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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Went to an Easter Egg hunt. I do enjoy waiting behind 500 families to get at 200 eggs.
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vkimo wrote :

Went to an Easter Egg hunt. I do enjoy waiting behind 500 families to get at 200 eggs.
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Sounds like one where you're lucky to even find ONE egg. What's funny is that, in the past, our church has held Easter Egg hunts and there would be folks coming out and checking out the area where the eggs were hidden so they could direct their kids to the good ones. So stupid.
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Mr Magic
Will you get up at the crack of dawn to look for the Easter Bunny? Or is that the Easter Beagle? 
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"Magic can happen to you."

We do our egg hunting here at home.  The wife and I hide some, and invite about 4 neighbor kids to come join ours on the hunt.  We stuff the eggs with some candy and party favor toys, and have a couple special ones that feature $2 bills.  Just a simple hunt without all the hassle of the organized ones in our area.
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mickyarber wrote :

We do our egg hunting here at home.  The wife and I hide some, and invite about 4 neighbor kids to come join ours on the hunt.  We stuff the eggs with some candy and party favor toys, and have a couple special ones that feature $2 bills.  Just a simple hunt without all the hassle of the organized ones in our area.

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Those are the best kind. We had one today at our family friend's house. The kids had a blast.
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Hey guys. Popping in to say happy Easter (or whatever you celebrate!)! Hope all is well. (Things here could be better,  but we're alive, so that's good lol.)
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Mr Magic
Hey, Ville. Happy Easter.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Spent Easter morning with my girlfriend and moved my bedroom to another room that is more comfortable. Also seeing Batman V Superman with friends tonight. 
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Mr Magic
Hard-headed critics may not like it, but you and your friends might.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Hard-headed critics may not like it, but you and your friends might.
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One of them is seeing it a second time, I'm going because free ticket. I'm not expecting much of it due to a few friends seeing it and not liking it. 
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