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Forum » Retro Places » Vacation Time!!!
That would be awesome. I'd like to make the trip in a BMW "Vixen"

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Woah! That's sweet! I want one Santa.
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Arrived alive today. Did a little swimming and now it's time for some R & R... Until the chaos begins tomorrow.
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Mr Magic
Why does getting to your destination have to be such a challenge?
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"Magic can happen to you."

Getting there is half the fun!
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Mr Magic
So I've heard.
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"Magic can happen to you."


shakin steak wrote :


There was a Back to the Future ride, I think at Universal. It took me a few minutes to figure out how we were crashing through a Texaco sign and flying into a dinosaur's mouth. Can you imagine a traditional ride doing that? Turns out the deLorean was stationary, but it rocked and shook, while the environment was provided by a projector. Like CGI in movies, this was a really cheap and easy way of doing something crazy. But also like CGI, the effect is not as good as real objects and motion

-end quote


Although the seats are stationary, I was surprised how real it felt. I remember feeling the drops in my stomach even though the seats were just tilting.

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I wish I had more vacation days
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I'm one of the lucky ones that is my own boss. After a Yugioh Sneak Peek last Sunday I'm gonna enjoy a rock concert this Saturday with alot of friends. Then in July I got a 3 day Vacation to go to a convention.
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Sweet TDitH! Which con... wait ...

Let me guess... Broniecon.
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