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Mr Magic
From Dusk Till Dawn

Gruesome, but pretty epic.

3 1/2 stars
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"Magic can happen to you."

Winnebago Man (2010)

Never have I watched a film with so much swearing... that absolutely was a joy to watch. This documentary on the infamous Jack Rebney, AKA The World's Angriest Man of YouTube fame, was everything a good documentary needs to be. A look into the man behind the legend, with plenty of heart and a helping of drama. If you can get past his foul mouth (for those who tend to be sensitive to that sort of thing), you'll find you were entertained from start to finish.

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Mr Magic
Reservoir Dogs

Other than the excessive use of the "F" word, the movie has some crazy, interesting twists. All revolving around a robbery gone wrong and a snitch.

4 stars
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
Schindler's List

More than a movie. 'Nuff said.
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"Magic can happen to you."


Jury Duty: Pauly Shore's finest comedy
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Mr Magic
Judge Dredd

Calling this one great would be an understatement. The amount of action is almost infinite. I loved every minute of it!

5 stars
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

HarryCanyon wrote :

Jury Duty: Pauly Shore's finest comedy
-end quote
Better than Son-In-Law? I'm not so sure about that
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Little Boy (2015)

Few movies will get 5 out of 5 stars from me. If you scour this thread, you'll find that no movie has yet to receive that from me.

But that changes now... with Little Boy.

I expected so little from this. And yet it ended up being the most gratifying time spent watching a movie that I have experienced in years, maybe even decades.

This story of a small boy dealing with his dad's absence as he is called into service during our conflict with Japan reminds you that just a little faith and hope can change everything. Whether you believe in a God or just the power of human will, your soul will be stirred by this movie.

It's not preachy, and there's no pushy religious agenda here. Just an amazing story and an incredible film.

If you're not moved by it, I don't know what could.

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  • By Fuzz
  • At 16:44 On 10 August 2015
  • 79 Posts
  • New Kid On The Block
Took the boys to see Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F on Saturday.
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Mr Magic
I'm watching Babe.

One of my favorite movies. I like how the setting here is the countryside, rather than a city. Nice, refreshing change of pace. And I thought Toy Story was the best movie of '95. It's all about having an opinion, people.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

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