Forum » Chew The Fat » Christopher Robin teaser
Mr Magic
Christopher all grown up? Hmm. It's Andy from Toy Story 3 all over again.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Hmmm. I'm interested. This looks to be a good family film (hopefully). I'd like to take the kids to this one.
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Mr Magic
"This looks to be a good family film (hopefully)."

Considering it's a Disney film, I imagine it would be.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

his mouth is either barely moving or not moving at all, and, that's kinda weird to me.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
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Mr Magic
It looks like it's moving to me.

Some teddy bears have smaller mouths than others.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

This looks good. Hook is one of my favorite movies, so the idea of taking a popular child character and showing him as an adult in a new adventure isn't a foreign one to me. Winnie the Pooh is also a favorite character of mine, so there's that, too. Plus, Hayley Atwell (Marvel's Peggy Carter) is in a supporting role in the movie. It sounds like a win to me.
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If Kenny Logins's Return to Pooh Corner isn't in this film, I will be a bit bothered. 
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Mr Magic
Anyone catch it?
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

I'm planning on it. My mom and sister saw it. 
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Mr Magic
Did they like it?
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

We'll probably see it very soon with the kids. Maybe one night this week.
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