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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Batman 1966 finally coming to DVD
No, hell has not frozen over. This classic 1966 TV show with Adam West is receiving a complete series release in 2014.

I wasn't aware that it had not yet made it to DVD. I wonder what the hold up was?
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Wow, I kinda thought it was already released.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Holy dvd Release Batman we sure are in a pickle with all these riffs on this movie
Quote Disable Sigs
shakin steak Quote Disable Sigs

Awesome news man
Quote Disable Sigs
Whoo-hoo! Finally! They played it on a retro channel here for quite some time now, but it's been replaced with other old shows so it's not on anymore. Thanks for sharing the news!
Quote Disable Sigs
Guess who's back? No really...GUESS, GAWD DAMMIT.

(Thanks for editing my signature...whoever had the power to do so lol).
shakin steak
Here is much more detail regarding the reasons for the holdup.

It's interesting, but in summary, the show was originally produced in such a way that various parties had rights in this way or that. Getting the rights consolidated to make home video release possible was a lengthy legal process. Eventually, it was just Fox and Warners duking it out. And of course, there's some little guys who got the ball rolling, and who will get no recognition from the corporates.

Quote Disable Sigs
I think I saw an infomercial for the DVDs recently. 
Quote Disable Sigs
It's about time too. That show is a staple of midcentury pop culture.
Edit: This was my 50th post!
Quote Disable Sigs
The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.