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Forum » Writer's Block » Hyperlinking in Articles
Rick Ace Rhodes
I have a quick question: can you hyperlink in articles? You know, type out words but have those words linked to a link? I've seen it done in the forums and was wondering if you could do it in the articles.

Quote Disable Sigs

*Insert funny signature here*
Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

I have a quick question: can you hyperlink in articles? You know, type out words but have those words linked to a link? I've seen it done in the forums and was wondering if you could do it in the articles.
-end quote
Yes. You would do it the same way as in the forum. Selecting the text to contain the link, and then clicking on the Insert Hyperlink button to add your URL.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Rick Ace Rhodes
I feel stupid now. I didn't see that button.
Quote Disable Sigs
*Insert funny signature here*
Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

I feel stupid now.
-end quote
Don't. I've had far worse moments of obliviousness. And I own the place.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.