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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Return to Oz (1985)


Recently ( thanks to Disney+ ) I watched Return to Oz all the way through for what I believe is the first time. I was pleased with it and I wish I would have paid more attention to it in my youth. It's a very different film than the original and, in my opinion, more entertaining. The FX are well done and hold up well enough for what they are. The characters are unique and varied. And, the claymation used for portions of The Nome King is top notch ( thanks to none other than Will Vinton ). 


I feel like this movie should be on any '80s film buff's must-watch list.


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shakin steak

I will have to check it out. I have been on an Oz kick this year, looking for all of the books, or at least the 14 that Baum wrote himself. It's hard because I want them all in the same edition, so my shopping is dictated by the first lot I found. I saw one set of 48 out of the 49 books for $700. Pretty good deal, but a big chunk of change all at once.

I got a DVD of the 1939 movie which includes the 1925 movie. I want to marathon those with The Wiz, and Wicked, and this film. I've read that RtO is considered to be very strange. Judging by the preview, it looks quite faithful to the books. I think people who hold that opinion must have never read them, nor considered how WoO would look for an adult who has never seen it before, never mind grew up watching it dozens of times.

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@shakin: I'm not familiar with the material in the books, but I wonder which film between Wizard of Oz ('39) and Return to Oz is more faithful to his books.

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