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Went out today and finally saw the new Star Wars. I went by myself which was a first. The movie was alright, I wasn't enthralled but generally satisfied as it could have been a lot worse.
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vkimo wrote :

Went out today and finally saw the new Star Wars. I went by myself which was a first. The movie was alright, I wasn't enthralled but generally satisfied as it could have been a lot worse.

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I think that is how many people probably felt. And because it was "decent" AND a Star Wars movie, that made it all the more appealing. Anything better than the last three was sure to score big.
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Mr Magic
Who knew? The Force Awakens is a remake that actually works!
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Who knew? The Force Awakens is a remake that actually works!
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How is it a remake?
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Mr Magic
I heard from different places that it was.

Like here.
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"Magic can happen to you."

When you compare it to New Hope there is definitely similarities.  
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No doubt it draws heavily from A New Hope. In one sense, that is a little disappointing. But in another, it's the right choice to get that bitter taste from the last 3 out of the fans' mouths.

At least the characters even acknowledge the similarity of their situation, comparing the Death Star to Starkiller Base and making strategic suggestions based on their experiences in the original trilogy.

I was most pleased with the new characters. Rey and Finn are a lot of fun. I really like them both a great deal. Plus Rey is easy on the eyes.
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I actually thought Rey was neither attractive nor ugly.  Which suited her perfectly for the role. I was expecting Finn to be a little more badd*ss, being a Storm Trooper and all. He did last a few rounds with Kylo Ren which I found unbelievable. 
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Rick Ace Rhodes
vkimo wrote :

Went out today and finally saw the new Star Wars. I went by myself which was a first. The movie was alright, I wasn't enthralled but generally satisfied as it could have been a lot worse.
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Same here. I'll reserve final judgement until the others come out, but my hype has been dashed.
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I also don't get how the First Order gained so much power only 30 years after the empire has fallen. Why is the "resistance" called the resistance? I guess the Rebel Alliance sort of disbanded after Vader went down and didn't maintain peace and order in the galaxy. Fo shame!
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