Bah Humbug!


Forum » Retro People & Events » 1 billion websites
shakin steak
Check out the counter.

As I type this, there are 988,356,003 websites and the number is quickly rising. 9 years ago there were under 100,000,000.

I was trying to find out about websites in 1995 or '96, hoping to track down archives of sites I used to visit and can't remember their names any more. But there's enough interesting info here to keep me occupied for a little while.

Woah, that's crazy. Though the number is significantly less when it comes to having actual content. Apparently 75% of those sites are just parked or unused domains. Even so...
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shakin steak
Oh yeah, for sure. There's no way 10,500 more websites have gone online within the past 30 minutes and any of them are worth anything. The raw number increase rate is a little bit faster than that that of the world population growing. Really makes ya wonder, what are websites like in other realms?
Quote Disable Sigs
shakin steak wrote :

Really makes ya wonder, what are websites like in other realms?
-end quote
My personal belief is that in some realms they exist in physical form, and serve as great grounds for professional competitions.
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