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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Vaporman87 wrote :

I swear... my poor middle son can't catch a break with his health. He's just getting over the hives, and now he fell and hit his head on the floor and started complaining of pain in his head. Then, later, he vomited. We were worried he may have a mild concussion. My wife just left to the ER with him. Pray the little fella is okay.
-end quote
Best wishes V! Make sure the little guy gets plenty of rest!
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Thanks Edd. He came home pretty quickly, with the doctor simply saying to make sure he wakes up in the morning in the same fashion as is usual for him. He slept through the night soundly, so I think he's in the clear.
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Mr Magic
I watched Tombstone late last night. You'll get hooked on it instantly.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

I watched Tombstone late last night. You'll get hooked on it instantly.
-end quote
The older I get, the more I start to believe this is the greatest movie ever.
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Mr Magic
You may be right. It was exciting and the cast was superb.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Today my sister passed away. I'm still in a bit of shock over it. But I've cried all I can stand to for now, and I just want some sense of normalcy for tonight. So I'm here. At home with my family, and now typing this in the forum. Please pray for me, but more so for my dad. It will be a long and difficult road for him. He is in the middle of his second divorce, living alone. I worry how this will affect him. I have offered for him to stay here this evening, but he's stubborn.

I was not very close to my sister these past several years. She had a tendency to surround herself with trouble, whether she was causing it, or some of her acquaintances were. So as much as it hurts, my life is full with my own family, and I will go on. But to lose one of your kids before you yourself go... I don't know how one handles that. And though I wish my mom were still alive, I am glad she didn't have to witness this. It would have devastated her.

I hope that you don't think ill of me for coming here and carrying on even though this loss has just happened. But I need routine right now. And that includes keeping an eye on this place, and being involved.
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Mr Magic
So sorry for your loss.

Went to a seafood restaurant called Blackbeard's. Good food, but the prices are insane! They weren't always like that. But with the economy the way it is, restaurants are always demanding more $$$.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Sorry to hear that Vapor. Keeping busy is good medicine.

Went to Black Bear Diner, it was great and nothing is better than dining at a small town restaurant. 
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I am realizing that I will likely be responsible for arranging most of my sister's final affairs. Not something I am totally familiar with, though I had some involvement in mom's. It's going to be a difficult week.
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Last night was the viewing for my sister. Today is her funeral. It's been a tough weekend, and I'll be glad when it's over. My aunt did find my sister's grey stuffed cat. We both had one as children, and we would lay in bed some nights playing with them and other stuffed animals performing the "Meowwy Wowwy Show". Meowwy was my cat of course. Her's was named Smarts. Now that the Meowwy Wowwy Show is such a big part of my play with my own children, it means so much to have Smarts join them, and remind me of the good times with my sister.
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