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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
vkimo wrote :
I was expecting Finn to be a little more badd*ss, being a Storm Trooper and all. He did last a few rounds with Kylo Ren which I found unbelievable.  -end quote
vkimo wrote :

I also don't get how the First Order gained so much power only 30 years after the empire has fallen. Why is the "resistance" called the resistance? I guess the Rebel Alliance sort of disbanded after Vader went down and didn't maintain peace and order in the galaxy. Fo shame!
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Well obviously J.J. will be calling you up to hash out those issues with you so that the next one makes a billion more than the billion this one made. I guess that means we'll be seeing the introduction of Commander Calvin of the First Order and Jedi Hobbes.
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Mr Magic
What better way to kick off a morning than to read classic Garfield comic strips?
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"Magic can happen to you."

The Force Awakens definitely played it safe by following A New Hope but it still captured the magic of watching Star Wars for the first time. 

The real question is, who are Rey's parents?
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Luke must have got freaky with some alien chick at the Mos Eisley cantina.
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Life has been taking me for a loop lately. Miss Hoodie has been taking up my Saturdays which is nice. Had to make an appointment for the doctor, which he'll have a field day with me since I only go once a year. Have to try and get my High School transcripts since I have been thinking about finally taking the leap and go to college. Along with a possible trip to the eye doctor to get a new prescription. Also a month ago the building my friend's shop is in caught fire (He and his shop are safe, though is covered in soot and ash so we have to wait for it to get cleaned) So I've had much more home time. 
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ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

Life has been taking me for a loop lately. Miss Hoodie has been taking up my Saturdays which is nice. Had to make an appointment for the doctor, which he'll have a field day with me since I only go once a year. Have to try and get my High School transcripts since I have been thinking about finally taking the leap and go to college. Along with a possible trip to the eye doctor to get a new prescription. Also a month ago the building my friend's shop is in caught fire (He and his shop are safe, though is covered in soot and ash so we have to wait for it to get cleaned) So I've had much more home time. 
-end quote
Man. Sounds like things have been a little crazy for you. Here's to hoping that 2016 hands you less drama in the months to come.
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You love this signature.
Vaporman87 wrote :

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

Life has been taking me for a loop lately. Miss Hoodie has been taking up my Saturdays which is nice. Had to make an appointment for the doctor, which he'll have a field day with me since I only go once a year. Have to try and get my High School transcripts since I have been thinking about finally taking the leap and go to college. Along with a possible trip to the eye doctor to get a new prescription. Also a month ago the building my friend's shop is in caught fire (He and his shop are safe, though is covered in soot and ash so we have to wait for it to get cleaned) So I've had much more home time. 
-end quote
Man. Sounds like things have been a little crazy for you. Here's to hoping that 2016 hands you less drama in the months to come.
-end quote
So far it has.
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Mr Magic
Got a new bookshelf (It's really a Hand-me-down.) for storing DVD cases, CDs cases, and VHS boxes, so I've been busy adding stuff to it. I still got room for plenty of other stuff. I really needed some space.
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"Magic can happen to you."

vkimo wrote :

Luke must have got freaky with some alien chick at the Mos Eisley cantina.
-end quote
I think it's Captain Phasma by default 

There aren't a lot of single white females in the Star Wars galaxy 
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Mr Magic
I'm still having malware links trouble. Those links are tough to get rid of.
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"Magic can happen to you."

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