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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Heat is On


June 18, 2024 - Finally managed to hit 60 degrees in Seattle, but the majority of my extended family live in the regions of the country baking in a heat wave.

Please stay safe everyone - this could be a summer to remember!


Heat index is getting up around the 110s. Crazy!

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You love this signature.

Glad to be online again.

Power went out today and it took hours to be restored. This is not a problem in Seattle, but if a power failure shoud happen in any of the heat wave regions!!!

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It's been so hot here in Texas, humidity is brutal. People are suffering right now that still don't have power from the hurricane. I have a generator, but didn't need it this time as I didn't lose power. After the May 16th Derecho I didn't have power for four days. The generator powered the AC, my neighbors house got up to 102 degrees.

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Hey Billy, that's what makes summer in the Pacific Northwest so odd, even if it gets into the 90's during the day temps can drop into the 70's by night. Most of the country gets hot, and stays hot!

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