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Mr Magic
Speaking of Disney World, watch this commercial. It's a remake of Heigh-Ho. I can't promise you'll like it.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Vaporman87 wrote :

If someone does actually end up at Disney, here are directions to the dollar.

Enter the cave exit directly behind the arrival/departure building/dock on Tom Sawyer Island. There are beams that are supposed to look as though they are stabilizing the cave interior.

The first beam on the left (going in through the exit) that is completely hidden in darkness, not exposed to any sunlight, is the hiding place. It rests in a little crevice behind that beam, at about eye level for a 5'8" guy like myself.

-end quote

The hunt is on! lol, we're definitely going to mark that bill when we go.

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Well I just booked our tickets for N.Y.C, went with Delta this time. They were cheaper than Spirit, even with the 9 dollar club membership, I don't think I will renew it. We're also going to hit PA and Schenectady while we're there.
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@bklynbren: If you hit PA, say hi to vkimo for me.
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No problem, we'll be around Allentown.
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Well, today we're leaving for Tennessee... Pigeon Forge to be precise. Going to spend a few days down there relaxing and having some fun. It'll be a nice change from the hectic headache that our Florida trips can be. Any prayers out there, send one up for our safety during the trip.
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Have a safe trip. My friend and I plan on going to NYC in the near future. It'll be nice to be back in NY and visit the City for the first time ever.
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Well, now that it's back to the grind of real life, I have a few images and memories to share from our little trip to Tennessee.

Overall, it was a good trip. There was some whining, grouchiness, and frustration that kinda made it not as good as it could have been. Still, we had some fun.

I didn't even know they still made these things. I used to buy these all the time in the 80's at the skating rink. It was like somebody sent them forward in time to the day I saw them in one of the shops in Gatlinburg. The box seems to have remained unchanged since the days I spent actual money on them. Cool.

Here we have the Turtles 1990 Movie figures I mentioned in the "How was your day" thread. Very cool, with lots of articulation and a good likeness to the movie turtles. WAY too expensive though at $22.

Here we have some "80's style" jackets with Marvel and Disney characters. Note the stretchy bands on the end of the sleeves and body and the collar, as well as the other familiar designs elements of this style. I had a few of these style jackets growing up with various characters and sports team logos.

What an AWESOME idea. Take one of the most popular EVER retro arcade games, and breathe new life into it by making it a "ticket reward" style game. I spent a ton of money on this one, but only beat the single available level once, and I managed to get 209 tickets that turn. You could possibly get 1000 tickets if you escape the ghosts and sneak into their "regeneration chamber" when the prize amount has changed to 750 tickets.

This was pretty cool. MagiQuest is a giant castle where you can become a warrior/mage and use a custom wand to do all sorts of things as you search for trinkets, spells, potions, weapons, and other such stuff in a really fancy scavenger hunt. It's complete with three decorated areas (a forest, dragon's lair, and village) for you to scour for what you need.

As I mentioned, you can choose a custom topper for your wand that lights up when it interacts with all the various things in the areas. Once you have chosen your wand topper, you need to sign up.

As you can see, my Magi alter ego was "Hamato". I chose one of the various "Shadow" toppers for my wand. Very cool.

Once you've taken care of registering yourself and your wand, you can then go to a kiosk where a Wizard provides you with several different quests and adventures to go on. Once you choose which you will embark on, you then have to scour the land for what you need. Most things are pretty easy to find, but some are a bit more difficult to recognize.

You can also duel your buddies with your wand and any powers/amulets you have collected on your journey. Pretty neat.

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Mr Magic
Those Turtles figures would make good collectors' items for the older folks.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

i agree. i just wish the prices were down to, say $9.99. maybe in the future i guess....
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