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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
thecrow174 wrote :

I'm still having malware links trouble. Those links are tough to get rid of.
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Ah, malware... I hate it so much. Had a problem with it a couple years ago and spent most of one night trying to get rid of it.
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thecrow174 wrote :

I'm still having malware links trouble. Those links are tough to get rid of.
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Yessss. My plan is succeeding. Infect crow's computer with annoying malware via RD... complete! Mwahahaha!
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Mr Magic

If you reset your browser settings, that should be able to help get rid of malware links. For 24 hours at least.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Hey guys, it's been awhile! Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's. In keeping with the topic my day was pretty boring. LOL
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I found a Sega Pico at a thrift store with a few games for $20. 
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Mr Magic

Don't feel bad. Tomorrow will be more eventful.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :


Don't feel bad. Tomorrow will be more eventful.
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Ha! Thanks my friend.
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thecrow174 wrote :


If you reset your browser settings, that should be able to help get rid of malware links. For 24 hours at least.
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Ooh, thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind just in case it happens again!
Ajimbo wrote :

I found a Sega Pico at a thrift store with a few games for $20. 
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OMG, I still have my Pico! Wonder if it still works...
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I was at the Puente Hills Mall and they have this sign there. In the mall. My phone has a bad camera.

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Batty About Toys wrote :

Hey guys, it's been awhile! Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's. In keeping with the topic my day was pretty boring. LOL
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Thanks Batty. Good to see you again. I hope your holidays were great as well.
Ajimbo wrote :

I found a Sega Pico at a thrift store with a few games for $20. 
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A what?
pikachulover wrote :

I was at the Puente Hills Mall and they have this sign there. In the mall. My phone has a bad camera.

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I want that. In my yard.
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