They call me
"The Rubber Duck".
Forum » Chew The Fat » RIP pikachulover

Hey guys, it's been a long while since I posted anything (I still lurk often) but I wanted to share some unfortunate news with yall. Pikachulover aka Jennifer has passed away. She and I met in this message board and kept in contact pretty regularly, but I hadn't heard much from her since the end of November. I did a little digging and found her obituary posting.

Jen offered a female perspective over the years here on Retro Daze as well as on her blog which was refreshing since it seems most the posts are from males. I wrote a bit more about her on my personal blog if anyone is interested



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It's so hard to believe. I didn't see it coming.

RIP, my good friend from RetroDaze and Retrojunk, Pikachulover.

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Oh man. That really sucks. There are so few females that give their take on all things related to pop culture's past. She will be sorely missed. First Jason, now Jennifer. 

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You love this signature.

It's unfortunate that I didn't get to talk to her very much, as I recall she only ever contacted me through some of my written articles on RJ and RetroDaze. I believe she only had a certain crowd of friends that she was interested in, and I was fine with that. My heart goes out to her and her family and friends.

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I definitely remember her, of the many retro folk online to have come and passed I definitely appreciated her female perspective. I remember her fashion articles were well received here. Definitely shocking news and tragic that she passed so young.

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Her comments on RetroJunk were interesting and I'm sorry I never got to know her better. 

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Oh, man... I remember her quite well.

May she rest in peace.

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"Even though I'm cheating like a btard, this is still surprisingly hard" - Ross Scott.

Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about stuff. I'm always open to listening.
Rick Ace Rhodes

May she rest in peace.

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*Insert funny signature here*