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Mr Magic
Hot Shots Part Deux!

Most of it consists of lame jokes.

I liked this one, though.

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"Magic can happen to you."

I really liked Hot Shots Part Deux!. I haven't watched the first one yet though.
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Under Siege (1992)

10/10 Great Action, Great Suspense, Great Movie. Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones were great bad guys in this. This movie is just so good.
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Mr Magic

Yes, Part Deux has some good jokes here and there. It's just that a lot of them are cheesy. Something you would expect from a spoof film.

I just got done watching the original Total Recall.

Good, complex action/sci-fi/thriller rolled into one.

4 stars

No one ever said Mars was a pleasant place.

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"Magic can happen to you."

The Guest (2014)

9/10 Great thriller. Great synth music score and soundtrack. Suspenseful. I like that it was set around halloween time. This movie is so good.
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Mr Magic
True Vengeance

It stars some guy I never heard of named Daniel Bernhardt. Whoever he is, he did a tremendous job in True Vengeance. It has some good scenes of hitting, kicking, shooting, and swordplay. The action addict in me likes this a lot.

4 1/2 stars.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

True Vengeance

It stars some guy I never heard of named Daniel Bernhardt. Whoever he is, he did a tremendous job in True Vengeance. It has some good scenes of hitting, kicking, shooting, and swordplay. The action addict in me likes this a lot.

4 1/2 stars.
-end quote
I've mentioned Daniel Bernhardt before here. He starred in one of the more popular movies to be riffed by the gang at MST3K, a piece of shlock called "Future War". Terrible movie, made excellent by Mike and The Bots. He was also the first baddie to give Keanu a good fight in "John Wick".
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The wife and I started a "project" with our 9 and 10 year old daughters where we are watching all of the Star Wars movies for their first times.  We started with the original trilogy.  They were kind of ho-hum about A New Hope, but were really into Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.  Tonight we viewed The Phantom Menace with them, and again, ho-hum.  I'm hoping their interest picks back up for the next two.

Last weekend we watched The Princess Bride.  They LOVED it!
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mickyarber wrote :

The wife and I started a "project" with our 9 and 10 year old daughters where we are watching all of the Star Wars movies for their first times.
-end quote
Yeah, my kids were less than enthused about Star Wars. Maybe it's just not the right time. They enjoy the games though (mostly the Lego Star Wars ones).
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Little Witches (1996)

5/10 It was ok. It was like the craft but not as good and with a way smaller budget. Jack Nance (Twin peaks, Eraserhead, Ghoulies, Blue Velvet, Colors and a bunch of other stuff) and Zelda Rubinstein (Poltergeist 1,2,3, Teen Witch, Sixteen Candles) were both entertaining in this.
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