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It's likely the errors from the work being done on the comment notifications. If you're logged in, the /site/index URL, Articles, Podcasts, and some other pages are producing errors.
Quote Disable Sigs
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Woo hoo, site is back.
Quote Disable Sigs
Indeed. Any time we add new features, there is that risk of there being some hiccups as they make their way over. We're adding comment notifications to the site (letting you know when you've received new comments on your articles, videos, or VHS covers).
Quote Disable Sigs
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Might wanna create some sort of "Oops" page or custom error page rather than display a full stack trace with segments of source code for all the world to see. Those sort of pages are best for development configurations not "production". Don't want any critical info spilling out!
Quote Disable Sigs
Wir sprechen zu viel, aber wir sehen zu wenig.
Mr Magic
Having Retrodaze withdrawal is not an easy thing to cope with.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Linux_Sage wrote :

Might wanna create some sort of "Oops" page or custom error page rather than display a full stack trace with segments of source code for all the world to see.
-end quote
C'mon Linux. This site IS all about sharing, isn't it?
Quote Disable Sigs
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Holy crap. I have 91 new comment notifications. That update was so worth it. I guess I need to find an hour to set aside and read through all of them.

I bet Vkmo, Hojo and crew have crazy amounts waiting for them to process through.

Quote Disable Sigs
It stinks that daniel bryan had to retire last night on raw.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
massreality wrote :

Holy crap. I have 91 new comment notifications. That update was so worth it. I guess I need to find an hour to set aside and read through all of them.

I bet Vkmo, Hojo and crew have crazy amounts waiting for them to process through.

-end quote
I have 323. Is that supposed to happen?

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

massreality wrote :

Holy crap. I have 91 new comment notifications. That update was so worth it. I guess I need to find an hour to set aside and read through all of them.

-end quote

thecrow174 wrote :
I have 323. Is that supposed to happen?
-end quote

It's all part of the update. You'll have to ignore it for now, until it is completely finished. As of now, it is still being worked on. It will take a couple days.
Quote Disable Sigs
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