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Forum » Retro Products » Toys you always wanted
Mr Magic
Are there any toys you begged ol' mom to get you, but couldn't get it?

I always wanted one of those Hot Wheels loop sets.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

thecrow174 wrote :

Are there any toys you begged ol' mom to get you, but couldn't get it?

I always wanted one of those Hot Wheels loop sets.
-end quote
We had those for a while but my dad banned them because my brothers and I would hit each other with the rubber track pieces lol
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It's silly, but as a kid I always wanted a golf cart. Just to drive around in. Not a four wheeler or a dirt bike... just a golf cart. Obviously, it was a gift I never got.
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You love this signature.
Rick Ace Rhodes
This bad boy:

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*Insert funny signature here*
A pogo-bal and a Water Wiggle.
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Mr Magic
Yak bak.

Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

The USS Flagg Playset for GI Joe. 7 1/2 feet of awesome.
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This is my signature.
Rick Ace Rhodes
echidna64 wrote :

thecrow174 wrote :

Are there any toys you begged ol' mom to get you, but couldn't get it?

I always wanted one of those Hot Wheels loop sets.
-end quote
We had those for a while but my dad banned them because my brothers and I would hit each other with the rubber track pieces lol
-end quote
Was I the only kid on the planet who never cared about Hot Wheels sets? I think I only had one set as a kid and I didn't even ask for it, I was simply given it for having a good report card or something like that.
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*Insert funny signature here*
A GI Joe Tank I saw at KB Toys in the early 90s. I distinctly remember waiting all day for my dad to come home from work so he could get it for me. The crap was probably like $50 which was probably my dad's entire earnings for that day, glad I didn't get it!
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DebrisStorm wrote :

The USS Flagg Playset for GI Joe. 7 1/2 feet of awesome.
-end quote
I got the USS Flagg for my fourth birthday. It was huge, but I got bored with it quickly. It took so long to put together, then you couldn't move the dang thing without it breaking.  The best part of the whole thing was the Admiral that came with it, and the megaphone. Without all that being said, I sure do wish I still had it today.I'd sell it in a heartbeat.

I always wanted Dinoriders. 

and a Talkboy. I'm not really sure what the heck I would have done with it, but I wanted to channel my inner Kevin McCallister so bad. 

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Mr Magic
I remember the commercial for Talkboy very well.

Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

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