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Forum » Retro Products » Need help identifying a toy line
I don't have very much at all to go on here, but I thought I would turn to you guys to see if anyone could help me out.

In the very late 80s...prob 87-88, I got this dump truck thing for Christmas.  It was a good metal toy, kinda like Tonka would produce.  It looked like something that would be out of a Mad Max film, but I seriously don't think it was from that specific line.  Anyway, this dump truck was either gray or tan, with accents from the other color.  Inside the bed of the truck, it looked like some kind of control center?  Had like a bench, and tables or something.  Instead of rear tires, it had treads like a tank.  I may be misremembering, but I think the front of the truck featured some kid of spikes or a bulldozer blade or something.  Could be way off base on that one.  It was probably a 12-14 inches long, and probably 8 inches high.  Could have been bigger.

I made this part of my daily GI Joe play, so it was kinda in scale with them.

I think of this thing often, but have never been able to find out what it was exactly.  I'm thinking it was probably part of a line of toys and not a stand alone vehicle.  I have some very foggy memories that there may have been some kind of jeep in the line as well.

Any help, or suggestions in which way to go looking for this thing would be appreciated.

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Neither my memory nor my online research is producing any help here. I hate it when I remember something that I can't quite pinpoint.
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I finally just found it!  Tonka came out with a line called "Steel Monsters" in 86-87, and th dump truck I had was called The Destroyer.

I found this pic online, and as you can see, I was not the only one that used it in their GI Joe play.
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mickyarber wrote :

I finally just found it!  Tonka came out with a line called "Steel Monsters" in 86-87, and th dump truck I had was called The Destroyer.

I found this pic online, and as you can see, I was not the only one that used it in their GI Joe play.
-end quote
Ha! That's awesome. Apparently that vehicle just screamed G.I. Joe to we kids.
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