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eye out.
shoot your
eye out.
Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Found Mr. T's Show "T. and T." on YouTube
T. and T. still has yet to be released to DVD in the US. Luckily, just stumbled onto a YouTube user who has posted the first season and part of the 2nd season. Vaguely remember watching this after having A-Team withdrawl but since it was synidcated and not on network TV, I've never seen many episodes... Quote Disable Sigs '80s Kid. '90s Grad. '00 Dad.
SockofFleagulls wrote :To embed the videos, you just need to click the "Embed Video" button () and then enter the embed code of the video (not the URL). That being said, I don't remember him having this show at all, but it's awesome to see this. It's like an uncovered treasure of nostalgic awesomeness. You love this signature.
This is sooooo cool. Thank you for linking to the YouTube Channel.
Can't fault Mr.T for riding his wave of popularity after "The A-Team" was cancelled. |