind being stuck in my head...
- You know, peculiar as it may be, I like this. It gives us a
- Well, looks like TCM/Disney have already roped in a half doz
- My wife has the iPhone 6, and has not bent... yet.Ben, I'll
- SockofFleagulls wrote : My own
- blueluigi wrote : Though now, I
- Everything is finally together, and the packs will show up i
- Nothing funner than gifting on Christmas, especially if the
- Man... I would have loved this to no end as a kid. Actually,
- vkimo wrote : Just ordered one
- @NLogan - I must have both of those. Make it happen.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I'l
- Got the first 8 Packs ready and shipped today. I have more D
- A Mel Blanc Christmas song I had never heard before... until
- vkimo wrote : 3 Cheers for Vapo
- I'm pleasantly surprised by the new VeggieTales series on Ne
- I must be the only one who watched this thinking YES! Finall
- So that's where Marth comes from in SSB.
- Today has just been me and the kids at home (except for a tr
- So weird. First I notice Mike Nelson is working with Big Ide
- Let the kids watch The Mighty Ducks this evening. I think th
- vkimo wrote : Yeah, and I hear
- If the dimensions aren't exact, it's still okay. Some of Lep
- Benjanime wrote : so i'm about
- Sweet! Glad they are now arriving for your enjoyment. Ho, Ho
- Understand that your receiving of a RetroDaze Christmas Good
- At last... a sunny day. I have completed my putting up of th
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I w
- ...you and your family begin singing theme songs to 80's and
- @Ben - That sucks. It reminds me of a time when I had a memo
- Also try the Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch... Quite a delicious
- Thanks shakin. Nice covers!
- There's enough grease on that slice to fill a bathtub. :lol:
- I thought I recognized that name, then you mentioned Magnavo
- Add in Shigeru Miyamoto and you have a "holy trinity" of gam
- Oh you know... the usual kind of Monday.Wake up and leave ar
- I caught the episode about the hoverboard incident last nigh
- This year I actually got around to decorating the office int
- Mick Foley's bit part has been successfully added. Now it's
- So long as you're not using...Righteous, Homefry, Face, Syke
- Saw this on SockOfFleagulls site... HILARIOUS! I love Honda
- Face!
- Yeah. He-Man and Skeletor have two commercials. Both are fun
- Should be available on Hulu now. I'll have to watch it this
- What ONE thing do you wish you were getting this Christmas?
- I have some things you might be interested in. I'll dig out
- :lol: Nice one, shakin.Here's some regional humor...Two guys
- I agree. As simple as these look, keeping to the "retro" des
- Thanks to Fuzz, NLogan, and shakin for helping to clear thin
- I'm certain that vkimo has some kind of mob-like connections
- Then, the "customer" skips out on Stupendous Man, and calls
- The special is uploaded and ready to go with 2 days left to
- Around these parts, there isn't nearly the network of Ebay s
- blueluigi wrote : So, it starts
- NLogan wrote : Knock knock. Who
- Everybody's Christmas Goodie Packs have now shipped out. So
- Yeah. Got a couple in today. Some good ones. Found out today
- Sounds like Uncle Marvin (Goldbergs)...Check out my Delorean
- 15 more and we can get our own reality show.
- Smart thinking Ben. Nice workaround.
- Hope so, crow. Heading to town to let the kids see Santa thi
- LOL. Love the Santa Godzilla and Gilda pics. The Santa died
- Cool. Hope you and Ben make it tonight!
- You were correct. The line was on the long side. I'll get th
- NLogan wrote : Couldn't get in.
- @Ben: Good to know you were at least able to get some of you
- Way to go Mario!
- The kids with Santa...
- Saw these RoboCop Versus Terminator figures in Toys 'R Us ye
- MissM wrote : Hey everybody. It
- I purchased the DVD not that long ago, but we just now got a
- I'm pleased to announce that the Points Store is now offerin
- Linux_Sage wrote : Good God, wh
- shakin's had a few too many this evening. :lol:
- Oh yeah... I've topped you all. I'm putting away clothes. Bo
- Too late. I've already broken at least one.
- vkimo wrote : John Matrix is on
- MissM wrote : Not that they were bad the way they were, but
- Great comics there NLogan.Thinking of the recent "Batman" ar
- Yeah. That movie always freaked me out. Yeesh.
- shakin steak wrote :Still looking for more though...Vaporman
- Benjanime wrote : ...all you ha
- shakin steak wrote :(*I'm assuming it's something like the u
- thecrow174 wrote : Sorry for th
- Jrs1991 wrote : The Quick and t
- Another favorite in my collection...And this is the first co
- Purchased these as a Christmas present to myself today. Can'
- vkimo wrote : That's like 10,00
- THE FAT NINJA!!!Two of my friends had that comic (though lik
- Obscure gems are sometimes the best place to find the next b
- That's thinking on your... uh... wheels echidna! Nice job ma
- Oh yeah, and this is another pretty important one to me. :)A
- Tomorrow is D-Day for entries into the contest. It's been a
- My wife showed me this the other day. :lol: Yeesh. How the m
- shakin steak wrote : VAPORMAN D
- Last night was a long night. Hard to get much sleep when you
- Cool. I would love to have some of those now.
- thecrow174 wrote : I saw Sonic
- Hurray echidna! For you my friend...
- shakin steak wrote :You frickin suck. You are terrible peopl
- shakin steak wrote : Should I m
- Feeling down because you don't yet have the points for those
- NLogan wrote : I don't like the
- How about those Soda Streams? Anybody tried those? I have. I
- shakin steak wrote : ...b
- fuschnikt wrote : I get so busy
- fuschnikt wrote : More accurate
- Benjanime wrote : so after many
- MissM wrote : That book is amaz
- Two of the best mash-ups ever made...
- :lol: That's hilarious. You're 476 feet from everything! Now
- Maybe officially, but it's been winter here for a while now
- My brother always thought Geena Davis was attractive, and I
- Feeling a bit disappointed here in Walmart as all the Christ
- I have some of my art, both new and old, posted at my devian
- I got caught up on some sleep this afternoon, which was nice
- Let the Christmas week begin!
- It's up and running now, and it's already a nice convenience
- If you refresh the browser on the Home Page, you'll see a no
- Looks like a new place in shakin steak's neck of the woods m
- Unboxed my Sideshow Iron Monger and Silver Centurion Iron Ma
- @fuschnikt: Ha! Is that an actual Home Alone 2 board game? T
- fuschnikt wrote : Yeah it is. M
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : If
- I'd like to take the kids to see it.
- Yeah, it's like 60 degrees here today. Stinks!
- Ladies and Gentleman...The contest to end all contests has a
- Thank you guys as well. You make these contests a true joy.
- Oh, and...Forum thread 1,000!
- Yeah. We're going to be singing "I'm dreaming of a WET Chris
- I highly recommend anything from Sideshow Collectibles (as f
- We'll be spending this evening wrapping a few gifts, so we d
- Ugh. I didn't get to bed until about 5:00 AM last night, up
- Anyone attending Christmas Eve parties this evening, be care
- vkimo wrote : The Interview is
- Merry Christmas gang! I hope yours is a great one.
- Hope everybody had a great Christmas day. Back to normal lif
- I love that the pine version of the early models aren't just
- The New Year brings new swag in the Points Store. Sweet.
- vkimo wrote : I just scored on a li
- "I've seen The Exorcist about a hundred and sixty seven time
- Benjanime wrote : the posters l
- Benjanime wrote : well that's t
- I think it only has accents that are diecast. The whole thin
- It's hard to imagine that this is the first time Duck Hunt i
- MissM wrote : I've had a few re
- I'm thinking the wrestlers from Pro Wrestling should be incl
- So far it's been a day of pure, unadulterated laziness. I to
- Hey there VL! Welcome aboard. We're glad you could join our
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Abo
- Cool game. Though I have no clue what this image is from. Ca
- It's not Mystic Ninja is it?
- vkimo wrote : One thing I want
- When you live in the middle of nowhere, you're not likely to
- Dairy Queen is probably the slowest "Fast" Food place around
- Well done blue... if anybody was going to get it, it was goi
- thecrow174 wrote : @Vaporman:Mo
- shakin steak wrote : Hi Villech
- Cool. Joe Dante... one of the great 80's directors (still go
- Yeah... I have no idea. It seems familiar though. As for Cre
- With the Holidays almost over, it's back to the Dragon Dance
- echidna64 wrote : vkimo wrote :
- The only reason I know who Paddington is, is because I once
- Hmm. I would say if there is a fast food burger that beats D
- Speaking of DQ, it seems they have just run out of ideas for
- Wasn't it confirmed some time back that the creator of NBA J
- Yeah, Godzilla and Guardians of the Galaxy were the best mov
- Just purchased a bunch of games on the Virtual Console... Me
- Oh yeah! Been waiting 10 years to hear this news...TOKYO —
- Especially considering that we won't get another American Go
- Well suck. This is lame news. The poor gal was only in her e
- This pretty much summed up Christmas here.
- You don't need to speak English to know what's happening in
- My Sideshow War Machine Mark II arrived today. It's definite
- vkimo wrote : Post some pics!
- blueluigi wrote : Not quite. Th
- @shakin: Those cabinets are awesome! The only thing I've see
- vkimo wrote :Also finished the rough draft on my final artic
- Here is the heavy metal gang, posed with an empty gallon dri
- VillechaizeLove wrote : Just bo
- Looks as though I have some shopping to do. :lol:
- I see it's taken very little time for Valentines Day product
- I was never a fan of GNR. Rose's voice was like nails on a c
- Happy New Year!!!:wall2: <--- pretend there are fireworks
- shakin steak wrote : Gimo Tan P
- vkimo wrote : Let's keep this g
- All good ideas echidna. The game COULD be an arcade game, bu
- A couple browser refreshes will put everything back to norma
- With the year starting anew, we are all in store, once more,
- thecrow174 wrote : I'll have to
- Me! I haven't gone yet.My turn! My turn! (in a bratty voice)
- vkimo wrote : Oh wow, I'll defi
- DUDE..."Hendo is introducing the world's first REAL hoverboa
- Today has been a nice, lazy day. The wife went with friends
- Here ya go...
- Yes it is.
- vkimo wrote : Not much went on
- blueluigi wrote :Anyway, carrying on with the game. Echidna,
- pikachulover wrote : Cool! And
- I picked up a boatload of Virtual Console games last week, b
- echidna64 wrote : One of the Ph
- I used this tune in a couple of my homemade radio program re
- Benjanime wrote : i used it as
- NLogan wrote : Sega Genesis Swo
- vkimo wrote : Tengen was great
- thecrow174 wrote : I didn't hav
- pikachulover wrote : Can the ar
- Yes, I see what you mean. I'll see if Moudy can do something
- thecrow174 wrote :The 60s must've been a good time to be a k
- Is it a 3DO game?
- "Mint Mega Man 3 Mint NES With Mint Instr & Mint front &
- Then it's official. Your Zoomer Dino must battle my son's Ro
- See if the issue is fixed now. I can't really check it at th
- Ah yes. Tengen. Nintendos "thorn" in their software side. I
- @crow: Mainly because in the 50's you were still living in a
- Hmmm. Is it perhaps a difference in browser that makes shaki
- Probably the standard 700 words. But if it's close, that's n
- Ha! Awesome. Robosapien forfeits. :lol:
- I think he means the standard text entry mode. Hitting "show
- Seriously? That's the stupidest idea ever for an ending (rea
- If that. Simpler times, much less required to be entertai
- So far it works in Google. I'll have to go to the laptop and
- Is it Mech Warrior?
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Uh oh looks like Ed 209 has a run
- Looks to be working well in FireFox as well.
- Bionic Commando?
- Benjanime wrote : fresh off the
- That's a good idea v. Any particular color #s people would l
- echidna64 wrote : Ninja Gaiden?
- Venus Flytrap marries and has twins.
- Hmmm. So once the article is saved as a draft, it starts cut
- Points are separate from Retroratings. You get a point to yo
- The first full week of 2015. Engage!
- I don't remember any of this from Golgo 13.
- jkatz wrote : jkatz's back, tel
- So then jkatz got it right, correct?
- Okay. Try it now. I think it's fixed now.
- shakin steak wrote :Weather app says we might get more tonig
- thecrow174 wrote : MissM is get
- jkatz wrote : Hey, don't make f
- This morning I woke up to our first snow. Probably a few inc
- Last night my long time friend stopped out and we finally ex
- thecrow174 wrote : I hope Batma
- The RD Points Store is happy to be dealing in Top Hat Sasqua
- Hoju Koolander wrote : There's
- You know, it occurred to me that with such a long period of
- Yeah. Part 2 was just dreadful. I know just about every Nigh
- How awesome is it that major retailers are once again sellin
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- Nothing more that the usual constraints of "retro" time fram
- Those are some good suggestions. Anyone else have any input?
- vkimo wrote :WOW. Very nice work, really polished style.
- comic_book_fan wrote :my only question how did vader capture
- Good ideas, all. I think from these suggestions, the followi
- shakin steak wrote :If you remember, did you buy any of thes
- RetroSnob88 wrote : Well, after
- It surprises me how difficult it is to find any NES games. A
- Transformers: The Covenant of Primus is drenching the Points
- shakin steak wrote :By the way, what in the world in the for
- Archive.org now has a 2,000+ game library being emulated "in
- shakin steak wrote :I think he's wrong. I think the tape pla
- thecrow174 wrote : Gdoldbergs a
- pikachulover wrote : I just saw
- I just bought a new cook stove. Not really something for me,
- So this afternoon my wife called me to inform me that mice h
- Time's way up for jkatz. I call NEXT!
- thecrow174 wrote : @Vaporman:Wh
- blueluigi wrote : City Connecti
- pikachulover wrote : ...a
- I didn't hear any footsteps up there last night. I did place
- Added Skeletor, Beastman, and Stratos to the list of Masters
- Ooh, ooh, ooh!!! I have SUCH a good theme for February's Goo
- vkimo wrote : mallgnifecent? I'
- I should also add that these articles must be original works
- vkimo wrote : Do you have all t
- It's T & C! I loved that game.
- G3Cheerilee wrote : -end quoteW
- Yeah. The skateboarding was my favorite part. My brother and
- Yeah, I had never played it either. But it looked like a lot
- A MOC original Masters of the Universe Roboto. I already had
- The character's "weapon" in NLogan's pic may help you solve
- vkimo wrote : Yeah I saw those
- Ding! Ding! You're up now shakin!
- Well, thus far I've found NO mice in any of the traps, and h
- Hmmm. PC game?
- The Wang (originally Huang) Chung boys pre "Everybody Have F
- The feature seems to be working well now. The only thing I'v
- Now you're playing with power!Now in the Points Store, the 5
- Benjanime wrote : custom articl
- Vaporman87 wrote : Well, thus f
- One of the titles was Pro Wrestling, but I set that one asid
- vkimo wrote : Wasn't that "A Wi
- A true classic. :lol:
- Benjanime wrote : then that wou
- Indeed. I went up on the roof and measured where the leak wa
- Benjanime wrote : all i asked f
- He had a bit of a rough night sleeping last night. Not so mu
- This thread was the very first "official" thread created her
- I don't like Buzzfeed (and all other sites like it... Reddit
- shakin steak wrote :Minecraft is huge with the kids, they do
- vkimo wrote : My first post was
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Also it's Taco Tuesday
- Yeah. I got nothing. Is there no interface in this game? Lik
- OOOOOOoooh! Now I... nope. Still no clue. ;)
- NLogan saves the day!
- :lol: Happens to the best of us, man.
- Has G3 said two words in here yet? Or does he/she speak only
- Last night the family and I enjoyed a McDonald's Pizza. It w
- shakin steak wrote : Are there
- Well, believe it or not, we usually buy it because of the ta
- shakin steak wrote : Anyway, we
- Really hoping that my oldest son DOESN'T have a night tonigh
- Well, last night we went ahead and took our two boys to Urge
- Benjanime wrote : why hello, ho
- Jrs1991 wrote : Desperado is ve
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Must have gotten the good meds th
- thecrow174 wrote : Have I alrea
- Fuzz wrote :The second a special interest group or minority
- vkimo wrote : Picked up a Genes
- Linux_Sage wrote : A book on Co
- NLogan wrote : Heh, heh. I don'
- vkimo wrote :Standard model, good shape too.
- That's not bad at all, I believe. Now if you could just buy
- thecrow174 wrote : Is there a m
- If it isn't one thing, it's another.The other day I was eati
- Really? What's not to like about Despicable Me or The Lego M
- You're up shakin'.
- Hmmm. Is it an N64 game?
- Yeah. I was never any good with setting up networks. My brot
- shakin steak wrote : http://ani
- Yeah. And I'm trying to figure out if this symbol is a ghost
- Yeah. I don't know what to believe. If none of it is true, t
- Hmm. I might have to consider the SMA3: Yoshi's Island game.
- shakin steak wrote : Do you lik
- That's hilarious! :lol:
- Did I ever in my life, dream that I would be coaxing nasty t
- Ha! I too have used less savory tactics and the title is Bod
- vkimo wrote : Not much going on
- Ahhh. I'm all caught up on the show now. I loved Adam's devo
- Yeesh. The whole sick thing is really getting old around her
- vkimo wrote : Vaporman87 wrote
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :Is it bad that I don't like this
- Cool! Love the design. The talk of a sequel being made makes
- thecrow174 wrote : I don't know
- NLogan wrote :We discovered Kleenex Cool Tissues that feel c
- shakin steak wrote : Is that Im
- shakin steak wrote : Zillion
- I had no idea that last year, a comic book was started based
- Linux_Sage wrote : There's a ni
- Sloppy and wet here at the moment. It's appropriate consider
- Near as I can tell, I have high blood pressure. I'll have to
- Thanks guys. Having taken the day off today from work, I've
- shakin steak wrote : OK "Mirand
- Are the characters making coffee in the screenshot? :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : MissM has re
- Yeah. It could be worse. G3 could be going on and on about t
- Today was day 3 of me getting in 30 mins. of exercise and av
- I tried watching a 3 Ninjas movie (forced upon me by my wife
- vkimo wrote : I'll be watching
- shakin steak wrote : lol. Until
- blueluigi wrote : Getting into
- Is that gonna fit your arms v? Or are you gonna cut the jack
- If you can get past the first 10 days to 2 weeks, the South
- You have to love the Royal Rumble, if for no other reason th
- I : Invincible
- vkimo wrote : Funny you should
- Sounds like something doable. I'll consult with Moudy. In th
- N: Ninja Gaiden
- The Nature Boy
- thecrow174 wrote : vkimo has a
- Linux_Sage wrote : So they're b
- thecrow174 wrote : "King of the
- thecrow174 wrote : I only look
- thecrow174 wrote : For someone
- thecrow174 wrote : I never knew
- Benjanime wrote : what if you m
- thecrow174 wrote :I guess Stone Cold Steve Austin's swearing
- vkimo wrote : I'm working on a
- vkimo wrote : ..and hide my pit
- Good idea sticking with pop culture references. Maybe we sho
- Added several new titles to Available Games List of NES titl
- vkimo wrote : Picked up a Teddy
- V: Valley Girl
- It seems I have jumped the gun on my blood pressure, as it s
- Well, well. It looks like Mr. Winter is willing to share a l
- That girl in the third screenshot seems familiar for some re
- Okay, so... here's how we'll break down the post count level
- thecrow174 wrote : Old Man Wint
- A: Actraiser
- shakin steak wrote :
- That is just so cool. I love regional nostalgia. It was very
- What was it with the late 90's and all the over-sized creatu
- LOL. Apparently somebody took it upon themselves to remake M
- Multiplicity is one of my favorite Keaton movies. I still us
- Playchoice 10 sounds like it ended up being no choice for yo
- @pika: Great to see some of that stuff. I liked the Ernest p
- F: Friday Night Videos
- Okay, so... how about something like these then? All stickin
- I think a bigger question is how did he ever put up with Mea
- Thoughts on this altered list...???Posts &n
- Anyone like to make a suggestion for a new viewing in the Th
- thecrow174 wrote : What did eve
- Looks like we're getting another dusting of snow here again
- shakin steak wrote :I've got something, for you! -end q
- Added the last NES game I was waiting to arrive for the 5 Ga
- Sounds like some pretty bad weather is coming. Apparently th
- Okay. Up next we have...
- vkimo wrote : Snow storm was a
- Here's another children's program (sort of?) that at first,
- Alright. I've sent off the info to Moudy to get a cost on th
- This is soooo cool!I did not know it until today, but in the
- vkimo wrote : I'll be a Fresh P
- California Games baby!
- :lol: I'm guessing he LOVED the game.
- My main change with "snacks" is the type of snack. Switching
- I missed out on the rise of this type of game, as I was grad
- Does anyone think it should be an option to be able to purch
- Seriously... how cool would it have been if something like t
- thecrow174 wrote :What I'm getting at is that the ability to
- shakin steak wrote : Well, I am
- shakin steak wrote :Added sweeteners show up in store-bought
- This year's RetroCon is featuring some cool voice artists al
- echidna64 wrote : Baked chicken
- No. But I did just sign up today at NintendoLife.com. Really
- vkimo wrote : Needs batteries b
- thecrow174 wrote : As a live-action
- echidna64 wrote : Dipped in egg
- Those Goonies 30th Anniversary T-Shirts from Rediscover The
- That's very cool. Man, those Burton inspired sets were incre
- Making Dr. Jones Sr. proud, I'm sure. :)
- Well after a short hiatus due to sickness, the past two days
- That is exactly how I entertain myself. :lol:Night before la
- vkimo wrote : I think Christmas
- I can't think of weird toys without thinking about Food Figh
- echidna64 wrote : Barnyard Comm
- Never played the game, but the arcade version looks like fun
- Available Games List for "5 Games In A Box" is now Ver
- :lol: Yup. And it's diabeetus, not diabetes.
- Does it actually have something to do with Steve Irwin?
- I'd be okay with that, so long as the original cast was invo
- I've only used Reddit for SEO purposes. From what I've seen
- That stinks blue. At least they seem quick getting parts shi
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure: Watched it again last n
- Church was cancelled this morning due to weather, but we wen
- Sorry to hear Silv. Hopefully a new day brings less aggravat
- Final Countdown is in my playlist, right after The Stroke. :
- I know! The original text for the Yii code used to piece thi
- shakin steak wrote : Empire of
- Woah! Now that's snow. Man, why can't we get these kinds of
- Silvervix wrote : Chamelon Twis
- Moudy wrote : I only visit Redd
- Saw this at Toys R Us the night before last:
- Northern Ohio gets its fair share of everything coming east,
- Looks as if one Power Ranger took his TV persona a bit too f
- Probably my favorite of the Super Bowl ads this year:
- For my southern friends...
- vkimo wrote : -end quoteVertex is ali
- vkimo wrote : Tell me what's wo
- Fixed it...
- Silvervix wrote :Nono, I actually meant to quote vkimo's com
- Looks a lot like a Smash TV clone.
- Silvervix wrote : Ooooh yeah ja
- I'm tired of being asked to forget recent incarnations of th
- pikachulover wrote : UHF (1989)
- fuschnikt wrote : If I may inte
- Silvervix wrote : "Enough is en
- Shhh...It's the infamous Darth_Simi's leaked Sith photo...I'
- I discovered that someone has charged over $220 on my debit
- Admin side work on the Forum Titles is coming along nicely a
- Thanks Silv. I'm sure it will be resolved, just hoping it do
- I could go for another Tim Burtonesque film with dark yet co
- Is it just me, or does it seem impossible that the first mon
- Ha! That was very cool.
- vkimo wrote : Also got an email
- That was awesome. Like you said, that Alfonso Ribiero was in
- Added some sealed Vintage View-Master Reel sets to the Point
- I've had the Fairlife chocolate milk. I did not know it was
- vkimo wrote : February 3rd....
- pikachulover wrote : Came back
- Yes we do. And I wish they would have just left it alone at
- It happens. Just as long as it doesn't distract you from wor
- So tonight I tried my hand at making balloon animals using a
- Silvervix wrote : Let me share
- Really? I wonder what caused that? Maybe the media jumped to
- So do you play as a wolf in this game?
- Twilight Zone by Golden Earring.
- My blood pressure remains normal. I'm thankful for that. Tha
- Silvervix wrote : I will start
- vkimo wrote : The Fresh Prince
- Silvervix wrote : My football t
- So last night I watched the movie "Boyhood". I know there is
- Added the sealed Vintage View-Master Viewer Gift Sets to the
- shakin steak wrote : ...and...t
- Wow, that was fast!
- shakin steak wrote : What foods
- shakin steak wrote : I rediscov
- shakin steak wrote : Tell you w
- echidna64 wrote : The forum tit
- shakin steak wrote : One of my
- vkimo wrote : Vapor, yours shou
- thecrow174 wrote : And the ones
- Silvervix wrote : I don't know
- Silvervix wrote : Today I'm goi
- pikachulover wrote :I don't want to do that anymore. I'm bet
- rakesh wrote : Selling Yugioh c
- I had heard about this on RetroJunk. It's completely unneces
- Moudy wrote : He was just testi
- Silvervix wrote : ThatDudeinthe
- Silvervix wrote :And yeaaaah, my fingers keep finding the "J
- Silvervix wrote :What a letdown xD! -
- The immortal Herbie Hancock! (No relation to John) :lol:
- I was basically just picking up packs at Wal-Mart and hoping
- echidna64 wrote : Titan A.E.Cos
- I MAY have allowed myself to chow down 1 chicken plank from
- There are a few fixes that Moudy, Rakesh, and team will be w
- This is awesome...
- vkimo wrote : I saw that earlie
- There's a movie I haven't seen in a while. Joe Versus The Vo
- shakin steak wrote : Only one?
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Rel
- PC Engine? I thought we were keeping these to Region 1 games
- :lol: Derp.
- At least you seem to be good with the yoga. Maybe it will he
- Always did like the X-Men theme!
- One of the most moving songs in any animated film ever... st
- Yeesh. Having watched the trailer I'm certain this is absolu
- Caught the first two episodes of Fresh Off The Boat. It was
- vkimo wrote : Did all of our pr
- shakin steak wrote : Loading th
- Oh okay. I wondered what was happening. :lol:
- We've spent the day clearing out the garage, tossing junk, t
- Argentina sounds like it isn't much different than America,
- Silvervix wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- thecrow174 wrote : Thanks for r
- My interest is piqued. I am anxious to see what they can do
- Silvervix wrote : Did all the s
- Likewise. I have no idea what this is.
- Silvervix wrote : I figured it
- Jrs1991 wrote : Clash of the Ti
- Thanks crow. We attended our niece's birthday party, then it
- We're just getting materials together at the moment. Work wi
- @vkimo: That might be a good idea.
- Silvervix wrote :I would like to sit down and start typing u
- It's not Fire Emblem is it?
- thecrow174 wrote : 499 more pos
- One of the better cartoon intro songs of the 80's.
- :lol: Sorry. It had to be done.
- Silvervix wrote : thecrow174 wr
- Wins in a fight...Bambi - or - Rudolph?
- pikachulover wrote : Tootsie 19
- blueluigi wrote : Emerald Drago
- Jrs1991 wrote : School Spirit (
- Silvervix wrote : blueluigi wro
- Can Bambi fly? No.Winner = Rudolph. :lol:
- That's funny... Cam Clarke doing the trailer voice over.
- New episodes of Retro Rewind Podcast and The Toys R Us Repor
- @vkimo: Exactly! :lol:
- Yeah. Demolition Man was great. I like how 1996 looked in th
- "Excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!"I dare to go where other men fea
- Is it a Playstation game?
- Silvervix wrote : I haven't had
- vkimo wrote : Vaporman87 wrote
- It's been a day of preparation for the remodel of the garage
- Darn you Silv... That was going to be my guess! Isn't it the
- This new one is a PC game, yes?
- Did she actually sing that song? Also, I always thought Dian
- Naturally they do this after I've stopped drinking soda. :ma
- Ever since this morning... this...
- shakin steak wrote : Silvervix
- thecrow174 wrote : I hope you d
- Mystery Science Theater 3000. Most of my "knowledge" of it i
- It's suddenly got very muddy and wet out once more. Today is
- 3 ninjas for "Remembering RetroJunk". I think vkimo encapsul
- thecrow174 wrote : I would like
- Silvervix wrote : thecrow174 wr
- I had seen bits and pieces of this in the past. From what I
- No, no, no. I was just commenting on the fact that the threa
- pikachulover wrote : Sailor Moo
- Good grief! You have no idea how relieved I am to FINALLY be
- shakin steak wrote : OK, so we
- echidna64 wrote : Want me to do
- thecrow174 wrote : His album "M
- jkatz wrote : I got an email th
- jkatz wrote :Suddenly I feel like having Taco Bell...
- Silvervix wrote : You're right,
- Benjanime wrote : now you just
- Anybody ever watched the YouTube series, "Kid Snippets"?&nbs
- Benjanime wrote : from left to
- fuschnikt wrote : He most certa
- fuschnikt wrote : Watched "The
- Woah! This is great. I wondered if something like this would
- So first there was the breach of my personal debit card with
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : *Pu
- Never played it, but then again FPS games were a dime a doze
- Seriously? We've become so lazy that we've made wearing jamm
- Day one and a semblance of a floor is showing up in our gara
- vkimo wrote : Man, I just went
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Lis
- Yay! At long last, a new episode.
- I have watched both episodes and I enjoyed them. Not quite G
- thecrow174 wrote : I'm thinking
- Silvervix wrote : I almost punc
- Silvervix wrote : Shooting in t
- jkatz wrote : Deus Ex! Haven't
- So do you think all of them were made of cheese?
- Age of Empires?
- Lookie! Our list of contacts is back in the "Inbox" of our p
- shakin steak wrote :I still haven't seen The Goldbergs, lol.
- Sooo, today for some reason we have poor phone service in th
- Silvervix wrote : thecrow174 wr
- Seeing that Chevy and Beverly are also appearing in it makes
- shakin steak wrote : Nah, TV sh
- I'm looking to get a few more tasks completed by Moudy and t
- thecrow174 wrote : Apple Inc. h
- Ahhh. What an enjoyable day you had. I bet you're really loo
- thecrow174 wrote : Watership Do
- shakin steak wrote :
- jkatz wrote : Sometimes when I
- This...vkimo wrote : Sadly no.
- jkatz wrote : Spiderman 2 is ea
- Silvervix wrote : Sooo, I guess
- thecrow174 wrote : Alexander an
- Silvervix wrote : The first gam
- Our soon to be new bedroom will today have a new, complete f
- It's giving us a good dusting of snow here today. Unfortunat
- Anybody here have an all-time favorite professional athlete?
- Silvervix wrote : Look what I f
- Bet you can't guess what mine is. :P
- thecrow174 wrote : I give up.
- shakin steak wrote : -end quoteI kept
- Isn't that the one where Ted "Theodore" Logan and Miss Conge
- vkimo wrote : When was this art
- thecrow174 wrote : Watership Dp
- I'm coming up blank.
- So I'm caught up now on the show, and I agree with Derk... t
- Jrs1991 wrote : That's tough bu
- I could definitely relate to Adam in this week's episode. I
- echidna64 wrote : vkimo wrote :
- thecrow174 wrote : Is Fresh off
- Benjanime wrote :please pray for my family as we're going th
- Hmmm. I think I would have to differentiate the toys from th
- Moudy wrote : .................
- Uhhh... cool?
- Flowers and a card for the wife on Valentine's Day.
- It's tomorrow folks. If you haven't already, you better get
- Silvervix wrote : "Even when I'
- echidna64 wrote : Anyone find i
- Or anyone named Jason who is a hockey enthusiast.
- I picked up two Twilight Sparkles for my daughter for V Day.
- fuschnikt wrote : For those of
- Silvervix wrote :BTW: I'm not feeling quite right and I'm go
- fuschnikt wrote : Wife has been
- Derk wrote : They're predicting
- You never get over it, but time does heal the wounds. I stil
- Love it Ben.We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day by...
- Silvervix wrote : but, they wer
- It's been like a mini blizzard here since this afternoon. No
- So I'm sure we have all gotten our fair share of heart shape
- This series is pretty amusing. Especially the 80's Reunion e
- thecrow174 wrote : Silvervix wr
- vkimo wrote : 80s because I alr
- It was a very special Valentine's Day for the Meowwy Wowwy s
- Schwarzenegger.Tales From The Darkside or Tales From The Cry
- I don't think we honestly know what it is that causes the pr
- I dare someone here to sit through Bigfoot versus D.B. Coope
- I contacted Moudy about the sigs not staying off so he'll be
- Shantae.
- I found it amusing to find out that Michael Keaton started a
- BewitchedScarlet or The Baroness?
- Good job Silv. One of my favorite 3DO games.
- We did. Nothing special, but still fun.
- Silvervix wrote : My team lost
- Jrs1991 wrote : Alligator (1980
- Eh... both choices stink. :lol:Uhhh... Geometry. Jaws or Orc
- jkatz wrote : Having just spent
- All of my favorite skits come from around the same time... t
- I wore pleated white-washed jeans with elastic ankle bands f
- Silvervix wrote : I think that
- And then there are the covers that lie because they suck. :l
- You know new things are on the horizon when rakesh posts a r
- Today is supposed to get pretty nasty out. Naturally I have
- Transformers - Age of ExtinctionI had seen this in the theat
- Hmmm, I may have to consider giving this Red Wall a watch.
- thecrow174 wrote : An article o
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 w
- Mad TV had some great skits for sure, but I think they relie
- jkatz wrote : That being said, the anime film, which is
- Nice one Silv!
- Jrs1991 wrote : Friday the 13th
- Hey... the Disable/Enable Sig option sticks now! Cool. It wo
- Okay, this weather sucks. It was -1 outside this morning, an
- In two days, I will have gone 1 month without a single sip o
- I had more than a few "sticker books" with puffy and/or scra
- Silv, you've gone from "Where's The Beef?" to "8-Bit" in rec
- G3Cheerilee wrote : Hansel &
- I'm not familiar with either cartoon you guys have listed he
- Added Retro Documentaries (on DVD) to the Points Store. Some
- The coolest iPhone case ever created...
- Car Crash: The Delorean StoryAt just under an hour, this 200
- pikachulover wrote : I have a s
- Still snow everywhere today. We still managed to have some l
- Yeah, that flu has been nasty again this year. Thankfully we
- I suck at chess, and also do not know how to play it well. C
- Silvervix wrote : X-Kaliber 209
- Something about the animation in that reminds me of another
- thecrow174 wrote : Roger Ramjet
- vkimo wrote : Continuing my Sta
- thecrow174 wrote : The Star War
- Tomorrow we're heading to Columbus to watch Disney On Ice. I
- Derk wrote : It's 7 degrees her
- shakin steak wrote : A whole mo
- Derk wrote : It has been a joy
- A Teen Wolf cartoon was made? I wish I had caught on to that
- I tune in to the ones we have here at the site. Other than t
- @shakin: Yes, in fact. My parents WERE weird. LOL
- Mario Bros isn't so hard when you play it on the Virtual Con
- Yeah, you would have to be consistent with it. And with his
- Were heading back from Columbus. Man it's cold!!! We stopped
- Well, after having returned from our Disney On Ice adventure
- I took this picture on our way back from Disney On Ice. We s
- Dumb and Dumber To: Yeah... that was not... great. Meh. 2/5
- Raph took somebody up on that "special" brownie before the m
- @jkatz: Cool! It was Spock!
- blueluigi wrote : Personally, I
- jkatz wrote : For my 100th post
- Once again, the Cadbury company is littering the aisles of t
- This snow is getting ridiculous now. I'm ready for it to be
- vkimo wrote : -end quoteHow hard woul
- Benjanime wrote : really wanna
- Well... here we are again with Spring approaching rapidly. F
- shakin steak wrote : After all
- vkimo wrote : Citizen Kane.
- I'm taking the wheel now!
- thecrow174 wrote :I do. I had it with winter. Come on, sprin
- What Have I Done To Deserve This? - Pet Shop Boys
- Good grief, Silv. You are the master of this game!
- Watership Down
- John WickAfter having watched this action/revenge flick, all
- Ajimbo wrote : It's from Clue.
- Career Opportunities (Back when Jennifer Connelly was super
- I've not seen it... yet. I've considered watching it, but so
- Time to get fantastical with this thread...
- About a month and a half later, and now he's at a whopping 3
- Footloose - Kenny Loggins
- Two new episodes of The Toys R Us Report and the latest Retr
- Uh... Quake???
- shakin steak wrote : Some frien
- vkimo wrote : Wait, I thought y
- Vampire Hunter D? I don't know. I never watched animes.
- jkatz wrote : Well I'll be darn
- Derk wrote : I've spent an enti
- What's the nastiest medicine your mom ever gave you? The tas
- I recall playing the arcade version a few times at the Fair,
- HINT: Jason Robards stars in this segment of the film.
- Don't forget the mice in Cinderella.
- Well poop. Not Jason Robards!!! Sorry to mislead you!!! *fac
- A song that has held up really well over the years. I could
- Yeah. That GT90 concept was awesome. I got to see one once a
- Ajimbo wrote : It's from the Tw
- vkimo wrote : Man, you saw the
- Silvervix wrote : Guys, would y
- vkimo wrote : The McLaren has 3
- Derk wrote : When I lived in Oh
- thecrow174 wrote : The Secret o
- jkatz wrote : Gradius? Earth De
- thecrow174 wrote : I was close.
- Silpheed?
- You're right Ajimbo. His character was hilarious in the movi
- Well we've been on the road for about 12 hours now and so fa
- Looking forward to this premiere! Way to go Netflix.
- I'm excited about it. But like Ben said, I would prefer it s
- @vkimo: Yeah, those ReAction figures have caught my attentio
- Lately, mostly Super Mario World on the Wii U Virtual Consol
- TMNT 2?
- The sewer and TGRI lab coat were good clues.
- Michael Jackson's Moonwalker!
- It was a long day of travel, but we finally arrived in Bruns
- jkatz wrote : Not quite...it's
- It's about 40 degrees warmer here in Florida than at home. A
- Benjanime wrote : a kickstarter
- 9 to 5.A good movie, and Dabney Coleman plays the part of th
- jkatz wrote : four pages...FOUR
- Ajimbo wrote : Escape to Witch
- Harry and The Hendersons. Another great choice.
- It does grow on you. It started out slow for me too.
- I'm in Diagon Ally eating a Fishermans Pie. I'm lost in Harr
- I heard someone at the park talking about that. He lived lon
- @vkimo: I thought she was poorly casted also, especially whe
- Ha ! My wife just showed me that no more than 5 mins ago.
- shakin steak wrote : Let's just
- He's finally mind-melded with the almighty. He'll be greatly
- I saw white and gold at all times. I'm confused as to how I
- jkatz wrote : Lazy Sunday!kiddi
- A drive thru Panera Bread? Yes please!
- Any Which Way But Loose.
- For realz! Theres one here in Orlando with a drive thru.
- Heart will be playing at City Walk tonight. Not that big a f
- Panera Bread is a restaurant that specializes in cold cut or
- Is that Road Rash?
- thecrow174 wrote : The Warriors
- Looks like The Breakfast Club is coming back to theaters to
- Netflix is apparently also revamping Inspector Gadget and Da
- thecrow174 wrote : Who's direct
- You got it Silv. The first game I ever heard a human voice i
- Way to go Silv! Fighting through sickness to help the team!
- Any article published during this time and within the contes
- Ahh. After one day of chilly and windy, and one day of pouri
- Hope you get to feeling a lot better man.
- Today I parked in a "smart" parking garage, complete with se
- It has the peel off sticker for scanning at check out. I'd b
- I'm finding out the hard way that by "Contemporary Resort",
- Ajimbos knowledge is his cheat!
- Yeah, some sellers are pretty sneaky with the shipping charg
- It's been a bit calmer day, at Epcot. Though my tyrannical F
- I guess it poured rain back in Ohio too. Glad I wasn't there
- I don't know. I see a crazy acting guy reaching for my partn
- It's been in the 80s here in Florida. Ahhh.
- You are a cruel and evil young man. LOL
- Today I took it upon myself to lose my video camera in the H
- I have Casper on DVD but have not watched it with the kids y
- Is it by Argento?
- I still haven't been able to watch the John Hughes episode f
- Silvervix wrote : Bright Eyes (
- This conversation is cracking me up. :lol:
- Wait, what were you waiting on again Silv?
- I don't understand how these tiny "gift" and "t-shirt" shops
- Thankfully New Nightmare was a good way to finish the series
- @vkimo: I didn't make it over to Tom Sawyer Island yet. Don'
- Was it Freddy's Nightmares?
- Ajimbo wrote : No, but that's a
- vkimo wrote : Stallone has alwa
- I haven't even bothered to watch the first Hobbit movie.
- I think the era of doing them in a serious way is over. He c
- Wow. No clue.
- Heard that power has been restored back home. Hopefully noth
- Something about that seems nasty.
- Herb from WKRP was not really so much annoying, as just not
- Oh yeah... The hidden Disney dollar has been found again.
- I never cared for Squiggy on Laverne and Shirley. He annoyed
- I will check this out when I get back to the resort.
- @crow: It could happen.
- It looks like all the videos are safe (that I can tell). For
- Way to go vkimo. You've ended the stalemate.
- shakin steak wrote :
- Silvervix wrote : I'm teaching
- Everything should be good now. The videos should work as usu
- A RetroDaze Goodie Pack.
- Looks like Tim Burton and Disney are getting comfy once more
- Which is okay for me, as I have not yet caught up.
- Today I will once again set foot in my home, at last. The be
- Yeah Ben. We've hit rain here in Northern NC. Soon we'll be
- Ahh. I'm all caught up now.I enjoyed both episodes, but I ac
- I would think Cobra Commander could do better than Springfie
- massreality wrote : My favorite
- Silvervix wrote : @Vapor: It is
- Ajimbo wrote : Curses! Fo
- I feel like I've seen this scene somewhere. Can't quite plac
- Bruce Campbell was in Congo.
- We have several cats living outdoors. Most of them came from
- comic_book_fan wrote : i am sur
- massreality wrote : Wow, I chim
- massreality wrote : I guess I h
- Look who made it as a Jeopardy question recently...
- Mine would be NLogan. No, that one's taken... vkimo. Crap! T
- echidna64 wrote : Man's Best Fr
- It's my first day back in the office. I'm trying to get caug
- echidna64 wrote : Time to fire
- Ajimbo wrote : Meet Zooey. 
- Where's TDitH? He seems to have disappeared recently.
- I call next... since Silv has not yet posted his.
- We would have also accepted "Out Of This World". ;)One of my
- Four new podcast episodes are loaded up on the Podcasts page
- He's a legend......in his own mind.
- I know I have reserved Benjamillion on several websites I fr
- shakin steak wrote : Jackal ?
- echidna64 wrote : Here's some o
- Avai
- echidna64 wrote : There's a san
- shakin steak wrote : Why is it
- HarryCanyon wrote : ...and i lo
- Also, Darth Vader is now shipping from Sideshow (and is avai
- So I have to go Google "Last Unicorn" now. Be back.
- HarryCanyon wrote : (i'm a bron
- Looking forward to this one... Adam F. Goldberg is involved
- thecrow174 wrote : This thread
- If I had to switch to another username, I would try to use m
- Yummy! And... FREE.
- vkimo wrote : Haha it says Game
- vkimo wrote : I'm eyeing John M
- Cocoon. (All I have to say about that is... Diabeetus)
- echidna64 wrote : Call of Duty?
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I h
- echidna64 wrote : Is that Short
- Updated Original Post.
- Yeah so... this isn't happening now. Popeye is sleeping with
- thecrow174 wrote : Ahh, so this
- I love this little sub-site for the Goldbergs.
- Funny little Toho/Minions Promo
- echidna64 wrote : thecrow174 wr
- One of several portraits from an old asylum from the late 18
- My favorite He-Man character...
- thecrow174 wrote : You don't al
- thecrow174 wrote : So now, kids
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- 5 Days Remain...
- echidna64 wrote : Pick your own
- vkimo wrote : I've been busy wr
- vkimo wrote : Interstellar (201
- vkimo wrote : Gonna get wasted
- Hey... I do have some green on. I didn't even realize today
- So I took vkimo's review to heart and watched Interstellar l
- Jrs1991 wrote : Valley Girl (19
- shakin steak wrote : 1983
- Hmm. Perhaps I should reiterate rule number 1, that everyone
- I was thinking that too, with regard to Caine's character. H
- vkimo wrote : Oh, and due to in
- Brisco County Jr! Bruce Campbell rules.
- Ajimbo wrote : But Star Wars wa
- thecrow174 wrote : The Lost Boy
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Do
- comic_book_fan wrote : basicall
- Human League - Human
- Night at the Museum: Secret of the TombThese movies are dece
- Well, I think it's okay to wish Winter good riddance, as we'
- thecrow174 wrote : I stopped us
- I can't wait either. Bring on the green, the flowers, the bi
- Reservoir Dogs
- My issue with IE was that you might have a page formatted to
- shakin steak wrote : season
- Okay, so... I am not a fan of recent Adam Sandler films. Lik
- thecrow174 wrote : Was anyone a
- Silvervix wrote : It is sad to
- echidna64 wrote : I'm loving th
- pikachulover wrote : Is it 1994
- echidna64 wrote : Just watched
- Ajimbo wrote : Troll 2
- Claudia Wells... AKA Jennifer in the first Back To The Futur
- Got my phone line fixed today, after a couple years of havin
- The Peanut Butter Solution.
- Oh I have soooo many stories on this subject. :lol: But I'll
- blueluigi wrote : So... 1988?
- comic_book_fan wrote : 1985the
- I couldn't stay away from the Whachamacallits, Zeros, and Ne
- Nope.
- @vkimo: No fear of having To Catch A Predator called on you
- Perhaps Ajimbo and mass reality and fuschnikt could hazard a
- Benjanime wrote : ...and i made
- Spongebob Squarepants: Sponge Out Of WaterWe went to watch t
- You are correct, sir.
- Moving on to my second big crush...To quote The Goldbergs...
- Whoever is responsible for voting out Better Off Dead with N
- This... is why, for me as well.
- I had a thing for Lemonheads for a while also. Not so much a
- Yesterday was one of those days where you just decide, on a
- Ajimbo wrote : Silly vkimo, tri
- Something with Jason Alexander in it.Yay! I win.
- How exactly is it that Joan Jett and the Blackhearts were NO
- The RRP crew take on Sonic The Hedgehog 2 in their latest ep
- A new Retro Documentary, "Turtle Power", and the Knockout No
- vkimo wrote : My guess is 1992.
- I was more of a Big League Chew and Juicy Fruit guy.
- Round 2 begins tomorrow.
- Ajimbo wrote : If you're wonder
- @Silv: He's just really serious about being bubble gum. :lol
- I enjoy Snickers too, though I prefer the "minis" packs to t
- @vkimo: We have two! We're special.
- I wonder what this will mean? Is it starting fresh? Does it
- Blackbeard fits in to the Pan origin eh? As played by Huge A
- vkimo wrote : I found it intere
- vkimo wrote : We can be pretty
- NLogan wrote : I thought for su
- I got to see my daughter do her first unassisted vault in gy
- jkatz wrote : Before Hunger Gam
- Wow Harry, you definitely have this thing planned out. Maybe
- jkatz wrote : I'm way ahead of
- One day remains...
- vkimo wrote : I got one publish
- And now, finally, my last major crush... and it was a doozie
- vkimo wrote : Haha, I think my
- Ajimbo wrote : I got another sq
- Exactly. If I had no way to express my feelings (or did not
- echidna64 wrote : Ruespieler wr
- So, what is Klonoa exactly? What are the game mechanics? Is
- Spring has officially arrived on the calendar. Hurray!
- shakin steak wrote :I might be off the track but the capital
- vkimo wrote : What better way t
- I have a few faves. Allan Oppenheimer, Peter Cullen, Frank W
- vkimo wrote : I'm one of those
- Ajimbo wrote : I saw some Kenne
- It would save me the work of doing it manually. I resize a l
- shakin steak wrote : Argh! I go
- Lorenzo Music was another good one.
- I've heard about it, but never actually read it. It has a lo
- Ruespieler wrote : It's 1:30 wh
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :So submissions can still be enter
- Whatever you feel is best. I know I'd want my money back som
- Actually I was forced to quickly come up with something in o
- Me too! Got mine in just in the nick of time!
- I feel good about my chances. I have some "connections" that
- :lol: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your worr
- vkimo wrote : When this is all
- Thanks you two. I can feel Arthur Itus checking in for the l
- vkimo wrote : Really? You enter
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : 198
- shakin steak wrote : Happy Birt
- There are still 7 articles left to publish for the contest (
- vkimo wrote : Most of them can
- I love Tombstone. Especially when Doc takes down His arch ri
- Took a midday trip into the big town of Parkersburg, WV yest
- Naturally I'm going to go with the 80's. Only because of my
- thecrow174 wrote : I bet the co
- shakin steak wrote : Snowing to
- Yes, it's March and we shouldn't even be thinking about Chri
- I'm tossing in an extra hint today... just 'cuz I feel like
- thecrow174 wrote : Well, wrestl
- Ruespieler wrote :* article #449 recused @ 10 am PST. *hangs
- fuschnikt wrote : Could be a mi
- vkimo wrote : Since the next hi
- Ajimbo wrote : You've failed me
- Today was a good day. Got home from work and my wife and dau
- vkimo wrote :Haha wow!! I was torn between 1977 and 73 as we
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- shakin steak wrote : -end quoteI chos
- ESPN'S 30 for 30: I Hate Christian LaettnerOne the best 30 f
- Available Games List for "GameDaze Pack" is now Versio
- Man, I wish this guy all the success in the world. I've had
- Someone on Facebook posted this photo of my kindergarten cla
- Jrs1991 wrote : The Legend of B
- pikachulover wrote : Is it 1986
- fuschnikt wrote : Here's a Birt
- Already getting bombarded by people needing stuff for Fair r
- fuschnikt wrote : Aw man..whamm
- Lady GagGag.
- I swear, Lowes has to be the only place on earth that has re
- shakin steak wrote : And better
- thecrow174 wrote : Vaporman87 w
- Over at AV Club, Adam has been commenting on episode reviews
- @fuschnikt: Just think of it like you're cleansing the world
- Yeah. I may be a Fair geek, but March is pushing it when it
- Sweet. Now I may have to check out this book.
- @Silv: That is excellent my friend. If you have questions, t
- @blue: Negative.
- Benjanime wrote : got a tax ret
- Silvervix wrote : @Crow: I hope
- Sorry the second clue came in so late today. It's been a ver
- thecrow174 wrote : Last year, C
- vkimo wrote : I'll wager 1978.
- Also, the "monster" was Bigfoot (the truck).
- Sheesh. First the Popeye movie, now this. Internet... you li
- shakin steak wrote :So...what do you do with your Easter egg
- I spent like the whole evening cleaning my truck last night,
- shakin steak wrote :So I'm saying, what do you do with them.
- thecrow174 wrote : ...which is
- Jrs1991 wrote : JFK (1991)7/10
- thecrow174 wrote :Rest, dude. Cleaning the truck all night h
- PopRewind has the goods on an old favorite of mine, The Hurl
- Not unusual I don't think. That's what we always did. Hardbo
- shakin steak wrote : So you mak
- vkimo wrote : ...I'll just obse
- I found this out via Wikipedia..."In 1997, the videogame mag
- Bought volume 2 issue 1 of Playstation Underground when I fo
- Me too blue. I still had several issues/discs (that are list
- massreality wrote : I personall
- Sorry for yet another late clue tonight. Once again, it's be
- MissM wrote : I'm always late t
- Ajimbo wrote : 1987.
- Ajimbo wrote : Well, I think yo
- "That was exhilarating... like killing a man!" -Barry Goldbe
- thecrow174 wrote : *Sigh.*I mis
- Correct. Hulu Plus.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Any
- blueluigi wrote :I'm going to go for it. The year is 1986.
- Oooh... Pole Position. I may download this one.
- Here we're going Hyper Retro! My town in 1900. What's funny?
- Today we celebrated my son's birthday with a party at the gy
- Ajimbo wrote : 1997. Fina
- Ajimbo does have powers. He's like The Greatest American Her
- Silvervix wrote : Mine was ok.
- Darn you Disneyland Hong Kong! Stark Industries isn't based
- Silvervix wrote : @Vapor: We ca
- Two of these (one for promotional purposes - ie: for me to d
- Sweet.
- Congrats fuschnikt. I would post the A Winner Is You image b
- Yes, it was old Jimmy C. 1998... year of the infamous God
- vkimo wrote : Man, nothing like
- Ajimbo wrote : I've had the Smo
- The new Inspector Gadget is on Netflix now, and apparently m
- Really nice out today. Lovin' it.
- EISXUOIS wrote :
- vkimo wrote : I think all the e
- EISXUOIS wrote : Ok that didn't
- Cruel. Just cruel. :lol:
- It's noon and already I've traveled on the road 2 hours roun
- Go to Amazon.com and see what they're doing for April Fool's
- Words cannot describe how much I am anticipating this:Only h
- EISXUOIS wrote :-end quoteAwww... Tut... he has your eyes. O
- EISXUOIS wrote : NES Thanos?
- shakin steak wrote : Google Map
- shakin steak wrote : Google Map
- Apparently, in my own home state no less, my last name has b
- The gang at RetroCon have met all of the requirements, but h
- EISX! Is that for real!? If so... I really want it!
- @Silv: Oh well. Happy is still happy. Just so long as you di
- Anybody feel up to a crummy movie in the Theater this weeken
- Well, I think it would likely be Saturday evening. Not sure
- EISXUOIS wrote I wanna see them make one that's Mecha G
- Ahhh... the news just gets better and better for the Big G.
- How about the game dev functionality? Doesn't it have someth
- I'd put my vote in for Oko from Bases Loaded. Yeah. That'll
- Actually, how about the weekend after this. That would give
- vkimo wrote : The Postman (1997
- thecrow174 wrote : Why do fans
- I don't really have a position on these religious freedom ac
- vkimo wrote :....with the exception of Bill Paxton, he just
- I think they're purposefully keeping their decisions to them
- It's done nothing but rain since yesterday afternoon. Beginn
- Benjanime wrote : well it's alr
- The one's I've eaten the most of include the Cosmic Brownies
- I try to keep my positions on things off the radar, especial
- I have one of those that I drive on Tuesdays. It's alright.
- shakin steak wrote : I also lik
- EISXUOIS wrote :WTF LBJ? -end quoteIt
- shakin steak wrote : I wo
- While I enjoyed the latest episode, "The Adam Bomb", I think
- While I have still managed to stay away from any soda, my wa
- shakin steak wrote :Ajimbo wrote :
- EISXUOIS wrote :KITT -end quoteSpeaki
- The arcade I visited most was in Vienna, WV in the mall ther
- Vaporman87 wrote :One of those gentlemen actually works on o
- vkimo wrote : Vapor doesn't giv
- A new Muppets series would be awesome. I'm all for it.
- Speaking of arcades and places like Discovery Zone, I had re
- Let's not leave out MassReality Marshmallow, Blueluigi Blueb
- fuschnikt wrote : Closed on our
- Probably Street Fighter II. I would give up many times tryin
- Happy Easter to everybody.
- Hmmm. That doesn't bode well for this.
- I liked that Pigpen's mom used the classic Peanuts "adult sp
- I saw that Michael Keaton intro bit. At least he did say the
- Man... who knew taping off the ceiling/walls could be so exh
- SegaFanatic wrote : FUN FACT: C
- Awww. Man, I loved Rosco. Even when he was at his meanest, h
- Taken 3Meh. It wasn't bad, but you have the feeling you been
- Today I caught the scent of cardboard, which normally would
- thecrow174 wrote : I learned ye
- You guys are just cruel. :lol:But I do have the ACTUAL email
- That was from my own childhood.
- shakin steak wrote :1994 -end quotevk
- shakin steak wrote :It's for Vaporman to confirm, but I am p
- Everyone is out mowing the lawn. :lol:
- Had to move out the treadmill while we paint/re-carpet the f
- Killer Legends A documentary from the director of Cropsey
- shakin steak wrote : In the cit
- No dinner for you.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I'm
- It was another sloppy, rainy day here. The wife had to go in
- The KING of the monsters... though I don't think he ever ros
- Guess I'm getting a PS4 now...
- EISXUOIS wrote :
- EISXUOIS wrote : Siouxsie Sioux
- echidna64 wrote : Aw what the h
- echidna64 wrote : What's everyo
- Ghost of Vapor. That's it.
- Well done NLogan.
- Disneyland Tokyo opening.
- BrundleflyThe Fly (David Cronenberg's) gives me nightmares e
- I'm a spy for the U.S. Government, secretly working undercov
- Yesterday the fam and I went shopping after work. It was nic
- This TV:Model: UN65HU7250FXZA - The funny thing was that the
- A little more news on the sequel.
- EISXUOIS wrote :It was so heavy when they broke people put a
- EISXUOIS wrote : At work on a S
- EISXUOIS wrote :
- I run this website and make millions of dollars from it. How
- I caught the first 3 episodes last night. I was liking it (a
- Yesterday we finished painting our family room, getting it r
- fuschnikt wrote : I work overni
- I caught the most recent episode and didn't think it was one
- EISXUOIS wrote : C.H.U.D.
- Also, the "Archie" clue was referring to "Archie Bunker", AK
- shakin steak wrote : I sit in a
- jkatz wrote : Watched this unde
- You see?! I know I'm right about this. This one is going to
- Ye... no. Still, didn't they get Jason Vorhees in this one?
- Let's see...- Hank Aaron became the all-time home run leader
- Why would you invent a career like marriage therapy? It make
- shakin steak wrote : -end quoteYe
- Yeah...crap.I really think MTV needs to go back to just play
- Exactly. Cough up the stories... let's go.
- Also Caps is the man if you need an interview done. He shoul
- echidna64 wrote : In the year t
- EISXUOIS wrote :
- @EISXUOIS: I enjoyed all of those toons (except Fang Face an
- No wait... now I do remember seeing that Turbo Teen show. Th
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Wel
- echidna64 wrote : Going Clear:
- shakin steak wrote : She pressu
- It was all of our trouble it seems. But then again, if we we
- vkimo wrote : Can we fix the who's
- vkimo wrote : I used my winning
- thecrow174 wrote :
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I'v
- Woah! Nice! I too must say, the Zuul/Terminator/Freddy pack
- shakin steak wrote : See, that
- Linux_Sage wrote : Most people
- Yeah. It's getting worse as time goes on. So many companies
- Well, if it doesn't look like rain this Saturday, me and my
- Ajimbo wrote : I dunno, a forme
- Ha! I want one of these. My personal favorites... Big McLarg
- I don't know if this counts, since I couldn't make it throug
- Selfies.
- Cool. What park has the Turtles ride?
- blueluigi wrote : Does Han Solo
- I get the feeling this one will be less sleep inducing. :lol
- My oldest son lost his first tooth tonight. I had to pull it
- It was down. I'll explain later. :lol:
- Yeah. The bill for the server is supposed to be paid automat
- "Do you bleed? You will." Then Superman punches Batman in
- We visited King's Island yesterday and I lost count of how m
- Also a food related bummer... I stopped at Burger King's dri
- This sectional for the new and improved TV room (minus the W
- Such a sweet car. I want one.
- vkimo wrote : Man, invite me ov
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Wen
- YES. Just... YES.I'm crying nerd tears.
- This was a video Hoff made for a song he provided for a movi
- Also...The video has almost 5 million views in under 4 days.
- Their best song IMO. The only one I can not only stand to li
- shakin steak wrote : Hm, it's c
- That wasn't the real first trailer. This one is:
- The newest trailer is now out:
- vkimo wrote : American Beauty.&
- It's definitely classic John Carpenter style music. You just
- Well... Netflix appears to be the "Reviving your childhood"
- I mowed for the first time this year. Hurray. Also learn
- shakin steak wrote :Wait, what else are they doing?
- thecrow174 wrote : @Vapor:I bet
- Yeah. The kids were pretty impressed with the new series. I
- Well, it's 12:21 AM here, so it's officially TOMORROW I supp
- shakin steak wrote : So you're
- thecrow174 wrote : As You WishM
- FINALLY got our carpet in today. It feels like a house again
- Sal Collaziano wrote : I'm havi
- 6.1 million views and counting.
- fuschnikt wrote : I would actua
- Sal Collaziano wrote : Well, I'
- thecrow174 wrote : Went to Capt
- echidna64 wrote : Also, there's
- shakin steak wrote : Captain D'
- shakin steak wrote : Really tic
- shakin steak wrote : Explain.
- In no particular order:Napoleon DynamiteAvengersWatership Do
- vkimo wrote : Breakfast ClubMol
- Our couch arrived today. It's beginning to feel more and mor
- Silvervix wrote : It doesn't wo
- That's very kind of blue. Hopefully she is able to find a ho
- This sounds like another flick perfect for the Theater.
- They had me up to the Space Jam movie. That was unforgivable
- Paddington (2014)A surprisingly well done children's movie w
- It's been another weekend of working on the house. I'll be v
- Well, in what became an unnecessarily arduous task, 80sXChan
- thecrow174 wrote : This mainly
- thecrow174 wrote : ^ You must'v
- This was a good episode. I enjoyed it. Not the best I've see
- Those aren't new are they? Those are from the previous film.
- squidbee wrote :
- @blue: Good to know things turned out okay and that you'll b
- I think I'm liking Hawkeye's outfit better in this one. Digg
- squidbee wrote :That is pretty cool that the bears are still
- shakin steak wrote : Craigslist
- Woah. That's crazy. And aggravating. About the only predator
- echidna64 wrote : My biggest be
- Several new Toys R' Us Report and Nostalgiamatic episodes ar
- 8.5 million views now. At what point does it get called a "p
- shakin steak wrote : When some
- Sounds good blue. Good she's getting settled in somewhere at
- I decided to start up my old saved seasons of NBA Live '98.
- vkimo wrote : Successfully move
- Astro BoyAside from the horrible voice acting of Nick Cage a
- thecrow174 wrote : Have you eve
- I would add The Quest and Goonies to my list.
- Vaporman87 wrote :It is easily the best NBA Live ever made.
- Ajimbo wrote : Time Bandits (19
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Pre
- @echidna: Still before me. I'll be lucky to catch it Monday.
- @squidbee: I liked Laffalympics too. Even though it was basi
- Weird man. Weird.
- Jrs1991 wrote : Edge of Tomorro
- Not sure how long we'll have to wait for a sequel, but appar
- Not sure how long we'll have to wait for a sequel, but appar
- Yeah. I prefer my Gizmo, furry. :lol: I think it would be
- I hate weed eating. Have I mentioned that? But at least
- Sweet deal on the bike shakin. Sorry you're ill though. That
- Wow. Why does ten bucks feel steep to me for Paper Mario?
- So I caught Dance Party USA and felt like it was a pretty de
- Man... Avengers: AoU looks like it is going to be HUGE! Even
- I didn't know that Ben. Glad they were proactive and got it
- I like both Convoy and Duel. They were completely different
- Celebrating my little girl's 9th birthday today. Man... she'
- @pikachulover: Yeah, with the Go-Bot versus a Transformer. G
- Ooooh. Do tell, Ajimbo.
- Avengers: Age of Ultron Great movie. A worthy successor t
- Caught Avengers: Age of Ultron today. Great movie.
- :lol: I would never have guessed anyone's top ten would incl
- blueluigi wrote : With today (o
- Picking up where I left off in my NBA Live 2000 custom leagu
- squidbee wrote : My day is goin
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- Woah... never heard of Rickety Rocket. Sweet.
- My team was eliminated. After winning the first game of the
- A silly Beavis & Butthead spoof from many, many moons ag
- Trancers (1985)So, I've been meaning to watch this Charles B
- Working on putting together a Goodie Pack for June that shou
- You won't be disappointed steak.
- SWEET! Me want.
- Skynyrd, maaaan. Sweet Home Alabama!
- Uhg...
- "The Final Friday" was not quite as bad as some others. I es
- The atmosphere of the drive-in movie. Also, actually fear
- Yeah... I'm with steak on this one. One chance sounds like o
- Well, after putting it off for years because I hate needles,
- I hit the treadmill again for the first time since we got ba
- EISXUOIS wrote : There is a seq
- echidna64 wrote :I remember wondering things for days... how
- vkimo wrote :I got one, seeing how a picture came out
- Yyyyeeeaaaahhhh....I won't be watching.
- thecrow174 wrote : Welp, I got
- I think it's doable. I love fish and seafood, chicken, nuts,
- I would like to know more about the plot. So far, the traile
- Hoping for a relaxing one with lower temps than today's. It
- vkimo wrote : I plan to raise m
- Agreed. Though I did find the girl in the red sports car ref
- Looks like one of the Olsen's is battling Lyme's Disease. Ho
- It's looking like Captain America: Civil War is actually goi
- I'll have to start trying that. Olive oil was a recommended
- It was hot again today TDitH. So it was mostly an indoor day
- Jody Sweetin opens up a bit on her character for the upcomin
- :lol: You gotta splurge every once in a while, just to stay
- Taking the wife out for an afternoon on the town (Huntington
- Perhaps the marketing department figured that was all they n
- Funny little Marvel Phase Four spoof...
- T-minus 8 days and counting to "boymageddon" (the birth of m
- I caught the "Bill/Murray" episode last night. I enjoyed it
- Thanks gang. Yeah, we're looking into starting our own baske
- shakin steak wrote : I've been
- pikachulover wrote : I did thin
- An awesome cover of "True Survivor" (just wish the Hoff's vo
- This upcoming series of articles is an inside look at what J
- If you do decide to catch a movie with the Big G in it, I re
- Two new episodes of the Retro Rewind Podcast and two new epi
- STEAK! Can't believe somebody else here knows of Sydlexia! I
- Oh boy. I was expecting some crazy stuff here... like Speed
- shakin steak wrote : Yes, I wou
- shakin steak wrote : Speaking o
- shakin steak wrote :Seanbaby wrote :If your source material
- Lookie what arrived yesterday... at long last:
- Hmmm. I'll stick with Short Circuit then. Gotta have me some
- A Legend has fallen. Won't be the same, this world.
- Woah! Dude! Must be nice to have the ability to make somethi
- Well, well. Who knew Disney was in the recycling business? N
- Caught the most recent (season finale?) episode last night.
- shakin steak wrote : I tried to
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : sha
- With my wife about to give birth and my doctor wanting me to
- shakin steak wrote : That whole
- Let me restate that: You WILL like it.
- Oh brother. I do think this could be done right, but man...
- You pick those up recently, Pezz?
- I was reminded today of something, I'm not sure it's been ta
- Tomorrow morning... a new Vaporman87 rug rat will begin cons
- Yeah, nice find there jkatz. Movies used to take whole pages
- Reminds me of those Felix The Cat clocks.
- Derk wrote : Mad Max: Fury Road
- Baby Vaporman87 #4 arrived at 9:09 am EST today. :)
- Thanks guys. :lol: shakin!
- Yeah, okay... No. It's pretty obvious what they've gone for
- Yeah I've been discovering new ones in recent years. So far,
- Woah, some place showed "Duel" in the theater? That would ha
- Chuck Norris doesn't lose hairs. Hairs... lose Chuck Norris.
- These dungeon crawlers weren't my thing back in the day, so
- Finally have everyone back home. No more hospital, thank goo
- Hmmm. I see. When I'm back in the office next week, I'll try
- Another soda (this one a little less popular, and more "cult
- Our very own Miss M gives her take on the upcoming movie.
- That a Genesis game?
- A very cool 10,000 brick Millennium Falcon.
- Oh, and also... this, via Rediscover The 80's Jason Gross:
- He was once roasted...
- Derk wrote : If someone's menti
- Derk wrote : Wow. I'm an absolu
- My brother, who is 33 now, started shaving his head bald a f
- vkimo wrote : I'm showing early
- Nice mugs. I had glasses similar to the one on the right (wi
- Had my first taste of Bob Evan's Strawberry Supreme Pie of t
- Strange Magic (2015)A forgetful fairy tale musical, with all
- After several mornings of some pretty chilly weather, this o
- Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. Do something
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Der
- vkimo wrote : Scott Pilgrim vs
- Mmm. Sounds good. Too bad it's not on my diet list.
- Hanging On A Heart Attack by Device.
- Well today is the last day of being off work for paternal le
- Derk wrote : My day (much like
- Derk wrote : I feel like I want
- jkatz wrote : Tomorrow is my fi
- With fast food employees now demanding $15 per hour, how lon
- Amen to that. :lol:
- If you lived in New Jersey, maybe you remember this park? I'
- thecrow174 wrote : Just a few m
- The movie premieres tomorrow it seems:
- The book "Beautiful Colors: The Posters of Duran Duran" is n
- echidna64 wrote : Why is everyt
- Three new episodes of the Toys R Us Report are available on
- massreality wrote : The trailer
- Perhaps a new update is incoming?
- thecrow174 wrote :Time to say goodbye to those distracting c
- A gentleman named superdazdj has just submitted a 200+ game
- shakin steak wrote :I need something like that. I am a reall
- I had several Garbage Pail Kids. Many I simply placed in a c
- This is easily the most hilarious thing I have watched in a
- thecrow174 wrote : Was the movi
- Hey Jeff! Welcome aboard.Transformers G1 can never be outdon
- I have some episodes purchased on Xbox Video, along with all
- Jrs1991 wrote : Kung Fury (2015
- shakin steak wrote : Much antic
- :lol:History as a mascot: I joined the legion of X-Entertain
- An email to 80sXChange members garnered us 98 new visitors a
- superdazdj wrote : I've come ov
- Hey supes.1. The point costs in the store reflect shipping t
- Kung Fury (2015)Hilarious stuff. Wasn't expecting the ridicu
- Linux_Sage wrote : Vertex put t
- What blue... no love for Rival Turf in that post? :lol:Reall
- The saga of the Dustin Diamond barroom stabbing continues...
- Sweet V. I would attend but my Tuesdays are already filled b
- Mrs. P. Is a cannibal?!
- Yeah, I recently saw a set photo with Jeff Goldblum in it. I
- vkimo wrote : Wouldn't that be
- So they charged you $125 for capturing a nuisance? Yeah. I t
- Nice Linux. Catch 'em while you can. Hard to tell how much l
- Some of the more memorable Photog head applications I goofed
- thecrow174 wrote : ^ There was
- Juergen wrote : Hi guys,I found an
- Everything I've read about Fury Road makes me want to see th
- thecrow174 wrote : I thought th
- shakin steak wrote :I'm dealing with the highs and lows here
- This is a really great article from 2013 on the life and dea
- Hey man! Nice to see you around. Hope all is going well for
- Yeah, that's all I planned on doing was having enough to jud
- shakin steak wrote :I also agree with Derk about the newer p
- Exactly Debris. Also, am I the only one that found it uninte
- DebrisStorm wrote : http://gall
- DebrisStorm wrote :This movie is the story of Justin Bieber.
- Juergen wrote : Hi Tony, mailad
- thecrow174 wrote : Two familiar
- shakin steak wrote :I read that recently myself.What do I th
- blueluigi wrote : Another Pixar
- I was going to mention Darrell Hammond but Caps beat me to i
- The Lottery is about the only one I can think of.
- DebrisStorm wrote : Vaporman87
- Why do I keep thinking "Let's A-Go!" every time I see the ro
- Psylocke has a major wedgie happening there.
- Bazooka! Didn't have that one. The rest of the gang is all t
- Looks as though pretty much everyone but the Olsen twins are
- I think he is actually fairly decent at this whole acting th
- That is strange, Jrs. But anything that inspires thought of
- Jrs1991 wrote : They seem to li
- YES! One of my favorite voice actors will be attending this
- EISXUOIS wrote :Jack Ryan Shadow RecruitI like this whole fr
- EISXUOIS wrote :Yeah this one was weird. one of the characte
- thecrow174 wrote : And I still
- I couldn't get into New Vegas as much as I did FO3. Not that
- Woah! My interest is piqued.
- The book series, "Classic Home Video Games" by Brett Weiss i
- Also, there's another small addition. A factory sealed, VGA
- Fuzz wrote : Here's an idea. Ho
- So, was the game "Space Hulk" related to the Warhammer franc
- This has been in my head for DAYS.
- Benjanime wrote :with some time off i got i decided to purch
- vkimo wrote : So if I write one
- echidna64 wrote : Yes! It's Spa
- blueluigi wrote : But me person
- thecrow174 wrote : The cast for
- Wow. That's... different. Like EISXUOIS said, few kids know
- C'mon shakin. You know you want to visit a Flintstones theme
- Benjanime wrote :and for something a little more recent, the
- shakin steak wrote : A couple o
- So I read earlier today. Thinking we experts should found th
- I forgot to mention that I came home the other day to fire t
- It's too early for me even begin to understand what you're s
- Persons, places, things, and maybe even events. Man... that'
- shakin steak wrote : No, but no
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- Right now, I'm most looking forward to VBS (beginning June 2
- shakin steak wrote :800 miles away, I would. But I do.
- New episodes of the Toys R Us Report and Retro Rewind Podcas
- DebrisStorm wrote : For me its
- Everyone's favorite Summer holiday...Right? Am I right? Righ
- DebrisStorm wrote I want this shirt!
- shakin steak wrote : Caps 2.0 w
- @Debris: I have been meaning to watch that one. I've read no
- @Debris: That's hilarious. Is that series based on G1?
- PeZZ! wrote : you guys need to tell
- Cool! We have a favicon now (thanks shakin for coming up wit
- Getting a new roof put on the house this week. Tried to be a
- thecrow174 wrote : So, why didn
- Well, he was more prolific as a writer than a director, but
- shakin steak wrote : Things are
- Jrs1991 wrote :I noticed that jake gyllenhaal's face looks l
- Nice. That's the same week as RetroCon I think. A big week f
- Should I be high when reading this thread? :cool:
- thecrow174 wrote : Two guys are
- shakin steak wrote : You used t
- Interesting. But yeah... more work than I'm willing to do fo
- jkatz wrote :You sure you don't want to dig yours out of the
- Well this is all sucky news. Great talents all. It's been a
- massreality wrote :After I saw Stay Tuned, I would stand nea
- Love that song. It's on my iPhone playlist.
- vkimo wrote : Went to my nephew
- vkimo wrote :I could identify with him so much, and still ca
- A bit off topic (...wait... is there a topic here?) but that
- echidna64 wrote : Jurassic Worl
- thecrow174 wrote : Crystal Peps
- thecrow174 wrote : I may try it
- EISXUOIS wrote : I was wonderin
- The RRP gang review Super Star Wars for the SNES in a new ep
- And in other news, Lark Voorhies marries some guy she met on
- thecrow174 wrote : Oh, boy. Thi
- He pities the fool who offers him money to peddle beer...I'm
- Ryu! Ha... that's awesome. Wish they had Raziel from Soul Re
- blueluigi wrote : Lucas and Cla
- Ooooohhhh.... so THAT'S what happened...
- Apparently not, considering it had the largest global openin
- Benjanime wrote : aside from wo
- shakin steak wrote : I give Sho
- Ajimbo wrote :The Lego Jurassic World game is good. It
- Going to catch Jurassic World tomorrow afternoon.
- Man... today is my second son's 5th birthday. Can't believe
- Still waiting on a few items. Hopefully it will get posted b
- thecrow174 wrote : Even John Ca
- thecrow174 wrote : Sure, it's a
- Benjanime wrote :when metal gear solid 2 came out you played
- Went to watch Jurassic World today, then came home and we ha
- Jurassic World (2015) Great movie! A proper sequel, if no
- vkimo wrote : Three quarters of
- shakin steak wrote : I'm, uh, w
- Promoting Genisys and a charity, Arnie takes to the streets
- Super Mario Maker sounds like great fun. That's the next tit
- Yeah, I would definitely put The Thing in that list. Also, l
- Jrs1991 wrote : Better Off Dead
- Wow... this is just... dreadful. NO... it's pathetic. How th
- I hate this. Reading that he was survived by just about ever
- VBS 2015 begins this Monday. Not sure I'm ready for all that
- Hope everyone had a good Father's Day. I know we did here. I
- I can be of some service here. We were there in March. We
- jkatz wrote : I think I remembe
- Welcome Rick. Glad to have you hang out here with us!
- I've thought about that myself. I could bring myself to kill
- Second day of VBS in the books. Three more to go. Phew!
- Ahhh... that's lousy.Horner was a really great composer. I l
- I have mixed feelings about this movie. Mainly because it wa
- @echidna: Yeah, it's a lot of fluff. I still managed to enjo
- Avengers (not the Marvel group) was decent too.
- I too liked the IROC-Z and Z28 Camaros. I would love to have
- fuschnikt wrote : I'm thankful
- echidna64 wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- Forgot to mention that Hoju's recent article on forgotten co
- "You won't be needing any clothes."
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : I think
- DirtyD79 wrote :I remember those. I think they kept the Denn
- I love how Cap is punching Hitler, something absolutely NOT
- So does Punisher go around filling the students full of lead
- Nice to have another 80's kid around. We're outnumbered by 9
- jkatz wrote : I'm finally getti
- They're built to last for a few months, when they become obs
- Fuzz wrote : I liked the latest
- Just a heads up...When the latest Goodie Pack is finally rea
- thecrow174 wrote : Samuel "Scre
- Benjanime wrote : it actually d
- Yeah, that's been an issue since the beginning. I thought it
- DirtyD79 wrote : Such a sin too
- You can always try your hand at winning the next article con
- Super Star Wars! :lol:They could give it the "DuckTales" tre
- Yeah. It's been frequent here to. Lots of flash flooding, an
- What's that you say? You'll mix two popular 80's toys and re
- DirtyD79 wrote : Spent most of
- I had heard of it, but never actually watched an episode. I
- I too have a gay friend. They are not all "clean". :lol:
- 230 minutes!? Talk about epic!
- Last night was... rough. I was awoken by my middle son at
- It's silly, but as a kid I always wanted a golf cart. Just t
- I had read this earlier today. He was part of a memorable ba
- vkimo wrote : That's rough, hop
- :lol: Speaking of recorded raps, I have many with music i
- Finally have all the necessary merchandise for the latest Go
- shakin steak wrote : Ooh, you k
- fuschnikt wrote : Did I do it?
- onipar wrote : Are these only g
- jkatz wrote : Why, it's almost
- kstrom22 wrote : When I was a k
- shakin steak wrote : ...that am
- DebrisStorm wrote : REALLY bad
- I don't particularly care for any athlete in this day and ag
- It appears that Spidey has been cast for the future. Tom who
- We are once again approaching that festive occasion when we
- fuschnikt wrote : As usual, I w
- The first five packs are now spoken for. The game in all fut
- Benjanime wrote : aww, no air z
- Well, Awwnold and Sly are still alive and kicking.As far as
- thecrow174 wrote : Is he doing
- massreality wrote :Plus Demolition Man was amazing! Three se
- fuschnikt wrote : It's a fair m
- jkatz wrote : My parents were a
- jkatz wrote : I worked for 11 h
- shakin steak wrote : I'm pretty
- shakin steak wrote : He does st
- EISXUOIS wrote :I think I have that issue! ...but with
- Yeah. Silly Puddy was bad enough for my parents. I was allow
- I didn't realize Japan took soccer so seriously. How do they
- Inside OutIt was another touching and fun Disney/Pixar outin
- Tomorrow it'll be up early to get to the church for a close
- Yeah, that's the unfortunate thing about films set in the 80
- thecrow174 wrote : The Japanese
- vkimo wrote : Man, that sounds
- While our Fourth was still fairly enjoyable, there was a wre
- mickyarber wrote : Just finishe
- mickyarber wrote : Wow. I just
- mickyarber wrote :I need to plug my new retro blog, lol.
- Yeah, I NEVER use Twitter, and I only sparingly use Facebook
- onipar wrote : Thanks for the w
- PeZZ! wrote : someday i will bu
- Hopefully the dark blue ones don't smell like urinal cakes.
- DebrisStorm wrote : Navy Pier f
- shakin steak wrote :My 4th was as I described earlier. But w
- shakin steak wrote : Where did
- thecrow174 wrote : Brace yourse
- mickyarber wrote : I loved Quik
- massreality wrote : I received
- Benjanime wrote : i'm waiting f
- Sweet find there shakin. The Genesis stuff is okay as well.
- Linux_Sage wrote : Would rather
- Wow. That turned around quickly.
- jkatz wrote : Wow.I guess he re
- I've marked my calendar (not really) for this one. Hurray fo
- Purchased a wi-fi ClearPlay Blu-Ray player not long ago, and
- Benjanime wrote : thanks much v
- Okay, this rain HAS to go. I feel like I'm living in Seattle
- onipar wrote :Is there a way to post youtube videos here?&nb
- Hmmm. I'm interested. I'm a fan of Halloween family movies.
- 5 new podcasts episodes are listed on the Podcasts page now.
- This would be so FREAKING sweet if true!
- Ajimbo wrote :I know James Avery's voice.-end quoteClearly t
- mickyarber wrote :What, if anything, is everyone else doing
- Yeah, there's not really an imposed limit on size of an arti
- Holy cow. I didn't even know there were Curious George and R
- I love checking out the vintage Halloween decor on Ebay when
- We're always open to suggestions here Rick.True, the space h
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :I remember watching an old Discovery
- Naturally, with Fourth of July over, Walmart has immediately
- vkimo wrote : I plan on building the Jurassic Park gate
- onipar wrote :Oh yeah, I have nearly a dozen of those blown
- WOAH! Okay... I want this. Any release date info?EDIT: My on
- thecrow174 wrote : Danny Trejo
- thecrow174 wrote : Tonight's th
- thecrow174 wrote : Call me craz
- I think the reason I like it so much is the fact that it was
- Hey look... it's raining. How unusual. :roll:
- Woah! I didn't know this was happening!!! This... Is... A
- Star Castles was apparently a pretty popular line of theirs.
- @vkimo: Awww... sorry it wasn't up to snuff for you. I actua
- Went to watch Minions this afternoon after taking my oldest
- Minions A good family flick, and a good addition to the D
- Hmmm...Neither my memory nor my online research is producing
- Awesome Ben. Hope your quest for a new computer is fruitful.
- vkimo wrote : I gave it 3 stars
- Oh wait... I thought this was a movie at first. It's a serie
- mickyarber wrote : I finally ju
- I prefer Army of Darkness, as the camp factor is increased 1
- Well it's been over two months since I got my lipid profile
- Yeah, I read this earlier on RetroJunk. I hate it. He was on
- Sandlot is a good one. Nice to have traditions that involve
- Unless you count the tree branch/girl scene... eww. I hate t
- I caught one of these online. Funny seeing those two again a
- shakin steak wrote :At this weekend's fest I treated myself
- shakin steak wrote :Man. Back in the 80s we made fun of sequ
- thecrow174 wrote : The amount o
- I think I may have finally found an author to act as judge f
- vkimo wrote : I'm considering following Arnold's Bluepr
- This: Which is okay, because Depeche Mode is awesome.
- My poor 7 year old boy was very upset tonight before we fell
- vkimo wrote : Man...at 7 I was&
- thecrow174 wrote : @Vapor:Did i
- The judge for the upcoming Suddenly Summer contest is set! M
- shakin steak wrote :So where has his influence been these pa
- Sideshow debuted the prototype sculpt for Beetlejuice at Com
- shakin steak wrote : I don't ca
- shakin steak wrote :BayonettaHyrule WarriorsMario MakerNES R
- I'm officially dubbing this the Summer That Wasn't. Uhg!!!!!
- It's July 15th, and I have been able to mow my yard a total
- Woah! That is VERY nice. Now I may have to get this game.
- Batty About Toys wrote : This,
- Well, I'll be the downer a bit here. :\My age causes me abou
- Fuzz wrote : Is Tonka still aro
- Fuzz wrote :Definitely not a sequel. I just heard that Akroi
- I would say Scar just in terms of evilness. But my personal
- Our member Batty About Toys did an unboxing video of 5 of th
- vkimo wrote :Vapor, I always looked up to you. The family ma
- Coke has always been better at tickling your nostalgia bone.
- I think if I were more into the DC Universe, this would exci
- DebrisStorm wrote : I've read t
- Welcome B.A.T.!!!Thanks for being a part of our crew.
- DebrisStorm wrote : I preferred
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : I'm sti
- Jrs1991 wrote : This will just
- @crow: Don't forget Miss M. There are more but they have nev
- What is it with the X-Men movies wanting to shrink down and
- DebrisStorm wrote : Minions. I
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :I've never been a fan of the X-Men mo
- I saw these on the counter at the local gas station. Seems a
- Fuzz wrote : I just found out t
- thecrow174 wrote : So, the Ohio
- Batty About Toys wrote :Those are pretty good! They do push
- Batty About Toys wrote : Minion
- massreality wrote : I finally s
- shakin steak wrote : The Coddli
- Do my flaws offend you though? :lol:
- Ahhh. At last we have a complete and functional deck with ro
- I clearly need sensitivity training of some kind.
- onipar wrote : I'm definitely g
- Batty About Toys wrote : Azrael
- Welcome Ian! Hope you feel right at home here.
- Batty About Toys wrote : I saw
- Batty About Toys wrote : I love
- We have a few Nick bumpers that have been submitted in the v
- Jrs1991 wrote : 9 to 5 (1980)8/
- massreality wrote : Did you kno
- I had a couple Pound Puppies in my youth but can't recall wh
- :lol: Catgut who looks next to nothing like a cat.
- I hate it when a flock of mustaches poop all over everything
- Anyone catch Ant-Man yet? I'm curious to know if it's any go
- Cool. I didn't know this game existed. I'm guessing the kids
- Benjanime wrote :according to the first game's original prod
- thecrow174 wrote : I had to wai
- I think it's something that should move into the gaming aren
- I know it's early, but some news on the Specials front: If e
- I enjoy the original and the newer "Mystery Incorporated" ve
- EISXUOIS wrote : The Raptor pac
- I had heard many good things about Kingsmen. I may have to c
- jkatz wrote : Vaporman must hav
- I turned the kids' Cars playtable into a MOTU battleground.
- Christie Brinkley... easily the hottest 61 year old of all t
- I did hear from my friend Phil that Ant-Man was quite good.
- massreality wrote : Vaporman87
- Fuzz wrote : Ok, so interesting
- Morris... the original "Grumpy Cat".
- Joe Dirt 2Yeah. So I noticed Joe Dirt 2 was available on Cra
- thecrow174 wrote : A Joe Dirt 2
- If it was Midway in the 90's, the title of the game likely h
- You dare include one showcasing He Who Shall Not Be Named!
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- Benjanime wrote : ever wanted t
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :The Nanuet Mall began going into decl
- DebrisStorm wrote : The diabete
- Uhhh...Oooookay.
- shakin steak wrote : Archie met
- shakin steak wrote : You joke,
- I have not. However, I was SERIOUSLY considering it... until
- Good news on the health front for me. My diet changes are wo
- We're actually getting four or five straight days of sun thi
- vkimo wrote : -end quoteAny teenage b
- vkimo wrote : Can we make it so whe
- I picked this up at Wal-Mart today while getting vitamins...
- Yeah, the WWE film was pretty bad. I'm guessing they had too
- One can hope. :)
- vkimo wrote :Dude, I'm getting carpal tunnel from those extr
- :lol: Personal favorite: The Land, Sea, and Air Burger.Speak
- Cool. Something you don't give a lot of thought, but yes...
- Standing up for my rights... as a consumer.
- Our back deck is getting a roof over it, and it's coming alo
- Looks like Hogan and the WWE are parting ways yet again. WWE
- Cool news on Streets of Rage II! That new mode sounds fun.
- One of the locations here locally closes during the winter.
- Agreed massreality. This should be a non-issue. What he appa
- Right BAT! Me too. Not EVERYTHING has to advertise some movi
- Aren't you two the geniuses. ;)
- If you've been around here a while, you know that the Christ
- Do thrift stores ever carry used or refurbished computers?
- Hey Ben, the subject for this years contest is Retro Gaming.
- Benjanime wrote : i could prooo
- shakin steak wrote : Getting re
- :lol:I'm liking what the show is going for here. I think thi
- Wow! This is just awesome:
- shakin steak wrote : It's "we l
- thecrow174 wrote : How many foo
- All great stuff TDitH. Good to see you back on the forum. If
- For sure. I like the tone of it, and I think the filming sty
- Back to rain today. But, at least we did get several days in
- I think that some consider The Craft as a coming of age genr
- Batty About Toys wrote : ...and
- I always thought it was funny that Dick York (Darren from Be
- All good examples Rick.And yeah echidna, I crack up at Mr. F
- Jurassic Park and the Indiana Jones movies (the first three
- thecrow174 wrote : I'm watching
- :lol: What's the point of it being Diet if it has bacon in i
- My car!
- massreality wrote : The lack of
- TDitH will appreciate this:
- kstrom22 wrote :How do we define "coming of age" anyway? Is
- Today I thought there was possibly a manhunt going on around
- An EXCELLENT and humorous Summertime tune from 1981!!!
- echidna64 wrote : Does Back to
- I have decided that the world needs more words to describe t
- A cool promo put together using the voices of John Moschitta
- Linux_Sage wrote : Ah man, I sp
- Batty About Toys wrote : James
- vkimo wrote : That's cool and a
- Uh... say what? I'm lost now. Are we just going to start lau
- shakin steak wrote :Pork Roll Egg and Cheese Video
- Let's do this:Anybody who attends this year's RetroCon from
- Here's another cartoon that surprised me with it's humor and
- A goofy sketch of me and the family as mediocre super heroes
- shakin steak wrote : It's worki
- I REALLY want to go this year! But with a two month old (who
- Armageddon It - Def Leppard (1989)
- I don't even want to know Edd. :lol:
- East coast does? It's the West that has Comic-Con! East has
- Oh, the kids are going to love this. They're big Kirby fans
- I broke down an purchased a Playstation 4 yesterday. I notic
- Speaking of my favorite series of games...2016 is looking re
- Benjanime wrote : I would have
- So apparently Shia Labeouf has this motivational video that
- Awww man. This sucks. He was a legend that will be sorely mi
- Benjanime wrote : do you really
- thecrow174 wrote : I guess. It'
- My kids will want to see it. It reminds me a lot of the Ever
- echidna64 wrote : I wish I had
- Also, a roof for our deck, and a new deck for the roof to be
- Dezendentz. Desindants. Diszindintz.
- No not bad at all. And yes, they love flying around looking
- And it would be legit. Not just to look official. :)
- Kroger's was offering FREE small pieces of pumpkin pie today
- 2 new Toys R Us Reports and 1 new Retro Rewind Podcast are a
- Today marks the first time this Summer that my yard has been
- @edd: Ewww... pumpkin salad??? But yeah, this pumpkin in
- Guardians was awesome. Ronan was a great villian for sure.
- thecrow174 wrote : Enjoy it whi
- eddstarr wrote : LOL, it does s
- Guardians was awesome. Ronan was a great villian for sure.
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I m
- Depeche Mode, The Police, and Peter Gabriel I can stand. The
- This was reported by an actual local news station (not in my
- We fourty-somethings need to stick together. Happy Birthday
- @jkatz: Is that real? Absurd! @shakin: Go Go Godzilla....
- It definitely had a unique style and appeal. I never really
- Some photos from inside the department store here in R-town:
- This was pretty obvious from the trailer for the new TV seri
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Wou
- thecrow174 wrote : The Goldberg
- shakin steak wrote : I swear to
- shakin steak wrote :Continuing my taste for bizarre Garfield
- Well, having perused the menu I think my personal choices wo
- Well look what thread has reared it's spooky head already! T
- Winnebago Man (2010)Never have I watched a film with so much
- While we're confessing...I too have never seen Risky Busines
- I had a box of Fruit Brute for a year after they came out. L
- Unfortunately there will always be unhinged people among us.
- :lol: My guess is that on prime time TV they don't want t
- Yeah, I'm not totally convinced that our current laws regard
- Something I've noticed which likely means nothing, but is ha
- You're all going to Retro Hades, just so you know.
- thecrow174 wrote : What about y
- You know what is both weird and funny about this? The fact t
- thecrow174 wrote : They have Mo
- shakin steak wrote : Sounds lik
- shakin steak wrote :My second comic book was Spider-Man #350
- That's awesome news. Now if they could just get John Moschit
- Me too. Maybe if our leaders had a healthier appreciation fo
- Sitting here in the living room, after a rather busy day, li
- I had good luck with the Honda Pilot. We would have kept our
- Posting this again for crow... :)
- As I anticipated, this movie is bombing hard. Good.
- Hey... you know what would be great? To take a property that
- I don't know that I ever had a concrete spelling locked in m
- Oh TDitH... what do we do with you now? :lol:
- In the Berenstain Bears' alternate universe, Two Ton is a 5
- HarryCanyon wrote : Jury Duty:
- Little Boy (2015)Few movies will get 5 out of 5 stars from m
- In the Berenstain Bears alternate universe, Farmer Ben is th
- Fuzz wrote : Took the boys to s
- echidna64 wrote : I hate "I saw
- Next week is "Fair Week"!!! So I be enjoying taking a trip b
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Nex
- eddstarr wrote :If Washington does turn into the new sunshin
- I've never tasted Ecto Coolers.
- massreality wrote : I like the
- A pair of roller skates would fit in nicely beside those Chu
- In the Berenstain Bears alternate universe, echidnas are a d
- shakin steak wrote : Hmm...Madb
- thecrow174 wrote : Are you feel
- I finally got to play my Godzilla game again last night on t
- Ajimbo wrote : I shot J.R., I k
- thecrow174 wrote : I'm not real
- Avai
- Two new books have been added to the Points Store. Those wou
- New member Dobesov provided a link in your Mall Arcade artic
- I find it both funny and uplifting that all of my pants are
- Available Games List for "GameDaze Pack" is now Versio
- Would anyone object to including a few 90's images in the ma
- Cool. Any other suggestions?
- Those are some good ones Echidna. Thanks.
- Well good. I would hate for them to leave out Synergy in the
- Avai
- shakin steak wrote : New homebr
- Caps 2.0 wrote : If I may make
- Yeah. Every news outlet should follow suit. These people hav
- While the contest ended 2 days ago, only today will all the
- MrTonyoftheDead wrote : Burying
- MrTonyoftheDead wrote : it was
- Fuzz wrote : vkimo wrote :
- Hmmm. I hope to see this series on Hulu or Netflix, so I can
- Jrs1991 wrote : Under Siege (19
- Ahhh... That explains all the recent signups. :lol: It was l
- massreality wrote : Also, that
- @shakin: What if a mispronunciation of his name gets stuck i
- Both Kroger and Walmart had small sections of fall related p
- blueluigi wrote : Those who wan
- Thanks gang. Keep in mind this place is pretty much nothing
- PeZZ! wrote : People that i do not
- Caps 2.0 wrote :Does this mean that there won't be any more
- echidna64 wrote : I hear it's D
- PeZZ! wrote : i have a feeling
- PeZZ! wrote : because the stand
- A man was killed at Cedar Point recently, after performing a
- shakin steak wrote : OK, now I
- Vkimo's been drinking again. :lol:
- massreality wrote :I agree with this statement, but one of t
- Batty About Toys wrote : This m
- The result of much afternoon labor.. the booth is ready to g
- It lasts 6 days, from Monday to Saturday. That building was
- shakin steak wrote : I was ridi
- Our fair has a statue of PeZZ! in the center of the midway t
- Who wouldn't want that?
- Brisco County Jr. needs to have another season or two, kind
- Ajimbo wrote : Hmm, are you the
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- thecrow174 wrote : True Vengean
- mickyarber wrote : The wife and
- Absolutely! My elementary school had several of those books.
- I think 'Taker would have been doing himself a favor to semi
- Mwahaha... MWAHAHAHA!!!!
- An article on some of the better Atari box art. How many of
- thecrow174 wrote : What the...T
- Available Games List for "GameDaze Pack" is now Versio
- @shakin: Ditto
- Well, first day here at the fair and man, it's ludicrously h
- massreality wrote : I got a new
- Oh yes. Clear as Crystal Pepsi, for sure.
- Fuzz wrote :It also landed in the blue bowl, so I got my cho
- Sounds like a pretty good gig. And yes, retail can be pretty
- Wow. You even got his typing style too. You truly are a new
- I'm a Professor of Retro. Class is in session.
- This is dusgusting and sad. I feel really bad for his family
- Suggestion noted. Thanks Batty.
- Last night, as we were exiting the fair for the evening and
- That is a bit weird. Could they be catering to an older, col
- Wow. Great idea for a series. I'll have to rack my brain for
- Any video game related sound effects used in other media or
- You went there. I just can't believe you went there. :lol: Y
- We saw that Scooby-Doo set in Target. Very cool set. Like...
- vkimo wrote : My coworker (And
- thecrow174 wrote : Teen Wolf at
- Fuzz wrote :(not sure why this last picture got resized)
- :lol: What an idiot. What happens to people when they gain c
- Lakers and Dodgers apparel was also pretty popular countrywi
- Hello Baltimoreian. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
- Woah, that's crazy. Though the number is significantly less
- shakin steak wrote : Really mak
- The sound of crackling and popping from some Rice Crispies a
- Welcome mscreepy. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)
- The Filmation studio logo noise:
- Yeah, that's definitely another one that fits.
- That's great news Ben. Glad you were able to get things back
- The owners of The Goonies house in Astoria are pretty fed up
- Welcome MrTony. Subscribed!Hope you enjoy your stay!
- Yeah. I think it's about time the video posting become easie
- The Explorers?
- I'll post mine when I'm on an actual computer today. On my p
- Taking the kids to the dentist. Just how I love to spend a F
- Treasure's best game was Guardian Heroes, hands down.
- Good grief. Makes me worried. What if someone could do that
- Welcome Angel. I hope you enjoy your time here.
- Next to the last night of the fair. Hard to believe it.
- Man, it's actually feeling a bit chilly tonight.
- Benjanime wrote : are the summe
- I really enjoyed that article ozzy. Thanks for contributing.
- Without further ado...From Tristan Donovan:"Hi TonySorry too
- Here we go:
- Batty About Toys wrote : Vaporm
- Ajimbo wrote : Duel.
- pikachulover wrote : Better off
- Benjanime wrote : so many new m
- mscreepy has posted a video of her unboxing last year's Hall
- It was a bit breezy, but it was legitimately chilly as far a
- Hey there Othergirl. Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay.
- Just an observation I made at the Fair today: A very, VER
- Summer feels so close to ending on the final day of the Fair
- Only a short bit of it. Haven't had a chance to see a full e
- @mickyarber: There was Pepsi in that ad? I'll be doggone.
- So I splurged the final night here. Deep Fried Oreos are soo
- Awesome. Glad you got a kick out of it ozzy.
- I'm offended that the reporter is offended by white women's
- AngelOtter wrote : Really wish
- shakin steak wrote : Then I sol
- Hurray for Gilda in Halloween mode!EDIT: Er... wait, is that
- vkimo wrote : Planes, Trains an
- As far as these types of films from my childhood, I would sa
- I haven't watched it, nor have I watched the Saved By The Be
- Ajimbo wrote : That's Goth Kati
- Ha! Love it.
- What about ghosts? We're just going to discriminate against
- AngelOtter wrote : Looks more s
- Ajimbo wrote : This little perv
- UHHGGG!!!This!
- Clearly the writer of this text was from the cybernetic real
- Wow. What a tremendous waste of time and materials.
- Good news for the Halloween 2015 Article Contest...Les
- Benjanime wrote : is an article
- Just when you thought it was safe to play Pokemon..."When po
- vkimo wrote :I might have to write under a pseudonym, seeing
- thecrow174 wrote : Terminator i
- Woah. That IS cool! Nice find mass. It's weird seeing the gu
- shakin steak wrote : Same way y
- Not a good time to be an investor. The Dow finished down aga
- vkimo wrote :That's probably because you like handling balls
- Hmm. I'll reserve judgement. Looney Tunes isn't so sacred to
- Got the notice that the Trademark office is going to publish
- shakin steak wrote : Just make
- shakin steak wrote : thecrow174
- New episodes of Nostalgiamatic and The Retro Rewind Podcast
- Well, it appears that Vaporman99's site has itself been devo
- Even more disgusting. It is my wish that the shooter survive
- shakin steak wrote :-end quoteCome on, think about the nurse
- shakin steak wrote : It hasn't
- More signs of Fall showing up in stores that I have witnesse
- Eh... perhaps we should stick with just movies. Not everyone
- Hoju Koolander wrote : So much
- I watched this earlier today with my wife (I was telling her
- jkatz wrote : Man from UNCLE wa
- vkimo wrote : I guess I'll let
- :lol: I'm sure everybody remembers that particular Calvin an
- shakin steak wrote :I gotta flaunt my own arcade article for
- shakin steak wrote : Obviously
- The Points Store now has Replay: The History of Video Games
- I think there's common ground in there that could make a pos
- I'd rather businesses NOT outsource to foreign countries at
- Is it one of the Indiana Jones movies?
- Ha! Awesome. Well, I think we've solved several world proble
- Except for people who aren't supposed to eat much of it. :lo
- You know you're raising your kids right when they request to
- Yes. Riiiiight. This makes perfect sense. Really? I mean...
- @shakin: I think this article captures my feelings pretty we
- I bought this game today. I had trouble finding reviews on i
- Speaking of Garfield, he has his own "kart" game now:
- This update is complete now. Hurray!
- I know this scene made me jump sky high the first time I pla
- thecrow174 wrote : It's been 10
- Silent Hill for the PS1 had plenty of chilling moments. The
- So I'm going ahead and being proactive and scheduling an app
- Saw these today... in our local little department store of a
- Today was a grocery shopping day, right after my oldest son
- pikachulover wrote : I was thin
- Cool. I gotta have a copy of that hardcover mini-comic colle
- More signs of Halloween showing up. Here is a giant tent tha
- Starting to see merchandise related to the release of the mo
- Did you hear about this crow?
- That's just something I never could get into. Of course, it
- Ahhh man... this sucks. I didn't know he was in poor health.
- Fuzz wrote : I finally watched
- Fuzz wrote :I didn't think it was that good. I immediately t
- I know. It looks awesome. I'm really hoping you can be Omega
- Scooby and Shaggy get some attention in this latest trailer
- Okay. A few more things incoming...- Embed video fix: Soon y
- Who ya gonna call? The theater owner for your money back.
- echidna64 wrote : The Hobbit: B
- Here is the trailer that I was mentioning earlier with the W
- More signs of the :pump: impending season :pump:, this time
- Not sure yet. We haven't decided. I suppose it depends on wh
- Speaking of Hoju, I failed to notice that he surpassed a 500
- Fuzz wrote : I'm totally done w
- I enjoyed Hercules and Xena. They had the right amount of ac
- As for question 1, I would say it will likely appear around
- massreality wrote : I once enjo
- Now we're talking. Kroger has their Halloween products aisle
- Looks as though this was the result of an accidental drug ov
- I saw this and the Retro Gamer unboxing a a week or so ago.
- Maybe they won't do Toy Story. Maybe they'll go with Nemo or
- @vkimo: I wholly agree! I've never understood the criticism
- This year, some lucky attendee will win all the DVDs that th
- I hate phone stores. I need a new phone as this one is LITER
- Cell phone. I had an iPhone 5, now it's a 6+. The thing is h
- Anyone going out for Force Friday to see all the new toys an
- blueluigi wrote :After all I'm always up for a more... EXCIT
- Fuddrucker's is a great burger place. Kind of like a burger
- More signs of the season...Those two images are courtesy of
- Benjanime wrote : today i'll be
- I thought crow would appreciated this: "I think what’s coo
- TDitH! Your disappearances are too frequent. Stay in your ro
- I've had Krystal burgers, and they are decent.
- onipar wrote : Franchise-wise I
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : I have a qu
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : I feel
- PeZZ! wrote : in Texas there is
- vkimo wrote : I keep thinking y
- I wouldn't really count Outback as a "burger joint" though.
- That just means that there have been a lot of VHS covers rec
- I spent today mowing, going out for food, sleeping, and othe
- onipar wrote : I suck at the VH
- vkimo wrote :Whole thing took place in one small American to
- According to Adam F. Goldberg (creator of The Goldbergs TV s
- That... is... AWESOME. Can you imagine waiting out the lean
- blueluigi wrote : After going a
- Hope everyone has a great Labor Day. The unofficial end of S
- Who knew Latvians were so enamored by I Love Lucy? I hear th
- thecrow174 wrote : Yay! The Hal
- thecrow174 wrote : Like Scooby
- That's another. Five to go.
- vkimo wrote : Vaporman87 wrote
- ozzyrulz777 wrote : If you want
- You pretty much found them all. The only one missing is the
- thecrow174 wrote :You try to do more for Halloween every yea
- Ajimbo wrote : At least Alphie
- shakin! Where have you been hiding these past few days?
- shakin steak wrote : Er, I mean
- There is a place called Court Street Grill here that serves
- shakin steak wrote : People fro
- It's quite early, but I thought I'd let it be known that I'm
- A new episode of The Retro Rewind Podcast is available now o
- pikachulover wrote : Found a Ne
- Just an update on this article of hers...It's been read now
- I think the whole "having a nose" thing really messed up the
- I'm growing weary of the current fascination with energy dri
- I use a VCR/DVD recorder for my copying. You should be able
- blueluigi wrote : Wow. That is
- I don't believe I've pre-ordered from there. But I've heard
- thecrow174 wrote : Unfortunatel
- My personal favorite:
- shakin steak wrote :I'm curious... what's your epithet for E
- When does it get released?
- Purchased a refurbished Dell desktop with Windows XP just fo
- I saw Netflix had Cheers, Frasier, and X-Files now.
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :
- vkimo wrote :I haven't really indulged myself lately, been s
- vkimo wrote : Really hate how p
- pikachulover wrote : Awww. Than
- ozzyrulz777 wrote : What A Horr
- @massreality: I too recently rewatched MOTU the movie. I was
- vkimo wrote : Wow, I thought a
- I hope everyone had a good "Patriot's Day", 2015.
- It's actually Jason Aron's film. Adam helped produce it, but
- kidcoffee wrote : I know it's f
- kidcoffee wrote : I just bought
- Ajimbo posted about this in the "Last Thing you Bought" thre
- I see Gilda enjoys candy corn. Well, I won't hold that again
- "61" was a great film. I think Thomas "The Punisher" Jane pl
- Good grief V, you planning on building a life size car with
- I always liked Hoosiers.
- massreality wrote : All the Roc
- I'm pretty sure this with some creamy butter on it is the be
- Which reminds me of the time long, long ago when I watched a
- Cool kidcoffee. It's like a mix of Simpsons and Doug.
- @kidcoffee: I don't know if that's been mentioned or not, bu
- kidcoffee wrote : ...didn't Wal
- Yeah, it's been cool here too. Perfect day to finish up weed
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I n
- Welcome kidcoffee. You're right, better late than never. Gla
- mickyarber wrote : The Sandlot,
- I was pleased to read that a local skating rink (not the one
- Gilda gettin' her Halloween on.
- The leech scene still gives me the willies.
- mickyarber wrote : Mystery, Ala
- echidna64 wrote : blueluigi wro
- Yeah, I think a lot of the initial growth in membership was
- Ahhh... well that explains the Wallmaster in the smilies box
- Was that the film with Kristy Swanson in it?
- Wow. I didn't know that. All I remember is... Kristy Swanson
- Ajimbo wrote :The wallmasters quote with ninja face came fro
- mickyarber wrote : I really lik
- I've been using WinX DVD Ripper (www.winxdvd.com) to collect
- kidcoffee wrote : I was always
- kidcoffee wrote : If I li
- Yeah. Only time will tell. It would be nice to see Nintendo
- kidcoffee wrote : onipar wrote
- I wouldn't say I "hate" it... for that is a strong word. But
- pikachulover wrote : She makes
- onipar wrote :And okay...maybe I do still eat a few pieces o
- thecrow174 wrote : Pumpkin pie
- echidna64 wrote :I forgot this was in West Virginia-
- Why do I need 3 of the same catalog from Oriental Trading ma
- kidcoffee wrote : They're just
- Yeah I agree with kidcoffee. Japan would be very cool to vis
- onipar wrote : Dear God yes! &n
- kidcoffee wrote :Better still put it in a gallery, call it a
- thecrow174 wrote : Somewhere aw
- Benjanime wrote : i'm still up
- It's just the perspective of the picture is off. The flowers
- Not out of place at all. So long as you are accurately recal
- I think visiting historical sites or sites where your favori
- I often experience enlightenment when I bite into a York Pep
- When combining Halloween and nostalgia goes too far...
- vkimo wrote : Phew, having ente
- shakin steak wrote : I think so
- Hmmm. This could interest me a lot more than all the "Prince
- I hope you'll be making an appearance in this one too echidn
- It's crazy what we ID for these days. Silly stuff. And crazy
- There is a lot of tasty and fun Halloween related foodstuffs
- Has anyone tried the new Brownie Batter Oreos? Was curious t
- Ugh. So far this week (It's only Thursday) I've had to take
- I saw this in an episode of Teen Titans Go (my kids are huge
- kidcoffee wrote : I think it's
- echidna64 wrote : Private Parts
- kidcoffee wrote :I think you've earned yourself a brownie Or
- massreality wrote : A couple we
- shakin steak wrote : Well, sinc
- PeZZ! wrote : so far i have bee
- That's cool. One would think something like those would be V
- I would first add one of my favorite underrated characters,
- Were they Mego style figures? Like the Classic Covers:
- That line is just what it says... "Marvel Universe". And the
- It's there. Seems as if there is still a link somewhere taki
- Here's a villain that was never given a chance to live up to
- On the subject of healthier Halloween offerings, I found thi
- Man... today has been a day for nothing but pouring rain! I
- That has to be a real sight to behold... all those orchards
- Benjanime wrote : it's a BORE t
- kidcoffee wrote : Took the fami
- Benjanime wrote : does anyone g
- mickyarber wrote : Not sure if
- I picked up Mario Maker today in Walmart. Probably won't mes
- It's giant Mario. :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : For the adul
- mickyarber wrote : Well our har
- Roger Rabbit Shorts:
- Ajimbo wrote : The school would
- Blade's look has changed quite a bit since his first appeara
- Gotta be honest here... I'm going to have a real hard time p
- I think they should have kept the yellow sunglasses look.
- Ha! Love it Ben. Very nice!
- Have you tried plugging the cord into one of those charging
- massreality wrote : I was surprised
- I'll have to wait until it shows up on Hulu Plus the day aft
- The series is back tomorrow night! Yes!
- One has to wonder how a vampire gets so large. Did it consum
- Continuing with the "mystery" theme of this Halloween (the a
- Could someone explain this to me?This was part of an ad that
- pikachulover wrote : I submitte
- Batty About Toys wrote : Just c
- Since there were no options for facial hair, I had to "photo
- Going with my "Peanutized" look for now.
- Yup. It finally dried up toward the end. Before that it was
- Agreed. The Simpsons are the epitome of overbite.
- shakin steak wrote : Well, I WA
- There was a time when I liked watching Gumby. Some channel p
- Yeah... really wishing there was a stubble/beard option. Wha
- I think vkimo's Peanut character should just be Stupendous M
- Howard Stern is like the Donald Trump of radio. "I'm so good
- Michael (Duke from G.I. Joe/Raziel from Soul Reaver) Bell is
- Albert (Xander) Hensley is going to be sending in his readin
- I've been reading reports of upset parents taking issue with
- Hmmm. Sounds very Facebookish. :lol: Kind of like a profile
- I pretty much never rake leaves with the exception of one lo
- If you eat a piece of pumpkin pie with sugar free whipped cr
- My kids and I have discovered iMovie. The world will never b
- So two pirate ships sailed by our area today. You know... ju
- I should have yelled "All right full! Batten down the hatche
- jkatz wrote : Fall=pumpkin spic
- vkimo wrote : Works been slow s
- vkimo wrote : First day of Autu
- Benjanime wrote :
- Going to be catching it tonight if all goes according to pla
- I haven't had cable for years now. So unless I can watch it
- This is hilarious... especially if you're familiar with the
- Never watched a moment of that show, but I can tell it made
- Some episodes were quite good, but others were bleh. Much as
- I saw one of the Google Street View cars in town today. It w
- I was just sitting here listening to Michael Bell and Larry
- kidcoffee wrote : Yay mystery b
- Hurray! Today will be the third time in like a year or a lit
- shakin steak wrote : blueluigi
- I honestly pay little to no attention to calories. But I do
- Yeah, calculating calories for home cooked meals with any ac
- Wow. This is just crazy...The things mankind can do today! A
- thecrow174 wrote : Guess who ju
- Back on the subject of harvest/Halloween inspired "healthier
- Creepy as Chucky was, it was the dummy from "Magic" that sca
- vkimo wrote : Had some major sc
- I spent most of the afternoon yesterday mowing. Hopefully fo
- I remember what a big deal it was on TV when that The Stand
- jkatz wrote : Is this the great
- I was in my last year of college, and I can recall all of my
- vkimo wrote : If Dairy Queen's
- The only thing I wish they would change about the Pumpkin Pi
- There was no way to see anything last night. It was EXTREMEL
- It's still a long way off from the Egg Nog Shake at McDonald
- Woah. Nicely done blue!
- I finally finished Matt Trakker's cameo. I'm pretty satisfie
- This reminds me of that Archie comic recently with the gay d
- Yes, but what does that have to do with the Berenstain Bears
- kidcoffee wrote : They're reall
- I wondered if there would be some similarities with the Mick
- Geesh. It's after 6:00 PM and I've been awake for over 12 ho
- kidcoffee wrote : The Fantastic
- I didn't even realize that the whole Lego Dimensions thing w
- The rumors are true.Burger King has released what has to be
- vkimo wrote :I'd yell and he'd turn around and look at me.
- Uhhh... this is hilarious. https://www.facebook.com/mbw
- Vaporman87 wrote : I'm sorry bu
- kidcoffee wrote : Oooh A1 Whopp
- jkatz wrote : How does somebody
- kidcoffee wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- massreality wrote :I tried a Halloween Whopper today for lun
- For those who just can't wait to see what's in it, stay tune
- The Points Store is getting a little more Halloweeny... Hall
- Ohhh... right. I see now. I'm 41 and never tasted wine. Tast
- I'm still a go for the Halloween Whopper, but I'm less excit
- Well I think my list includes several mainstays, but with th
- Well done sir. Well done. A perfect unveiling of all the Hal
- The RetroDaze Halloween 2015 Goodie Pack has arrived. Enjoy.
- shakin steak wrote : I still go
- echidna64 wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- shakin steak wrote :For some reason, Halloween specials neve
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87
- I'm not sure. If not though, you could download one of those
- If we have to wait until next year to read a new shakin arti
- Agreed. Thanks for encouraging some interaction among the ne
- I'm hoping to discover some new vintage specials this year.
- Kidcoffee has been a great addition thanks to you onipar. H
- Linux_Sage wrote : I think it d
- thecrow174 wrote : Another psyc
- Well I had my one Halloween Whopper, and I was satisfied by
- I think my next mission is to pick up all three of the Targe
- kidcoffee wrote : I hoped to fi
- Ewww... I want nothing to do with that burger. :lol:The art
- Wow. I have to concur... this could be a "test" of sorts to
- My understanding is that the shooter is dead. And it appears
- shakin steak wrote : We went to
- Wait... there were Bone Crowns? Dangit!
- shakin steak wrote : No free sa
- onipar wrote : Also, apparently
- Ajimbo wrote : Yeah, I had a ha
- thecrow174 wrote :
- Matt Trakker is still leading the mission... at a local TV s
- The likely date and time will be Saturday, October 17th at 8
- massreality wrote : I've always
- There was a website that streamed old Nick shows somewhere o
- onipar wrote : Oh no! I'l
- onipar wrote : Yeah, after tax
- So are Mel Gibson and Danny Glover reprising their roles? (:
- vkimo wrote : Yeah, that's the
- Ewww... black chicken? What if they made the burger itself b
- Well, the category links are a bit hard to spot up there. So
- I got all caught up on this season (only two episodes, but s
- October 3rd: The day I turned on the furnace for the first t
- A little trivia on the spooky Haunted Mansion tune for that
- Back from grocery shopping and once again I noticed a few "h
- I wasn't sure what to make of them, so I didn't buy them. I'
- shakin steak wrote : PS: appare
- vkimo wrote :I watched about half of it, dozed off for anoth
- thecrow174 wrote : They're utte
- Yesterday was quite warm and nice out here. I would hate to
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Gue
- I didn't even know this was happening. I didn't watch the sh
- Sure I enjoyed the slasher films of the 80's, and the teen d
- kidcoffee wrote : I still like
- kidcoffee wrote : Well I suppos
- Awesome. The pilot is a highly reliable vehicle. Great choic
- Good to see you here in the forums David. And thank you for
- Maybe they'll air full Pete and Pete episodes at a later dat
- :lol: Thats a great effort on no budget.
- :lol: Defiantly... Definitely.... It's all the same.
- echidna64 wrote : Hotel Transyl
- Ahhh. I see. A tragedy, no matter the details.
- shakin steak wrote :I have been looking for a thread that I
- vkimo wrote : Shoot, I need to
- The newest trailer is out:
- Oddly enough, our little old department store here in R-Town
- Woah. I'd forgotten about the Mark Twain one. That one was a
- Good to know your doing okay TDitH. I had begun to wonder if
- I see the R.O.B. lamp back there too! Sweet.
- And as you can see, NLogan has figured out that if you save
- Drakkensky wrote : Onipar, I'm
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :I'm okay, life has been getting i
- shakin steak wrote :Of course, Jimmy Fallon is no gem either
- NLogan wrote : What epic bat po
- The Keatons, of Family Ties fame. A great couple.
- As a kid, lots of things scared me. I was a bit paranoid, es
- Finally closing in on the finishing touches for the updated
- thecrow174 wrote : Have these n
- Batty About Toys wrote : massre
- Ugh... finally have all the Halloween Goodie Packs ordered s
- I am also not Jason, but I welcome you anyway. Thanks for jo
- Two more Halloween related items are available now in the Po
- Rick Moranis, actor who dropped off of everyone's radar almo
- NLogan wrote :I would tell you it, but you would probably ju
- I'm not sure he qualifies as a "person". But yes, he is not
- For kids of the 90's, we have added a new podcast to our lin
- OUCH! $100??? Holy cow, are there that many Jem fans out the
- Ahh, yes that's much better. I wonder what is in that specia
- Oooh, I like what I'm seeing here. Nothing quite as tasty as
- I enjoyed the last Godzilla movie from Hollywood, but the pr
- Wow! That sounds really awesome. I wish we had something sim
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :But the rock has another creepy aspec
- I don't know that I could enjoy a Rifftrax of this movie. I
- shakin steak wrote : So that Gr
- shakin steak wrote : Leave the
- shakin steak wrote : Irrelevant
- Ahh. I see. Well that's a relief. I bet John Stamos likes Th
- thecrow174 wrote : It's in the
- I enjoy dark chocolate Raisinets. But I don't like plain old
- I don't think it would be less gross. I think I would be gro
- I prefer water (previously Mt. Dew) and Chocolate Chip Cooki
- Thank you good sir. Here's to hoping for for some cooperativ
- You know, eons ago my friend Phil and I recorded one episode
- I did two things today I had never done before: Hand feed a
- Wow, this is a great list! Well done Anthony. Lots of enjoya
- I have seen commercials for this all evening here in the hot
- Yeah, that would be discouraging pikachulover.
- Sweet Drakkensky. Looking forward to reading that.
- Isn't it nice to crank on something like that and fall aslee
- I see several things that I'd like to read here. Thanks for
- thecrow174 wrote : Guitar Hero
- blueluigi wrote : Looking at it, it seems to be another chea
- I like the sound here. Reminds me of the Silver Bullet Band,
- I think everything is in order, so now to make it official:S
- thecrow174 wrote : "Da plane! D
- vkimo wrote : Crud. Since I'm b
- thecrow174 wrote : What about M
- mickyarber wrote : RSVP for fou
- Really wrestling with the fact that my yard needs mowed one
- I bought this game. I haven't had a chance to play it myself
- RetroDaze Halloween Special 2015Yes, that's right. My family
- Gary Sinise has always been a great actor (I truly despised
- pikachulover wrote : Submitted
- Great choices Poshy! I always liked Happy Days.
- Thanks for being a part of the site Poshy. It's great to hav
- Post your thoughts when you have the chance to try it, Fuzz.
- They speak about it as though it would be a big budget featu
- I'm not sure what to make of this. I suppose we'll have to s
- massreality wrote : I liked a l
- thecrow174 wrote : Playboy is g
- vkimo wrote : I have until Thur
- mickyarber wrote : Well unfortu
- I wonder if any of these kids ever went on to greater succes
- mickyarber wrote :I don't think I'm gonna get to make it to
- shakin steak wrote : thecrow174
- :lol:So funny... and so true:
- New episodes of the Retro Rewind Podcast and Past Forward ar
- I didn't think any of them looked familiar, so I figured it
- onipar wrote : I fear Micky wou
- thecrow174 wrote : Who says animati
- kidcoffee wrote : Such an amazi
- mickyarber wrote : Well, Ive go
- I am so getting these things:Pepsi Perfect:Nike Power Lace S
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : Just su
- I... I can't believe what I just read... my Godzilla Geekome
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : Just su
- jkatz wrote :The episode I saw had home movies in the credit
- I'm glad that everyone is having as much fun receiving it as
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : Vaporma
- Poshy2005 wrote : I wish Disney
- Poshy2005 wrote : As much as I
- I know what that is. :lol: I'll have to try that out.
- onipar wrote : The other I'm su
- kidcoffee wrote : I love that t
- thecrow174 wrote : Sorry for no
- Well, another Halloween Article Contest is in the books, and
- shakin steak wrote : Is the flu
- shakin steak wrote :No. Your initial instinct was entirely c
- echidna64 wrote : Allow it! Ret
- kidcoffee wrote : For almost a
- kidcoffee wrote : I think it's
- vkimo wrote :I'm definitely on board for fiction, but making
- NLogan wrote : I don't know wha
- thecrow174 wrote : I don't supp
- massreality wrote :I guess, I really don't care either way.
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : I know
- One hour to doors opening. :)
- Remember to have Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser, a
- I hope everyone enjoyed this year's Halloween Special! It wa
- thecrow174 wrote : A tape costu
- Nocturna (2008)A surprisingly fun animated adventure that re
- kidcoffee wrote : Loved it. Tha
- vkimo wrote : How was the turno
- Today I discovered what the McDonald's Halloween pails were
- So from what I can gather thus far, we seem pretty accepting
- Right! TDitH, and comic_book_fan!
- Jrs1991 wrote : It already star
- Ajimbo wrote : I think I was sl
- pikachulover wrote : And my tea
- Ha! That's a neat idea for a tie in with the movie.
- vkimo wrote : Will the new spec
- shakin steak wrote : Mrs steak
- Tape Cassettes haven't changed. They're making a comeback, a
- Yeah. I would feel that way too. As much as I loathe cold we
- No, but the blower must run nonetheless. And it seems to rac
- Nope. I read an article recently on one of the worlds last r
- I guess I COULD charge myself a high price for it... then ca
- I think once you select a color, you're stuck with it. But,
- thecrow174 wrote : All parents
- I watched that trailer last night. Very good. I like the who
- When does It's Time To Get Revenge, Charlie Brown air?
- Okay Rick, I'll keep an eye open for it.
- Plus the sky will never look more amazing than on a crisp Fa
- My wife purchased me a pair of Crocs loafers, the slip on ki
- Yesterday was our 13th anniversary. We spent it relaxing, th
- Congrats to vkimo for surpassing Miss M and moving into seco
- Thanks. It's a bit bittersweet each year, because today is t
- @Linux: It most definitely is way too early. My mom was 63,
- I need to get caught up on Goldbergs episodes before the Hal
- Linux_Sage wrote : Bought me a
- I had read about this elsewhere. Such a great and rare find.
- vkimo wrote : Is it not possibl
- An interesting theory regarding Kylo Ren. But I think there
- Punky Brewster... horror icon???
- vkimo wrote :Reminds me of the joke where the kid predicts t
- I'm all caught up on my Goldbergs now. The "jampilation" and
- Happy Back To The Future Day!!!
- shakin steak wrote :Whoa dude are you psychic
- We have a new Podcast that will be available on the Podcasts
- I have chosen the 3 Christmas Specials that will be a part o
- Caps 2.0 wrote : Any famous wom
- I was afraid of that. I'm not even a baseball fan any more,
- I spent over an hour yesterday trying to find appliance wax
- We popped in BTTF II last night to give it a watch. It still
- For another example, my middle son is REALLY wanting this An
- Woah! What a day to have a birthday!
- I think it's just that everyone in the future is a weakling.
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : When was th
- The documentary "Back In Time" was released on Back To The F
- shakin steak wrote : Vaporman87 wrote :However, our departm
- Back In Time (2015)The best documentary there is on the Back
- And now... the winners!!!!!!! Yes, there are three runner up
- Yeah, I know. vkimo appears to be unstoppable in these conte
- shakin steak wrote : Germany, R
- vkimo wrote : Also noticed a go
- kidcoffee wrote : Great documen
- Thanks for the info on the Monster Candy packs NLogan. I che
- Way to go TDitH. Gettin' things done.
- That is "Shout The Boo" by Count Crow.
- Definitely jkatz.
- Batman (1966)Even this movie's campiness is campy. I realize
- I would say the episode of the V miniseries when the aliens
- This is what was happening right outside my back door today.
- What happens when the Teen Titans, some 80's style pop music
- vkimo wrote : Wasn't it Fox Fam
- The Masters of the Universe episode, "The Problem With Power
- Just that it made landfall and lost power, but Texas is in f
- Thanks VLove. It was a good weekend for the most part. Nothi
- Anyone with SiriusXM...Scream is on channel 18 this year.
- vkimo wrote : Was listening to
- Whether your battling ghosts or traveling back in time, the
- ...any of your children are named Duke, Optimus, or Jem.
- Poshy2005 wrote : Its not ABC f
- @shakin: Even with the anchors remaining, it's sad to see so
- I'm realizing that I forgot to put any information in there
- ...you find yourself narrating your location and activity in
- jkatz wrote : Vaporman, have yo
- shakin steak wrote : I don't se
- ...a shotgun blast to your face only leaves you slightly bla
- shakin steak wrote : ...you fin
- vkimo wrote : Wow this is inter
- Pixels (2015)Far more bearable than some other recent Adam S
- shakin steak wrote : I remain u
- Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY. Trick-Or-Treating here in R-town st
- thecrow174 wrote : Why do you g
- Halloween.The movie Halloween was scary to us as kids. Viole
- shakin steak wrote : Some of th
- I KNOW you DIDN'T just post peanut butter jelly time man in
- thecrow174 wrote : The Hallowee
- SiruisXM is getting started early on the Christmas tunes, wi
- Some people get a thrill out of it. Whatever. I'm no fan of
- echidna64 wrote : The world nee
- vkimo wrote : Black Friday is u
- New episodes of Retro Rewind Podcast, Nostalgiamatic, and ou
- thecrow174 wrote : A second sea
- Yeah, I think it's correct that up in to the afternoon, thin
- Babe was pretty popular upon release. I recall a lot of hype
- thecrow174 wrote : You'd have t
- Speaking of yummy treats, we made our rounds last night as t
- vkimo wrote : You get dad of th
- Last night we attended a Halloween party at my oldest son's
- I'll be traveling to Mason, Ohio today with my friend Phil t
- Well, at least RJ still has more ads.
- I miss the first generation of many 80's cartoons. I'd love
- Wow. He lived a full and long life. I love that part of it a
- Don't forget to roll back your clocks kiddies.
- I'd go with the demon.
- @mickey: that sounds like an awesome DVD... well both actual
- Thanks Mickey. The kids are thinking Teen Titans next year,
- Sounds like we're going to see some days in the 70's this we
- vkimo wrote : WNUF Halloween Sp
- vkimo wrote :My wife and I went to the local mall which had
- vkimo wrote : Super depressing
- Well, at least there was some kind of Back To The Future con
- Glad you all enjoyed it!
- Goodbye to another Halloween. It was fun while it lasted, bu
- vkimo wrote : Nooo haha, we dre
- It's just an excuse to stuff our faces and watch a cool para
- Imagine if Arnold and Willis Jackson had been taken in by He
- thecrow174 wrote : Were there a
- Dr. Pepper was first served in 1885, a year BEFORE Coca-Cola
- thecrow174 wrote : I'm just try
- My daughter actually. She was very excited to post something
- Chewing gum has been around for 3,000 to 5,000 years in some
- Meh. Not that interested.
- Crud. I thought we had moved on from this fear in the 80's.
- Does anyone do pre-purchasing of their turkey from a local f
- Poshy2005 wrote : echidna64 wro
- shakin steak wrote : Philco's s
- Well, I'm not stopping taking my kids trick or treating, but
- jkatz wrote :
- shakin steak wrote : Jrs1991 wr
- I don't like that there is no longer anyone inviting me into
- Rifftrax has introduced a new feature called MST3K Mondays w
- Never played much Warcraft myself. I was more of a Command &
- Meowwy Wowwy was invented in 1981.
- Jrs1991 wrote : Frozen from 201
- shakin steak wrote : I believe
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : thecrow
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I d
- Enjoy all the goodies vkimo!
- Wow. Isn't that irony.
- When will the undead finally realize the social justice they
- Hmmm. That is very odd. I hadn't noticed this, but perhaps i
- Ajimbo wrote :It was annoying because, in high school, there
- Very cool thing...We received a hand written letter from a c
- :lol: That's awesome. Poor Mortimer.Few people know this, bu
- Just a taste of what will be in the Christmas Goodie Pack th
- C'mon shakin, what was it that made you so averse to Mario B
- Sometimes the quote issue is a result of something in your s
- "Hi, I'm Phoebe. I'll swallow your soul."
- onipar wrote : So that's strang
- So far my kids have Vs. Red Baron Snoopy, Snoopy and Sally o
- The first meals we got that contained Peanuts were all Vs. R
- Ajimbo wrote : Sugar Bear is ba
- The Popples.It wasn't awful or anything. Just not something
- Picked up the new He-Man and The Masters of The Universe Min
- Also, congrats on becoming "8-Bit" kidcoffee. :lol:
- thecrow174 wrote : A key chain?
- Uh... I dont even know what that is. So no. Think "Christmas
- Yeah, I know what you mean V. I despise having to go to the
- Looks as though every store has gone all in on Christmas now
- kidcoffee wrote : Vaporman87 wr
- Yeah, there is definitely something bad that has to come fro
- I've heard similar things said about Walmart. That they may
- @Ville: I've also caught a cold, along with the rest of us.
- This Tuesday! Fallout 4 arrives! Really looking forward t
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : So
- Great song. But Springsteen is a putz.
- Now what if you had two or three songs stuck in your head AT
- shakin steak wrote : Um, that i
- onipar wrote :I want to play part 4 so bad, but I can't affo
- Man. Losing so many horror icons. RIP Gunnar.
- Elf (2003)This has become a bit of Christmas tradition for u
- onipar wrote : I never did get
- I was able to slog through the chilly evening and get all of
- Well, naturally period films are going to hold up better, as
- vkimo wrote : Any movie that av
- This was the first album I ever purchased (cassette tape).
- Just in time for the holidays, Captain Picard sings his favo
- Thanks onipar. I don't use Redbox, but I appreciate you offe
- Poshy2005 wrote : Talking about
- I'll be watching this tomorrow afternoon with the family. Lo
- It's their own fault. If they would have stuck to the over-t
- Poop. Having played through my first hour or so of Fallout 4
- I do. It was really well done. I enjoyed it as did the kids.
- According to Rotten Tomatoes, it's getting a good critical r
- I figured it was more like an "Archer" style show, pushing t
- onipar wrote : Plus, I'm biased
- Welcome PNWVHS! You don't have to be born in the 70's or eve
- Two years after this thread last saw activity, we finally ge
- mickyarber wrote : Got my Charl
- vkimo wrote : Do all of the sub
- It's been a day of battling sicknesses for us. First my daug
- I'm enjoying the new "build a settlement" feature in this la
- kidcoffee wrote : Having just g
- So, does this mean I have to change his name in the credits
- Truthfully, if it weren't for the fact I do very little at w
- Thanks crow. Hoping this weekend is the last for these colds
- So I heard. Seems like only a matter of time before we get h
- vkimo wrote : Man, are you hiri
- Sorry to hear that V. I hope it starts working, because it's
- As I type this, I am sitting in a hospital bed, again. My mi
- Even the Steve Urkel of nations gets a little pity.
- That I never understood. Putting businesses of the same type
- Sure there is. Frozen. :lol: @vkimo: That is an odd fanta
- Thanks gang. I'm really hoping to get us out of here today.
- Ahh. Glad to be heading home now.
- Thanks crow. They just upped his prescription. He had a good
- They can call it what they want... I call it "running re-run
- I saw the advertisement for this show while at the hospital
- Much like the Lion Guard cartoon commercial I witnessed, a c
- thecrow174 wrote : I was at Cra
- thecrow174 wrote : By now, you
- There WILL BE new episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000!!
- This is funny. From 1970, a news report on trying to dispose
- That didn't stop me from having my first McDonald's Egg Nog
- What's the "must have" toy this year?
- I saw several commercials during our stay in the hospital fo
- It's still one of the best teen comedies ever made. It's so
- I predict his buddy Alex Jones proclaims that George W. Bush
- Benjanime wrote : my mom's rece
- Benjanime wrote : according to
- Benjanime wrote : thanks vapor.
- I just hope they finally catch the lowlife who caused this m
- Rick Ace Rhodes wrote : Vaporma
- DirtyD79 wrote : ...and left do
- The Hills of my memories and the actual Hills that existed a
- This has to be one of the weirdest videos to ever grace the
- I just... I... I'm so glad I don't see commercials anymore.
- Correct. However I did find a live streaming site that I the
- :lol:I enjoyed that one. Nice find crow.
- Let us not forget they published Metal Gear and Metal Gear S
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I s
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Wha
- shakin steak wrote : I'm hungry
- VillechaizeLove wrote : I never
- PeZZ! wrote : ThatDudeintheHood
- PeZZ! wrote : PeZZ! wrote :
- mickyarber wrote : I LOVE fruit
- Despicable human being. They should put him on the front lin
- My plan is to get this year's stuff out over this weekend. W
- Is it dumb that I want this place?
- mickyarber wrote : We have deco
- I saw a standee for this when we went to watch the Peanuts m
- Cha-Ching! The lights are up. Yes. That's out of the way. Ju
- Once in a while, you'll hear a tune that plays during the ho
- @shakin: So it pretty much sucked all around. Not only did t
- Today the kids will be pleading with a mall Santa for their
- Yeah, it's the same here. Turning on the heat in the morning
- I enjoy Burl Ives, Andy Williams, Johnny Mathis, and Nat Kin
- After church it was off to the mall so the kids could pay Sa
- I don't mind the warmer Thanksgiving day, so long as it's a
- I really wish there was a Target here closer. That's my favo
- @vkimo: All week long? That's so sad.
- :lol: Indeed. Let us do talk about it more.
- At least you're getting some use out of it once more Ben. So
- @fuschnikt: Ouch. Though I kinda wondered if it wouldn't tur
- Winters here used to be "snowier". At least that's my recoll
- thecrow174 wrote : Since my mot
- Oh, is that all? I'll take 3.
- Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Do
- Some interesting facts about the putting on the Macy's Thank
- I don't think I ever watched one of these films all the way
- Yeah, that's the thing. You don't know for certain if it is
- Ohhh. What was good?
- That's a cool tradition. Thanks for sharing, shakin.
- Well, my evening was spent, once again, at a hospital. We to
- Going to be using this live feed from New York to stream the
- Insult to injury, but much deserved.
- Really? I mean, I love pie... and cake. But c'mon.
- Yeah, me too vkimo. I was impressed by the Paddington balloo
- I've only seen a teaser poster for this up until now. Thanks
- My day began with the parade, and then coming to the realiza
- The Christmas Goodie Packs will be available beginning Decem
- Actually no. I was not aware that Sprout and Sesame Street w
- BuddyBoy600alt wrote : https://
- Does this mean they will also be taking it off of SiriusXM?
- He's lucky he wasn't killed. What a dope.
- vkimo wrote : So where's the Bl
- fuschnikt wrote : Sounds like I
- It is confirmed; No Olsen twins will be joining the cast of
- Ha! I don't support them, but if they're going to pick on SO
- I heard the report of this today on the radio. Sounds like a
- I watched them, but remember very little about them. Guess t
- We pretty much already have this thread, here.
- Jrs1991 wrote : How do you chan
- vkimo wrote : Anyone trample an
- vkimo wrote : Vaporman87 wrote
- Michael B. Nelson Orchestra - Here We Come A Wassailing
- thecrow174 wrote : I miss Silve
- @Who wouldn't want to buy a TV they don't need from a manufa
- vkimo wrote : Jrs1991 wrote :
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : All
- I DID buy something during this whole "Black Friday", "Black
- It is. Others like to spoil it.
- Asking is fine. It's funny that you got a second Xbox. Gotta
- mscreepyx wrote : ...I HATE Chr
- Ajimbo wrote : Why doesn't Alph
- Two Bat Men in a lover's stare. I prefer to see Wolverine. :
- Yeah. Scrooged is probably the best (although it probably st
- Thanks Wes. We have the show available in our Podcasts secti
- vkimo wrote : Bought a queen si
- Yeah. It's been pretty mild here too. Wet, but mild. Lame.&n
- thecrow174 wrote : Looks like t
- The Christmas Goodie Packs are now available for purchase in
- Poshy2005 wrote : Got mine.&nbs
- I read about this over at DinosaurDracula. I'm guessing this
- Alrighty boys and girls. We're going to shoot for Saturday,
- kidcoffee wrote : Woot!!!! I or
- Ajimbo wrote : I bought another
- thecrow174 wrote : It's going t
- thecrow174 wrote : Mean Gene's
- It's a wet, soggy mess here. Sucks. I hate it when the groun
- thecrow174 wrote : I also love
- New episodes of Retro Rewind Podcast, The Past Forward Podca
- Great deal BitRot. Just in time for Christmas.
- I used Netscape Navigator quite a bit in the early days of t
- Oh brother. The Internet will not be able to contain his gle
- Heading out to pick our Christmas tree and star for this yea
- I'm all caught up on episodes now. I really enjoyed this yea
- Vince Guaraldi Trio - O Tannenbaum
- Sad to hear. R.I.P.
- Harry Simeone Chorale - Little Drummer Boy
- Ha! Can't wait to see what "Super Hanukkah" involves.
- Got our tree up and decorated last night. It turned out just
- Jrs1991 wrote : R.I.P. Robert L
- Wow. They sure have been pumping out the giant sized figures
- Henry Mancini - Snowfall
- We had a belated, mini-Thanksgiving dinner together today. W
- I think these are a new thing this year. Anybody know for su
- I can't believe I haven't known about this until now! I real
- pikachulover wrote : I think th
- pikachulover wrote : Matt revie
- Well, the kids' Christmas play was this morning, so I'm glad
- Finished up the Tawny Kitaen cameo. It turned out really goo
- Finished up the Tawny Kitaen cameo. It turned out really goo
- One or two still not up though. But it's been a pretty weak
- Fontaine Sisters - Silver Bells
- It was inevitable. :lol:
- Hope to see you there kidc!
- What about you echidna? Got one in the tank?
- The kids and I popped in Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Grea
- Broadway is overrated.
- @Poshy: That's a good problem to have in my opinion. :)
- How'd the watching of Christmas Vacation go, Kid C?
- Awesome recollections, Nlogan. I remember those ads and comm
- Way to go, Kid C! Looking forward to yours Rick.
- Tommy Tucker - Jing-A-Ling Jing-A-Ling
- Took my daughter to her dentist appointment today, and after
- kidcoffee wrote : After all tha
- onipar wrote : Hey,