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Rick Ace Rhodes
Jrs1991 wrote :

Is anyone else watching the royal rumble tonight?
-end quote
I might.
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Mr Magic
Events like Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania stopped being fun. I doubt the crowd is enjoying tonight's event. They hardly enjoy Raw. The reaction is usually silent.
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"Magic can happen to you."

So far the crowd has been great. The first match(dean ambrose vs kevin owens in a last man standing match) was pretty great. And the crowd was going crazy the whole time.
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Mr Magic
For some reason, they don't seem to make a lot of noise whenever The Dudley Boyz make their way to the ring. They would have during the Attitude era, but not now. If they ever win the Tag Team Titles again, they just might.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Overall i'd give the whole PPV a 6/10 or 7/10. The first match was the best of the night. The other matches we ok/average. The royal rumble match was disappointing again for the 3rd or 4th or 5th time in a row. There were a few good moments but mostly dumb moments. It was cool that AJ Styles debuted in it but they did a lot of stupid things that they've been doing over the past few royal rumble matches. The match started of good and kind of exciting but quickly went down hill and ended in a really dumb way.
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Mr Magic
That's modern WWE for ya.

I read the results on Wikipedia. Glad Reigns got eliminated and HHH won! Yahoo!
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

The Royal Rumble, though a cool concept, always ends up looking stupid to me. You have way too many attempts by one, two, three, even four guys trying to get one over the ropes. C'mon. It just looks so fake when they do that crap.
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You love this signature.
I chose to watch the Panthers game over the Rumble after the last couple years majorly sucking. It sounded like it was a decent event and I would have loved to see AJ Styles debut. I just hope they don't bury him like they tend to do.
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Mr Magic
You know they will. Just like they did the Dudleyz, and Sting, and Randy Orton, and...
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"Magic can happen to you."

It was so stupid that triple h won.
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