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Mr Magic

I like these railguns. Very nice.

4 stars
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"Magic can happen to you."

Short Circuit

4/5 Still a great movie.
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shakin steak
I give Short Circuit a 5. By the way. Check this out.

Heroes of Shaolin - 1977 - A man is killed. His dying wish is for his cause to be taken up by the killer, who agrees. His son tries to attack the killer, who takes him under his wing and teaches him how to fight so he can have his revenge on him. Suicide? No, just honor, because this is a kung fu movie!

Lots of talk about practice and revenge and especially technique. "We could beat him if we could steal his technique." "I don't think he can match my great kicking technique." Lots of unnecessary backflips. A training montage that made me laugh (watch for the reaction shots). And I think the ending was a twist but it's more like "impossible" than "surprise".  WCIU-DT2 at 3AM on Sunday. 3/5

Have you seen this one, crow? If you did what did you think? If not, I highly recommend it.
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shakin steak wrote :

I give Short Circuit a 5. By the way. Check this out.
-end quote
Wow. That's hilarious. Love the inappropriate jokes in a public service video... "Must've been a difficult delivery"... "Pink Slip"... also the awful acting. This is screaming to be riffed on by the RiffTrax gang.
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Mr Magic
I might have seen Heroes of Shaolin, I'm not sure. I've seen Adventure at Shaolin last week, which had some good swordplay from what I remember.

Last night, I took a break from action films for a while and watched Adam Sandler's "Just Go With It". It was okay for a few laughs, but it paled in comparison to Sandler's earlier films.

3 stars.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
The choreography of Heroes of Shaolin is very good and I think the story is above average for the genre. Worth a re-watch IMO so keep your eye out for it. In looking for info about it, I saw that it's included on some PD collections, and may go by a couple of alternate titles.
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In & Out (1997)

8/10 Great Movie .This was a lot of fun
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Going to catch Jurassic World tomorrow afternoon.
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Mr Magic
Well, shakin steak, you've convinced me to watch Heroes of Shaolin. I liked it a lot! I really liked the kung fu action. It was nothing short of impressive. The story wasn't bad either.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Jurassic World (2015)

Great movie! A proper sequel, if not a bit predictable at times. This does the franchise good, and makes it once again a powerhouse name in movies.

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