April 18th, 2013 will be an encore viewing of the War of the Robots. This will allow those who had hoped to see it this past Saturday, but could not due to my mother-in-law's medical issues, to be able to see the presentation.
April 25th, 2013 will be the premiere of the next film.
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Forum » RetroDaze Theater » War of the Robots Encore
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Sweet. I was one of those who missed it on Saturday. Although not due to your unavailability. (I hope she's alright, btw) I had an all day thing, and while I was home by movie time, I was too distracted by continuing discussion to remember. After the movie would have been on for an hour, I turned on the TV and flipped channels until I saw The Mole People on, and that reminded me.
shakin steak wrote : Watching cheese reminded you that you were missing watching cheese. You love this signature.
Showtime in 1 hour. I'll open the theater for those wishing to pop in and have sporadic conversation until then.
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I'm ready this time!
I was thinking of attempting to get us together this Saturday to rewatch this stinker. Who can do this Saturday (the 20th)? Say around 8:30 ish?
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I should be able to. I got nothing on the 20th.
Awesome TDitH. It'll be good to have you there.
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I forgot to tell everyone, I have War of the Robots saved to my thumb drive.
I looked up the guy that played Prof. Carr. His name is Jacques Herlin, a French actor with a long career. Jacques recently died back in June 2014, age 86. In War of the Robots there were far too many close-ups of Prof. Carr's nose but I was impressed by his voice over, especially when he yells, "Stop!" in the control room. Special shout out to Kuba, the green skinned alien. Never seen a man look so good in eye-liner, LOL. |
@eddstarr: Kuva was definitely rockin' the heavy eyeliner look. I didn't realize that aliens had access to eyeliner.
As far as Jacques, I hate to hear he's gone now. He definitely had the nose of a Frenchman. You love this signature.