Fruit Brute
Since 1983.
Forum » Chew The Fat » New ThunderCats cartoon announced
Looks like another ThunderCats reboot is happening, but it's not what you're going to expect from the 2011 reboot we got before.

here's a link showing a teaser. it goes downhill from here.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Rick Ace Rhodes
I don't know why Cartoon Network has to make all their cartoons like this. Everything they push out now and days is nearly indistinguishable from one another, nothing shines or speaks to individuality. Same cartoonish, colorful art style. Same light-hearted premise. Same everything. Do they just think that they can bank on the success of Adventure Time and Steven Universe forever?
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*Insert funny signature here*
I didn't even know there was a 2011 reboot.

Quote Disable Sigs
The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
If there was a way to physically reach through the internet and do physical harm to someone, that pony-tailed doofus would have two black eyes right now.

I hope this flops harder than Waterworld.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
This is the type of animation style I would expect to see in a student fan film about Thundercats. Why use that animation style on a property that has not been in use for years?
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Mr Magic
Even if a lot of people don't like this reboot, it might go on for a number of seasons.

Look at Powerpuff Girls 2016.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

yeah but the powerpuff girls reboot lasted for all those seasons because younger viewers were easily drawn to it. most adults who grew up with the original scoffed at its use of dead meme jokes and hated how there was barely any action in it.


it lasted for only a season if i remember correctly, and it got cancelled in favor of a show based off the fame of the annoying orange.
Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
I can see the style working if this was an adult swim show, it wouldn't look out of place there at all. But since this is aimed at kids, the humor and action is gonna be g-rated

Quote Disable Sigs
The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
aaaaand this popped up today.

Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Mr Magic
They always do this. They always call a reboot a new series when everyone knows it's a reboot, nothing more.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

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