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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
That is stupendous Mickey. Just fantastic! Well done sir. I think that deserves a family outing to a nice restaurant!
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Mr Magic
mickyarber wrote :

My days had been pretty incredible.  Before I got laid off from my job 7 weeks ago, my supervisor had quit.  I expressed interest in the job.  So nothing happens and then out of the blue this past Thursday, I got a call from the HR office, asking if I was still interested in the position.  From there I had to take an online aptitude test.  I got a call on Friday saying I had passed it with flying colors, and they scheduled me for an interview for today.

I went through 2 hours of interviews this morning and then came home.  When I got home, there was a message on the answering machine to call.  They wanted some job references.  About an hour later, I got another call saying that my references were fantastic.  About a half an hour later, I got a call from the GM offering me the job.

It has been a whirlwind day that has really came out of the blue, but in the end, getting this job is such a life changer that it's hard to explain.  I go from being a laid off employee, to going back making over $6.00 more than what I was when laid off, and with an absolutely incredible benefits package on top of it. 
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Life's been good to you.

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"Magic can happen to you."

mickyarber wrote :

My days had been pretty incredible.  Before I got laid off from my job 7 weeks ago, my supervisor had quit.  I expressed interest in the job.  So nothing happens and then out of the blue this past Thursday, I got a call from the HR office, asking if I was still interested in the position.  From there I had to take an online aptitude test.  I got a call on Friday saying I had passed it with flying colors, and they scheduled me for an interview for today.

I went through 2 hours of interviews this morning and then came home.  When I got home, there was a message on the answering machine to call.  They wanted some job references.  About an hour later, I got another call saying that my references were fantastic.  About a half an hour later, I got a call from the GM offering me the job.

It has been a whirlwind day that has really came out of the blue, but in the end, getting this job is such a life changer that it's hard to explain.  I go from being a laid off employee, to going back making over $6.00 more than what I was when laid off, and with an absolutely incredible benefits package on top of it. 
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Absolutely fantastic news!!!! Congrats, sir!!!! 
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@Vapor....that is exactly what I'm planning for tomorrow night!  Couldn't do it tonight because the kids had a soccer game.
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Some birthday gifts my wife purchased for me.

The graphic novels from DC are not kid friendly reading, so you know. They're a bit graphic at times, and use some language. It all feels REALLY out of place in the MOTU Universe.

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Happy Birthday Vapes!

I didn't know that they had grown-up He-Man comics, those sound like a blast! 

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Sweet haul. I don't think I knew they made He-Man graphic novels. I may need to check into those. Also happy birthday, good sir!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!!!
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kidcoffee wrote :

Sweet haul. I don't think I knew they made He-Man graphic novels. I may need to check into those. Also happy birthday, good sir!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!!!
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I did. Yesterday was my actual birthday. And thank you!
echidna64 wrote :

Happy Birthday Vapes!

I didn't know that they had grown-up He-Man comics, those sound like a blast!
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Thank you echidna. The books are very interesting to read. In one book, we see Skeletor discussing with She-Ra his recent trips to other dimensions or realities, and he discovers that in each of them, he always loses. We are shown pictures of some of those realities, and they include photos of his original MOTU figure, his two different cartoon iterations, his mobile game image, and box art images.
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Mr Magic
I've been watching early animated cartoons. 

I knew there had to be a reason why they were invented. So people could take their minds off of The Great Depression and World War II. They needed something cheery to lift their spirits.

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"Magic can happen to you."

We received our new refrigerator today. It's quite spacious and has lots of cool doors/compartments. Time to fill it up beyond capacity and complain it's not big enough, again. 
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