Dirty Dancing


1990 - The Year Santa Died


Forum » Chew The Fat » Where's Your Stanley?

Did you get a Stanley for Christmas? Do you have a Stanley?

You know all the Cool People have several Stanleys and like showing them off in public. Of course you know that Stanley has already jumped the shark!

Mr Magic

When I first heard of this Stanley cup, I thought they were talking about hockey XD

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Rick Ace Rhodes

This whole Stanley Cup debacle has been quite possbily the dumbest and most absurd consumer trend to hit the internet in awhile. Everything that has taken place within it really highlights how far we have fallen as a species.

I actually have an old fashioned Stanley thermos and lunchbox that I take to work everyday.

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*Insert funny signature here*
Mr Magic


I'm just not getting it. Sure the cup comes in nice colors and it keeps drinks cold, but is there supposed to be something special that makes people buy these things? And what's up with the prices for them? If  it could grant wishes, I'm sure I would pay good money for one lol

Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


No thanks

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Wir sprechen zu viel, aber wir sehen zu wenig.

First Yeti... now Stanley? Why?

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You love this signature.
Rick Ace Rhodes

From what I understand this whole thing started out as some sort of trend on TikTok and steadily escalated as people (mainly women) become infatuated with them.

Mr Magic wrote :

I'm just not getting it. Sure the cup comes in nice colors and it keeps drinks cold, but is there supposed to be something special that makes people buy these things? And what's up with the prices for them? If  it could grant wishes, I'm sure I would pay good money for one lol

-end quote


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*Insert funny signature here*

OK, whatever the cause for all this insanity, 40oz. is waay too Big! Imagine carryng a half gallon plastic jug of water around  - you need a backpack just to give your hands a break.

And when it all goes crazy, that's when the scammers come out.

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Mr Magic


Soon, they'll be as tall as those alien cups from the 90s!


Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


Old Stanley flasks and thermos bottles are available at Thrift Stores and Goodwill Centers.

And Canadians know there's only one real Stanley Cup.


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So when are we getting a movie based on these cups?

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