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Forum » Retro Music » Summer of '86


What can I say guys?

We we first came together on RetroJunk the Summer of 1986 was right at my fingertips. I could feel it all over and its light was almost blinding.

Now, I can still see it but its farther away from me. I can run over to it and touch it, but the light is not as bright anymore.  

Share with me a taste of that awesome time when I was younger and could chase you around the beach - the Summer of 1986.

"The Love Parade" - Dream Academy - 1986


i was just a year away from being in my mom's womb, so i can't say i have any memories of 1986 lol. though knowing my older brother he was likely busting out a bowl of cereal while watching transformers and he-man, then going fishing with my mom.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Mr Magic

I was just months old at the time.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


Ah yes, great times at the beach...catching the warmth of the sun while splashing in the amniotic fluid of my placenta.

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I would have been enjoying my last Summer before heading into the unknown that was High School (seventh and eighth graders were in the same building as all the other High School classes).

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You love this signature.

I was 2. I moved that summer to the house that was across the street from the Toys R Us.

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No matter where you were in the Summer of '86 you had the hear the soundtrack from the movie, "Running Scared". One of many awesome tunes back in the day!

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