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South Beach Academy (1996)

7/10 Cool fun movie. Al Lewis is such a great weird old pervert in this.
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Mr Magic
The Kingdom

A good movie about U.S. government agents taking on terrorists in Saudi Arabia.

3 stars.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Transformers: Age of Extinction 5/10

Long, and repetitive, this movie trucks along with no one behind the wheel. Bay again casts models instead of actors and they are left with nothing to do the entire movie. The boyfriend's accent is so thick he can hardly put a sentence together.

The "bounty hunter" alien storyline is completely pointless and only exists to supply Dino-Bots at the end of the movie which are kind of a let down anyway.They could have easily cut an hour off the run time. 

+1 for no Shia LaBeef
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@echidna: Yeah, it's a lot of fluff. I still managed to enjoy it some. I hated seeing so many Autobots getting whacked though. It's okay, but not that great.
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Mr Magic
Battle: Los Angeles

I can appreciate a good war movie and this is one of the best I've seen. Epic shooting sequences around every turn. I'm going to see this one again someday.

5 stars.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Vaporman87 wrote :

@echidna: Yeah, it's a lot of fluff. I still managed to enjoy it some. I hated seeing so many Autobots getting whacked though. It's okay, but not that great.
-end quote
Yeah, I prolly liked it the best out of the franchise.
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echidna64 wrote :

Vaporman87 wrote :

@echidna: Yeah, it's a lot of fluff. I still managed to enjoy it some. I hated seeing so many Autobots getting whacked though. It's okay, but not that great.
-end quote
Yeah, I prolly liked it the best out of the franchise.
-end quote
If for no other reason than Shia LaNut was not in it.
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Horrible Bosses 2. Not as good as the first one. But it was still very funny.
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This is my signature.
Mr Magic
Missing In Action III

The last in the Vietnam War trilogy. Chuck Norris shines in this one just like he always does.

4 stars
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mad Max Fury Road.

Now I know what Chidz meant. This movie is flawless for what it is. Non stop, outrageous action from beginning to end. This is the epitome of what a remake/reboot/pinface should be.

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