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Forum » Chew The Fat » Retro-Daze's 5th Anniversary is approaching.
Caps 2.0
In 2012, RetroJunk underwent an overhaul that caused a lot of users to leave or post less. Retro-Daze was created in 2012, and has come to fill a void for older nostalgia fans. I'm just wondering if we're going to do be doing anything to celebrate that. Maybe a new special for the theater with new celebrity cameos to celebrate the momentous occasion? RD has been around for almost 5 years, so I think we should do something fun for the occasion.

aside from the theater idea, maybe vaporman could do a top 20 listing of his favorite user submitted articles spanning these five years.
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I had almost forgotten that this would be the 5th Anniversary! Man, time goes by so fast, yet in some ways it feels like it's been around even longer. Weird how the passage of time can play with your mind like that.

Thanks for mentioning this Caps! While putting together an actual special in the theater would be impossible due to the limited time we have, a list of my favorite articles is possible.

Any other requests?
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Maybe a special commemorative item in the points store?
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How about a raffle for a Castle Greyskull? Each article entry = 1 raffle ticket. There could be a minimum word length and perhaps a limit on tickets i.e. up to 3 or 5 per person to prevent spam. 
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I think adding a "Retro-Daze 5th year anniversary"-themed goodie pack to the points store would be kind of cool.
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echidna64 wrote :

How about a raffle for a Castle Greyskull? Each article entry = 1 raffle ticket. There could be a minimum word length and perhaps a limit on tickets i.e. up to 3 or 5 per person to prevent spam. 
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I support this idea. Definitely gonna need some restrictions to prevent people from spamming tons of low-effort articles though.
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The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
pikachulover wrote :

Maybe a special commemorative item in the points store?
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I like this idea
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Caps 2.0
I know you won't be able to put together a 5th anniversary special in 2017, but perhaps you can take the time to put something together for 2018. While many pop-cultural items celebrate their anniversaries early, perhaps a special could be set up for Spring of 2018. That would give you a lot of time to put together some programs and clips, and get some celebrity cameos going. I can even try to help on that end if you'd like.
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shakin steak
I don't know if anything specific can be done on the spot like this, but I would just like to say congratulations, and thank you, to  Vaporman, who basically does it all, here for anyone and everyone who wants to be involved. I think everybody here appreciates what RetroDaze gives us as far as providing a great community for us retro fans, with year-round specials and prizes and events, all based on a community to share our memories. This site does many things not seen anywhere else, both IRL and online. We members can celebrate that at the very least.

RetroDaze has offered a unique and encouraging environment to us, with a crazy variety of features that I don't think is found anywhere else. I just wish I had more time and creativity to be involved. THANK YOU RetroDaze and Vaporman for five years, I look forward to many more.
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shakin steak wrote :

I don't know if anything specific can be done on the spot like this, but I would just like to say congratulations, and thank you, to  Vaporman, who basically does it all, here for anyone and everyone who wants to be involved. I think everybody here appreciates what RetroDaze gives us as far as providing a great community for us retro fans, with year-round specials and prizes and events, all based on a community to share our memories. This site does many things not seen anywhere else, both IRL and online. We members can celebrate that at the very least.

RetroDaze has offered a unique and encouraging environment to us, with a crazy variety of features that I don't think is found anywhere else. I just wish I had more time and creativity to be involved. THANK YOU RetroDaze and Vaporman for five years, I look forward to many more.
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Thank YOU. Thank you all for being willing to spend time and effort to make this site better and help create a community of people who not only share similar interests, but genuinely care about it and each other. 

I feel crappy that this year has been so different in terms of the time I have had to devote to the usual things we do here. It has been a pretty difficult year for me personally, with all the major life things that have gone on.

I am hopeful that the new year will bring new life to RetroDaze, and that we will all benefit from it. 
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