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Mr Magic
Rock Star

A music movie centering around 80s rock music and its culture. Some good names on the soundtrack like Ted Nugent, Beach Boys and Bon Jovi.

4 stars.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Man of the House.  I love this movie.
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Mr Magic Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Poshy2005 Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Just thought I'd ask.
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"Magic can happen to you."

No problem.  I totally forgot there was two movies with the same name.  I was watching another movie last night called Joyride thinking at first it was the other movie joy ride.  The one I was watching was about a young man stealing a car to impress a woman, not the slasher flick.
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Maggie (2015)

3/10 This was super boring. A lot of nothing happened.
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There is about a half an hour of greatness that is spread over 169 minutes of mumbled dialogue and uninteresting characters. I get the the whole time travel business but it also opens up a paradox on how the wormhole got there in the first place. 

Also, the Plan B twist was lame. Really, they are going to repopulate the planet with just one female? There is a waiting list for people who want to make a one-way trip to Mars, why the deception Michael Caine? And Matt Damon just comes out of freakin nowhere haha 
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And what's with the blight? The entire movie everything is green and growing, there is not even a patch of dead grass. 
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Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)

3/10 Not as terrible as people say but it was still pretty bad and stupid.
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