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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Mr Magic
Whoa! How many people did y'all invite?
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"Magic can happen to you."

Now that's what I call a party!!!
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thecrow174 wrote :

Whoa! How many people did y'all invite?
-end quote
Not a lot. The same crew that usually shows up, consisting of family and friends I think it looks like there are more that there really were. We had leftovers though, and gave the rest of the cupcakes to the kids/teens at church.
eddstarr wrote :

Now that's what I call a party!!!
-end quote
It was fun. Especially dressing like Jedis and having to go into places and having people wonder why you're dressed that way.
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Outstanding job Mrs Vaporman. Outstanding. Now I'm inexplicably very very hungry.
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Vaporman87 wrote :

The BB-8 cupcakes my wife made for my oldest son's 8th birthday party. I think she did a fine job.

-end quote
She did a fantastic job.  Kudos to her.
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I had a pretty good day too.  It was warm here, and me and the kiddos got out and played catch for a while.  They also had some neighborhood kids come over and they played the afternoon away while the wife and I sat on the porch and enjoyed the spring weather.  It was a classic Sunday afternoon.

It's supposed to be warm here all week, so that means working on getting the garden tilled, some new planters built, and raised beds going in this week.  It's a lot of work, but I like it.
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@Mickey: You're doing your raised beds this week? I was really hoping to not have to rebuild ours for a couple more weeks. They're falling apart.

It's supposed to be nice here too this week.

Today we're in Huntington, WV for my son's actual birthday day. Shopping, watching Zootopia, and bowling is on the schedule.
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@Vaporman  Yep.  Just have to rebuild a few, but got one done today.  Also got the strawberry pla ters built, tore down 30 feet of old fence, and got some much needed cleaning done in my workshop.  It has been a great day actually.

I have more beds to build this week, get the mower, weed eater and tiller ready for the season, till the garden areas, build a new fir pit, and build the horse shoe pits.  Good week for it though.
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Mr Magic
Just another Monday.

Finished watching Beverly Hills Cop II this morning.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
The weekend cometh.
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"Magic can happen to you."

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