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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Benjanime wrote :

my mom's recently set up a realtor to put the house up for sale, so i'll be helping in packing antiques and other items we're not using and storing them in my stepdad's garage for storage. they're planning on moving farther downstate where most of my stepdad's side of the family is and it'll likely be a good choice since the part of virginia that we're living at is pretty dangerous to walk around at night.

so while we're all slowly moving stuff out i won't be as active on the forums obviously, but i'll get to drafting some articles whenever possible.
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Good luck with the moving process Ben. I think this is the second time you've had to move since you joined the Daze, isn't it?
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thanks vapor. yeah, the first was moving back in with the parents since things weren't going too well for me being in north dakota. i think moving back was good timing on my part anyway because my mom's arthritis is getting worse so i'll be around for more support.
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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
Worked in the city today which was a treat. Took lunch at Fisherman's Wharf, a dirty seagull stole calamari right out of my friend's hand and I beat the arm wrestling machine at the Musée Mécanique.
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Benjanime wrote :

thanks vapor. yeah, the first was moving back in with the parents since things weren't going too well for me being in north dakota. i think moving back was good timing on my part anyway because my mom's arthritis is getting worse so i'll be around for more support.
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It's great that you can be around there to help her out. After all, she did the same for you.
vkimo wrote :

Worked in the city today which was a treat. Took lunch at Fisherman's Wharf, a dirty seagull stole calamari right out of my friend's hand and I beat the arm wrestling machine at the Musée Mécanique.
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Those darn dirty seagulls. They think they own the world. They'll all go down in the end. Oh yes. All of them!
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Mr Magic
Have a relaxing weekend.

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"Magic can happen to you."

vkimo wrote :

Worked in the city today which was a treat. Took lunch at Fisherman's Wharf, a dirty seagull stole calamari right out of my friend's hand and I beat the arm wrestling machine at the Musée Mécanique.
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I think those seagulls fly up and down the California coast and harass people.

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Mr Magic
Our church had its annual Thanksgiving dinner. Am I stuffed? You bet!
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"Magic can happen to you."

After church it was off to the mall so the kids could pay Santa a visit. Then they took a turn on the bungee jumper in the middle of the mall. Next we ate at Cheddar's then quickly made a stop at Toys 'R Us.
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Mr Magic
Have a good Thanksgiving week and Thanksgiving Day everyone.
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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Don't tell me what to do!
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