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Backstreet Justice (1994)

7/10 Good Crime Thriller
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Mr Magic
I saw Once Upon a Time in Mexico yesterday. Lots of cool shooting sequences and a good way to end the El Mariachi franchise.

4 1/2 stars, baby!
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"Magic can happen to you."

Three quarters of "O Brother Where Art Thou"

I've seen this movie numerous times. I'll never forget the first time though. I had this huge presentation in class the next day and had a lot anxiety about public speaking. My brother brought home a copy of this and said he really liked it, so my dad put it on and I watched it too, trying to take my mind off the presentation. I was instantly swept into this movie and didn't think about school the next day at all which was really amazing.

One of my favorite favorites.

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vkimo wrote :

Three quarters of "O Brother Where Art Thou"

I've seen this movie numerous times. I'll never forget the first time though. I had this huge presentation in class the next day and had a lot anxiety about public speaking. My brother brought home a copy of this and said he really liked it, so my dad put it on and I watched it too, trying to take my mind off the presentation. I was instantly swept into this movie and didn't think about school the next day at all which was really amazing.

One of my favorite favorites.

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The Coen brothers know how to make a funny movie without going over the top. Such a highly quoteable movie.

"Friend... your foldin' money come unstole."
"Not tha livestock."
"We're in a tight spot!"
"I don't want Fop *****, I'm a Dapper Dan man."
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You love this signature.
Haha yes!

"Well we was fixin' to fornicate too!"

I want to live on the Big Rock Candy Mountain so bad!
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The Mechanic (1972)

Charles Bronson has the coolest house ever.
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The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
Dust Devil (1992)

8/10 Really cool movie.
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Better Off Dead (1985)

10/10 I liked everything about this. Very very funny, Great music, Good characters, The van halen hamburger. Just perfect in my opinion.
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Jrs1991 wrote :

Better Off Dead (1985)

10/10 I liked everything about this. Very very funny, Great music, Good characters, The van halen hamburger. Just perfect in my opinion.
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Had you seen this film prior to this recent viewing Jrs?

Better Off Dead is an 80's classic in EVERY way. It's peculiar, funny (but not in a slapstick way), endearing, and EXTREMELY memorable and quotable. It's one of my absolute favorites from the 80's. Photog Smurf himself uses at least one Better Off Dead quote.
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You love this signature.
No it was my first time watching it. I've been wanting to watch it for years and then i found it on dvd at a thrift store last month. It was on a huge list of movies that i want/have to watch on dvd/dvr/netflix/youtube.
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