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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?
Rick Ace Rhodes

Some recent articles say that the shortage is ending, but so far I have yet to see any in stores or listed online. Everything from Walmart to Best Buy has it listed as sold out.

Benjanime wrote :


i thought they were fixing that :/ 

-end quote


Quote Disable Sigs
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I know! It's like being in tartarus, all these new game releases but no way to play them! 

Quote Disable Sigs

My wife lucked out, she was following this Twitter feed that updates you on instock retailers. Nabbed one on Amazon and got it a few days later. Funny thing is the games are all stocked to the brim in stores because there's no consoles to play them with haha

Quote Disable Sigs

@vkimo: Yeah... they're like trying to find a cure for the common cold.

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