Writer 1: "Hey, maybe should get this fan-focused series script polished up"
Kevin Smith: "Yeah right. They're gonna love watching Teela and this other chick most people have never heard of chew up the scenery!"
Writer 2: "Well, I'm just not so sure. I mean... Teela acts like an entitled baby most of the time. And she's rewarded for it by being told she's 'super special' by... well everybody."
Kevin Smith: "I know, right!"
Writer 1: "Maybe we should make King Randor a little less... I don't know... insane after finding out about his son's passing? Make the scene more somber and reflective?"
Kevin Smith: "Well I was going to have him kill Man-At-Arms on the spot, but you're saying just stick with him going wacko?"
Writer 1: "Uhhh... oookay."
Writer 2: "Maybe we should not include the bit about a "tech cult"? It's... well, it's moronic. I mean... hahaha, c'mon. We're not really... we're not gonna include that bit, right? Er?"
Kevin Smith: "Man I love that tech cult idea. Joint?"
Writer 2: "No."
Writer 1: "Well, how about we let some of these other characters shine. Like, lets get Moss Man in there and..."
Kevin Smith: "Dead. He dies... like 10 seconds after he shows up. He gets set on fire! FIRE!"
Writer 1: "Wouldn't Moss Man be drawing on the power of nature in Eternia? So... couldn't he just regenerate again?
Writer 2: "I think what my colleague is saying is that we have a chance here to take some of these characters that fans love the figures of, and actually give them some depth. Not just Teela, but like Roboto, Fisto, Clamp Champ, Mekaneck, those types of characters."
Kevin Smith: "They're in it. Roboto gets to hold the power sword! And DIES!!!!! Mwhahahaha! He dies!!!!
Writer 2: "And Fisto, Clamp Champ, Mekaneck...?"
Kevin Smith: "DIES!!!!... oh wait, those guys. Yeah they suck. We'll show 'em charging into battle and that should be enough. But not Mekaneck. That's just a stupid character. Not like Teela, who freakin' rocks man! She's tough, dude!"
Writer 1: "Sir, I just... who on Earth got into MOTU for Teela? I'm guessing the number is pretty miniscule."
Kevin Smith: "Everyone loves her. LOVES HER. I love her. She's hot. Joint?"
Writer 2: "Again... no. So we're keeping her hot in this series then? Because from the designs I saw sh..."
Kevin Smith: "She's a MAN, baby! Ha! Great movie. No, but yeah... she's your '80s gym teacher on steroids."
Writer 1: (slams head on table)
Writer 2: "Right. One last thing... Castle Grayskull. We should probably explain some of the lore behind th..."
Kevin Smith: "DIES!!!! Castle Grayskull dies! It dies. Dies."
Writer 2: "I don't follow."
Kevin Smith: "It wasn't really a big skull-faced castle, man! That's just a ruse. The real castle is a bland, background palace I stole from the 200X series!"
Writer 1: "I quit."
Kevin Smith: "Die."