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Forum » Chew The Fat » Unpopular opinions
I'm sure we've all had an opinion at one point or another that others might disagree on, so it had me wondering, what is an opinion you have on something that someone else may think differently on?

I'll start. I don't like Jeff Dunham's humor, and his theory about jokes not being racist as long as it comes out of a puppet's mouth is stupid.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Rick Ace Rhodes
I think for the sake of avoiding a massive s**t-storm on this forum, we should stick to topics that aren't going to cause huge arguments, as well as avoid opinions that are so controversial that an FBI SWAT team suddenly decides to break down your door at three in the morning.

Here's one from me: I personally don't like the Harry Potter franchise. I think it's one of the most overrated franchises in history and the cult like obsession with it is completely stupid.
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i have three cousins that post about harry potter stuff daily and it does grate on my nerves a bit. this is why i'm more of a lord of the rings guy lol.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
shakin steak
Miracle Whip is gross!
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I don't understand the fascination with YouTube celebrities. I watch these shows and think to myself "I could go to some random person's house and watch them play their game consoles and at least it'd be live.

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Rick Ace Rhodes
shakin steak wrote :

Miracle Whip is gross!
-end quote
I agree. I don't understand how people can eat that stuff.
Vaporman87 wrote :

I don't understand the fascination with YouTube celebrities. I watch these shows and think to myself "I could go to some random person's house and watch them play their game consoles and at least it'd be live.

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I don't like YouTube celebrities in general, what I like more is YouTube conflict. I'm not talking about some manufactured drama between two people, I'm talking about legitimate drama between two people. I've always found it entertaining and hilarious, especially looking back on it years later.
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I don't like the brony fandom.

It started out ok, but now it's plain disgusting (I even saw a guy spraying the thing on some public walls. UGH).
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"Even though I'm cheating like a btard, this is still surprisingly hard" - Ross Scott.

Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about stuff. I'm always open to listening.
Silvervix wrote :

I don't like the brony fandom.

It started out ok, but now it's plain disgusting (I even saw a guy spraying the thing on some public walls. UGH).
-end quote
Uh oh. Somebody grab TDitH by the hoodie before his claws come out.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
Speaking of TDiTH and fuschnikt given that I know both of them are fans of this, I do not like Rick and Morty like everyone else does. At glance it just doesn't seem to be my type of show and I can respect that, but it can be annoying to see it dominate social media all the time. I wouldn't say it's on the scale of the Harry Potter fanatics, but it's definitely up their.
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My kids are obsessed with various Youtube "celebrities", so much so, that's all they talk about and argue with each other about them.  I get quite annoyed every time they take some "youtube challenge", and make a mess in the house.  

I don't get the fascination of watching other people do normal, everyday stuff, and spouting their opinions like it's gospel.  I may have to start making my own Youtube videos telling these folks off....or would that complete the circle and make the the type of person I despise?
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speaking of, i don't like those popular youtuber gamers who take pride in shouting at the game obnoxiously. uberhaxnova and pewdiepie are examples of who i'm talking about.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
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