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Forum » Chew The Fat » AIM is being shut down
Rick Ace Rhodes
In December, AOL is planning on shutting down AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), after it being online for twenty years.

I never used it, but I'm sure many others on here have at some point. Even though it has outstayed it's welcome, we are losing a piece of 90's and internet history.

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*Insert funny signature here*
Man, I haven't used AIM since, maybe, 2011. Even then, it was becoming irrelevant. I'm surprised it's still around. Hell, I'm even surprised that AOL as a company is still around. 
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I'm with blueluigi, that AOL lasted this long is amazing.

Remember the early days:

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i haven't used AIM since like, 2003. back when my puberty was going full force and i was a sucker for checking out the chatrooms full of (what i thought was) a bunch of girls wanting to show their chest. around 2005 i moved on to myspace and was active on my account for about two years until youtube and facebook came along.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
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I used AOL from 1995 until about 2000. Through AIM and Love@AOL, I met some interesting gals and even scored some dates. Like you said... kinda losing a piece of internet history.
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic

Man, I don't miss those days.

Thank God for wireless internet.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

eddstarr wrote :

I'm with blueluigi, that AOL lasted this long is amazing.

Remember the early days:

-end quote

I remember those days so well. AOL was my Internet provider for so long; I was actually kind of sad when I finally switched over to a different provider.
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shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote :

I used AOL from 1995 until about 2000. Through AIM and Love@AOL, I met some interesting gals and even scored some dates. Like you said... kinda losing a piece of internet history.
-end quote
Wow. I think you've done more internet dating than I have.  Not exactly a high bar... but I'm kind of surprised.
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It was new and exciting. Then I met my wife online and had no use for any of it after that.

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You love this signature.
I remember using AIM. That was back in 2002-2004 or so. I also remember using those custom "AIM Buddies" or whatever they were called. Those send/receive messaging ding sounds sure are are nostalgic. 
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