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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
thecrow174 wrote :

I didn't think anyone used dial-up anymore. 
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Neither did I. It was a bit like revisiting the nineties. 
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kidcoffee wrote :

Also I would like to wish everyone a very merry slightly belated Xmas!!!!
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Thanks Kid C. Glad you could make it back to the land of high speed.

I've discussed in passing that there is a family that we usually get together with during the holidays and at other times, who have "adopted" our family into theirs. That family's patriarch passed away today. He was 83.

We will be going to their house this evening to fellowship with them as they mourn.
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Mr Magic

I'll say.

Dial-up was a pain in the butt. I won't miss it.
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"Magic can happen to you."

It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas. Also don't forget, "you've got mail."
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Mr Magic
I hope everyone's had a great year.

It's been a great year for this thread alone.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Here's to a brand new year. I hope it's great for all of you.
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Merry New Year's Eve to all, and to all a great year!!!!! 
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Mr Magic
I'm watching 90210, season 4.
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"Magic can happen to you."

We had to start out the year with a funeral on the first day. On the bright side, things should get better from here.
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Vaporman87 wrote :

We had to start out the year with a funeral on the first day. On the bright side, things should get better from here.
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Ah, that's a bummer :/ hope things get better!


I just realized I haven't been on in a while! Hope everyone's holidays and what not have been good.
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