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Forum » Retro Products » Jolt Cola
Jolt is returning to stores in their original cans. I never liked Jolt, but I am happy to see the return of another cola from the past!

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Rick Ace Rhodes
I'll try it. Can anybody tell me what it tasted like?
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Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

I'll try it. Can anybody tell me what it tasted like?
-end quote

"Jolt" cola was an immediate hit with me and my friends in 1986. It was the first "energy drink" although that tag didn't become common until the 1990's.

Jolt tastes like original formula Coke because it flaunted the fact that it used sugar (instead of high-fructose corn syrup found in Coke and Pepsi). 

The ad tag was, "all the sugar and twice the caffeine!".

You can imagine what a hit Jolt was in Seattle. Many convenience stores couldn't keep it in stock. Some of my favorite independent burger bars offered Jolt in cans as a beverage choice with your lunch.

By 1988, "Jolt" had Seattle jumpin' big time and I could not have been happier. 

The end of Jolt came suddenly and I'm still not sure what happened. I remember the radio ads. I'm sure there must have been television spots but I don't recall those at all:

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