Forum » Retro Music » From 1985 - for Guardians of the Galaxy fans

Remember that song by 10CC at the start of the movie? That's from 1975.

Well, Kevin Godley and Laurence Creme left 10CC in 1979 to form their own music duo, Godley & Creme. And in a style that only they could've pulled off, they scored again in 1985 with the song, "Cry".

Honestly, I never made a connection between these two songs, a decade apart.Listening via radio is one thing, but this is my first encounter with the original version of the video produced for the song.


Great tune. You don't hear it in many rotations these days. Even on The '80s on 8 (SiriusXM).

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Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing.

I definately remember hearing Cry back in 1985, but one of the most popular radio DJ's in Seattle, at station KJR, really did not like the song and he said so on the air. His opinion of the song seemed to influence other radio stations around the area. 

As a result, Cry fell out of regular air play rotation after about six months.

If only there had been a way to show the video on the radio back in 1985. That original video really adds a touch of eerieness to the song in a retro-pre-CGI kind of way. Modern digital imaging techniques wash away all the "stop-motion" like creepiness. I had never seen the original video for Cry until a few days ago.

Maybe some future edition of Guardians of the Galaxy will feature this 80's tune - stranger things have happened!

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