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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Happy belated 30th anniversary to The Wizard (90 Minute commercial for Nintendo and Universal Studios Hollywood)

On December 15th, 1989, the ongoing hype for Super Mario Bros 3's US release still occurred this time in the form of a family friendly movie, The Wizard starring TV's Fred Savage (aka America's Jr Sweetheart from 1987 to 91), Beau Bridges, Christian Slater, and even had a cameo and film debut of Spider House Rules himself Tobey Maguire. The film mainly existed to show off the biggest Nintendo games of the time as well as promote Super Mario Bros 3 just a couple months before its actual US release the following year. 

Did you ever watch this movie be it new in theaters, reran on television on Nickelodeon back when they did the whole Sunday night movie thing, or on home video like VHS? If so, what did you think of it?

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Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

~The chorus to the love theme from M*A*S*H (one of the greatest franchises of yesteryear)


I personally liked it for what it was. Yeah it was a bit cheesy but considering it's a kid's film, that's to be expected. The best part is Lucas showing off his mad Power Glove skills on the 1986 Squaresoft Racing game Rad Racer and then when he wins it he's all like "I love the Power Glove. It's so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad". Or there was when the kids were at the Nintendo contest in Universal Studios Hollywood theme parks and the social worker who's been stalking them chases them throughout the studio on a tour bus as the guy hosting the tour is all like "Sit in your damn seats" or something to that extent. Yeah it had swearing but thankfully light swearing. Overall, a great guilty pleasure 

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Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

~The chorus to the love theme from M*A*S*H (one of the greatest franchises of yesteryear)
Benjanime Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
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Awesome. Oh, fun fact: In spite of thr film being panned by critics and people s*** talking the film, most of the cast members actually have reunions for this film. I say most because the kid who plays Lucas is a registered sex offender. Apparently he couldn't keep his power gloves off the children like Fred Savage told him to

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Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

~The chorus to the love theme from M*A*S*H (one of the greatest franchises of yesteryear)

well since lucas' actor is going to be featured in one of the commentaries of the blu ray, hopefully he won't make it awkward.

Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

The film made a VHS appearance in the Captain N episode of RD's Retro Detention. 

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