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heck is a


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bklynbren |
Forum Posts
- Dad gets a bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold Label, I get to dri
- They made a good Flintstones adaptation in 94. They couldn't
- -Naruto/Naruto Shippuden (Japanese with English subs are bet
- Remember this one?
- Vaporman87 wrote : bklynbren! G
- Vikings, The Walking Dead, Sleepy Hollow, and Supernatural.
- 93 was a great year for movies! "Free Willy" comes to m
- Another one bites the dust... Bob Hoskins will be missed, I
- As a kid I never understood why grownups would be so sa
- I've never seen the live action movie, read the book and wat
- shakin steak wrote : Awesome.
- I wish I had more vacation days :(
- I've been holding on to my vacation days for dear life. We p
- Most people I speak with either love it or hate it.
- And fast food workers want to raise their wage to 15 dollars
- thecrow174 wrote :
- Def Comedy Jam showcased a lot of my favorite comedians.
- Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fate
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKsZpauhALQ
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- That's awesome, I'll be hunting for that dollar if we go lol
- I had a 91 Buick Lesabre . I hit the back of a Dodge Ram; th
- Phat, that new beeper is phat.Fresh, the design o
- vkimo wrote : I think "Da Bomb"
- Vaporman87 wrote : If someone d
- Well I just booked our tickets for N.Y.C, went with Delta th
- No problem, we'll be around Allentown.
- I'll be in Miami beach trying to keep my eyes from popping o
- Can't wait to see this!
- I hope they didn't give away the funniest parts in the trail
- We got some of those too, but they only had the Jerry t
- We downloaded it from the Nintendo Eshop last week, they hav
- ‘Saved by the Bell’ TV movie to air on Lifetime this fal
- It would be nice if they could get all of the original actor
- Time flies!!
- I think we may hit up Lego Land this year.
- Which did you guys like better, the high school or beach res
- thecrow174 wrote : How come the
- Vaporman87 wrote : bklynbren wr
- Wow, I never thought about making an ice cream float with be
- It's looking better, can't wait to see it. Still disappointe
- I beat that game for the first time with my kids on Xbox 360
- Vaporman87 wrote : bklynbren wr
- Honestly I probably should have waited too. Almost all of my
- Anybody remember playing with these??
- They need to bring back Kevin Sorbo! lol
- Now that's more like it...
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- Vaporman87 wrote : I could see
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : Thi
- Well we made it back from our Brooklyn trip. We had a great
- Vaporman87 wrote : Awesome bkly
- vkimo wrote : Haha what you sai
- pikachulover wrote : bklynbren
- Wow, very interesting.
- I need to start stocking up for that crazy school supply lis
- Mario Cantone had game show themed segments on Steampipe All
- It would be nice if they brought back Bonkers candy. My hear
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklybren: Y
- thecrow174 wrote : bklynbren wr
- I must find this...
- I listened to that one yesterday, pretty funny.
- Clockwork Orange, and After Earth.
- Beast Master 3
- Ah yes, the legendary Ecto Cooler; but alas, that just may b
- thecrow174 wrote : I thought ev
- thecrow174 wrote : I thought ev
- I think the Olsens should definitely be in it, they were a b
- I hope they hurry up and do this before we start loosing the
- The Ice Cream factory located in Brooklyn, right under the B
- This is awesome, I didn't know they were releasing a DLC for
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote : I r
- That ice cream looks really good.
- Bob Saget was always a cornball, remember when he used to ho
- When I looked at the picture I got the impression of extreme
- I bought a bucket of coconut ice cream last weekend, omg I f
- thecrow174 wrote : There's a TV
- Vaporman87 wrote : We did basic
- Sizzlean
- Humungous jaw breakers
- This year we're going to marathon Friday the 13th, and Hallo
- thecrow174 wrote : bklynbren wr
- I've been living in Miami for the last 6 years, lived in Haw
- thecrow174 wrote : What an extr
- Forgot to mention Creepshow, and Tales From The Crypt.
- This one was good.
- Nice!
- Also Puppet Master, and Ghoulies.
- I like it, but it does seem to only have little kid stuff on
- This is one of my favs from 97.
- I have a craving for those old chalky candy cigarettes.
- Vaporman87 wrote : @bklynbren:
- thecrow174 wrote : Before I saw
- Yeah, I don't think it will make it past one season.
- "The Boy" (2016)I'd give it a generous 6/10. It was a decent
- Vaporman87 wrote : bklynbren wr
- I need one of them fire pits they sell out front!
- Was just revisiting some TMNT episodes and couldn't help
- Not yet, they are pricey! My biggest iss
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