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Mr Magic

A film I've never seen before. Nice little adventure movie. Underrated, though.

4 stars.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Awakenings (1990)

9/10 Really great movie. I remember maybe ten years ago flipping through channels on tv and came across this and only watched a few minutes and now i was flipping through channels and this was on at the same part and i was like hey that's that movie. It's just so good and has a great feeling to it about living life and not taking stuff for granted,
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Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)


Very well done documentary that reveals some of the scandals and abuses in the "church" of Scientology.

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Mr Magic
A Goofy Movie

Just one of those films that made 1995 great. So clever. You'd have to be nuts to not like this!

5 stars.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

The Babadook (2014)

7.5/10  Good movie. Some very good suspenseful moments. Was that sound from power rangers or godzilla or something else?
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echidna64 wrote :

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)


Very well done documentary that reveals some of the scandals and abuses in the "church" of Scientology.
-end quote
I saw a similar documentary (though it was older) on Scientology. I would be interested to watch this one as well. The whole thing fascinates me.
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Wild (2014)

I actually first saw this about 2 months ago, and found it pretty enjoyable. Saw that it was based on a book, read the book and watched the movie again. I'd love to hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada.

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I don't know if this counts, since I couldn't make it through the first 20 minutes...


I love Michael Keaton. But this sucks. I mean, it's really bad. It feels soooo much like the director was just trying every goofy, oddball trick in the book to be "artsy". It just felt so dumb, and incredibly boring.

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Mr Magic
I still haven't seen it yet, but I was afraid it would be boring. I kind of hoped people would have a different outlook on it.

Like I said before, the most boring movies win for "Best Picture"
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
CrazySexyCool: The TLC story

A biographical film about the retro rap trio TLC. Not a dull moment in this one. Good story about the popular trio.

4 stars.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

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