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Mr Magic
Miami Vice movie.

Too talky. It wasn't what I hoped it would be. I pick the TV series over this.

1 1/2 star.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Payback (1999)

10/10 This was so good. Everybody was great in it. Lucy Liu was really cool. Mel Gibson was really awesome.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
"Hubba, hubba, hubba."

Best line in the movie.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

"So go boil an egg" was a good one too.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
True Legend

A martial arts/war film where a majority of it is in Chinese. A little bit of it is in English, though. It's long, but epic. I don't really have a bad thing to say about it!

5 stars
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Thunderheart (1992)

8/10 This was very good. I hated the crooked fbi/cops in this. Cool cameo by david crosby. I really liked the part when all of the native american people of the reservation showed up with their guns at the end. I always like stuff about native american culture. One of my grandmas was always very big on native american culture(decorations, music, clothes, movies, and other stuff) and i don't know if she ever watched this movie but i know she would have liked it a lot.
Quote Disable Sigs
Hammett (1982)

Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Kill Bill Vol. 1

The action is beyond incredible! Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu proves that women can be great fighters.

5 stars.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Assault on Wall Street (2013)

9/10 Really great vigilante movie
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
2 Fast 2 Furious

Love the fast cars and the story was decent as well. Even if Vin Diesel wasn't in this, it's still pretty amazing. 2F2F delivers!

3 1/2 stars
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

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