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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Mr Magic
I hope everything turned out alright at the hospital.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Thanks crow. They just upped his prescription. He had a good night last night as far as breathing, so we're heading home. One thing I hadn't counted on was, the more kids you have, the more time you spend at clinics and hospitals. Poo!
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
I was at Cracker Barrel tonight and had Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast. It had a lot to offer.

Two eggs
Sawmill Gravy
Homemade buttermilk biscuits
Your choice of Fried Apples or Hashbrown Casserole

Chicken Fried Chicken or Country Fried Steak

I stayed away from the eggs. I don't like eggs.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Oh yeah? Well I put grilled chicken with lettuce, tomato, and onion in my grilled two cheese sandwich. Side of mixed vegetables.
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Hope everyone's day was good. Mine was a bit busy. Now I'm just trying to unwind enough to be able to write, which I've been slacking on here lately.
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thecrow174 wrote :

I was at Cracker Barrel tonight and had Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast.
-end quote
shakin steak wrote :

Oh yeah? Well I put grilled chicken with lettuce, tomato, and onion in my grilled two cheese sandwich. Side of mixed vegetables.
-end quote
I got a rock.
VillechaizeLove wrote :

Hope everyone's day was good. Mine was a bit busy. Now I'm just trying to unwind enough to be able to write, which I've been slacking on here lately.
-end quote
As my old high school typing class teacher used to say, "Busy people are happy people."

Which was false. People who were not at school typing, were happy people.
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Sounds like something a journalist for the high school paper would say.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote :
I got a rock.
-end quote
Still on your diet, eh? Well, minerals are good for you.
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That didn't stop me from having my first McDonald's Egg Nog Shake of the season. That means Christmas season has officially started for me.
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You love this signature.
my mom's recently set up a realtor to put the house up for sale, so i'll be helping in packing antiques and other items we're not using and storing them in my stepdad's garage for storage. they're planning on moving farther downstate where most of my stepdad's side of the family is and it'll likely be a good choice since the part of virginia that we're living at is pretty dangerous to walk around at night.

so while we're all slowly moving stuff out i won't be as active on the forums obviously, but i'll get to drafting some articles whenever possible.
Quote Disable Sigs

3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
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