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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
Mr Magic
Vaporman87 wrote :

We received our new refrigerator today. It's quite spacious and has lots of cool doors/compartments. Time to fill it up beyond capacity and complain it's not big enough, again. 
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So, where did you get it? Sears? Lowe's?

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"Magic can happen to you."

Got it from Lowe's. It's an LG brand.
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Mr Magic
Someday, I'd like to have a fridge with ice and water dispensers. Why take out ice by hand when you can use a dispenser?

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"Magic can happen to you."

Retro Activity......mowing the grass.

I used to hate it as a kid since it cut into play time, but I kind of enjoy it as an adult.  Sorta of a zen activity now that im older.

Oh, and happy belated Vapor.
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mickyarber wrote :

Retro Activity......mowing the grass.

I used to hate it as a kid since it cut into play time, but I kind of enjoy it as an adult.  Sorta of a zen activity now that im older.

Oh, and happy belated Vapor.
-end quote
Thanks Mickey.

And yes, mowing can be zen. Weed-eating and trimming however, sucks.
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I have a newer, but old fashioned, non-powered push mover that I use on the front lawn because it just makes it look so good.  Its like one you'd see Mr. Wilson use on an old black and white episode of Dennis the Menace.  That's some high class Zen right there.

Power mower for the rest of the property though, I'm not a sadist.
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Mr Magic
I spent most of the day watching that sitcom with the brown 4-foot alien who hails from the planet Melmac. 
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
Have a good Easter weekend!

Unless you're willing to be obese, lay off the Cadbury eggs.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Have a good Easter weekend!

Unless you're willing to be obese, lay off the Cadbury eggs.
-end quote
Same to you, crow. Time to go find some colored eggs.
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