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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
shakin steak
I'm already stuffed from lunch at work today.
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Ohhh. What was good?
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gonna help my mum prepare some turkey day foods and clean up the house a bit. i've got a ton of dishes in my wake.
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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
Well, my evening was spent, once again, at a hospital. We took my oldest son to Urgent Care because he had been having lower abdominal pain all day, and so it was a whole round of tests for appendicitis. In the end, they couldn't conclude one way or another what it was, but said to watch him the next 12 hours to see if it localized and intensified. That would give us more of an indication of appendicitis. Otherwise, it's not a bladder infection, so possibly constipation? I just want him to feel better. Happy Thanksgiving to us? 
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Mr Magic
Have a good, relaxing weekend.

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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote :

Ohhh. What was good?
-end quote
They just set up a sandwich line with different bread, meats, cheeses, etc. I had two sandwiches plus chips and cookies.

Now I'm sick too. 
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Heading out to pick our Christmas tree and star for this year. It's my daughter's year to choose our star.
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You love this signature.
Rick Ace Rhodes
I got a great deal on several graphic novels today.
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*Insert funny signature here*
Mr Magic
I helped with decorating the church for Christmas yesterday. I helped decorate two trees.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Rick Ace Rhodes
shakin steak wrote :

Vaporman87 wrote :

Ohhh. What was good?
-end quote
They just set up a sandwich line with different bread, meats, cheeses, etc. I had two sandwiches plus chips and cookies.

Now I'm sick too. 
-end quote
My cafeteria has something like that. We have a couple different varying stations, where we can get sandwiches, burgers, pasta and other different types of meals. Yesterday I had Kielbasa for lunch. Today I had a quesadilla and two sandwiches.
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*Insert funny signature here*
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