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i didn't really do anything love related for valentine's, but i took my mom out to see star wars episode VII. fun movie but i think the humor was a little overdone.
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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
Mr Magic
Benjanime wrote :

i didn't really do anything love related for valentine's, but i took my mom out to see star wars episode VII. fun movie but i think the humor was a little overdone.
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Well, you did take her out of son love.

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"Magic can happen to you."

Our Valentine's Day weekend was tarnished by my middle son acquiring the hives. A pretty bad case of them. We took him to Urgent Care today, but were concerned about him going into anaphylactic shock. Thankfully some acquaintances of ours responded to some photos of his condition on Facebook, and asked if we would meet between our homes so they could give us an EpiPen. The weather has been lame, and snow covered the roads, yet these people whom we barely know offered to do this for nothing, at 9:30 PM.

I make fun of where we live pretty frequently, but when push comes to shove, the people of this area want to help when and how they can. We are blessed.
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Hope everyone's Valentine's day was good... mine not so much. Found out that my aunt died (drugs, man... bad news. Not sure if it was intentional or accidental.)... :/ Makes me sad because she had finally stopped doing drugs (but apparently fell off the wagon), but yet, there's a part of me going "well, we should've seen this coming". We were never really close, her and my uncle had divorced when I was super young, but still... it's a sad situation.

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Mr Magic
I hope it wasn't intentional. Still, this is depressing
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"Magic can happen to you."

Sorry to hear that Ville. My sister was involved with drugs, and still relies too heavily on medication for migraine pain and stress relief. Nasty. And it's bad around here. People out in the sticks with little to no money can start pumping out meth pretty easily. We've had several busts around here. Glad that our new Sheriff is not afraid to take them down if he finds out.
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thecrow174 wrote :

I hope it wasn't intentional. Still, this is depressing
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Same. She never struck me as the kind of person to intentionally take her life. Her and my mom were best friends for years, but drifted apart over the decades. We were all reconnecting on Facebook over the last couple years. She was always having a good time and babysitting her 6 grandkids (they're gonna be crushed, they adored her )
Vaporman87 wrote :

Sorry to hear that Ville. My sister was involved with drugs, and still relies too heavily on medication for migraine pain and stress relief. Nasty. And it's bad around here. People out in the sticks with little to no money can start pumping out meth pretty easily. We've had several busts around here. Glad that our new Sheriff is not afraid to take them down if he finds out.
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Thanks. Oh man, that sucks Two of my cousins were addicted to heroin and meth. Nasty stuff. The one has been clean 2 years, but her sister has been addicted 15 years now, and unfortunately doesn't want help. It's sad to see. I wish our police would do more, but I'm sure they're doing all they can. It's just frustrating, especially when you see so many people addicted and dying :/
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Mr Magic
VillechaizeLove wrote :

thecrow174 wrote :

I hope it wasn't intentional. Still, this is depressing
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Same. She never struck me as the kind of person to intentionally take her life. Her and my mom were best friends for years, but drifted apart over the decades. We were all reconnecting on Facebook over the last couple years. She was always having a good time and babysitting her 6 grandkids (they're gonna be crushed, they adored her  
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I would be too. Those poor kids are going to have a hard time not having her around, I'm sure.

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"Magic can happen to you."

I swear... my poor middle son can't catch a break with his health. He's just getting over the hives, and now he fell and hit his head on the floor and started complaining of pain in his head. Then, later, he vomited. We were worried he may have a mild concussion. My wife just left to the ER with him. Pray the little fella is okay.
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Vaporman87 wrote :

I swear... my poor middle son can't catch a break with his health. He's just getting over the hives, and now he fell and hit his head on the floor and started complaining of pain in his head. Then, later, he vomited. We were worried he may have a mild concussion. My wife just left to the ER with him. Pray the little fella is okay.
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You've got my blessing Ghost man. Let us know how your son is doing when he gets back home.

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