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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
thecrow174 wrote :


The moving process is a mess, isn't it?
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Sure is! My mom and i have been packing things but, we've ran out of tape and it's snowing a mess here. We're both like "okay, do we go out in this mess and get more tape, or give up for now?" lol
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Mr Magic
It's good to take a break now and then. Rest up for the more difficult tasks: The furniture.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Oh man, I don't even wanna think about the furniture.We have a huge entertainment center where our tv sits (along with mom's vases and things), and I have no clue how we're gonna move it. Heck, I don't even know how my dad and uncle moved it from our old house to here! lol (magic, probably)
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
I was watching Home Alone today, and I was watching the scene where Kevin was doing laundry, and then it hit me that I needed to do laundry lol. I've been putting it off too long.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Today has been pretty good here. Had a rough couple of nights, some dude on facebook kept harassing me and calling me names, telling me I'm fat (lol like, tell me something I don't know!)... so annoying! But, I dealt with him... lol

Hope everyone is doing well.
Quote Disable Sigs
Sounds like a true loser to me, Ville.

We had to once again travel to Columbus to Nationwide Children's Hospital so that ENT doctors could run a scope down my middle son's nose/throat with a camera on it. He didn't enjoy that much, to say the least.

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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
People like that aren't worth your time, Ville.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Vaporman87 wrote :

Sounds like a true loser to me, Ville.

We had to once again travel to Columbus to Nationwide Children's Hospital so that ENT doctors could run a scope down my middle son's nose/throat with a camera on it. He didn't enjoy that much, to say the least.

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Yeah, he really was. 

Ooh, that sucks! D: I wouldn't enjoy that either. Hope all is well!
thecrow174 wrote :

People like that aren't worth your time, Ville.
-end quote
They really aren't. It's sad... like, I don't get how people can be downright cruel to someone who has never said anything to them, or done anything deserving of that sort of treatment. People suck, lol.
Quote Disable Sigs
I just had a better day and I had a ham salad sandwich with pepper jack cheese for lunch. I also had a chili dog bowl with Frank's Red Hot and Flamin' Hot Cheetos for dinner. I thought maybe I could make some sour cotton candy (using Extreme Sour Mega Warheads) for dessert and seemed to have it all for myself.
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"I don't know who is more infatuated... demonpuppet87 with Darren Hayes, or Jrs with Ariana Grande." - Vaporman87
This guy i knew died. He was one my younger brother's friends and he died of a drug overdose in brazil(he was from there). I wasn't friends with him but i didn't really have problems with him. It's just crazy because over the past 5 or 6 years he would be over our house everyday or every other day hanging out with my brother and his group of friends. I think he might of been 23 or 22(he was around my brother's age). They've known each other since middle school when they used to get in trouble together. He wasn't a bad person but he made some bad decisions and choices in his life(obviously because he's dead). I just don't know why people have to do drugs and throw their life away.
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